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Black Widows birth mother comes to visit on parents day.... |
Chapter 19 “Mother Dearest part2.” “I’m Rene’s mother.” The women had long light purple hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful, but you could see she had aged a lot. The woman was wearing a white dress with a leopard jacket. “Hold on one minute.” Princess slammed the door in the women’s face, and ran to Black Widow’s room. “Black Widow!” she screamed. Black Widow was sitting on her purple and black flowered bed, filing her nails. She looked up. “What is it, Princess?” “Your mom is here!” she shouted. Black Widow put her nail file down. “That’s preposterous, I don’t have a mother.” “Yes you do! She’s right outside the door!” “Princess, you didn’t even let her in?” I asked. “She could be a crazy killer for all I know!” I slapped my forehead. “Oh my god!” Black Widow walked to the door, and opened it. The woman took one look at Black Widow and burst into tears. She began to hug her. “You have grown up so much, my daughter.” Black Widow pulled the woman off of her. “You can leave.” “Black Widow, that’s no way to talk to your mother!” Blue Jay shouted. “That’s where you’re wrong Blue Jay, she was never my mother.” Black Widow stormed outside to the balcony; her mother ran after her. “Rene…wait!” They slammed the door behind them. Princess sat down on the couch and sighed. “What’s her deal?” she asked. Eskimo got a Goka berry drink from the refrigerator. “I know right? She found her birth mother, she should be happy.” “She is so ungrateful.” Blue Jay chimed in. “It’s not that she’s ungrateful, her mother just did a horrible thing,” Black Rose said. “What do you mean?” I asked. Black Rose pulled a chair from the table and sat in it. “She left Black Rose in an abandoned house, and never came back; leaving her alone as a child. She was living on the streets until I found her.” “That’s terrible,” said Kyle. We all stood there in silence feeling sorry for Black Widow. I never knew how bad she really had it as a kid. Her problems made my problems look like crap. My life has been great; I just found out I was adopted. Black Widow, on the other hand, has been abandoned her whole life. My birth mother is probably dead right now. Black Widow’s mother left her on purpose when she was just a child. She has so much on her plate… Meanwhile, Black Widow and her mother were having a meaningful discussion on the balcony. “Rene, honey, I’m sorry for leaving you. But you see, I had no money to take care of you after your father left us. I didn’t know what to do.” “Hm… I know! You should have taken care of your child if you had money or not! You have no idea how many nights I cried sleeping on the park benches. All because you weren’t there to take care of me; to hold me..” “You don’t have to worry, I’m here now.” Tears started to fall from Black Widow’s face. “You don’t get it! You weren’t there when I needed you! I don’t need you now! I have my own family!” The woman put her hand on her daughter’s shoulders and looked in her eyes. “You can come live with me now. I married a billionaire! We have a gorgeous house in the country! You have to come see it.” “I don’t know…” The woman spotted a necklace on Black Widow’s neck; it was in the shape of a heart. “You still have the necklace I bought you!” She gave her daughter a hug; Black Widow pulled away. “I didn’t say you could hug me!” The woman’s face looked very sad; her eyes looked dead inside. “I’ll give you some time to think about it. I’ll be staying at the Flow city hotel for a month. I’m really sorry Rene.” The women opened the door and shuffled out of the apartment. As soon as Black Widow heard the door close, she fell to the floor and started bawling her eyes out. Kyle rushed to the rescue; she closed her eyes and cried in his arms. |