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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1795549
After the end of the world this novel follows humans, demons, and angels trying to coexist
         Our procession through the halls of the ancient catholic school was lit by glowing orbs of light. Spheres of fire led us to the large stone doors at the far south corner of the school. Two massive Demons pushed against the doors. A loud rumble shook the air, the floor and walls trembled as the doors groaned and cried as they were pushed open. A cold blast of air hit us with such a force, some were pushed back. My body responded with goose bumps as the hair stood on my arms and neck. It became extremely cold though one of the fire globes hovered a foot from me. I began to realize, what we were going to encounter. Angela took my arm as she did earlier, but her skin was much like mine, bumpy and cold. She squeezed tightly, I looked at her face, her eyes were wide, pupils dilated and trembling. I placed my hand on hers and she attempted a smile that only made her face look misshapen and contorted. Once the doors were open we continued forward. Some students that were merrily leading the way through our familiar hallways began to slow and drift behind. The leaders were thinning to a few brave or prideful souls you stayed ahead of everyone with the Professors.

The hall we entered was dark and smelled of mold and mildew. It seemed damp, though the walls and floor were dry. Somehow there was a presence about us, as though something were watching, almost waiting for us. A loud thud behind the group startled everyone, jumping, bumping, screams, and gasps. Professors spoke explaining it was the doors being closed and nothing to worry about, but that just made everything worse. There wasn’t a person among us that could pry those solid blocks open. We were trapped, locked in. Some began to panic, others hyperventilate. It seemed our happy graduation had taken a turn for the worse. Teachers were helping students to sit and place their heads between their legs. Others were keeping students from racing to the doors and injuring themselves trying to leave. It seemed they were in no hurry to continue, or they were simply trying to prepare us for what lay ahead. I stood as still as the stone doors that had just shut us into this dark world. I remembered a Professor telling us during a simulation. That though this training took place at night, the darkness we were in wouldn’t be a fraction of the darkness of the bonding. Most of us pictured a moonless night, perhaps the darkness of the cellars of the school where the food storage area is located.  We were nowhere near the truth. This darkness was full and thick. It wrapped us up in its cold menacing arms. I closed my eyes. I tried to distract myself which was never a problem before, but there was no way to escape this.

         I could hear all about me concerned whispers and stifled breaths. And felt my own anxiety level rising. I must regain control. I tried to resist the queasiness clinging to my belly and force the uneasy being-watched feeling from my consciousness. If there was anything we learned in class, to let them know you are afraid is the worst thing you can possibly do for yourself and those around you. We have to get a grip. And speaking of grip, Angela’s was cutting off my circulation. “Angela, you can let go. We know what is in here and we know how to handle them.” But my voice broke on my words and I wished I had said nothing, for I felt my hair rise from my skin and I could almost hear the menacing chuckles and snickers in the musky air. My arm was released though and I know I could hear a whispered “you’re right” near my ear. We could handle whatever this was, couldn’t we? I suppose the Professors had, and twenty-six other classes before us had made it out alive. It is possible, and highly probable that everything would be fine.

         It didn’t feel fine, not by any measure of the word. And despite my earlier brave words to myself I could certainly feel beings about me marking me as prey. We had all begun our slow steady shuffle towards the Demon Room at the end of the hall. Some cowered and trembled as they walked, but others, such as Chandra our fearless leader walking right in the front and some of the school’s more athletic boys, Devin among them strait and purposeful in their movements. I wondered if they felt what I felt. I wondered if their skin rose with icy chills, or if their ears caught the quick electric words zipping throughout the room. Or was it only I that could hear and feel the beings walking with us. The light from the orbs that lead the way began to fade. Gradually becoming clouded like a dark mist swirling around them. The darkness grew heavy and full now. A presence of its own enveloped us. It was hard to breath.

         At the end of the hall another large stone door with fearsome faces etched into it stood in our path. This was the door of the Demon Room. It was here that some of the demons and some of the Professors vanished together. They were taking their positions in the watching rooms about the tower. They would be the ones to watch the bonding to ensure it goes according to plan. If a bond is made they will ensure the room is readied for the next student, if by chance some difficulty occurs they are instructed to stop the proceedings and control the situation. Despite my uneasiness I was relieved to see that Burswood would be an observer of our bonding. He may have a funny way of showing his concern for us but we all knew he would take it personal if something happened to us. I could feel the invisible beings around us mocking me in my slight ease.

“Students” Farr’s voice slid through the darkness towards us with uncanny ease, “Behind me is the Demon Room. This is the time to shine in the endless dark that awaits you. Just remember your lessons. Keep your mind focused on your barrier. Do not let it drop. These are real monsters that expect to get free human offerings. They will not have this chance. Do not let them have this chance. We will be watching you in case something goes wrong, but I know you are all proficient. You are strong and you can do what is necessary. Good luck. Now, could the first student in line step forward?”

         Chandra stepped forward with her usual confidence, and I know I heard growls of pleasure from the air. I shivered viciously from a deep chill as the door was opened. Chandra seemed to disappear completely into the ebbing darkness of what lied ahead. I almost felt sorry for her, but remembered we would all be meeting the same fate. What seemed odd to me was when the presences disappeared like they were drawn someplace else. The silence and darkness that was left felt oddly lonely and normal. I felt a tinge of sadness as I was left alone to my own thoughts and feelings. I missed them, the beings surrounding me. How very odd? I thought. Was this the feeling you get if you are away from your bonded partner, a sad, other worldly loss? The hall, still full of students, some teachers, and their own demons had an empty feeling. I turned to my friend next to me and whispered my sentiments, “Do you feel… alone, like someone is missing?”

         She made a strangled gasp sound at my words as though I had startled her. Then she whispered back, “I think so. This whole time I could almost feel someone other than you by me. It was like it was talking to me, but I couldn’t understand what it said.”

“I could hear more than one voice.” I said and little concerned.

“Really? I heard that you hear your companion’s words only.”

“Yeah, that is what I heard too.” A girl’s voice behind us joined in the conversation. “You only hear the voice of the demon that you will bond too. I have felt something with me in here besides everyone else. It feels familiar, like I have known it forever.”

“Exactly.” Angela said a little excited.

“Then, why have I been hearing so many different voices?” I couldn’t help but feel nervous now; I don’t think there has ever been a bonding of more than one demon. Does that mean I don’t have a partner here?

“I don’t know.”

“Me either. Maybe you will be lucky and get multiples. It could happen, I think.” Angel was again trying to help me feel better, but it wasn’t helping. I wasn’t the kind of person that something like that would happen to. I could barely keep myself in check let alone many bonded demons, and how would I be able to supply different needs for them. It was just too farfetched.

“Don’t worry; I think you will do great.” This time a voice from ahead of us spoke. A figure moved closer and I could barely make out the face. Devin stood nearly a foot from me. I could smell his outdoorsy smell and feel his body heat on my arm. Just as the icy cold of some other worldly creatures gave me chills, so did he. “I think we will all be fine. We have practiced this before you know.”

“Yeah, but it was with pre-bonded demons. I think is won’t be exactly the same.”

“I guess.” Devin didn’t sound convinced. He had this in control presence about him and I don’t think he was going to be swayed.

“Hey.” Angela gasped the word. “Did you hear that? Quiet!”

         We all instantly stood very still, listening with all our might. Whooshing sounds, they were coming from the door. I felt sick. Something was happening that wasn’t right. We could hear some of the teachers’ murmuring near the Demon Room entrance. “What is…? No, it can’t be...” “Come on!” Demons appeared and disappeared with their companions. Then other demons, larger demons, filled the hall. “What is going on Harlan?” It was Farr probing one of the demons for answers.

“It doesn’t look good.” was all he said to her and it seemed to be enough? Unease grew stronger in our group as we waited to find out what was happening in the room beyond. But our wait was not long. The stone door was virtually flung open creating a defining rumble as it caused the structure in its entirety to shudder with wild fury. Three massive demons rushed past us emitting their own light as they went. In the arms of one a mangled limp form slumped motionless, the clothing torn as well as the flesh. Blood soaked the body and splattered its guardians. The form was human, the human was Chandra. Angela gasped out loud. I could only stand in utter disbelief. And as quickly as they had rushed into the hall, they were gone. My shock seemed so great at the moment visualizing what I had just seen, repeating it over and over inside my mind, but this was nowhere near the thorough trepidation I felt hearing what I did. “She got what was coming to her, don’t you agree?”

“Who said that?” I asked out loud hurt and concerned about my reaction of affirmation I sensed.

“What?” said Devin.

“Huh?” said the girl with us.

“Clare, are you okay?” asked Angela, seeming to know as she always did, the thoughts that filled my consciousness.

“No. I mean, it was nothing.” I couldn’t let her know. I am so ashamed. Luckily their faces were darkened by the lack of light, and my eyes had not adjusted yet to the sudden change in illumination due to the recent fluctuation. I didn’t want to see, I didn’t want them to see. I turned from the group to face the wall behind me. What was this feeling? An overpowering emotion filled with delight for the misfortune of our class representative. No. This was not my emotion. It was something else, someone else. Get out of my head. I thought, trying to place as much emphasis on each word that I could muster. Get out!

         You wanted me here. It replied. You feel left out because your so called friends hear only one of us. You hear us all. You are special. Don’t push us away; we want to stay with you forever. The voice grew louder, no, there were multiples. I couldn’t think my mind was being taken over. The voices placed such hatred and pain inside of me. I had to shake them. I had to get away.

“Clare.” a hand was placed on my shoulder. It was hot and cold at the same time. I know that hand. “Clare. They cannot control you without your permission. They have no ability to manifest in this place without being sanctioned.” It was Pyralis. His flaming power filled me giving my mind light to see the falsehoods being implanted by wayward demons. I grew strong with a flaming glow and stood from a crouched position I had not noticed I was in. “Send them out.” His words burned. I could almost see the multitudes of shadows being scorched from my consciousness. Go. Go now!

         The beasts fled from me with screams of blistering pain. I was free once more. I slumped then, for my legs became weak. The same strong hands held me fast. “Breath.” Were his words and I obeyed. I began to recover, but still felt a numb tingle in my head.

“Pyralis, is she?”

“What happened to her?”

“Poor dear.”

“Clare, oh you stupid, stupid girl!”

         The voices had no distinction between them for a moment, but were soon identified as my two friends Angela and Devin, and Professor Farr, and, oh no, Pyralis’ companion Professor Burswood. They stood around the demon and me, nattering off in several directions. Of all of them, Burswood I could see the clearest. He wore the same face he often had when something concerned me. Anguish, perhaps a little ire creased his brow and his eyes flamed in the dim orb light.

“I come to lead you to the room and what do I find?” he was cross with me. “Possessed! Of all the idiotic confounded…”

“She wasn’t quite possessed.” Pyralis stated this quite mater-of-fact like. He had such a way with the hot headed instructor. I could see why they worked so well together. But he was right. What good was years of training if I couldn’t handle a few disembodied spirits of demons? My heart sank. Surely I should never have graduated having such a weak constitution. Despite what Pyralis said, even a near possession of a demon-bond student was unheard of. How foolish of me to let my guard down. So, so foolish.

“You shouldn’t beat yourself up you know. It doesn’t help to belittle yourself in this place.” Angela hugged me tightly. “You are stronger than you know.” She always knew. I will never understand how, but she knew my deepest thoughts.

         I was feeling much better now, and could stand on my own without feeling dizzy or weak. As soon as this became apparent to everyone that gathered around me I was taken by the arm and lead to the door which stood open awaiting its next victim.

         As the door was forced shut behind me I detected the same menacing presences that accompanied me in the hall. Despite keeping their distance from my mind, they seemed to be fuming. Their encounter with a bonded demon was not a pleasant one and they blamed me for their humiliation. I could almost taste their bitter resentment in the stale air. This was going to be a very interesting event. Already I had made some powerful enemies and this was only the beginning.

         The room was familiar to me, with its markings scared into the floor and the swirling gashes in the walls. This is where the dark ceremony will take place. We had practiced this before, but nothing could have prepared me for the plague of sinister energy biding its time, lying in wait for that slight weakening. I must be strong in here. I must not weaken.

         I took my stance on the x in the center of the room, with a deep breath I struggled to compose my feelings. Concentration was crucial to the bonding. If you lose your concentration you lose your barrier, the shield that protects your physical body from the on slot of demon hordes bent on your destruction. After my small encounter in the hall with the very beasts that would manifest in their physical form in this very room, I couldn’t give them another chance to overtake me. I wouldn’t give them the chance.

“I am Clare.” Introductions are first in the bonding; “I have come to accept one of you to attach yourself to my soul” chills crept up my spine giving me goose bumps once more. “If there is any of you that feel worthy of this right, then come for me. I open myself to you.” This is it. No turning back.

         My arms clung to my sides and I closed my eyes. It is said you can concentrate more fully if you don’t watch the chaos circling you. I could feel the air grow cold and thick. They were manifesting. A tingle of heat flashed through me and I knew the magic of the marks was taking hold. My barrier was rising, its presence barely noticeable in the gloom that was deepening around me. I had never before felt so many beings at one time. So many voices, full of rage, hatred, malice, and evil intent clouded my mind. I had to clear it. Think of your barrier, keep it strong. I must cling to this thought. I couldn’t give in to them. The dark tormented atmosphere in the room started to spin in the expected counter clockwise motion. They were circling. Everything was going according to plan. Then an image dazzled me with unexpected pain and confusion. My grandmother’s face trembling in fear as if I were causing her such misery, no it was not me. It was one of the beings in the room at this very moment. And as though I personally called it forth the diabolical creature spoke to me mentally. Such a sweet old lady, did you know her? When I found her she was calling for you, Clare. My skin crawled and my stomach churned. So sad that I finished her so quickly, if I would have known I would have let her suffer. The laughter was deep and full of wicked pleasure. I felt nauseous. I couldn’t think strait any more a scene of my Grandmother’s passing played over and over before me. Tears burned my eyes and flowed over my cheeks. I was losing my fighting strength. Was it over? With the falling of my tears so too was my barrier falling. It was over. I felt like succumbing to the gnashing jaws and slashing claws that awaited me on the other side of my fading shield. I couldn’t fight this, not now. How could anyone fight such a terrible realization? My Grandmother was dead, due to something that very well may have been my bonded partner. A creature attached to my soul like a parasite. They were coming. I could feel the excitement, the blood lust that raced through their consciousness. It would soon be over.

         Just then another image came to me. Again my Grandmother was before me, but this time her face was smiling and glowing. Her eyes so blue and wise lifted me up from the darkness. And though she did not speak with her lips I could hear her gentle voice clear and sweet. “Don’t give up. I love you.” The words gripped my heart tightly and I could feel strength returning to me. Don’t give up.

         In a flash I placed my whole being into one single action. Raise the barrier. The demons were on the attack I had only a split second to deflect them. Concentrate, concentrate, I could feel the heat rise as a wall of static chilled corruption barreled toward me. The impacts caused a deafening shock wave like thunder bellowing across a tempestuous sky. The shield threw the monstrosities back with such force; they ricocheted off the walls and wailed in pain. Contact with a barrier will cause irreparable damage to a demon, but not enough to kill them. This encounter only enraged them, throwing them into an obsessed frenzy. They had no control now, they attacked the barrier repeatedly without thought to the damage it was inflicting on them. Each attack seemed to worsen the situation as they fed off the pain other demons were feeling. Order was gone; the bonding ritual had become a blood bath. And despite being protected for the most part from the vicious onslaught, I could feel my strength depleting. I didn’t know how long I could hold up against this. I suppose this is why the instructors watched the proceedings, but I had never heard of such a display. Would they know what to do? I could only trust that they would, and hope that they did it soon.

         As though my thoughts were heard I could feel a great force of energy enter the room. The rigid temperature dropped dramatically lower despite its chill before. My hair stood on end, and every inch of my body was charged with electricity. This was a demon’s presence, but I have never felt such a power from a demon, ever. What was this?

         It filled the room so quickly, and the attacks on my shield ceased immediately, as though even the present demons that only recently were mindless brutes, now stopped to gape in awe at whatever arrived. The pause in activity only lasted a second though, but the attacks were no longer directed at me. I could hear the sounds of slashing and cleaving. The cries that sounded off were horrific. The presence was so powerful it was destroying every last demon in the room. I could feel hot blood spattering my face. The smell of sulfur and some sort of inner excrement wafted on torrents of air. I couldn’t take it anymore. My legs gave out first and as I fell I opened my eyes only to catch a brief glimpse of a large shadow looming protectively over me. As I hit the ground my head clacked on the stone floor and everything went dark.

© Copyright 2011 S. Perry (gutfeeling at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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