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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1799380
Time Area Generation, that's all I need to say T.A.G


By: Kyo Henderson Wolf



It's a Saturday, no one is home, my older brother is with his girlfriend, and my little brother is on a play date. Of course I'm home alone nothing to do, nothing on t.v., and no one to text. This day, officialy sucks! Hi I'm Kyo, my friends call me Kyo-kyo, even though it gets me mad.My life has been getting complicated lately, I mean whos wouldn't if your getting ready for S.A.TS or getting ready to ask the most cutest guy in school out. Prom is coming up, my friends are going with their dates, and no one whats to go with me! I wish I could just go to another world, like an anime world or something like that! For pete sakes I'm six-teen years old! I am not an aldult, but sure sounds like fun! Maybe if I sleep it off. I hope my wonderful dream comes true!


The Dream is Real

"Hey, should we poke at her?" I boy asked.

"Let's ask Prince Edward." Another boy said.

"Prince Edward! Prince Edward! There is a girl sleeping or past out over there!" The one boy yelled.

"A girl? Hmm, she looks like she's six-teen, a young beutiful girl." Prince Edward said to himself,"Jack, Larry, you can go now!"

"Yes sir!" The two boys ran away.

Where am, I woke up in a diffrent world. Did my wish come true? Am I away from that horrible place?

"Oh, hi your awake." Prince Edward said.

"Where am I, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Edward Kai, everyone calls me Prince Edward.I'm a wolf, but your the only one who knows, lets keep that a secrect k! And this place is Claw Village." Prince Edward said.

"Your a prince and a wolf." I said.


"Okay," I said, "You look nice.

"Oh, uh thank you, I appreicate it, Prince Edwards."

"No problem Prince Edward." I said.

"Oh, you can just call me Ed, if you want." Ed winked at me.

"Um, I gonna walk around and try to find my own apartment." I said blushing.

"You can just stay with me." Ed said.

"I wanna grow up, live on my own. We'll see each other around."

"Ha, right, I can help you find a place." Ed said.

"Why thank you! By the wat what year is this?"

"You're kidding me, it's 1859."

"WHAT!" I yelled, "What happent to 2011!" I yelled.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I don't think there will ever be a '2011.'" Ed said giggling, just alittle.

"What, I made it back in time?" I asked myself.

"Come on if you wanna go find somewhere, better go fast." Ed said most likely thinking I'm crazy.


In a Strange Place

"Um, where am I? I asked if only someone was around.

"Hello Miss, I heared you and thought I would help." A mysterouse man said.

"Who, are you? How, old are you?" I asked.

"Why I'm Coby, and I'm seven-teen." Coby said in a romantic voice.

"Uh, oh, well." I stopped.

"Um, Miss is this man bothering you?" Ed asked.

"Now, now Edward, why so serious?" Coby asked.

"Um, whats going on?" I asked.

"Nothing just stsy away from this dog." Ed said with an angry look on his face.

"I'm a cat, duh." Coby mutterd.

"Well, no cats allowed" Ed said.

"Two words, me and ow." Coby said teasing Ed.

"Two words, see and you." Ed angry said.

Coby just vanished.

"Miss, I never have got your name." Ed said.

"Oh, well it's Kyo, Kyo Wolf." I said.

"Wait! Wolf? Come with me." Ed grabbed me and and ran.

"What? Where are we going?" I asked.

"I want you to meet someone!" Ed smilied with a big grin.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Charlet!" Ed yelled,

"I'm comming, Ed!" Charlet yelled back, "What do you want?"

"This, is, Kyo Wolf." Ed said.

"What?" Charlet asked.

"Introduce yourself!" Ed said excitedly.

"I'm, Charlet Wolf." She said.

"Your my grandma!" I yelled.

"I'm not that old." Charlet said.

"No, I think I'm from the furter!" I said.

"What?" Charlet asked."

"You wanna name your daughter, Anna." I said.

"What, but how did you know?" Charlet asked.

"I'm your Grand daughter! " I was smiling.

"That makes no sense." Charlet said.

"It actully does, she probily wished to be in another world and time traveled here." A man who was tall and looked about 20 years old said.

"Travis, dont be silly." Charlet said.

"Grandpa Travis!" I yelled.

"Hi, by the way, I know you not insane." Travis whisperd.

"Right?" Ed sorta asked confused.


All Grown Up

Well this is a fun place, I'm all grown up!

"Knock, knock, I'm here" Coby said.

"Oh, Coby." I said.

"You wanna give me a hug, I know who you are, that's why I approcted you." Coby said.

"Huh." I said.

"I'm Tyler Sloon's brother" Coby said.

"Your, Tyler's 'dead' brother?" I asked.

"Yep, but instead I time traveled, i love this place." Coby said, "I am never going back!"

"Wait, don't you miss your family?" I asked.

Coby started to talk, "Well, no! Who needs them my friends and my family, would always leave me in my house alone, atleast here I get to be with people."

"Hmm, you mean you don't miss them one bit?" I asked.

"No! This is my place!" Coby yelled.

"But, your not the prince." I muttered.

"Does it matter? I'm away from that horrible place!" Coby seems very happy.

"Should I stay here forever?" I asked confused.

"You have 30 days to choose, wait, you've been here for a day, so, 29." Coby said.

"29? For what?" I quickly asked.

"To decied is you wanna be here forever, or if you wanna leave." He said walking around in my room.

"Oh, I cant decide." I said.

"That's why, you get 29 days to choose."

"No! Not fiar!" I yelled.

"Um, actually it is fair." Coby said looking at me like I was insane.

"What how?" I said

"Well, don't you want some time to find out what you wanna do?" Coby asked.

"Well, uh yeah" I said.

Wow, i'm so embaressed. To think he would have more common sense! Not to mention, I throw a big fit!

"So, you wanna do something, I can show you all the fun things to harrase the people in this town" Coby said,"Oh, yeah there is a portal to go to the 'furture' and to come back here, in the next 29 days."

"Hmm, can you show me where it is?" I asked.

"Sure." He said smiling.

"Oh, Kyo, your here," Ed said happily, "And of course Coby is here."

"Whats that's suppose to mean?" Coby asked.

"It means you should go away, forever!" Ed said.

"No, I live here to, well not in this apartment, in another." Coby said staring Ed down.

"Um, I don't want you guys to fight, so may you please leave Coby." I said blushing.

"Fine, but only because the pretty girl asked me to." Coby said and left.

"So, Kyo, any place you wanna go?" Ed asked.

I started to talk, "Yeah, the portal."

"You relize if go into it now, you can never come back, let me guess Coby told you about it." Ed breifly said.

I told a deep breathe and said, "What, why would he do that?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Ed said.


The Town

I like this place, it's nice, but do I wanna go home?

"So, do you like the ice cream?" Ed asked

"Oh, uh yeah, it's amazing, way better than 'future' kind." I replied blushing, again."

"Wow, you blush alot," Ed smilied, "You must really like me."

"What, um, oh, uh, I guess." This time my face turned all red.

"Awesome." Ed said.

"Wow, people are way more nicer than they are in the 'furture.'" I said giggled.

"Yeah." Ed said.

Really? Only one word, "yeah."

"Prince Edward! Hey!" A talk guy with red eyes and black hair said.

"Oh, hey Sebastion." Ed said.

"My, my who is this beutiful young women?" Sebastion asked.

Ed was about to talk,"Oh, this is..."

"Your girlfriend?" Sebastion asked.

"Um hi I'm Kyo, nice to meet you." I said shaking Sebastion hand.

"Well, if he isn't dating you, then can I?" Sebastion asked.

"Sebastion, maybe you should first introduce yourself." Ed said blushing.

"Hi, I'm Sebastion Finnian. I was born in britian, and I'm fifthteen." Sebastion said.

"Well, nice to meet you. I Kyo Wolf, I was born in Finland, and I am sixteen." I said back.

"Wow, Edward, you better call dibs before Coby or I do." Sebastion said in a joke kind of way.

"Come on, let's go Kyo, just you." Ed said and grab me by my rist and ran.

"Stop I can't run anymore! I wanna hang out with Sebastion, I thought he was kind of cute." I said.

"Fine, go a head, I got a meeting anyways." Ed said and just walked away.

"Oh, hey, Kyo, where is Edward?" Sebastion asked looking around."

"He had to be in a meeting." I said.

"Hmm, the old 'meeting' excuse, i taught him that." Sebastion said looking up at the sky.

"Whats?" I asked.

"Yeah he only used that once, he's the jealouse type, so, he might actually like you." Sebastion said.

"You mean." I stopped.

"Yeah, I noiticed he blushed whenever he was here with you." Sebastion said.

The jealouse type? Geez, I would have never guess!

"You, know people look up to him." Sebastion muttered.

"Hmm, did you say something." I asked.

"Oh, no, it's nothing," Sebastion replied, "You wanna go for coffee?"

"Sure, why not." I said.


The Meeting

"Edward, are you okay?" A relative of Ed said.

"Yeah, thanks for asking father." Ed replied.

"Eddy! I know it's about a girl!" A very hyper young man, almost looks like him, but older, said.

"Toby,fisrt of all, don't ever call me that again, and second how did you know that it was a girl?" Ed asked.

"I'm your brother, and you were with a pretty girl yesterday." Toby said smiling and giggling.

"Kyo? Oh right that's right." Ed said.

"Why, did you ditch her?" Toby asked.

"She wanted to hang with Sebastion, but what's so great about him?" Ed asked.

"He, has a way with the ladies, just like me!" Toby, is really full of himself.

"Ha cute." Ed said and was walking to his room.

"Whare are going, the meeting hasn't even started yet!" Ed's father yelled.

"I do not care!" Ed yelled back and slammed his door.

"Stuch an immature age." Ed's father said to himself.

"I know right." Toby said shaking his head side to side.

"Ha, you haven't even grown out of that satg." Ed's father annouced.

"My, my, such a small family. I assume this is the prince," One of the people from the meeting said, "He looks a bit to old."

"No, Mr. Kalu, that's my eldest son, Edward is in his room." Ed fathers said.

"Doing what?" Mr. Kalu asked.

"Sobbing, about a gril." Toby said, eating a starwberry  short cake.

"Toby, did I ever say, how non-talkative you are?" Ed's father asked.

"No." Toby replied.

"Oh, good." Ed's father said.

"King Martin, may you get your son?" Mr. Kalu asked.

"Toby, get you little brother." King Martin said, Otherwise known as "Ed's father."

"Fine, Eddy, get your butt out here!" Toby yelled.

"Don't call me Eddy!" Ed yelled walking to the dinner table.

Mr. Kalu started to talk, "Shall we began."

"Yes, I'm sorry about my older brother." Ed said sitting down.

"Well, Edward Kai, you have to get married, in four weeks." Mr. Kalu said.

"What?!" Ed and Toby yelled.

"Mr. kalu, only four weeks?" King Martin asked.

"Yes, better now then never." Mr. Kalu said.

"Wait, thats that not fair, im twenty-one, and my little brother , who is five years apart from me, gets married, before me." Toby said drinking his water.

"Yes, Toby, your to immature, to be married." Mr. Kalu said with no guilt.

"Then why am I here!" Toby yelled.

"To surport your brother." Mr. Kalu muttered.

"I am going to my room, don't bother to bother." Toby got up and left.

"Such an intresting family you got." Mr. Kalu said.

"Look, I'll get married when I want to!"Ed yelled and just left somewhere outside.


The Fair

"Wow, Sebastion, this place is so nice." I said.

"Wait, you have never been to a fair?" Sebastion asked.

"What no, I have, it's just that this place is so much nicer." I said

"Oh, okay." Sebastion said with a big happy face.

"Hey, Sebastion, Kyo." Coby said and came out of no where again.

"How do you do that?" Sebastion asked.

"Oh, I'm just magic." Coby said.

"Magic?" I asked.

"Yup, it's true." Coby said.

"Uh, okay." I said.

"So, are you two dating?" Coby asked.

"What no!" I yelled.

"Why not?" Coby asked.

"Because, I try not to guys who are shorter than me, but sometimes i do." I said.

"What! I am not that short, maybe like threes inches smaller then you!" Sebastion yelled.

"Yeah, but your still smaller than me." I said.

"I can't help it!" Sebastion yelled.

"Well, I'm taller than." Coby winked at me.

"Uh, let's go Sebastion." I said blushing.

"I wanna hang with you guys, that's why I came." Coby said.

"Okay, you can." I said.

Coby started to talking deviouse,"Hey, did you know that Edward has to get married in two weeks?"

"What." I said.

I feel so jealouse, but shh, I'm not!

"Ooo, are you jealouse?" Coby giggled when he was talking.

"No! I'm so not the jealouse type." I said like a mean snooty girl in my school.

"Sure, you, aren't." Sebastion said really slow.

"Shut up!" I yelled and bought some cotton candy.

"Well, the fair is over, I'll see it next year." Coby said


Day 4

"Hey, rise and shine!" Ed said opeing my curtans.

"What time is it?" I asked, "What day is it?"

"The time is ten p.m. and its May 9th, oh and you have four days lets until you decide to stay or go." Ed said.

"No!" I complained.

"What?" Ed asked.

"I'm gonna miss the Big Time Rush concert!" I yelled upset.

Ed stared to ask something, "Big Time what?"

"Big Time Rush only the best band ever," I said kind of in a snooty voice, "I was going to get Logan Henderson's autograph, and I was going to touch his hair!"

"Um, k." Ed sounded desturbed.

"Sorry, it's a fan girl thing." I said with a partial grin.

"Kyo, will you marry me?" Ed asked out of nowhere.

"What?" I can't believe it! Coby was saying the truth.

"Will, you marry me?" Ed asked agai, only this time he mummbled.

"Sorry, I can't." I said feeling like such a heartbreaker.

"Why, not?" Ed asked.

"I'm in love with someone else." I said.

"Who?" Ed asked very quickly.

"Coby, don't hate me!" I said upset.

"I don't, I like how you honest with me, it's okay if you like Coby." Ed said with a slanted smile.

"Really, thanks, but you know I won't date him." I said smiling back.

"What? Why?" Ed asked.

"Because, I decied I'm leaving back to my world." I sad.

A tear rolled down Ed's face,"I'm going to miss you, can we get a picture."

"Of what?" I asked.

"You, Coby, Toby, Nami, Sebastion, Travis, Charlet, and I." Ed said.

"Okay." I said confedent.


The Picture

"You look nice." I said to Toby.

"Thanks, how are today, oh, and this is my girlfriend Nami." Toby said

"Hi." Nami said.

"Hello, you look nice to." I said happily.

"Hey." Sebastion and everyone else said.

"Hey, are we ready?" I asked.

"Yep, camera is all set." Ed annouced.

Snap, the picture went. After the picture I started singing.

"'Dance hard, laugh long, turn the music up now,party like a rockstar, can I get a what now, I swear I'll do anything that I have to, til I forget about you!'"

"What are you singing?" Ed and Coby asked.

"Til I Forget About You by, Big Time Rush." I answered.

"Big Time who now?" Coby asked.

"No one, don't worry it's just a band.

"Okay." Coby giggled.

"Edward! Edward!" Ed's dad yelled.

"Dad?" Ed asked.

"I talked with Mr. Kalu, you have to get married, but either you or Toby have to get married."

"Dad, you kidding right?" Ed asked.

"Nope!" Mr. Martin said.

"Nami, I know this is really soon, but will you marry me?" Toby asked excitely.

"Yes!" Nami was so, happy.

Ed said something, "Dad, this is Kyo."

"Nice to meet you Kyo." Mr. Martin said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said with a grin.



"Kyo, Kyo, wake up." A familiar voice said.

"Mmm, what?" I asked half of a question.

"Hey sleepy head." My brother said.

"Derek?" I asked.

"Yes, why wouldn't be me?" Derek asked in a soft voice.

"You were sleep for a very long time." My little brother came in and said.

"Tommy?" I asked.

"Yes, oh, grandpa Travis is here."

My eyes widen with excitement.I was so happy that I jumped out of bed and ran down the stars.

"My, my, I feel like I just saw you, Kyo." Travis said.

"Yeah, me to." I said.

"So, how are?" Travis asked.

"I'm. Wait my picture!" I yelled.

"Picture?" Tommy and Derek said very confused.

"Hello, is Kyo awake?" Charlet asked.

"Grandma Charlet!" I said happily.

"Oh, remember last time you came over?" Charlet asked.

"Um, er, well." I muttered.

"Here, you left this picture." Charlet gave me a picture.

I can't believe it, it really happen, it wasn't a dream! This picture is the group photo we took, before I woke up here. I'm so happy!

"Kyo-kyo!" My two bestfriends yelled.

"Lizzy, Alice?" I asked.

"Yep, are you ready or what?" Lizzy and Alice said together.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"The Big Time Rush concert, duh." Lizzy said.

"I didn't miss it?" I asked.

"No and it starts in three hours." Alice said.

"Three hours, let's leave in two hours." I said

Alice started to talk, "Fine!"

"Wow, I love you guys." I said.

I went up to my room, and put the picture in a nice frame. I'm surely gonna miss them.


The Narrator

So, I went to the concert, I met Logan Henderson, and I got to touch his hair. Happy me! I'm going to miss Ed, Coby, Toby, Nami, Sebastion, and everyone else. But, I'm happy I still get to see my friends from 2011. Back to school with me, the hottest guy in school asked me out, Tlyer Sloon. I rejected him, I like his brother more. Even though I can't see Coby anymore. I hope I can meet them again, soon! That's how my life was, weird. I know, but it was fun!
© Copyright 2011 Kyo Henderson Wolf (chimchim22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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