Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796523-Destiny-Chapter-1-Training
by Writer
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1796523
Maria age 13 and Brad age 12 are best friends and they get seperated in a horrible world.
         We were walking into a forest trying to get away from the pain and anger, when we stumbled upon what appeared to be a gateway into an area with beautiful hills beyond that point. We walked into it and our whole aspect of life changed at that very second. We walked over the hills and through the field only to find a horrible world. My best friend Brad and I, Maria were terrified at the sight of so much anger and pain so we decided to turn around and quit this journey into the world of evil. When we tried to leave we got zapped back into the world and we're seperated.

         I ran and ran trying to find Brad but, I just got dizzy at the fact of him not being here and not knowing where he was and I passed out. I awoke in a cave with carvings of, me on the walls! I was so curious but all I did was sit up very fast and yell "Brad, Where is Brad?"

All I heard was some people talk and I was got up then a sudden rush of cold air hit me and I saw an unworldly glow coming from the room across from me. I went over to the opening in the cave to go into a different cave and I saw a man in a white cloak with other men beside him floating in the air and a very bright blue light surrounding them. I backed away from the doorway wondering if I actually just saw that, as I walked back to the bed to lay down hoping this was all a dream a girl came in the room. She was wearing a white robe with gold lining and all she said was "Good you are awake we must begin training you."

"Training me?" I replied.

"Yes Training, we will begin shortly."

"Ok" Is all I could think of saying. She gave me a pair of jeans and a T-shirt because my shirt was ripped up and my jeans were wrecked. As she gave me these we were walking into another room it had a bed and a book shelf. She told me "This will be your room." I shut the curtain made out of leaves and flowers and got dressed. I looked at the curtain and it had a symbol on it made out of pink flowers.

As I sat on the bed I got lost in the symbol on the curtain and stared at it for about ten minutes. While I was staring a rush of images went through my mind of me but, it wasn't me. The girl came back in and ask "Why are you just sitting there, Get up!"

I flinched my body backwords from the reaction of her scream and asked "Why am I here?"

"Where am I?"

"Where's Brad?"

"You are here because this is your destiny. You are in Daowynd and I don't know who Brad is."

Wait, my destiny? Daowynd? I was so confused. "We must begin. Now my name is Selyn. What is your name?"

"My name? I'm M-Ma-Maria" I replied shaky still wondering where Brad was.

"Ok Maria we must train you. Lets go. Follow me."

"Ok" I replied. As we walked out of the room I caught a glimpse of the curtain and the symbol, I fell down onto the ground and hit my head so hard I was out cold. While I was knocked out I saw myself standing in a room there was a book infront of me I opened it and images rushed over me as if they were memories from my past. But I had never seen that room in my life, but I recognized it. I awoke to a girl sitting beside me sighing as if I was the key to saving the world so I stood up pulled the blankets off of me and told her I am ready.

She glanced at me as a sudden smile crossed her face. I smiled back and it felt like we had a certain bond with eachother. I followed her into a room it had brown walls, hardwood floors, and a book on a stand. She told me to go up to the book and open it. I went up to it and was about to touch it when I realized it was the book from my dream or memory. I went to open it anyway as I reached for it, it glowed with a erie yellow dim light. I touched it and saw the symbol, I almost fell but I knew that it would dissapoint Selyn and those images hit me like an explosion I gave a sudden gasp for air as it felt like I was drowning. I grabbed the stand and pulled myself back up and into reality, if this was real. As I opened my eyes Selyn ran to me and asked me if I was ok. I didn't answer so she grabbed me, wrapped my arm around her shoulders and sat me down on a chair. I told her I was ok and she said "I guess I should tell you what is going on."

"Well it began with you walking into a cave and finding a book..."

"Wait me?" I asked getting a head ache trying to concentrate on the conversation.

"Yes, well no your past life"

"Past life?" I asked

"A past life is what or who you were before this time."

"Ok" I replied still confused.

"Well as I said before you walked into a cave and found that book over there. You opened it and read an incantation on the front page. Since you, your past life did that evil has been coming after the witches and warlocks all around the world. Every life time they pick a healer, and a scavenger to help and guide the witch."

"Witch? But I'm not a with....am I?" I asked kind of frightened.

"I hope you are"

"Wait you brought me and my best friend into this just to see if I am a witch? Why would you do that? I can't find my best friend now!" I was getting fumed with anger and frustration.

"What is your friends name?"


"I don't know any Brads, now we have to see if you are the one."

"Ok." She got me to stand infront of the book and open it I did it and I fought the images flow into my mind. I instantly remembered something from my past life, that last time I had opened this book in my past a warlock came about five seconds later and I got killed and everyone in Daowyn died and suffered. Selyn backed away from me I looked at her with frustration in my eyes. She sat down than about two seconds later a warlock ran into the room with a knife in his hand. I don't know how but I flipped backwards, summersaulted under him and grabbed the knife. I did a flip over him and stabbed him in the back. He bursted into flames and I ran to my room, Selyn followed me but I put my hand up at the door and it turned into a stone that only I could walk through.

I sat on the bed and looked at my hands. I was crying I looked in the mirror on the wall and realized my whole life just change because of that. Selyn was yelling for me to open the rock so she could come in and I knew how I did it I just didn't want to talk. I told her to go away and she did.

I looked on the book shelf and found about twenty or more books and I began to read them. About five were all different past lives journals of what happened to them. One of the books were empty and I ran my hand over a page and it wrote Maria on it. I backed away and opened a book full of spells. I read every book and decided to come out.

I came out of my room and Selyn said "You were reading? Good. We have to go train you, NOW!"

I followed her through a hallway of history with maps and paintings on the wall. We stopped at a wall and she turned to it, waved her hand infront of it and it opened. We walked down the stairs and stopped at the very bottom. Than Selyn said "Pack what you think you're going to need, learn what you think you will need, and practice the spells you read about." After that she orbed upstairs, I think that's what its called I think I read about it in a book.

I looked at the bags she gave me to use. She gave me four large duffel bags. I put as many books as I could fit in one, I put potion ingredients in one along with a big book of incantations and the history of every past life, I still have two bags left. I put food in the other bag until it was full, than I grabbed a tent, a sleeping bag, a pillow and an extra blanket. I shoved all that in and grabbed my bags than I grabbed one book and really quickly read it, it tought you how to orb. I orbed upstairs into my bedroom and I grabbed my journal.

I orbed back downstairs and grabbed my bags. I went upstairs and Selyn was standing there waiting for me. She told me to go to the room. I don't know how but I knew what room she ment. Than she took my bags and I walked over to talk to the elders. They told me I'm about to take a very long journey in a very dark and evil world to go home. They said I will have to use what I have learnt so far and survive the evil world out there.

I went outside the sky was dark but there were no stars, and it wasn't cloudy. They gave me a map and a horse, Selyn loaded up my stuff onto the horse and said goodbye.

As my horse trotted off into the distance I think I heard Selyn said "Be careful, sister."

It was dark but I traveled a little longer and stopped and set up my tent using only the light from the lantern. I tied my horse up, went into the tent and fell asleep.
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