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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1796409
Cousins Steven and Melanie have a unfortunate run in with the foot torturing clown.
The two cousins Steven and Melanie were sitting home one sunny day enjoying their first day off from the water park in awhile. They were sitting outback on lounge chairs enjoying the unusually cool day. The two didn't live together, but their homes were only a one yard fence from being one piece of property. Both of them sat around wearing black sunglasses, a colored t-shirt, and shorts on and were barefoot. While laying there, neither could help but remember their first day on the job where they encountered the boy who put their feet through some hurting, even if it amounted two two stomps and a pool ball strike. At the time they weren't laughing, but they were now.

"Remember our first day of work where that kid stomped on your foot?" said Steven.
"Yeah," replies Melanie. "That hurt a lot. He, like, abused my poor left foot."
"Terrible. The kid put both my feet through some hurting as well."
"Indeed," she laughed. "Boy did we look dumb hopping around while holding our sore feet."
"Oh my lord yeah we did." said Steven as he stood up. He then clutched his right foot in his hands and began to hop up and down pretending to be in pain. "Oh my foot. Ow that kid hurt my foot." Melanie starting laughing and stood up too.
"No I think it went more like," then she grabbed her right foot in her hands. "Oh ow ow oh my foot my foot. He stepped on my foot." And she too began hopping up and down with Steven. They both laughed and continued to hop.

Steven hopping over to a soccer ball laying in the middle of the yard and kicked it to Melanie. She then kicked it back to him. They continued to kick the ball to one another until Steven kicked the ball too hard and it disappeared into the bushs that outlined the fence. The ball was closer to Melanie than it was Steven.

"I got it." she said. Melanie walked over to the bushes and searched about looking for the soccer ball. As she was doing so she heard Steven call to her.
"The ball rolled out from the bushes."
"What? Oh forgrt it. I must have pushed out when I was moving the bushes." The ball was in perfect position to kick back to Steven so she felt no need to realign it. So she took a few steps back, then ran forward and gave the ball a big kick followed by a scream that sounded like "YEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!" Steven then watched as she clutched her right foot and began to hop around the yard seemigly in pain. The ball only rolled a few feet infront of her. He thought she was just joking like before.
"Very funny cuz," he said. "I'm not going to fall for it." Then Steven turned around to the ball and gave it a nonchelont kick. His toes bounced off the ball with ease leaving him with a bad tingling feeling in them. "YEOW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!" Then Steven clutches his right toes in his hand and began to hop around like his cousin. While his toes hurt, Steven wasn't in as much pain as Melanie, who put all her force into kicking the ball. Steven hopped over to the ball, put his foot down to pick the ball up and discovered it wasn't a soccer ball, but a bowling ball painted to look like a soccer ball.
"A bowling ball?" explaimed Melanie still holding her sore foot as she stood infront of Steven. She reached out with one hand and touched the ball to know for herself it was the real deal. Then they both heard a strange laugh.

Steven looked down to the left side of him and saw an unusual sight. There was a little clown standing here leaning on what appeared to be a giant wooden mallet. He took no notice to the mallet, but to the fact there was a tiny clown dressed with the makeup, the long shoes, and even the red nose standing there looking up at him. He really should have taken notice to the mallet though because the clown gave a huge grin to Steven and then swung the mallet up and over it's head and bringing it down hard on Steven's bare left foot.

"OWWWWWWWW!" Steven yelled as she grabbed his left foot into his hands, but by doing so he let go of the bowling ball, which plumeted straight down onto Melanie's left foot. Melanie didn't react intime because she was still holding her right foot in her hands.
"YEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWIIIIIEEEEE OWWWWWWWIIIEEEEE OOOOOOWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" Melanie shouted and switched feet. Both of them hopped and cried as the little clown laughed at them in amusement. Steven noticed the clown was stuck around to watch, but wasn't sure why. He then knew when he saw the clown go for another strike with the mallet to his foot. Before the mallet came crashing down though, Steven let go of his foot and grabbed the mallet and yanked it away from the clown. The clown required two hands to use the mallet, but in proportion to Steven, it was easly useable with one hand.
"My turn!" said Steven and began chasing after the clown with a small limp in his step.

The clown took off running and was surpisingly fast for a small character. Steven tried WHOMPing the clown with the hammer, but to no avail. He kept trying though missing sometimes, coming close others, but never actually hit him. Then the clown ran around in circles confusing Steven. After he regained focus he saw the clown with his back facing him. The opportunity to strike was now and so he did. With full extention of the arm, Steven brought the hammer up and down right on.......Melanie's right foot? "YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW" she screamed and switched feet again going from clutching her left foot to her right foot. "OOOOOHHHH MY POOOR WITTTLE FEET!"
"Oh I'm so sorry!" apologized Steven seeing his cousin hopping around in pain. He held the mallet to his side, which unfortunately was at the level of the clowm who grabbed it out of Steven's hand with a lot force and took off running towards a shed.

Steven thought he had the clown cornered, but when he tried to open the door he had a hard time doing so. It wouldn't budge. At one point he was pulling on the door handle while both feet were propped on the door. He was hanging in mid air, at least until the handle popped off sending him THUDing to the ground. The doors swung open and out came the clown on an ATV. Steven rolled out of the way intime to look back and see his cousin having her left foot run over by the wheels. "OWWWWWWW! WHY MY POOR FEETSIES!" she excalimed switching from her right foot back to clutching her left and hopping around. Steven was amazing she was even able to do that with her feet being in so much pain. The clown made a U-turn and drove towards Steven at full speed, but Steven was able to swing his body around onto the ATV and stopped the vehicle. He then took the clown, and threw it as hard as he could ,like a baseball, over the fence of his yard and into the street nearby.
"That takes care of him." Steven said to himself as he brushed his hands together. When he turned around he saw Melanie standing there breathing heavily. She had an angry scowl on her face. "Well, the clowns gone."
"Oh really." she said. Before Steven could even digest what was going on he found a well placed stomp to his left toes.
"OWWWWW!" Steven exclaimed as he clutched his toes in his hands. "What did you do that for?" She didn't say a word, but instead grabbed the wooden mallet and swung it up and over planting it on Steven's right foot. "YEEEEEOOOWWWW OWWWWWW! What the hell!" shouted Steven as he switched from holding his left toes to his right foot.
"This," Melanie began. "Is everything my poor tootsies and feetsies felt because you couldn't stop that clown fast enough." As she was saying this, she walked over to the ATV and started it up. She drove it stopping directly on Steven's left barefoot and turned off the machine. "Now I want you to think about that while I go put my feet up and massage them." Melanie said as she walked towards and how and disappeared within.

Steven was left outside clutching his right foot in his hand while having an ATV parked on his left one. He cried out in pain trying to push it off, but the pain in his feet weakened him. He even started kicking it with his free foot, but that only caused him more pain as he clutched it in his hand screaming.
"I'm sorry Melanie! OWWWWWW! Please come back and take this off my foot! I'm SORRRRRRYYYYYYY!" shoued Steven, but it was no good. Melanie was inside sitting in a recliner chair and started wrapping her feet in bandages. Although Steven could not see it, the little clown was sitting on the top of the large face smiling down seeing the pain he put his latest victims through. Once again the lessn was taught that nobody can defeat the evil little clown!
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