Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1798167-Unexpected-Delays
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1798167
this is about expecting something to go right when you want it to but it being delayed
Today I went to church for the first time in months and the message included the phrase “Unexpected Delay’s”. For awhile I thought maybe the vision I saw for myself when I was around nine, give or take a few years, would never come to pass, but I kept working at it even when all I wanted to do was give up. When I say give up I don’t mean give up and do something else, I mean give up on life and just forget the whole thing. I thought my enemies were so much greater than me and I thought I was helpless and couldn’t fight them any longer.

You see I worked for a lady who owned a private day spa in the Syracuse area back in 2007. To make a long story short she proved herself to be a closet racist and she threatened me by telling me her family was part of an organized crime family (at first this was not a threat, she just said it nonchalantly). She would lay $50 and $100 dollar bills (jewelry also), and one day when I came into work I saw these little figurines of African Americans around and I took pictures of them because I didn’t feel right about them. Every single one was of an African American who was in a profession other than a professional one and it was insulting (there was the comedian, the singer, a provocatively dressed woman, and a rapper with nothing but gold around his neck). A few days later she started talking down to me while her customer was in the other room waiting for her facial (Her customer called me the help one day when my title was actually the Receptionist/Office Manager). Nevertheless I quit the same day after about three months.

But it didn’t end there; my former boss harassed me (and still is) in more ways than one. I was followed home a few times but I didn’t realize it until I didn’t actually go home, I turned a few corners and realized the car was following me. I was in a pizza shop one day waiting on my pizza and a guy proceeded to say loud enough so I can hear “You know that kid who disappeared? Well people can disappear just like him.” (About a year prior to me moving to Syracuse a young African American male disappeared and they never found him and they had a bulletin board put up of him on Erie Blvd.)
At first I didn’t make the connection, but then I remembered everything she said to me about her family being involved in organized crime. Then it all became clear why things were happening and why she got her family involved: The pictures I took. She must have gotten scared that I was going to sue her so she went to her family with only God knows what story.

Talk about an Unexpected Delay. This woman and her family even went to my school at SUNY Brockport. I knew it all along but I didn’t have proof until one of my professors slipped up and mentioned her name and told a story of the same exact way she started her business (what a coincidence) but I didn’t say anything because I needed more proof. She even came to the campus and walked right in front of me, but I didn’t say anything because I knew she wanted me to come out of character (that’s how racist are). She even had people coming in and out of my apartment. Sounds crazy hunh? Where’s my proof? The only proof I had was stuff moved around, the disk the pictures were on disappeared, and my bed was unscrewed. No one believed that she was doing these things until my computer got a virus and the guy who fixed it said someone sat down at my computer and manually put a virus on my computer. I didn’t believe him, but he told me it was possible to put a virus on someone’s computer that way. Unexpected Delay.

Am I mad at her? I should be, but I’m not. I feel sorry for her because she is a closet racist afraid of being exposed. Every day of her waking life she has to worry about me exposing her for who she really is so she has to figure out ways to keep me from my purpose in life, but she doesn’t realize she doesn’t have that kind of power. She will fail every time. She wants to make sure that nothing I do will get off the ground, but God has always come up with another better way. I thank her for the challenges she has allowed me to face. Without her I would not be as strong as I am today. I will talk in more detail about everything that went on because that’s not even half of it. But she is an Unexpected Delay that I needed to take me to the next level.

But everybody, I am on my vacation and I am loving it. I almost don’t want to go home, but I have unfinished business at home that I need to take care of before I can go anywhere. Oh yeah, don’t forget about helping out A Breakfast in the Square every Saturday Morning from 9-11 am. They are a group of people who feed the poor and I think that is soooo awesome that just touches my heart. If you are interested in donating please contact Jason Eslicker at (903-752-1144) or Evan Hayes at (903-805-9325).

Also, there’s a fundraiser for Joe Bell who lives in Auburn, New York. He has been diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing treatment and needs help with travel expenses and other medical cost. If you would like to help out contact Mike or Cindy at mbell0966@yahoo.com or cjs4763@yahoo.com or call 315-664-3439. Put yourself in his shoes and imagine it being yourself or someone in your family. And for your good deed your donation can be counted as a charitable contribution. Friend him on Facebook at Joe Bell. Remember in life there will be unexpected delays and give thanks for them, there’s a blessing in them for you. Many blessings to you all, I’m going to finish enjoying my vacation! Peace and live in bliss!
© Copyright 2011 Shawnte Barr (shawnte at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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