Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1798996-Is-Today-The-Day
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1798996
Is today the day a dream will come true?
Today is the day that I will find out if all of my planning, all of my wanting, all of my dreaming would come to fruition. For six years I had yearned to be the next one chosen for a position so desired by so many women. I had begged the Lord to answer my long awaited prayers every moment of every day. To this day I had received no answer. One can never explain the many feelings that run through you like static electricity; excitement, apprehension, and the overwhelming fear of what if your prayer hasn’t been answered, again.

It was only 20 minutes until our meeting but my stomach growled like a hungry bear. Luckily, just outside the office was a lunch truck selling French delicacies to the passersby. The owners had placed these small black café-style tables with blue umbrellas cautiously about the stone walkway. The black seats had off-white cushions that seemed so comfortable that you could sit there for hours on end. They were filled with pedestrians that had stopped for a cup of coffee or a quick meal on the run.

“We have a little time,” I whispered to myself with a crooked smile. “Let’s get something to eat.”

Walking over to the menu that lay haphazardly against the side of the truck to decide, I read quickly but I didn’t recognize many of the names. I watched the cook inside the truck pour a creamy batter onto a round griddle, add some ingredients, and then flip it over. “What is that?” I heard myself ask, looking at the customer in front of me. “It looks like a pancake of sorts.”

“It’s a Spinach Crepe.” He advised. “Crepes are more similar to flapjacks here in America. My daughter loves them, believe it or not.”

“Oh, I’ll have one of those.” I returned just noticing the small toddler standing at his side. Her eyes were so blue that it was like seeing through glass, and her blonde Shirley Temple curls bounded about her head as she stood on her tippy toes to try and see the cook in the truck. In her petite china doll hands she held a yellow ball.

“Well, hello sweetheart,” I smiled as I bent down to one knee. “What kind of ball do you have here?”

“Mine.” She laughed as she bounced it a couple of times on the walkway. Her laughter was infectious as I watched her pure enjoyment of that ball bouncing up and down. I laughed, too, as I watched the flowing pink tutu bounce in step as she chased after the ball.

“Sorry, she doesn’t exactly like to share.” The man chuckled quietly. “I guess she takes after her brother with that one. He’s the one sitting at the table with their mother.”

The man pointed slowly over to one of the café tables in the corner that sat under a large maple tree. The mother was about the same age as the man that I assumed was their father. She was seated across from a boy not much older than the little girl with same blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was rolling one of those antique cedar trucks around the table. The mother was smiling and laughing as he “wrecked” into her purse and then “climbed” the backpack “mountain”.

“You have wonderfully beautiful children. You are extremely lucky.” I assured him while wondering in my mind if today would be the day.

“Thank you, I really appreciate that. I don’t know what I would do without them.” He told me as he walked away to be with his family. The kids cheered as mother and father passed around their chosen meals.

“That will be $4.95, Miss.” The cook startled me from my relentless daydream.

With another crooked smile, I handed him the money and watched him count out change as if it was second nature. “Have a great day!” he told me as I chose a place to enjoy my food.

I looked down at my watch once I was finished and noticed that I had only a minute or two to make my meeting. Luckily, the office was only a few feet away and I could see the large oak door from my seat. As I strolled over to the entrance I read the brass sign by the post box, “Dr. Janet G. Goodmen, OB/GYN.”

Today was going to be the day. I could feel it throughout my entire being. As I grabbed the doorknob, I glanced over at the family from before and the little girl started giggling and waving at me. I smiled and waved back as I entered the doctor’s office.

“Oh my!” the secretary exclaimed, “Aren’t you just glowing today!”

© Copyright 2011 Carrigan Brady (avalonmyst23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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