Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1798023-Chapter-One---A-bit-of-Change
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1798023
Beyond the Ties of Blood
I lived in a small white, wooden house in an alley. There were ocean blue shudders on the windows, with coal grey shingles on the roof. It contained only a master bedroom, a tiny living room, one bathroom, a kitchen, and my room. Outside was a wooden porch up of the ground, covered with faded and peeling red paint. I would collect the mail from the eagle emblemed black metal box outside our screen door, and step into the kitchen. My mother was sitting down. This was a bad sign. Before her lay an opened package. What looked like a pamphlet was being flipped through. I had frozen near the doorway. "Mom?" I tried. She said nothing, at first, only motioned for me to sit in the chair beside her. In the silence that followed, I took my time to study her features. She is not an unattractive woman; With high cheek bones, a slender but oval face, and light eyes. She is a good three or four inches taller then me. She is slimmer. She's always been smaller then me. Many people mistake us as sisters. Her with short, choppy hair with volume. That's one thing my mother can't stand. Flat hair. Where as my hair flows past my shoulders and is now past the middle of my back.

"We're moving?" I guessed from the look on her face. She nodded. "Again?" I whined. We'd moved six times in the last five years. This would be our seventh. We hadn't even been here three months.

"Don't whine." she told me. "This will be exciting, a new adventure!" she smiled, suddenly cheerful as she stood.

"Right." I rolled my eyes, having heard that several times before.

"It will." she nodded, taking cookies out of the oven, I hadn't realized was on.

"Where are we moving to?" I asked quietly, with a sigh.


"Woah! What?" I balked, coughing on my pepsi.

"Just kidding." she grinned, turning the oven off. "Well, I'll be heading to Ohio.." she paused.

"And me?" I asked, my curiousity up.

"You'll be staying with your uncle."

"Which uncle?"

"Oh..you haven't met this one, Bug." she told me.

"What's he like?"

"His name is Victor Reed."

"Reed?" I choked on my drink. Finally swallowing, I continued. "From my birthdad's family?" Birthdad..that's what I called him. My mother refused to tell me much about him. All I knew was his name. That he was a few years older then her. That at some point they'd been married. And, that he'd left while she was pregnant with me.

"Yes." she nodded, getting quiet for a moment. "Apparently, he's very excited to meet you." she smiled.

"What does he do?"

"Oh you'll like this. He owns a book store!"

"Seriously?" I was excited. I loved to read.

"He even writes those sort of books you like," she crinkled her nose as she spoke.

"Cool." I smiled.

"Anyway, you better pack. You leave tonight."

"Tonight?!" I stared at her.

"Only pack what you can carry." she warned. "I'll ship the rest."

"How long will I be with him, mom?" I asked then.

"Awhile." she smiled.

"How long is awhile?"

"I'll tell you more later, now go pack!" she shooed me to my room.

It was two in the morning when the plane landed in Monico Local Airport. I walked off beside the only other passenger. A priest who'd told me we were lading in a town called Lynwood. Where was the town at? Even the pilot hadn't been able to tell us. The priest, who's name turned out to be Caslon, sat with me, as waited for our rides. He was young, in his twenties. Not much older then me really.His head was shaved, and he wore a black hoodie. He had on blue jeans, and faded white sneakers. His face, his skin was very tan. He told me he had spent alot of time overseas. He was fluent in four languages: Italian, German, Arabic, and English. Only the clearing of someone's throat, brought out of his descriptions of the fountains in Rome. We both jumped, surprised by the sound in the otherwise deserted airport. Standing up and turning around, three men greeted us. One was tall, and an even darker tan then`my companion. His eyes were a dark brown, like almonds. His face was hard, but not unfriendly. "Arturo..." the priest greeted him, and they clasped hands much like brothers.

"Lera?" the second man asked.

"Yes?" I answered.

"My name is Bok." he told me. "I work for your uncle. If you show me which bags are yours, I'd be happy to help you get them to the car."

"Where is my uncle?" I asked, while fetching the ones I'd carry.

"He is on his way. He was working on the paperwork while I came for you."

"Oh. I see."

He hummed and hefted up the bags as though they were empty. I must have been gaping, as my priest - friend chuckled, before waving his hand before my face. I snapped out of my daze, and turned to look at him. "This way." He nudged me, and I followed them all towards customs. Our bags were checked, doubled - checked, and our passports stamped.

"I still can't read the country!" I stared at the stamp. Caslon only laughed, as he admitted defeat as well.

"It is not important." Bok patted my head. He packed my things into a jeep, and tied them down. I watched Caslon, and his two escorts do the same in their own vehicle. The sky was littered with a blanket of stars, and the full moon was huge. It looked close enough to reach out, and pluck it from the sky. The men around me only laughed when I said so.

"Are we ready?" a quiet voice asked. I turned to see a man who's skin glistened in the moonlight. He was pale, like I was. But his eyes were very green, even in the dark. "Ah, Lera...You've grown up." he smiled slightly, and looked me over. His hair was flat and down to his shoulders. A few wisps curled upwards in the back, and he had long thick bangs. It was dark red, and looked to be the same shade as the garnet stone in the ring on my right hand.

"Uncle?" I whispered, unsure why.

"My name is Victor." he nodded, as he walked over. He hugged me tightly, and I returned it. "It's good to see you again."

"Again?" I asked, as he got into the jeep.

"You may not remember. You were much younger then. Only six or so, I believe."


"Miss Lera?"an accented tone drew my eyes back to Caslon.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I was hoping you might wish to become...as you say...a pen-pal?" he asked.

"Oh, sure." I smiled.

He handed me a paper with all his information on it. With my uncle's contribution, I did the same for him as well. "Enjoy your summer." he smiled back.

"Hope to hear about yours soon." I laughed.

"And yours." he added.

Bok slid into the driver's seat, as my uncle, and I sat side by side in the back row. I must have been tired, for when I opened my eyes next I had awoken in a bed. The covers were red, and silver, and the sheets were creme. I slid out from beneath them, to step onto shag square of crimson carpet. Glancing around, I realized the ceiling was high. A good ten feet from floor level. To my right was a massive window. Below it was a half moon ledge of seating; padded and covered with pillows. The bed itself was a four post, with fabric overlays at the head and foot of it. It had a pyramid - shaped roof, and a crawl - space beneath. To my left was an old, heavy desk made of solid cherry. Something I'd only dreamed of writing on. A matching chair, with a built in creme cushion was tucked into it as well. In the armoire were all my clothes. Folded, hung,or stacked. My shoes had been organized on a shelf, or in boxes. There were even clothes that a note informed me were gifts.

My books had been alphabetized in order on shelves around the room, with plenty of space left for new ones. My papers were organized in a chest at the foot of my bed. My alarm clock, on a side table informed me it was three in the afternoon. Further inspection allowed me to find I had an adjoined bathroom. I gathered up my clothes, and took a quick shower. Once I'd blowdried my hair, I dressed and went out to explore. Stepping out of the room, I discovered Bok who had been about to knock. "Ah, good. Your awake." he smiled, seeming relieved. "Master Reed would like to see you."
© Copyright 2011 Lazy Dragon (lazydragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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