Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796604-The-Planet
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1796604
An entry for a contest
I cowered as the thing came closer and closer to Earth. The plan had not gone as planned. If I could just get out of this dimension for a few minutes I would be able to come up with a solution for this problem. There was no time to waste. I had to get out.

It all began two weeks ago, in real time. I had spent days in my master reality plotting ways to save humankind in at least one dimension, if not this one. It would have to be the fourth one, because I was an astrophysicist in the fourth dimension. I looked over my plans, and decided that there was no way this could possible fail. I would journey to the planet X15 alone. Then I would plan the seed. This was the key to creating another Earth-like place. The seed was an object I had invented in second reality. I am not comfortable disclosing it in much detail, lest the recipe fall into the wrong hands.  I will say, though, that the seed, upon reacting with the aluminum in X15’s atmosphere would react in such a way as to create a planet identical to Earth’s. It would cover the land with dirt and water and rock in such a grand display of my power that the entire world would worship me.

I began building my rocket in secret, from a plan devised in second reality. Second reality was where I invented my tools. In a few days I was ready to depart for X15. Landing on the planet, took out the seed and watered it. As I watched, the square planet formed a sphere. Grass and lakes sprang up all over the place. It was beautiful. I was going to be worshipped. I had created an Earth.
Then, to my horror, the sphere opened up its mouth. I was terrified. This was not supposed to happen. As I stood paralyzed in horror, the thing, the head, the whatever-it-was, began to move though space in the direction of Earth. This was not supposed to happen. I had hoped to save humanity in this dimension, and now I was about to abolish it.

With difficulty, I forced myself to return to my second reality where I devised a powerful bomb. I took the bomb back to the fourth reality, and planted it on the monster. As predicted, the “planet” blew up. Then before I had time to congratulate myself for my heroic effort, the scattered pieces of planetary dust flew back together in the form a monster. I had never been so scared in all my life. It grabbed me, and flew off with me to destroy Earth. There was worse to come, though, as I discovered that when the planet held me, I was incapable of moving through the dimensions. I was stuck in fourth dimension. Things could not possibly get worse. Then it began to rain as we approached Earth.

Thankfully, the rain caused the monster to turn into mud, allowing me to slip through and watch from a distance what would happen. As the mud that once had been planet X15 hit the Earth, it formed an icy mountain uninhabitable to life. I returned to the second dimension to rework my design of the seed, so that it would not do that same thing again.

Word Count: 560
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