Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796375-Merging-The-Reshiram-And-Zekrom-Club
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1796375
a story about the Reshiram Club Merging With The Zekrom Club
--8PM at the Reshiram Club in a metropolitan city...

         "This meeting is adjourned." the head Reshiram of the Reshiram Club says, she continues, "Justin, can you stay after? I want to speak with you." "Sure!" Justin replies.

         After all the Reshirams leave, Justin & the head Reshiram talk. "What is it, Reshiram?" Justin asks. "Since you are one of our best valued members of the Reshiram club here, we want you to be a part of our next big plan. We’ll talk about our plans tomorrow and I'll fill you in then. Meet me at the green mansion by the big lake at 1PM tomorrow here is the address. Go to the 3rd floor, third room on the left and I'll be there" Reshiram explains to Justin. "You may leave now"

         Justin exits the club and gets on his Moltres and rides his Moltres home. Upon arriving, he wonders what the big plan is for the Reshiram club. And then goes to bed.

         --The next day, 30 minutes after noon.

         Justin rides his Moltres to the green mansion and arrives right on schedule. He goes to the room that Reshiram told him to go to. He sees the Reshiram; she is talking to a Zekrom.

         Justin speaks, "hey! I he..." Justin was interrupted by Zekrom, Zekrom yells, "An intruder! Bolt Strike!" "Zekrom!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Reshiram yells. But it was too late, the attack was initiated and it hit Justin, Justin was knocked out!

         "That was our best valued member of the Reshiram Club, he was going to join us in the discussion of the merging of the Reshiram Club and the Zekrom Club, now look what you have done!!" Reshiram explains to Zekrom, Zekrom apologizes, "Sorry!!!"

         "We still have time, Zekrom, hurry to the large kitchen and grab a revive from the fridge" Reshiram commanded, "Will it work on a human?" Zekrom asks. Reshiram replies, "Yes! I've done this before"

         Zekrom runs and grabs the revive and uses it on Justin, Justin slowly wakes up. Zekrom speaks to Justin, "I am so sorry, we have been getting a lot of attackers lately!" Reshiram asks, "Are you OK?" Justin says in a slurred voice, "I feel woozy, weak, and a lot of pain" Reshiram says to Justin, "yeah, you definitely took a beating, this is Bolt Strike, we're talking about, and it was a direct hit!, you'll be out of commission for a few days, you need some rest"
         Reshiram and Zekrom take Justin to the luxury bedroom and puts him in the bed. "We’ll take turns watching over you until you recover, but Zekrom and I need to talk, I'll be back in 30 minutes" Reshiram says to Justin.

         Reshiram and Zekrom go into another room, "this will delay our meeting for a few days" Reshiram says to Zekrom. "Yes, definitely. I hope this won't jeopardize our merging plans!" Zekrom replied. "Justin might protest it now!"

         Reshiram returns to the room Justin is in. "I am the first to watch over you." Reshiram says to Justin. "Can you call the city's Pokemon center where I work and tell them that I won't be in for a few days?" Justin says back. "Sure!" Reshiram replies.

         Reshiram calls the Pokemon Center. "Hello this is the city Pokemon center, how may I help you? The lady on the phone says. "I am calling to inform you that one of your employees, Justin Coolidge got attacked by a strong Pokemon attack and will not be able to come in to work for a few days." Reshiram says to the lady on the phone. "Oh I'm sorry to hear, he was the best! Business is usually up when he works! Not too many men are good at healing Pokemon like he is! Thanks for letting me know"

         Reshiram watches over Justin for the remainder of the day. The next day Zekrom watches over Justin. Zekrom speaks with comforting words to Justin, to keep him comfortable until the next day when Reshiram watches over Justin until 5PM "Zekrom is going to watch over you for the rest of the day, I need to run the Reshiram Club today." Zekrom comes in and Reshiram returns to the Club.

         --at the Reshiram Club

         Reshiram speaks at the club "I am sorry to inform all of you that Justin our valued only human member is sick after being hit by a strong Pokemon attack. we will have a moment of silence ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Keep Justin in your thoughts and prayers, now to official business." the meeting continues until 8PM.

         For the next few days, Reshiram and Zekrom take turns watching over Justin. Justin gets up during Zekrom's turn of watching. "Seems like you're all better now! Can I get you anything?" Zekrom asks "coffee and a bagel." Justin replies. "I am so sorry for what I've done, I want to make it up to you, here is a check for $5000, courtesy of the Zekrom Club for all your trouble." Zekrom says back.

         Justin and Zekrom walk to the master living room and meet Reshiram in the room. "I see you've recovered from the Bolt Strike attack." Reshiram says to Justin. Justin replies, "I bet I would have had better luck surviving Fusion Flare." "How so?" Reshiram asks. "I ride Moltres for transportation. I've been riding Moltres for 10 years! I am around fire all the time!" Justin explains. "My Fusion Flare is more powerful than any fire of Moltres's. Don’t take any chances." Reshiram said back

         "We’ll do this discussion we were originally going to do several days ago at 6PM today. You in, Justin? Reshiram asks. "Yes! As long as Zekrom doesn't Bolt Strike me again when I walk into the room!" Justin says. Reshiram & Zekrom say together, "I don't think you'll have that problem."

         --6PM in the same room as before, third floor, third room on the left.

         Reshiram opens the discussion with the following words "We were talking about combining the Reshiram Club with the Zekrom club, merging them together. Do you like that idea, Justin?" Justin replies with "yeah, I'm OK with it." Zekrom says next, "I was really worried you wouldn't want that after what I did." Justin says to Zekrom, "well, I believe in forgiveness." the discussion continues for a few hours and a decision was made to merge the clubs into one.

         Reshiram says, "All we need is a name now." Justin floats the idea, "how about the ReshiramZekrom club" "good" Reshiram replies "anything else?" Zekrom says, "why not the other way around, ZekromReshiram." Justin says, "maybe, but I think ReshiramZekrom has more of a ring to it." Zekrom thinks about it for a moment then says, "Yeah it does, I like that, The ReshiramZekrom Club" after another half and hour discussion, it was agreed upon that after the merge, the club name will be The ReshiramZekrom Club."

         The next day, both clubs had meetings simultaneously at their own original locations, the first time for that to ever occur. Both clubs made the announcement. Within 4 months, both clubs were fully merged into one and The ReshiramZekrom Club was born. Both locations were used, they just had two branches. both locations for there on out, had both Reshirams and Zekroms at the club during meetings, get togethers, and other fun activities" Justin himself went back and forth between the two locations, although one was a greater distance than the other, Justin still had his trusty Moltres to get there." and the club lives on!!

                                  THE END
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