Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1797966-Destiny-Chapter-2-Journey-Home
by Writer
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1797966
Maria has left the caves and is now on her journey to find Brad and to go home.
I awoke to the sun beaming down onto my face through the tent. I packed up the tent and placed the bags onto the horse. I looked up the trail that Selyn told me to follow, but I felt as if I was missing something. There was something holding me back from going home. Brad I forgot all about him. I jumped up onto my horse and headed up the trail. I thought to myself, what if he isn't alive, what if something happened but then I saw someone walking. At first I thought it was Brad, then I looked closer and realized the boy had a book with the symbol that I saw on the curtain in the caves on it, he looked young and he was wearing ordinary clothes like me. I jumped the river beside me and the horse stumbled at the landing, I fell to the ground. I hit my head on a rock and awoke with the boy standing over me. I was still in the forest and he had tied my horse to a tree. As I opened my eyes he looked at me and said "Easy, you hit your head pretty hard."

He reached for my hand to pull me up off the ground. I reached for it and grabbed his hand. As I touched it a jolt of energy went through my body, I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back with a satisfaction look in his eyes, as if he had felt the same thing I did. As soon as I could stand up straight he told me to come over to a section in the forest with him. He had a tent set up and asked "Would you like to camp here with me?"

I replied "Sure but I have to go on my journey to find my friend." I set up my tent and as I brought my horse over the bag with my books opened and all of the books fell out. I saw him glance down at the books, and he saw the symbol. He looked at me, got up and asked "What are those?"

"Well, its a long story." I replied.

"I'd like to hear it." He said cautiously.

"Well, okay."I said.

"My friend Brad and I were walking into a forest, it looked so pretty so we kept on walking and walking. We reached an area that was beyond horrible and evil. We tried to go back home but we couldn't leave. We got zapped back into the evil, and we're separated. I ran and searched everywhere for him but I couldn't find him, I passed out with the feeling that he was gone forever. I woke up and I was in these caves. I probably shouldn't tell you what happened there. Because you would be in danger. Then I set out on my trip to go get my friend and get home." I exclaimed.

"Wow, thats horrible. What was your friends name?" He replied.

"His name was Brad." I replied with a tear running down my face.

"It's okay I will come on your journey with you, and help you find him." He said while motioning towards the horse's.

We got up and he was behind me picking up the books. I bent down to pick up a book and he reached for it too, our hands touched. I looked up, he looked up also. We leaned in and kissed. All he said was "I know what you mean, I am a magic-lighter."

It was mid-day as we set out on the trail. I spotted a person walking on the trail, he had a backpack on just like Brad! I looked closer and spotted the clothes he was wearing. "That's Brad! That's Brad!" I yelled.

"What!" The boy replied. I trotted away and jumped off my horse. It was Brad, I gave him a hug and told him everything that happened.

As the boy ran around the corner on his horse he yelled "The demons are coming, we have to go now!" I pulled Brad onto my horse and followed the boy onto the path home. We stopped in a secret cave that the boy had camped a while ago. We tied the horses up and Brad backed away with confusion in his eyes. I tried to explain what had happened but he was tired and just wanted to go to sleep.

The boy told me his name was Leo, he was 13 years old and he was a magic-lighter. He showed me some of his powers and I showed him some of mine to. We were headed in to bed and he kissed me on the cheek, I smiled and blushed a little. Brad saw us kiss and I looked at him and felt the pain he felt at that second. My smile faded off my face and he opened his eyes. He got off the bed and looked me in the eyes.

I didn't know what to say, I could feel all the pain he felt but I didn't know why he was in pain. He stared me in the eyes and said "Why did he kiss you?"

"Well, we kissed about two hours ago and I like him." I replied still confused.

"Well I thought we were dating?" He was getting mad.

"No, sorry."

"Oh." He said as he layed back down. I didn't know what to say I looked at him, and walked to my bed.

I woke up to Brad and Leo talking outside of the cave. I got off my bed and went outside and as soon as I got outside Leo looked at me as if I was glowing, I smiled at him and Brad looked angry and he punched Leo right in the face.

Leo hit the ground and I ran over to his side, I looked at Brad with such anger in my eyes and all he did was yell "Ouch my fist!" I pushed Brad over using my powers and pulled Leo up and sat him down on a rock.

Brad got up and I took Leo inside the cave. Brad followed me in and all I heard him say was "Maria!"

I looked at Leo and tried to do a healing spell but I couldn't, it wouldn't work then Leo said "That's a magic-lighter's power."

"Well then why don't you heal yourself?" I replied.

"I can't it only works on others."

"Oh." I looked at his eye, it was swelling and I could feel that he was in pain. I sat beside him and hugged him.

"You should go see Brad, try to explain it a little better, k?" He said while getting up.

"Okay." I said kind of confused. I ran outside to talk to Brad, he was looking at his fist. I looked him in the eyes and felt pain but it wasn't my fault this time, he didn't have to punch Leo. "Why did you punch him?" I asked.

"I don't know maybe because, I love you and he stole you from me." He replied while storming off into the cave. I didn't know what to do I stood there wondering about Leo and then I got a flash it was Leo, Brad and I all in my attic at my house and we were fighting a demon. I saw the vision closer and Brad got killed by a demon, a strong demon.

I ran into the cave crying as I ran in Leo saw me "Whats wrong?"He asked and I ran right to brad and gave him a hug. He pushed me off and asked "Why are you crying?"

"I saw you d-d-" I said and Leo interrupted me.

"She saw a dead squirrel." He looked at me with a feeling in his eyes as if telling me I shouldn't tell him.

"Yah." I said, wondering why I couldn't tell him.

Leo told Brad to stay inside and told me to come out with him. I told Leo what I saw and Leo said "We shouldn't tell him, he won't be able to handle it." I didn't know what to do but Leo said we could prevent it from happening."

"How?" I asked.
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