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Short story about a student who gradually falls in love with her teacher. |
To briefly summarize the story, it’s about a college student who, unexpectedly, falls in love with one of her teachers. It’s light, humorous, and contains dosages of romance. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this, and if you have the time, comment. =) Status: Ongoing Chapters: 3 Chapter One: Meet Mr. Iff “Okay, class will start. So stop doing those things unrelated to my subject. Now.” Although the words may seem strict or somewhat authoritative, he has this knack of making those sound gentle—but not friendly. So, you see, we really need to obey him. But he still maintains a nice relationship with his students—a light and friendly relationship with all of us. And that’s one thing about him that I like so much. He’s a friend and at the same time, our teacher. “Can someone please volunteer to recall the lessons we tackled last meeting?” Mr. Clifford Rawson or Mr. Iff, as he told us to call him, because his name is Clifford, and he doesn’t want his students or friends to call him by that name for the reason I have no knowledge about. I don’t even find anything unpleasing about it. But with deep thinking, maybe he wants people, special people in his life, to remember him in a unique way, that he’s the only person with the nickname “Iff” or “Mr. Iff”. Or maybe he simply finds “Clifford” a dull or a very common name. Whatever the reason is. “No volunteers? Anyone? Oh C’mon. All the lessons disappeared in your head? Think! Think!” Oftentimes, he’ll tell us stories, related or not to the topic, on an impulse. Funny or dramatic stories—totally depend on what comes in his mind at that moment. And every time he does that, I always enjoy listening to him, whether the story is nonsense or dull. I don’t know. I find them enjoyable and fun. I... just love listening to him. “Then I’ll call someone. Geez. I told you not to come to class mentally unprepared.” And more than ever, one of the many things about him that I currently love the most is his positive outlook on life. He looks at things on the brighter side of them. And maybe that’s his secret—of how he manages to keep that genuine smile on his face every day, every morning. I really adore that. “Ms. Crouse. Anything in mind? Strangely, you’ve been smiling there for a while now...” Although he says that, he’s not looking at me like I’m a freak, instead, it seems, in a little amount, he’s happy for me. And I’m pleased to know that. “I didn’t notice, sir.” I give him a bashful smile. Maybe it bothers him so much he can’t resist mentioning it to the whole class. Just great Mr. Iff. “It’s okay. Rather than frowning, smiling is better. Though watch yourself sometimes, it might be a different case.” “Noted, sir.” I smile at him with a tiny bit of nervousness. “As what I’ve been saying, can you tell us something from the previous meeting?” I shouldn’t blow this. This is a chance to impress him since I don’t get called often, or rather, this is the first time he called me. “As best as I can. I’ll try...” Good thing I wasn’t looking at him while I was daydreaming, or else, it might have freaked him out. But one thing I know, I really like him. I feel really happy seeing him—to class; anywhere. More than anything. “Hey, you going straight home?” Carrie Roslyn, my best friend in the whole wide town for almost four years now, asks me behind my back. Before going home from school, I always like to clean my bag off crumpled papers and fix my books and stuff, because it’s too troublesome while walking to the bus station carrying a trash-loaded bag; my shoulders will hurt more than usual. “No. I need to run some errands for Mom,” I plainly say. I turn my head to see her pouting at me with her red-stained lips, which tells me she has just retouched her face with cosmetics. She looks pretty with it, though I’m not implying she’s ugly without it. It’s just that she looks more mature, but believe me, it’s the exact opposite. “...What’s with that?” I’m finished with my business, and my bag’s hanging on my shoulder, ready to go. “I really want you to come with me to Erik’s house. It is gonna be fun, I promise. We’re just going to taste those wines his dad brought from France.” I don’t have anything against Erik, but I somewhat dislike the guy. He has looks, good grades, average height, fancy things, and rich—the type of guy girls dream of. But, he’s cocky, rude to low self-esteemed girls, playboy, and he gets into fights often with the other male students in the nearby high school—with him at fault. “Carrie, I have something else to do. You know I do all the house chores and run errands alone. Please understand.” And it’s true. But also good timing, I don’t want to go to that Erik’s house. “... Okay.” She says casually. “I know you more than anyone... I think. Just be careful on the way—” She heads to the classroom door. And this is the only time I notice the room’s already deserted. “I don’t want to hear you’ve been hit by a reckless driver or something!” She smiles while she waves at me, and then disappears out the door. I can only blurt “Stupid!” on an impulse. As much as I want to finish these errands early today, Mr. Wilcox’s not making it easy for me. He’s actually mom’s close friend, and just a week ago, she borrowed money from him, and as she always do, after doing it, she promised to return it today. I really don’t understand why she can’t personally do it on their next meeting. Because they at least meet once a month, and Mr. Wilcox is not the type to run out of money. His secretary has told me he’s out for the moment; he’s the head of the accounting department in this company. And, she doesn’t know what time he’ll return. I really don’t want to waste any more minutes, because I have two long tests tomorrow, and I really have to exert extra effort on studying these, mainly because I want to maintain my scholarship. You see, we’re not rich, our lifestyle’s poor, and mom’s the only bread winner in the family because dad died ten years ago. Ever since then, we’ve been tight on budget, and the last time we went out for a family trip was at grandma’s seventy-ninth birthday. That was her last wish, to go to Maryland once again, where she met grandpa for the first time. “Okay, next is this convenience store. I hope the manager’s in.” The store looks like any typical convenience store—bright, white, and well-maintained. And the first personnel I see is the cashier—he’s in blue and yellow polo uniform with a cap with the same colors. “Is the manager in?” I politely say. “Any business with him?” From a practiced smile, his face changes, and begins to look somewhat wary. “The work he requested to Ms. Eloise Crouse is here.” “Oh. Leave it to me. I’ll take it to him.” And his expression changes again, which tells he’s informed about it, back to that practiced smile. “Thanks.” Luckily, I finished all the errands before sunset, and I still have some minutes to buy a drink from that vending machine near a bench, and rest on the latter. I don’t know. I usually don’t hang around public places when I’m alone—because of safety measures, but this time, I feel really worn-out. While slowly drinking my bottled coke, I’m just looking at the people who’re passing by in front of me. Some look busy, as I am; some are walking really fast, overtaking people, guess they’re already late in something; some look carefree and relaxed, maybe they’re trying to ward stress off their necks. My bottle’s already empty and I’m about to leave when someone sits beside me. It makes me nervous, but only a little. And then suddenly, a hand touches my arm... And I look to my side to see who it is... My eyes can’t believe at what I’m seeing... “Why’re you here alone, Crouse?” The man smiles at me. That familiar smile that belongs to— “Mr. Iff!” That’s all I can say at the moment. I’m still surprised to meet him at a place like this. He’s still wearing the same light brown collared shirt, but a white knitted sweater’s on it. And that same black slacks and black leather shoes. His hair’s a bit messy, but his smile remains visible on his face. And now that I can look closely at his face, I haven’t realized he’s handsome, and his azure eyes and lips are beautiful. Wait... I... What have I just— “You look really surprised seeing me here that you don’t notice you’ve been staring at me for a while now. Ha-ha. And that look on your face, it’s funny. Stop that.” I can see he’s restraining himself from laughing. This teacher, so mean. Most people may think having a funny face is not a good thing and I also, too. One thing about him is he’ll tell what he thinks about you. Whatever it is. I learned that through keen observation. “Are you going home?” He asks. “Yeah, I was about to—“ “Great!” He exclaims. “Then let’s go home together. Where do you live?” Is this... for real? “Finsterville—“ “Then we take the same bus. I live near Finsterville.” Again with that smile. “Where do you live, Mr. Iff?” Somehow, I feel this urge to know his place. “In Rameline Village.” Woah! That’s just the neighbourhood village of the one next to us! How come I haven’t noticed him around there? Because before, I used to visit a close friend in that place. This is such a coincidence. “Come on, let’s go home,” He smilingly says. Somehow, in my point of view right now, with his body in front of me against the sunset’s light, Mr. Iff seems to be faintly glowing on the edges. With his warm smiling eyes looking at me, he reaches out his hand. And somehow, he seems very beautiful... and kind. I like Mr. Iff. That’s true. But my heart shouldn’t be pounding hard against my chest. Just like right this moment. Chapter Two: Bus Journey Up to the time we boarded the bus, and sat on vacant seats, with me beside the window, my mind can’t still believe I’m riding a bus home with Mr. Iff. I haven’t experienced this before, travelling with a teacher, besides out-of-campus trips. Especially with the one I adore so much. And because of this, I think I’m the luckiest student alive in our campus. “Do you often space out?” Suddenly, my thoughts trail off by that question, and I look at him at my side. At the same time, I feel shy. But now that I rethink about it, why am I? “Not really...” I’m trying my hardest to calm my heart. It’s been beating fast since we were on the bench. He give out a long “I seeeeeeeee. Lemme guess—“ “No, you can’t.” I don’t know what have gotten into me that I suddenly say that. Good thing it’s almost inaudible. Or else, it might have hurt his feelings or something like that. “—you’re thinking about someone. Surely I’m correct.” He smiles. “Well... y-yeah...” It happens to be you. I wonder how you’ll react if you come to know? Will you laugh? “Special someone?” He continues. “... It has come to that. He-he.” He slightly nods. “Are you two going out?” “Nothing of that sort,” I casually say. “Aw. Why? You’re not allowed to have a boyfriend yet? Well that’s understandable, you’re still young and—“ “Because... It’s one-sided.” What am I talking about? And what’s with that ‘one-sided’? I’m not in love with him. I clearly know that... I think. Gah! What’s with the ‘I think’ now!? Of course not. “Ahh...—“ He says. “B-but you see, he’s literally only a special someone. It doesn’t mean I love him or something like that.” He nods once. “I understand. Ha-ha. Funny I immediately assumed its love.” I don’t even know it myself. And then, we become quiet. When I glance at him, I can see he’s watching this comedy show on the television at the front of the bus. And once in a while, my thoughts will trail off because of his sudden low laughs. On one hand, to entertain myself, I set my attention at the greenery views outside. And to the look of it, we’re approximately twenty-five meters away my subdivision. *Toot-toot*Toot-toot* My phone... I dig in my bag and hold it against my ear. “Hello?” I say. “What? ... What!? ... What time did that happen? ... Where are you now? ... Did you bring any of mom’s clothes? ... Okay, I’ll go there. Bye.” “Something wrong?” Mr. Iff asks worriedly. “Ah... my mom. She’s confined. My brother’s with her and they’re in St. James Hospital right now...” Dang! I forgot to ask where St. James is... “Then let’s get down on the next stop. Because this isn’t going to the hospital.” You’ve got to be kidding me... “No, it’s okay. I can go there on my own.” I smile to assure him I’m going to be fine. He stares at me for a moment, and my heart begins to beat fast again. What’s wrong with my heart today? Do I have any heart sickness? Of course not. Silly me. I’m not that stupid and naive like in some shoujo manga to think it’s that. I perfectly well know why. “Are you sure? You don’t need any help?” I smile again. “ No, it’s fine.” “Then okay.” He looks at the television again. “I... just have one question,” I slowly say. “What is it?” “How do you go to the hospital?” And with that, he stares at me without any word. Chapter Three: Family of Three In the end, he decides to go with me, without asking anymore. Maybe he thinks I will not survive if he leaves me alone going here. But really, it’s the opposite. I’m mature, despite my still-child-like looks. We cross the road, into the lobby of the hospital. The place is full of patients and their relatives, doctors and nurses walking or running about. And, this place looks somewhat familiar to me. I just can’t remember anything about it. “What floor is room 1019?” I ask the nurse behind the reception desk. “Third fl—“ A very familiar voice shouts my name a few meters away from us. “Erin!” he repeats. “Is that your brother?” Mr. Iff asks. “Unfortunately, yes...” Can’t he be quieter? We’re in a hospital, doesn’t he knows that? “Erin.” My brother, Theo, is standing in front of us. Somehow, his face looks confused. “Erin—“ “What?” He looks at Mr. Iff; Mr. Iff smiles at him. But then, if only I know what his next words are, I could’ve stopped his big mouth from saying it. “Is he your boyfriend? I never would’ve thought—” “Theo, you idiot!” I cover his mouth. This is very embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks getting hot. And then, Mr. Iff laughs. “Really? Do I look that young?” “No. Erin looks old.” He says with a straight face. And then the three of us becomes quiet. “Mom, are you alright?” I ask. She’s lying on the cot, with a white blanket covering her body up to the chest, and her arms on top of it. Mom looks a little pale, her eyes are dreary, and her raw umber hair’s a bit messy. “Yes. I just need a little rest. The doctor said I can go home tomorrow morning.” With her soft hand, she holds mine. And she smiles at me. Her eyes suddenly look at something behind me, and lock there. And then she speaks. “Who’s that man with you?” She slowly asks. “Oh, he’s my adviser, Mr—“ “No... The other man...” “O-other man...?” Mr. Iff’s voice sounds nervous. “Mom!” I lowly hiss. “Don’t expose your gift to him. He might get scared and run away.” She suddenly laughs, and I join her, too. I know what she’s up to. “Gotcha! That’s just a silly joke. I’m very sorry if it scared you.” She smiles at him. “A-ah... I see,” He briefly nervously laughs. “I thought there’s a ghost here or something. You got me there.” Whew. “I’m Clifford Rawson. Your daughter’s adviser and teacher.” He exchanges hands with mom. “Eloise Crouse, her mother. Are you hungry Mr. Rawson? Do you want something to eat?” He shrugs and smiles. “Not really, but it’s almost dinner time. I might want to eat now.” “I really can’t go with you, but Erin can. Theo already ate dinner.” She smiles at Mr. Iff, and then, turns to me. “Do you still have money? Get some from my wallet in my bag—“ “No, no,” Mr. Iff waves his hands at mom. “It’s on me. I’ll treat her to dinner.” My eyes widen at him. “That won’t be necessary. I should be the one, though. You accompanied my daughter here.” He flashes that wide grin. “It’s really okay. No biggie. Do you want something to eat?” No mom, no. Don’t— “Can I request a latte, please?” She smiles innocently. “Sure.” Am I the only one who’s shy around here? Things happen so fast. One blink I was riding the bus with Mr. Iff, and then I’m here eating dinner with him. Can’t things get any more surprising? I’m not the type to stare at people who eat, but in Mr. Iff’s case, it’s different. I don’t know. It’s not something big of a deal. But if it’s not, why am I feeling shy at seeing him eat across the table with me? With every chew and every swallows he make, I can’t help but glance. Moreover, I can’t even eat properly myself. Damn, this isn’t good. I’ll look silly. I must act with poise. Now. “You look silly, Ms. Crouse.” I look up, and see him staring at me with confusion visible on his face. I don’t know what to react with what he just said. And how many times did he say that today? I believe it’s the second time already. “Or perhaps you don’t like the food? Do you want to order anoth—“ “No, its fine as it is.” I assure him with a smile. “If it is then... why do you keep looking at me? I can’t help but notice, you know. It’s like you’ll grab my food...” Did he really think I’d do that? “The food’s fine. And I’m not gonna steal yours.” The last time I did that was when I was still a preschooler. Sheesh. “Then what’s the matter?” Telling the truth is just fine by me, but I’m afraid it might create an awkward feeling between us. This professor is really unpredictable you know. I can’t even guess even the slightest hint of what he’s thinking. “I’m just sleepy, that’s all...” It’s better to say this. “Okay then... but you sure you’re not going to eat that? It’s a waste...” “I’ll just take it home.” I smile. He nods. “Is your brother coming home with us?” “No. I don’t believe he’ll leave mom’s side...” He calls for the waiter, and seconds after, pays the bill. On the other hand, I stand up, ready to go. But then, just as we’re about to leave the table, he stops and looks at me. What is it this time...? Can’t you feel I’m about to get a heart attack every time you look at me without saying anything? “I... nearly forgot your mom’s latte...” Oh. To be continued... |