Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796106-Lenas-First-Experience-Epilogue
by Benari
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1796106
Lena Nygard comes to terms with her new found passion
The weeks after her first time being swallowed were odd. Lena's emotional state fluctuated from happy, to sad, depressed to ecstatic as her mind rolled over what she'd been through. She had initially felt calm, and happy with her choice, but now... she just didn't know.
         At work, her mood was obvious, and she was given a pretty wide berth. Of course, Zaz and Meri still made an effort to comfort her in times of need, and no-one said a word about what they all knew she'd been through.
         Before one of her shifts, Rufy called her up to his office.
         “Lena! Thanks for taking the time to see me.”
         “It's not a problem.”
         “Now... you can probably guess why I called you up here.” He said, his tone hardening for a second.
         “Yes sir...”
         “Can you understand the problem I face?” He raised an eyebrow, before smiling in a fatherly fashion. “Well, in fact it's not actually as bad as it could be. After all, you were willing, but you're not registered. If you sign this contract, it will tell us that you did it of your own free will, and we can easily work around this.” He said, pushing an electronic tablet over.
         Lena pulled the tablet towards her and read quickly through what was being asked, before signing it and pushing it back towards Rufy. His smile became a lot more natural.
         “That's a massive weight off my shoulders I tell you. Ms. Vaernheim could have gone to jail and Ms. Urtsakar would have probably had to have been fired.” Lena started, but Rufy motioned that she should stay seated.
         “I have to ask now though, are you interested in becoming an employee in the vore lounge?”
         Lena slowly stood up, and headed to the door. As she opened it, she looked back. “I'll think about it.” She said, before walking out. Rufy nodded after her, sitting back down with a sigh.
         “At least she's still working...” He said to the room in general, pouring himself a drink.

         A soft knock came at Lena's door, before the handle turned and the door opened. Karyn's face poked around the crack. Lena smiled, and sat up on her bed, running a hand through her tussled hair.
         “Hello Karyn...”
         “Hey... you alright?” The girl asked, sitting down next to Lena.
         “What do you think?”
         “Yeah... I thought as much. If you'd like, I can go.” Lena shook her head, as Karyn rested a hand on Lena's shoulder.
         “It was so clear at the time... but now...”
         “Lena... have you spoken to your dad?” The serilya looked up, confusion on her face.
         “You said that night... your dad invited the officers inside. Just think about it.” The girl said, before giving the serilya a gentle cuddle, and kissing her cheek softly.
         “Karyn I...”
         “To find true peace, we must first truly understand.” Karyn said softly, before smiling. “Take care Lena. We're still friends right?”
         “Yeah... yeah we are.” Lena smiled again, as Karyn slipped back out.

         “Hey dad.”
         “Hi sweet-wings! I wasn't expecting a call from you.” Lena smiled at her dad.
         “I just felt I needed to tell you something.”
         “What was that sweetie?” Her dad looked happy, but curious. She breathed in deeply.
         “I've finally come to terms with mum's death.” She let it hang there for a few seconds. Her dad's face slowly changed, and seemed to gain a few years.
         “You joined up didn't you.”
         “Joined up? What do you mean dad?” He looked back up, rubbing his brow.
         “I know about Vortex.” His words cut though her. She blinked in shock as he continued. “There's something I need to tell you about your mother. She was registered prey.” Lena's eyes widened. Her dad looked at her, before shaking his head.
         “That night we were told... I knew you were there.” He smiled a bit awkwardly. “The officers told the rest of the story after you'd left. She'd been going to meet a registered predator, an old friend. Apparently, their investigation found out that the arachne she'd been going to meet had been killed by another of his species. She'd gone to be eaten... and got that. But her predator didn't stop, hadn't taken any drugs to stop the biological processes... and she was killed.”
         “Dad... I...”
         “I know sweetie. I had a feeling this day would come. Your mum and I also talked about it, you know?” He chuckled softly. “Just... don't go getting yourself hurt my little angel. I couldn't bear to lose you too.”
         “But dad...”
         “I can see it in your eyes angel... You've tried it, you liked it. And I don't hold it against you. But be careful. Rufy's given me his utter assurance that you'll be looked after properly. Just promise me to stay safe.” He smiled. “got to go now sweet-wings. You take care for me. I love you Lena.” He said, as the link cut out.
         Lena sat back in her chair, her mind alive again, troubles surfacing before once again... a soft voice cooled her thoughts. She felt a soft touch on her wings, cool and relaxing. She closed her eyes softly as her mind cleared.
         “I love you... mum.”
         <And I love you too... my little Lee-lee>

         Lena finished counting up the night's taking and closed the file. She looked up at Meri, who grinned back at her as they both got up. He shook her hand.
         “Another great night. Have a good evening Lee.” She nodded happily, pulling on her coat. She walked out through the bar, waving to her co-workers, high fiving Zaz on her way out as she pulled off her white armband, sliding it into her bag. A yell got her attention, before she found herself pounced by Karyn. The two embraced happily, before Lena pulled another armband out of her bag, this one a bright red. Together, holding hands, the pair walked up towards the Red-zone, the doors opening for them. They paused in the doorway, looking inside. Karyn turned to the serilya.
         “Good to have you on the team.” She said, hugging her again.
         “It's good to be here...” Lena replied softly, before a tail snaked around bother of them. The pair looked up and giggled, as the doors closed and their work began.
© Copyright 2011 Benari (benari at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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