Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796733-Death-Carnage-and-Zombies
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1796733
A story I'm working on, sorry for the miss spellings I did most of it on my phone.
At first i didn’t know what to think. I thought i was dreaming due to the dim lighting in alley, but i wasn’t this man in front of me was really eating another human and I mean guts and everything! I didn’t know what to do; i was just so.... excited!

Let’s start over shell we let’s start with first names mine is Leo and I'm 20 a freshmen in college and I'm pretty much the dork of the school well other than my best friend Vincent. I shouldn’t have to tell u that being a dork in college isn’t very fun or cool. I hated a lot of my class mates and so when this epidemic hit i was so happy and over joyed. That I final got the courage to ask out my life long crush Sky Black. I mean I couldn’t let such a pretty face like hers die and be turned into a zombie right. Plus you never know she might be useful. So I bought a couple of roses and waited for her to come out of her morning class. I heard she was single since she broke up with her boy toy Ted aka Teddy Bear and no he's not cute and cuddly like one either. But never mind that he's out of the picture. So back to me and my lovely Sky, just two more minutes and she would be mine or so I thought. First the screaming came and then people rushing past me before I got the hint that something was wrong. So being the noble man that I am I rushed into the class room to find the class room a mess with chairs all over the place and one of them through a window and in the middle of the classroom there was Ted fighting with the teacher who looked horrible it seemed someone stabbed her with a pencil in the eye actually stabbed her a couple of times. I don’t get how she was fighting with Ted and not fist fighting it looked like the teacher was trying to bite Ted! I've heard girls say Ted looked delicious before but I don’t think they mint this. I think he was a zombie; oh man I’m not ready for this. What to do first find a weapon? But what, look around a pencil sharpener, no then a oh never mind. It seems the teacher is already dead. But how? Hey Leo what are looking at? Come on we need to get out of here now. Said Sky. Sky what are you doing here? Asked Leo. Saving Ted's and your ass, now let’s go. But wait I was. LETS GO NOW! Said Sky. Alright gezz (And to think I thought I was the hero). Alright all mighty leader were to? Asked Leo. Who cares let’s just get out of here. Said Ted.

Really you saw a real zombie? Asked Vincent. Yeah and i saved Ted's and Sky's life. Said Leo. Hmm for some reason I don’t see that happening. Are you sure Ted didn’t save you? Asked Vincent. I cant believe you. Some friend you are. I would rather die than let Ted save me or i would rather let Sky save me then him. Said Leo. You know I could see that happening, being saved by a women. Are you sure she didn’t save you? Asked Vincent. That’s a low blow. I’ll have you know that i still have the high score on zombie masters! Said Leo. Yeah but you have the body of a child, my little sister could beat you up. Said Vincent. In my defense your sister is a demon and she also kicked your ass too. Said Leo. Alright point proven, but if that was a real zombie then wouldn’t that be kind of bad? Asked Vincent. What! Why would that be bad? We would be able to kill all of the people we hate and not feel bad about it or get thrown into jail. Said Leo. True but a bunch of people would die. We could lose everything we care about all of our love ones. Said Vincent. You’re kidding right? Asked Leo. Haha yeah i was kidding. Said Vincent.

The next week went buy pretty fast most of school was canceled due to teachers eating students wasn't a proud moment for the school. So the week off was for grief and coming to terms with the fact that one of our teachers was a zombie, but of course they didn’t say that. At least during that week i was able to gather more weapons and get Vincent more pumped up. Which didn’t take much other then mentioning the football team and 10th grade. But there was still one lose end Sky. I would just try my plan again but after the teacher attack they made her move back home. So that was going to have to wait until i got some time to go and find her address. Hopefully she wont die before then hopefully.

Thursday 2:00 am day 1 of (Zombie War)
Wake up Leo wake up already! Said Vincent said Vincent. Whaaaaaaat, damn man what time is it. 2:00 am! Said Leo. Look we have no time for small talk we need to get the hell out of dodge said Vincent. Whoa did you just dodge? What’s the meaning of this Vincent asked Leo? Well i was looking up some things for school and i had the TV on when suddenly this breaking news broad cast popped up said Vincent. Really you were on the internet looking up school stuff at 2 am? Well go ahead and tell me what it said Leo. It said the state was closing off the city, as in no one goes in and no one comes out. There setting up the border now said Vincent. Oh my god do you know what this means asked Leo? That we all might die said Vincent. Smiling Leo said no but everyone else will and we'll be the ones that do the killing when they come back to life. So we'll be kind of like hero’s then asked Vincent? Yeah we'll be hero’s protecting the weak. Now would u rather a hand gun and a katana or a shot gun and machete?

Friday 10 am day 2 of Zombie war
So were should we head first asked Vincent? Well probably the gun store we need to stock up on ammo. From there we'll see who needs our help. What about you're parents? I already called them and we agreed we’d meet at our camp house. Now i cant get any cell signal, so we'll do what we can then head out ok? Yeah sounds good, what about Sky did you want to check up on her? Nah if we're fated to be together then she'll survive until we meet again. So you ready to head out and kill some zombies? Its time to see if those kendo and jujitsu lessons we're worth it.

The street was pretty empty. It seemed like the police did something right for once. I just hoped the gun store hasn’t been robed yet. It was going good at first but for some reason it always has to go bad and of course it did. As we turned the last corner to the gun shop we ran into a group of them. It wasn’t a big group but we didn’t have much ammo either. Well i guess we'll have to improvise right Vincent? Seems like it, I'll take half and you take half? I call right side. Said Leo
I should say that killing zombies in person is a lot different than killing them in a game. I mean if I was a normal person i might of not wanted to kill them. But of course I'm not I loved this, that’s why I decide to use something more bloody then bullets and what is that you ask it's a machete. Cutting off limbs is very bloody work and it seemed like Vincent had the same idea he was using his Katana. Those zombies never stood a chance, the score after wards was me 10 and Vincent 12. Yeah he got lucky this time that is. After we got done killing the last of the zombies we headed to the shop. But we weren’t the first ones here. It seemed like someone else beat us here, well sort of they beat us here but they didn’t make it out. They did manage to mess everything up, there were bullets every were. But they did do one thing good they opened the safe and that’s were the good stuff is. .44 for me and a odd sword for Vincent. Hopefully it proves useful to him, he seemed happy about getting it at least.
So what now captain? Asked Vincent. Its time to get going, we need to find a way out of the city. Any ideas on how to get out? Asked Leo. We could go down town to the river and follow the river south it goes under the main high way so i doubt they have it blocked. Smiling Leo said Let’s do it then and on our way their i would like to stop some were. Ok and where would you like to stop at? Oh you'll see as Leo smirked and he did see and he loved it! The fire was fierce and burning bright, we started in the place of our torment the gym of course and we also got some more zombies which the points went to me you know because i started the fire and all. So the score was me 18 and Vincent 15, he got the coach and some cheerleaders, yeah who knows what they were doing together after school hours at least he died happy.

After we left the school we headed to a hotel to rest. We headed up stairs figuring that there would be less of them up there. Once we got up stairs we blocked the stairs to make sure if any of them did get up they wouldn’t get past. In the morning we headed for a store for some breakfast, which is important for the body. While chomping down on a breakfast burrito Leo asked So how far does the river go underground? About 10 miles, they built Moon Mall over some of it. You know they have a glass floor that you can see through, so you can see some of the river said Vincent. A glass floor? Are you sure its not heavy duty plastic? Plastic? You cant see through plastic, maybe its heavy duty glass like bullet proof glass? Said Vincent well i hope its just glass then maybe we can shoot through it if needed.
A mile later Vincent turned and asked what do you want to do if we find some else alive, should we let them follow us or send them on there way? Turning around Leo said Well it depends on if there of any use to us or not. Stopping Vincent asked Of use? What do you mean? Stopping a few feet away from Vincent Leo said Well if there hurt or crippled then probably not someone we want following us. If it some awesome fighter or a markers men then probably. You know someone of use. Vincent slowly turned around and pointed up at one of the buildings about a mile away and pointed at the top and then asked what about her?

At first i didn’t see any one, but then i noticed something leap across one roof to the other. Turning to Vincent Leo asked what the heck was that? Who was that and how long has she been following us? Following the roof jumper with his eyes Vincent said for about an hour now, she’s pretty sneaky so maybe longer than that. What do you want to do? Looking at the ground Leo said We need a flag, a white flag. Picking up a piece of white cloth Leo started to wave it. At first they weren’t sure if she saw it at first, but then out of now where she dropped down right beside Leo and right at that moment Vincent had his blade on her. Raising her hands she spoke, whoa i thought you were peacefully? Turning toward her Leo said sorry you can’t be to carefully if you know what i mean, its ok Vincent if she wanted to kill us I’m sure she would of by now. So what’s your name anyways? After Vincent lowered his sword she said her name was Michelle and she was 16. Looking down at her Leo said 16? Where are your parents and where did you learn to leap across roofs like that? I don’t know. I was on the roof when everything went to hell. So when everything started to blow up and people started to eat each i decided i would hide out for a little while. I didn’t want to go back home i hate that place and i hate her. Looking away Michelle picked up a empty bottle and tossed it and then said. I hope she’s dead.

After letting Michelle cool off for a bit Leo walked over toward her and sat down next to her? You know i get this feeling that you don’t like your life very much, so how about starting over new with us? Looking up at Leo Michelle asked how do i do that? Well we can change your name for one and you can make up a new back ground. I think i have a new name for you, how about Yuffie? Looking shocked Michelle asked why Yuffie, it sounds weird. Well its because you remind me of her. She was a character off of a game i use to play. She was a kick ass ninja and could probably jump across roofs like you. Getting up Michelle said fine i guess that’ll do for now. Standing up Leo yelled hey Vincent we have a Yuffie! Vincent looked over and yelled Woot its about time we get a female to join. Now the zombies will stop thinking were a couple.
© Copyright 2011 Nix Wolfwood (wolfwood at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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