Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1798493-Perfect-Blood-Match-1
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1798493
this is not a drarry fanfic. it's a hetero story actually, along with my own characters.
Student Profile
Name: Leighton Emery Schwarz
Age: 14
DOB: December 12, 1981
Sex: Female
Nationality: German
Blood line: Pureblood
House: Slytherin

Family Background
Father: Jorgen Richter Schwarz
Occupation: Head of Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

Mother: Lauren Van der Freidan-Schwarz
Occupation: Auror

Name: Georgina Rayleigh Schwarz
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
School: Beauxbatons

Name: Jeremy Vladimir Schwarz
Age: 12
Occupation: Student
House: Ravenclaw
Chapter One
         As much as she loves her parents, Leighton couldn’t help but still be jealous of her older sister, Georgie (though she hates being called that and wants everybody to call her by her second name, Rayleigh) for being allowed to study in Beauxbatons. Oh yeah, she’s a witch, all of them in the family are. Her mother, her sister and she are witches while her father and younger brother are wizards. They actually belong in a long line of German wizards. In short, they’re pure of blood. No muggles, no half-bloods. Other than marrying within their family, their family also looks for possible spouses for their sons or daughters in other pureblood wizard families and there are only very few of like them left.

         Leighton sorts out her things while sitting on the carpeted floor of her huge bedroom. Everything in her room is of the black, white and gray palette which is subtly accented by a few blue things since that’s her favorite color. Sighing, she closed her trunk shut and stood up gracefully as she was trained in ballet, walking over to her French windows that open up to a balcony. Although, this time, she doesn’t open her doors since the rain and wind has been slamming on it since midday and she barely saw the sunshine. Other than that, she heard that her parents are having another pureblood family over for dinner tonight. Her bets are either her or her older sister is going to be matched to another snooty pureblood boy. She doesn’t want to be paired with someone whom she doesn’t love. Ah, yes, another romantic. Leighton sighed heavily again and pulled the heavy curtains to cover the French doors. She doesn’t want to sulk anymore. If she has to marry a guy for her family’s sake and their bloodline then she’ll do it. She’s pretty much the do-gooder with a nasty side in the family, pretty much the middle one at every aspect.

         Looking at the clock on her boudoir, the girl took out the silver chopstick that was keeping her brown locks in place and ran a hand through it before sitting down and picking up her hairbrush. A knock resounded from her door and she quietly said, “come in,” and the door opened, revealing her nursemaid, Magenta, “time to change, miss,” Leighton nodded her head and the nursemaid went to her bathroom. A few seconds later, Leighton could already hear the water filling up her bathtub. Standing up, she starts to strip herself from her clothes and dumps it on her laundry bin, before covering herself in her lush bathrobe which she loves so much because it’s very comfy. Her maid came out again and before she could say anything, Leighton was already making her way towards the bathroom and her face was welcomed by the warm steam from her bath.

         After a short and warm bath, Leighton got dressed in a simple white lace dress and picked out her favorite blue Jeffrey Campbell platforms to make it look interesting. She likes statement pieces and a pop of blue from a plain white can be a certain statement piece. Finishing off her look, she put a skull necklace and cocktail ring to match. She let her hair down and simple so as not to scare off the other family. When she was finished, she dismissed Magenta and just sat in front of her mirror, looking at herself. Then she heard a rap from her window and she was sure it wasn’t just from the wind. Going over to her window, she pulled her curtain to see a familiar white owl. Leighton quickly took a glance behind her shoulder before opening her window to let the owl in and it immediately went inside, settled on top of her coat rack and shook its wings, sending droplets everywhere, “oh Hedwig,” she giggled as she went over to her and stroked her feathers with a small towel before picking up the letter the owl dropped on her bed. It wasn’t wet from the storm and so it probably has a charm on it, preventing it from getting wet. Funny, Harry thought about the letter but didn’t think of his owl. She’d better remember to tell him that. “Your owner is silly, yeah, Hedwig? He casted a charm on this letter to prevent it from soaking and yet you are the one all soaked up!” the owl crooned as if agreeing to her and she smiled before sitting on the edge of her bed and opening up the sealed letter.

Dear Leighton,

Hey, how’s it going? How’s the weather there in Germany? Better than the weather here in Privet Drive, I hope. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the present you got for me even if it’s a week too early. I really like it. Can’t wait to see you on the start of the term!



Ron says the chocolates were delicious
and Hermione sends her regards as well.

         Leighton smiled as she read the letter and when she finished, she folded the letter and placed it back inside the envelope putting it inside the hidden panel on the headboard of her bed where she kept all her precious nothings and letters. Recently, she and Harry, sometimes with Ron and Hermione, see each other in private. A Slytherin being friends with a Gryffindor is not socially acceptable in Hogwarts or in the whole of the wizarding society. She thinks is ridiculous but she can’t risk her family’s reputation so she chose to keep their friendship a secret.

         A knock came to her door that made Leighton jump in surprise, closing the hidden panel as quickly as she could and sitting perfectly still as if she wasn’t doing anything before and cleared her throat before calling out calmly, “come in,” Magenta came in again and squeaked, “the master and mistress wishes to see you now, miss Leighton,” with a swift and gliding movement, she was at the door and before stepping out, she turned her head back at the maid, “take care of the owl. It’s wet from the storm and feed it. Hedwig will be staying in for the night,” Leighton instructed in a low voice before turning her back and going down the staircase.

         Her walk was light and quick that she is sometimes mistaken for a half-veela or a full one. She moves quite fast and a bit undetectable like a ghost which she usually uses to her advantage. Landing on the ground floor of their huge manor, the brunette went over to the door with the silver snake handles and knocked first. If there was something her parents taught her was that she needs to be polite. Well, to the important people, that is. After hearing a voice, even if she barely understood what it said, she pushed the door open and popped her head through the space, “Sie wollten mich sehen?” you wanted to see me?

         “Ah, Leighton, darling, come in, come in,” her father said as he stood up from behind his desk, pushing himself up with his hands on the table, and from there, Leighton could see the ring on his pinky with the family crest on it. Every time she sees that, it gives her the chills for a reason that she doesn’t know. Slipping inside, she closed the door behind her and she saw that her sister, Georgina, was already there before her, wearing a black dress and a pearl necklace which reminded Leighton of the muggle actress, Audrey Hepburn. Her sister looked at her with her piercing blue eyes that Leighton is very envious of. When her sister looked away, Leighton felt herself exhale. She wasn’t even aware that she was holding her breath.

         “Du siehst wunderbar, Liebling” You look marvelous, darling, her father complimented her as he beckoned her to come over to him and when she did, her father gave her a quick half-hug and a kiss on the head which, to her, is something very rare so he must really be in a good mood and she kept in mind she must not do anything to displease him tonight. “No more dallying, Jorgen. They’re arriving any time soon,” she heard her mother hiss but with a certain softness rather than harshness. Her father gestured for her to stand beside her sister and he cleared his throat as he went back behind his desk but didn’t sit down, “as you know, our families, purebloods, need to marry another pureblood and since your mother and I agreed that we don’t want any incest relationships, we found another pureblood family who has a son and is willing to agree on a marriage,” her mother smiled that certain smile which makes Leighton want to hide and cower in fear. To make it worst, Georgina had a smirk on her face which was like her version of their mother’s smile. Even so, she masked her feelings and kept a light smile on her face and nodded her head, “may I ask who they are?” Lauren stood up, interrupting her husband before he could answer, “you’ll know very soon, Liebling,” before taking her girls’ shoulders, turning them around and leading them out of their father’s study, “now, be good girls and go to the library upstairs,” the door closed behind them and Leighton’s mask fell and a crease on her forehead appeared.

         “Don’t look so disappointed now, kleine Schwester,” little sister, “I’m sure I’ll beat you again in this. The family’s son will obviously pick me over you anyway,” Georgina said as she looked down at her, “look at you, you don’t even look half presentable!” she added before going up the staircase. If hair wasn’t pulled up in a twist, Leighton would have imagined Georgie to do a hair flip. She was used to this kind of bullying that her sister does to her. It’s what older sisters do anyway. Although, there were times that she’d get back at her but she always ends up being caught and scolded. Through the years, she learned how to deal with it. With another sigh and a shrug, she went up the stairs, two steps at a time and entered the library where she found Georgina lounging on the couch near the fireplace and eating strawberries. Leighton ignored her sister and went up the spiral staircase and went to her little nook. When she got there, she found her brother reading silently. When he saw her, he immediately stood up and got ready to leave but Leighton stopped him, “oh, no worries, you can stay there if you want,” she said with a gentle smile and her brother nodded his head and sat back down and returned to what he was doing before. The girl bent down to have a look at the title of the book he was reading when he spoke up, “who is it gonna be?” he asked without looking up from his book. Leighton straightened up and shrugged as she sat down on the table, “I have no idea, actually. Mother wouldn’t tell,” she replied as she took a random book from the shelf and flipped it open, mindlessly skimming over the words. “I hope she gets picked,” Jeremy said as he cocked his head towards the railing which made Leighton look down at their sister who was now drinking, champagne, probably. “Why is that?” she asked in curiosity. “So she could marry and leave us alone already,” he replied quickly and monotonously that made Leighton chuckle and ruffle his dusty brown hair, “you cheeky little blighter,” standing up again and pinching Jeremy’s cheek before going down the spiral staircase again.

         A pop and crackling sound came from outside the house that made Georgina and Leighton look at each other and immediately fix their selves in front of the huge mirror above the fire place. A minute later, they heard voices downstairs and Leighton pressed her ears on the door to hear more, “don’t be silly, Leigh,” her sister scolded even if she also stood just behind Leighton. Just then, the door opened and a scrawny little house elf named Opus was revealed from behind the door, “the master wants to see mistresses Leighton and Georgina,” and with this, Georgina walked ahead of Leighton and kicked the house elf aside, “it’s mistress Rayleigh, you idiot!” she hissed before harrumphing and walking towards the stairs and Leighton bit her lower lip to stop herself from helping the poor little elf which was now groaning in pain.

         “May I present my precious daughters, Geo- Rayleigh, our eldest and Leighton, the middle child,” Jorgen said as the two went down the staircase. Leighton could see a blonde haired woman and a platinum blonde haired man, but where was their child? As the two descended the staircase, they stood beside their parents and Leighton fidgeted as she looked at the menacing man with platinum blonde hair and tried to figure out who he looks like.

         “Such beautiful young ladies,” the woman said as she seemingly forced a smile to her pale face which was only colored with burgundy lipstick. From the corner of her eye, she saw her mother nod and smile back but more genuinely than the other and so did Georgie. Clearly they are pleased with the praise. “Darlings, these are mister and missus Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy,” Leighton’s eyes nearly popped out of its sockets as she heard their last name. It can’t be. This was seemingly unseen by the others since Lucius spoke up in his icy voice, “pleasure,” he said with an air of snootiness that was distinctly familiar. It just can’t be.

         “Now, our only son,” Lucius announced as he tapped his cane on the floor, echoing throughout the mansion and a boy with similar hair as his came out from the other room. Leighton felt like she was going to be sick. “Draco,” Lucius finally said as his son stood between him and his wife. Draco’s eyes immediately fell upon Leighton and he wasn’t able to contain his surprise, “Leighton?” clearly, he also wasn’t told of whose family they were going to meet. Leighton could only stand there, frozen and biting her lower lip like a child. Georgina gave a dirty look towards her sister and turned back to Draco with a smile, “don’t mind her, she’s always silly like that.”

         “Ah, yes, the two of you are in Slytherin and in the same year, correct?” Jorgen said as he walked over to her daughter and held her by the shoulder that made Leighton snap out of it and swallow her saliva, “Draco,” she acknowledged but she could feel her cheeks warm up and she was afraid that Draco might mistake it for a blush so she faked a cough and lowered her head, covering her mouth, “excuse me,” she squeaked as she cleared her throat and look back up at the Malfoy family.

         How did this happen? What kind of sick coincidence is this? Or was it even a coincidence at all? Draco, one of the people she disliked the most was the one here standing before her, inside their house, for the marriage agreement. Leighton hoped that he’d rather pick Georgie than her. She’d rather die alone than be with him for the rest of her life.

         Before she knew it, they were all at the dining table, their parents talking about work and some other stuff that she wasn’t interested in and she was picking at her food, staring at it mostly, when she felt a pinch on her arm that made her suppress a squeal. Leighton gave a sharp look at her sister who gave her a glare back, “eat! Don’t embarrass our family again!” she hissed quietly before drinking from her goblet. Leighton gulped and looked at Draco who was sitting across her. He was looking at her before and when she caught him, he looked back down at his food and put a piece of meat in his mouth for him to chew. This happened all throughout the dinner and when they were all done, Leighton rushed to the bathroom and locked herself inside to breathe normally.

         Outside, Draco noticed that Leighton slipped out and saw her go inside a room. He wondered why she ran away from him. Well, it’s not that hard to figure out that she hates him and they don’t really get along with each other. Although, seeing her tonight was like seeing her for the first time. She looked really beautiful in her simple lace dress. Draco then wondered why the hell was she in Slytherin since she seemed like a genuinely nice girl. Sure she can be a pain in the ass at times but she was mostly nice to others. Or maybe that’s just because she doesn’t really like him in particular.

         Georgina walks towards Draco with a small smile on her face as she lifted her glass to her lips before speaking, “well, aren’t you a shy one,” she said with a smirk on her face, “huh?” Draco replied as he was woken to reality by Georgina. This made her a bit pissed but she calmed herself and gestured at his drink, “don’t like champagne?” she asked with her smooth and cool voice which still had a distinctly heavy German accent, “umm, no, it’s good,” Draco replied as he took a sip from his glass and gave Georgina a weak smile. This was new to Georgina. She wasn’t used to being ignored by a boy. Something was distracting Draco and she knew exactly what, or rather, who it is. Georgina knows a dead end when she sees one so she sighs and says, “if you’re looking for her, she’s in the bathroom, first door on the left wing,” with that, she turns around and goes over to one of the plush sofas and sits there nibbling at strawberries again.

         At first, Draco was slightly confused but he followed her instructions and when he found the door, he posed to knock but then hesitated. If she doesn’t want to talk to him, then she’ll leave her be. He was about to turn around when the door opened and it revealed Leighton who was shocked again at the sight of him, “oh Merlin! Geez, Malfoy! You almost gave me a heart attack!” she gasped while her hand was on her chest and the other closing the bathroom door. “Aren’t you a bit over reacting?” Draco replied as he raised an eyebrow at her. Snapping back is certainly something he was so used to, he couldn’t control it. “Buzz off,” Leighton said as she walked back to the show room and when Draco was about to stop her, she was already turning to the next room. She was that fast of a walker.

         The night was nearly over and so the Malfoys said their farewells and left the Schwarz manor. When they did, Georgina sighed in relief, “and good riddance! I’m so tired!”

         “shut your mouth, Rayleigh, that’s not very nice,” Lauren, their mother snapped at her daughter immediately that made Georgina look away in annoyance, “you were didn’t even do anything to get the boy’s attention!”

         “his attention was clearly at someone else, mother,” this made Leighton look up and found everyone else looking at her, “so it’s going to be Leighton and Draco, then,” Jorgen said with a proud smile on his face, “but dad, Georgie’s older than me and I can still wait!” Leighton began to protest but he raised a hand making Leighton shut her mouth and look down at the floor, “if Draco chooses you, then so be it,” he said with finality that not even their mother tried to say anything about it.

         Their parents left and went up to their room to retire and Georgina followed shortly, “I don’t care why you dislike him and if you open this up again, I’ll deny it, but, you two look good together. Just saying,” she said as she went up the stairs slowly. Leighton looked up at her sister with a bit of confusion on her face. “And by the way, it’s Rayleigh, got it?” Leighton nodded her head and watched her sister go inside her room.

         Sighing, Leighton plopped down the sofa and closed her eyes. When she did, she saw Draco’s face looking at her. She opened her eyes again and ran upstairs to her room. She grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill with a never ending ink and started to scribble these words down:

Dear Harry,

You’ll never guess who came to our house today! Can’t wait to see you again. Talk to you when we get the chance.


         Leighton rolled the piece of parchment and tied it onto Hedwig’s leg. The owl seemed pretty upset when she tied the note to her leg since it only means she won’t be able to rest, “sorry Hedwig, it’s pretty important,” she said before looking outside and was relieved to see that the storm was over. Only raindrops were falling so she opened the window wide and let Hedwig fly into the night. She really can’t wait to tell Harry and the others. They’ll be shocked.
© Copyright 2011 bryberry (purplebryberry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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