Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1795476-Malice-and-Madness-Part-Two
Rated: 13+ · Other · Teen · #1795476
The second part of my Malice and Madness story.
Day 6
I wake up in First World. I've grown used to the falling sensation that comes with leaving the Worlds. It is just like it was when Arrin first pushed me down the hole. I get up and get dressed in a black tank top with white arm sleeves, a pair of white , wear my hair down, and go with makeup.
I decide to add highlights to my hair. I go to the local salon and buy four different hair dyes. Red, blue, purple, and black. I go home and immediately head into the bathroom. I use the red to make a large heart in my bangs, the blue makes the tips, the purple, black, and the rest of the red go together and make the color of Harts's rose. I dye the rest of my hair that color, and then wash the dye out an hour later. The red and blue are neon and it looks great. The rose color turns out exactly like the real rose.
I go to school and get there just before eight. I find the gang without interference from the populars, and they all go crazy because of my new hair. "How did you get that color?" asked Sam. "Why do you have a heart in your bangs?" asked Arrin. "I'm going to steal your hair!" said Kaley. "I got the color by mixing a little red, some purple, and black," I told Sam. "And Arrin, I got the heart to represent Allistair." Arrin looked at me oddly for a few minutes and then just sort of shrugged.
I went to class and the teachers stared at my hair for a bit. I just laughed and flashed them a grin. By lunch I had a bunch of teachers confused. I think that they got the same first impression of the color that I did. I went to lunch and noticed that one of the populars was at my table, and he was in my seat. It was Brennan. He was chatting with Sam and Kaley. I felt like I just been kicked in the gut. I made a point of sitting at a differrent table. I made sure that I was the only one there. I can't belive that they would let a popular take my spot. Arrin and someone else noticed that I wasn't at my table. It was Brennan. He and Arrin came over to ask if I was Ok. I got up, punched Arrin in the face, Kicked Brennan in the shins, and left. I can't believe that they let Brennan take my spot.
After school, I call Arrin. "Why did you punch me?!" he says as soon as he picks up. "I did it because you replaced me with one of the lackeys! That isn't his spot! He doesn't belong at that table!! He isn't one of us! Why did you guys let him sit there?!" I scream into the phone. Arrin is quiet for a really long time. I hear beeps come from his phone. Sam and Kaley joined the conversation. Arrin tells them everything I just said, how I said, and then they are quiet. When someone finally speaks, its Sam, "I thought that we were done with this rivalry! You just love getting pissed for no reason don't you! We are trying to help you out, ut you won't let us!!" Kaley joins the rant and says, "Why does it matter!? It isn't like we were replacing you!" Arrin is still really quiet. "It matters because I'm oyur friend! You aren't helping me!! If you want to help, let everything be normal! Stop messing everything up so much!" I scream through my tears. They don't understand what its like to walk in and find that your friends have turned their back on you for someone you hate! Arrin finally speaks, "Are you crying, Liz?"
By now I'm sobbing and I can't talk. I just hang up and curl up in a ball and cry until nothing is left. I'm alone. Nobody is the only friend I have left. Arrin texts and it says "r u Ok? :(" I text bak and say, "NO! i m nt OK! u lft me! all of u did! 4 Brennan no les! I HATE YOU!!!!!!" Arrin doesn't text back. I get up and realize that it is seven, now. I cried for an hour. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes are red and swelled and I lost my voice.
I go into my room and change out of this outfit. I throw out everything they ever bought me. That includes my autographed Rob Zombie T-shirt. I sort them into piles by who got me them. In the end, I have three equal piles. I take them all out in the back yard and put them in the fire pit. I soak them in fire starter and set them on fire and watch the flames go. I cry a little then head inside after putting out. Smoke has gathered in my window and formed a tear shape.
I go to bed. I get in the habit of being mute in World 1, myself in World 2, and everything sort of fades into black for the next three months.
Dream 7
I have been in a sort of routine for the last four months. I have been completely silent in the First World and prepping for the ball in the Second World. Its like my mind was wrapped in a thick blanket. I feel groggy, like I've finally woke up after sleeping all that time.
I get dressed in my black silk tux, a white ribbon in my hair, and black dress . Tomorrow is the day of the ball. Arrin wanted me to wear a dress, but I completely refused. I told him that I don't like having to wear dresses every day. I hate dresses. He let me wear a tuxedo as long as I wore my hair girly.
I go downstairs and get my food. I say good morning to Ella, Arrin, Sam, and Kaley, then head to Allistair's room. We eat our pancakes together, talk for a bit, and then begin to plan for the ball. "Arrin and Jakob will want to dance with you at least once. But, the person who you show up o the arm of, me, will get the first dance. As for the other two, you will have to dance with them. I hope you don't mind," he says. "I won't like dancing with Diamond, but I have to. That won't change. I want to have one more dance session with you tonight though," I tell him.
He agrees to the dance and so we head to the tower. The circular room is now covered in roses that I picked. All the tables have a vase on them. The smell makes me intoxicated as soon as I walk in. Harts and I practice for an hour, and then we sit on the chairs and discuss dance steps. After that we head into the library and read toghether.
I give him a quick kiss before I leave. My heart still flutters when I kiss him, and I don't mind. Ella comes walking by and pretends to cough and we seperate in record time. "God, you scared the crap out of me Ella!" I tell her. She chuckles and then keeps walking. I go to my room and change into pajamas. I head to dinner, eat and then come back to the room. I change and then go to bed. I feel myself leave this world. I cry out and even though I beg to stay, I have to leave.
Day 7
I wake up in the First World. I get dressed. By now I usually wear my usual black T-shirt and matching pants, but today I want people to see me one more time. I go into the bathroom, grab my blue hair dye, and do my whole head in elctric blue. Instead of my usual red heart, I bleach the heart so that it is completely white. I get dressed in A tight white T-shirt with a black vest over it, White tights, and then I grab some balck skinny jeans and cut them up. I look at myself in the mirror and I don't even recognize myself.
I go to school and the populars just stare at me. I think that they notice my hair first, then the fact that I am wearing white lipstick. I blow them a kiss and then keep walking. Arrin, Sam, and Kaley look at me like they don't recognize me. For the first time in four months, I realize that I want to speak to them. I ache for them to take me back. I begin to cry. My head feels like it is underwater. I think that I almost sobbed, but I took control and looked them in the eye and do something I thought that I would never do again, I spoke. "Hi guys! What's going on?" I say. My voice sounds strange, like it was stuck in a box up in the attic. In a way, it was. They look like they are going to cry. I run up to Sam and grab her. I'm sobbing. I hug her and tell her that I missed her. Kaley grabs me and says, "I'm not dreaming? You're really talking?! I missed you so much, Liz!!" She is crying and all I can do is hug her and cry too. Arrin looks like he is going to choke. I grab him and hug him. I basically try to hug them all at once and can't. We are all sobbing by now and apologizing.
In math my teachers are talking and then they ask a question. I know the answer so I raise my hand. He looks like I just slapped him. He calls me and so I speak loud and clear, "The answer is Pi." Everybody is gawking at me when he confirms my answer. I sit down and smile at everyone.
By lunch word has spread that I am talking again. I even sit in my spot today. I'm chatting with everyone when jakob comes up to me. "Are you actually talking for good?" "Yeah." Wow, I thought that you were mute for good or something." "Can I talk to my friends now?" Yeah, I'm gone!" He goes back to his table and keeps looking back at me, like I'll dissappear or something.
When I go home, I am immediately out the door and at Arrin's. He hugs me and we walk up to the elementary school. We hang out on the swing set and catch up with each other. I start crying because I'm so happy, and he just hugs me and calls Sam and Kaley. I missed his kindness, his witty humor, and his all together brotherly factor so much. I missed Sam's constant support and her protectiveness. I missed Kaley's randomness, her childish way of solving things, and her understanding. Pretty soon, we are all hanging out and laughing and crying. I can't believe that I ever hated them.
I go home and decide that I'm going to buy them all something. I buy four tickets to the Panic at the Disco concert on Saturday. I get in my pajamas. Call Sam, Kaley ad Arrin, and we all stay the night at my house. Sam, Kaley and I bunk on the bed, and Arrin sleeps on the couch in the living room. I fall asleep in such a happy mood that it seems like it'll just fade away.
Yet again don't want to leave. But I go. I have to.
Dream 8
I woke up and thought that I heard someone in my room. There is someone in here! i am about to scream when the person says, "Good morning, Lazy Lizzi! Did you sleep well?" It is Harts. I look up and his face is right in front of mine. He scares me sometimes. I scoot forward and give him a kiss. My heart skips a million beats, and I hope his does, too. I held his hand, and he cradled my cheek. I made him leave while I got dressed. I wore my tuxedo with a red tie and matching ribbon in my hair. I left my hair down.
When I opened the door, Allistair fell in the room and I choked on laughter. We all left for the ball at about ten in the morning. Harts was giving me a pep talk. "Its Ok, there is no need to worry. These are always very safe events. In fact, this one celebrates the equinox. You'll have a lot of fun! Of course, I'd be happier if you were in a dress, but whatever!" The grin he gave me about killed me. "I have something in mind," I say. He looks at me funny, but decides against saying anything.
We arrive fairly soon after, and I get out before we stop. Allistair laughs and rolls out behind me. We dusted ourselves off and laughed until we began to cough. I walked in and saw this huge banner. It read, Welcome!! All citizens in our beautiful country, Nightmare, tonight is your night!" Nightmare, that is the name of this land. Kind of funny. Arrin and Jakob are at my side before I can blink. Harts comes in and makes a beeline for me. "Since I am her date, I believe I get the first dance," he states. They glare at him as we head to the dance floor.
We practiced and stuff, but there were so many people watching! I though I might be sick! Allistair and I danced together for a really long time. After a while a crowd had formed around us, and I got super nervous. He felt me tence up and leaned in and whispered, "Its Ok, I won't let them scare you." He took my right and wrapped his other arm around my waist, then took me spun us around and around until the crowd had backed off.
"You wanted me to wear a dress? Well here you go!" I tell him. I let go of him mid-spin, lift my arms above my head and spun for my life. My tux whirled around me and then started to blur. In seconds, half of my pants have blended together into a dress. A little longer and I was in a dress. The top was bright red with a black heart in the middle, the bottom was black with red hearts dotting the bottom. The tie was still there and Hartsforgot his, so I tossed mine to him. "There, I'm in a dress, happy?" He just nods. I laugh and then we dance a little more.
About ten minutes later, Arrin cuts in. "I believe you have had plenty of dancing, Allistair." He and I dance for one song and all the while, we discuss the ball and random things. After that Jakob cuts in I have to dance with him. I make a point of stepping on his toes and avoiding conversation at all costs. After I am done with that horrible experience, I look for Allistair. We chat about nothing much. I grab a drink and sip from it. I get all sorts of flustered when tons of people keep coming up and talking to me.
After three hours I get a break. I hide in a tiny hallway. I'm so exhausted. I am about to turn around when I feel somthing hit me. I grab my stomach and when I look at my hand, it is drenched in blood. I scream and tons of people come running. They all see me collapse and Harts comes running. "What happened?!" he screams.
I try to talk but it hurts too much. I just look at him and hope the message gets through. Someone shot me. All I remember are a pair of blue eyes. My head is spinning and I pass out. My last thought is, "Am I dying?" I feel myself leave and hope that I'm alive.
Day 8
I wake up gasping for air and, for a moment, I feel as though my blood has filled my lungs. I almost wake up Kaley. I stagger out of bed and go into the kitchen.Arrin is rooting around in my fridge, so I sneak up on him and scare the crap out of him. "Fire!!" I scream in his ear. He screams like a girl and runs out of the kitchen. I laugh so hard that it hurts, and he punches me. I grab some cereal and pour a bowl for the both of us.
As we are eating, I say, "You should really dye your hair, a dark red would look great on you." He looks at me, thinks of himself as red-head, and nods his head in approval. I grab his arm and drag him to the kitchen sink. "Stay here. I have red ans black hair dye, so we're doing your hair right now!" I say. I run into the bathroom and get my hair dyes. About ten minutes later, I have Arrin head soaking in dye and Sam walks out. 'What color?" she asks. "Dark red," he tells her. I'm busy working on my breakfast and so I ignore them. Sam grabs a bowl of cereal and we all sit, eat, and chat. Kaley gets up pretty soon and joins us. In a little while, the dye comes out and red looks great on him. He looks in the mirror and starts to freak out. I brush his hair in an emo style, loan him some skinny jeans, he brought a black T-shirt with neon splotches on it, and hand him some converse. I look him over really quick and Sam, Kaley and I all approve of his new look.
We all head to school and are bored out of our minds all day. At lunch, a couple of girls are checking Arrin out, and he is bugging out about ir. Sam and I laugh and have him sit down, shut up, and ignore them. Kaley is getting her food when Brennan comes and sits in her spot. I get pissed and bark at him. "You know, that is Kaley's spot, not yours. She should get her spot. You aren't one of us, anyway. Leave," I tell him. He looks upset, but he leaves, and Kaley gets her spot. We all sit and chat for lunch.
After school, they get their things and go home. I'm bored so I listen to my music for a while. Mad As Rabbits comes on and I sing along to it. After that, I get ready for bed. I text Sam, Arrin, and Kaley, reminding them about the concert tomorrow. After that I go to bed. As I leave, I feel blood fill my lungs again.
Dream 9
My lungs burn for air, My whole body aches, and I can't see. I am falling. My body is falling, my mind is spinning, and my eyes are swimming in black. I want to laugh, to cry, to scream. I don't know. I can feel the air against my skin, the blood seeping through my wounds, and I hear someone whispering. It sounds like they are crying, whoever it is. I feel bad for them.
I open my eyes and see that it was me who was crying. I look down and find that I am wrapped from my neck to my knees in gauze. I can't move my arm and my leg is in searing pain. I can barely turn my neck without crying out in pain. I call out to whoever is listening, and a nurse shows up. "I'm terribly sorry! I didn't know that the sedation would wear off so quickly!" she said. Her hair was brown and pulled into a loose ponytail. She looked about forty, seemed very kind, and had laugh lines creasing her face. I liked her, "It is fine. I need to speak to everyone, anyway. I need to tell them something," I say. She nods and, in a few minutes everyone is crowded around me.
I took a deep breath and said, "I know who shot me." They all stared at me. "It was Diamond, Jakob Diamond," I say. They all start talking and saying that I may not be sure. But I know. I saw the diamond scribed onto his gun. I tell them and they all stop talking. Arrin's eyes are huge. He starts to blink rapidly, mumble, and then he passes out. Ella's voice gets all ancient and she says, "The red gem shed the blood by silver. The first drop of a river. Silver started this, crimson fills it, ending in a blaze of white." She shudders and her breath gets shaky. She screams, and then lands on the floor next to Arrin. Allistair just stares. His eyes close, and I notice that he is crying. I lean over to pat his back, but the pain makes me scream. His eyes flash open and he is instantly making me lay down. He kisses my cheek and says, "Don't worry, I've seen his gun. I know that it is him." Arrin is woken by my scream. He leans in, grabs my hand, and says, "I believe you. I don't like it, but I know it is him! God, why?!" tears make his cheeks glisten, "Why would my brother do that?!" My head feels like lead. I can't believe what he said.
The nurse notices that my heart rate spikes, shoos them all away, and sedates me heavily. I want to scream, but my mouth won't work. My mind becomes mush. My limbs function even worse. Black dots my vision. I fall asleep.
Day 9
I wake up in my other bed and get dressed. I wear my gray Panic at the Disco T-shirt, white skinny jeans, my favorite black fish net arm sleeves, and layer it with white ones, too. I go to school and find Arrin in his emo clothes. He is wearing white skinny jeans, and a black PATD T-shirt. His hair now has a bright green streak in it, too. I walk over and give him his ticket. We find Sam and she is wearing a white PATD T-shirt and give her ticket to her. All of us hunt Kaley down and find her in a baby blue PATD shirt. We give her tickets to her. I tell them that they are front row and they flip out. We start talking about them and then I bust out my I-pod. We listen to them until the bell rings.
In Science, which all of us have together, Mr. Carter introduced a new kid. "Kids, this is Allister McClain, please give him a warm welcome!" boomed the teacher. At that moment a guy walked in. He was about the same height as Jakob, had reddish brown hair that he kept the bangs of swept over one eye. He looked emo, and he was pretty cute. He had a silver ring just above his right eyebrow. He was wearing a black shirt with a hat on it, bleached white skinny jeans, and hightops. The eye I could see was green. The only seat open was next to me so he came and sat. He stared at me for a while and it was bugging me, so I turned to him and said, "Why are you staring at me?" I ask him. "Sorry, you look really familiar, that's all," he responds. I recognize his voice. Its Harts's! "Can you lift up your bangs for a minute?" I ask him. He does it and his other eye is brown. "Harts?" I say. He just nods and says, "Lizzi?" I nod and for a minute, I want to jump up scream because I'm so happy.
At lunch, I have Allister come to my table and asked if we had space for him. Arrin scoots over a little and I have him sit next to me. He and I just talk instead of eat and then finally Sam asks, "You two know each other?" "Yeah, I've known him for a while," I say and he says, "Well, yeah. We've been going out for, like, four months." Sam just stares at me and her eyes talk for her. "Why didn't you tell us?" I gave her a look that said, "You know why!" Kaley and Arrin look confused. Kaley looks a little pouty because now she can't flirt with him. I eat really fast and Allister does, too. He ad I find a spot by the gym and just sit, talk, and lay down looking at the sky. It is really awesome.
After school, Arrin, Sam, Kaley, Allister, and I head to the concert. Turns out that He had a front row ticket, too. We go and get our spots just before it starts. They play Mad as Rabbits, I Write Sins not Tragedies, Pas De Cheval, and Hurricane. During Hurricane, Allister and I danced along. The spotlight landed on us and a ton of people chanted for us to kiss. We both shrugged and he kissed me. It felt exactly like it did the first time, I feel like I'm walking on air. When we seperate, the singer grabs us both and has us take a bow on stage. My face is super red and so is his. When we both hop down we're laughing our heads off.
When the concert is over, Arrin, Sam, and Kaley mess with us. They teased us about kissing, how red our faces were, and stuff like that. When I get home, it is just Allister and I walking. I lean up and give him a quick hug before I go in the house. I watch him walk down the street and find myself giggling like mad. I get in my PJ's and go to bed. I feel myself leave and the pain sets in. I cringe but that is all.
Dream 10
The pain finds me before anything else. Next comes the feeling of the bed, then the feeling of being confined, and finally the whispers of the people around me.
"You realize that she had no idea you two were related, and she obviously has a grudge with your brother, so she might get confused and think that you are after her, too!" said Ella with obvious anger. I heard Arrin say, "She knows that I would never do anything to harm her. Mother wouldn't warrant it, I am not my brother, and I am fairly certain that she is the one who went missing all those years ago! I would never endanger her! You prophesized her return, the war, and what happened to my father! You know whether or not she can trust me, so please ask yourself that question!" He sounded like ha had been crying. I opened my eyes just long enough to watch him walk out the, get a glimpse of his eyes, and see Ella sit down and start to cry.
His eyes were rimmed with red from crying. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. Ella's body shook with dry sobs. I sat up and patted her arm. She looked up and the ancient voice came back. "You are only one part of the end and the beginning. The false heirs end is immenent. You shall rise, the pedestal shall crumble, and the tears of the cards shall fall," she said. I looked at her, grabbed her, and told her, "I think I may know what you mean! I heard you and Spade talking. I don't think that I am who I am. I might be someone else! Help me find out! I need you now, Ella. Will you help me? She looks at me and gives one swift nod. I smile and then lie down. Talking so much made me tired. Arrin comes back in after a while and sees me sitting up in bed. He chuckles and says, "You're face is all red like you've been trying to hard for something! You shouldn't sit up yet! Or stand!" Sometimes he worries like a mom would. I just shrug. Ella laughs a little. I'm glad that she finished sobbing.
I begin to look more closely at the room and realize that this is the same hospital room I was in last time. I ask for a nurse to bring me my clothes and while I get dressed I kick them all out. Today I am wearing a plain white dress shirt, black tuxedo pants, and the same tie I wore at the ball. Seeing that tie only makes me want to find out why he shot me even more. Hatred freezes my heart, laces my gaze with venom, and sharpens my senses to the point where they are a knife. I let all this fill me for a moment, my resolve to find out why all this happened becomes adament, and I realize that I want him dead. And it goes beyond that, so far beyond. I want to be the one who kills him like he tried doing to me.
I make all this dissapear to the back of my mind and let everyone back in. Ella comes in, sits down on my bed, and whispers in my ear, "You must ask Arrin of his past! He will tell you. He will be surprised by you asking this, but you can't tell him that I told you to ask." I swallow deeply and nod my head. Arrin looks at us and says, "No conspiracy," while winking. He's trying too hard to seem happy. It is easy to see that he is torn into pieces.
I ask everyone to leave while I talk to Arrin. "Okay, you hid that you and Diamond are related, why?" I ask. He looks like I just hit him in the gut. He says, "Because I saw how you hated him. I was afraid that you would hate me, too." I just blink and say, "Why would I hate you!? You're my closest friend! I can't believe that you would do that for such a dumb reason!" He looks relieved. "I want to find out why I was shot, so I need you to tell me about your and Diamond's life together." He nods and says, "I will, but not until tomorrow. It has gotten late, and in your condition, you need sleep. I agree and ask to see Harts. He gets him and we just sit and talk for a while. I tell him how I want to kill Diamond. "I want to use a sword. It will have balck hilt with a silver spade in it. In the blade I want the name Adamante Caedes, which is Latin for assassination of diamond, to be etched in," I tell him. He nods and then says, "I will have it made, but you should really think about the idea of killing another human, having something as precious as another's life in your own hands." I agree and then he leaves.
I lie down and go to bed. All my pains slowly leaving. The last thing to leave is my hearing, which lets me hear Arrin say, "We may have found my twin."
Day 10
I wake up in my first bed. I can barely remember the whisper in Nightmare. Something about twins and finding one. Arrin said it. But I'm already in the First World so i try to forget my problem. I get dressed in a tight black shirt with one sleeve, and white T underneath, black skinny jeans, and I have one black bangle on my wrist. It is on the very same arm where the white sleeve is.
I call Allister and we walk to school together. He is wearing a white T that I bought him at the concert. It says Fairly Odd on it and the band signed it, straight black skinny jeans that he doodled on in white marker, a cute little black lip ring, and his hair now has a bright blue streak colored like my hair. We both get stared at as we walk down the street together, a blue haired goth and an emo boy wearing skinny jeans are a sight to be seen. Especially when they are holding hands and just chatting about random things.
We get to school and immediately people notice that I am actually talking. I look up at them and just say hi. Allister and I just keep walking. We pass by the tennis court and I make sure to ignore everyone else. We finally find Arrin, Sam and Kaley by the gym. We sit down against the wall and Allister says, "I could hardly sleep last night! I wish we could relive the concert!" The gang all look at each other and start to laugh. In between chuckles, Arrin says, "Even with you two getting beet red under the spotlight?" Both of us blush and I thump Arrin on the back. Kaley says, "You two looked like strawberries in love!" Sam can't talk because she is laughing way too hard. I just say, "Whatever, at least I got under the spotlight." That shuts them up for a little while and we head to class.
It turns out that Allister and hav six out of seven classes together. In Art I find out that he is really good at painting. At lunch he pulls some photos from at the concert out. There are four. The first has me and him up on the stage, the next has all five of us bunny earing each other, and then Arrin tackling Allister, and the last one is Sam getting an autograph from Brendon Urie, the singer of the band. He looks at them and digs in his pocket and gets out one last picture. Him giving Arrin a noogie. "Everyone picks and takes one," he said. I automatically grab the one of us on stage, Arrin grabs him tackling Allister, Sam grabs her autograph pic, Kaley grabs all five of us together, and he grabs the one where he is giving away a free noogie.
After school I go over to Sam's and we chat about the concert. "Was that your first kiss?" she asked. "No, I've kissed Allister before that. But he was my first kiss," I tell her. She nods and I ask her if she had fun. She said, "Yeah!! It was the best concert of a lifetime!!" I laugh and say, "I know! And then you got an autograph I almost want to steal it from you!!" "No! You're not allowed to because you got onstage! And in the spotlight!!" I agree and we talk for a few more hours. At about eight I go home and call Allister I tell him that I'm home and if he wants we can hang out in the front yard. After about twenty minutes he gets here. We run around a little and then we just sit and stare at the stars. I point out Venus and he spots Pluto. He is about to leave at nine, but I grab his hand and say, "I'll see you in Nightmare." He just nods and gives me quick hug before leaving
After that I go to bed and slowly I remember what Arrin said.

Dream 11
I wake up in a panic. What Arrin said makes so much sense. I think he was referring to me as his twin. I ask the nurse to have him come in and talk to me. She gets him immediately. When he walks in I say, "I heard you say that we may hav found you twin. What do you mean by that?" He says, "I meant that when I was born I had twin sister. I think that you might be her." I am no longer shocked by it. "How would you prove this?" He asked me to roll up the left sleeve on my shirt. I did so and he grabbed my wrist and examine it. In the hollow of my wrist he pointed out a small mark. It was a spade. He showed me his wrist and it had the exact same mark in the exact same spot. "Is that enough proof?" he asked. I nodded. He looked so happy. He hugged me and said, "I knew I'd find you. I knew it!" I hugged him back and laughed just a little hysterically. He got everyone in the room and made the big announcement. "I have recently found my twin sister! You all know her to be Elizibeth Loyola, but that isn't her. She is now Elizibeth Spade! Rightful heiress to the throne of Castle Rouge! As you know, we are at war with Diamond, and I'd like for Elizibeth to be our champion when she heals!!" Ella just sat there, Harts looked completely astonished, and Sam and Kaley seemed indifferent. I agreed to be his champion, and immediately brought up my sword. Arrin requested it to be made.
After everyone had left, I got dressed and decided that I was ready to walk. I asked how long I slept after each dose of sedation. I was told that I got shot three months ago and I am almost completely healed. I headed downstairs and got something to eat. Ella found me sitting at the table eating pancakes. She and I discussed some random stuff and the I went into my room and saw that someone had kept my roses fresh. I silently thanked them.
I went back to the hospitaal room and laid down. I got harts to come in and we talked for a bit. He surprised me when he said, "I had a lot of fun at the concert, you know." He remembered! "I did too," I told him. After we were done talking, I decide to go to bed. I took one last look at my birthmark that I share with Arrin.
Day 11
I wake up in bed one, and get dressed in a black tank top and shorts, and put my hair in a ponytail. I get some cereal for brekfast, go in the bathroom and brush my teeth, and check that my clothes are situated properly. When I untuck my top I notice a scar on my stomach. Diamond. My feelings of hate come back. My breath becomes icy, and so does the tone of my voice. I sound sarcastic, bitter, and angry. My eyes became hostile. They even seemed to darken a shade. My mouth twitched upward in the grin of somebody from Hell.
I went to school in that exact mood. People just ignored me me. I met up with Sam, Kaley, Allister, and Arrin, and my hate vanished. We chatted about meaningless things and then Sam says, "Oh my god! My boyfriend is in the hospital!" She started to cry. A teacher came out and dismissed us all to go to the hospital. It turns out that he only broke his arm skateboarding. Joe endoed off his board in the middle of a grind, his arm got twisted completely around, and now he is getting his cast. Sam looked so relieved I thought she might faint. I put a hand on her shoulder to steady her.
After we finished checking on Joe, we went back to school. At lunch Sam decided to sit alone. Allister and I found our spot by the gym and ate their with Arrin and Kaley. We didn't talk much. We just sat and enjoyed the quiet. Sam joined us after a bit and I noticed that her eyes were a little red. I asked her what was wrong and sahe laughed and confessed that she had accidently poked herself in the eye with her eyeliner. We all laughed a bit at that one. Arrin said something about skinny jeans being uncomfortable and hard to run around in. We all laughed because Arrin could run in just about anything. He was the best person on track.
After school Allister and I went to the movies and saw The Smurfs. I loved the movie and he did, too. We walked back to my house at about seven. He and I just hung out in the back yard and listened to music on my stereo. The song "Bleed" by Hot Chelle Rae came on. It was a slow song, so we got up and danced to it. At the end my chin was resting on his shoulder and I was looking at the stars. He leaned back and kissed me. My heart jumped. We were stil danicng, so we hadn't watched out steps, and we tripped and landed on the grass. I checked the time and it was nine. He kissed me good-bye and for once my heart didn't jump around. He left and I watched him walk down the street, staring at his shadow.
I went inside, changed, and went to bed. When I left, I could hear a voice whisper goodbye to me
.Dream 12
I wake up in my bed in World Two. My limbs have been completely healed. I have been using my blade in training and have the greatest skill. This is my day. I put on my last dress. It is completely black with one solid whit Diamond on it. If I hit him right, his blood will make the diamond red. I put on a top hat, attach my sword to my dress, and go into the kitchen. I get a small breakfast of blackberries and some oatmeal. I have Arrin tell me where to go. He says the mirror lake.
I leave immediately and it takes me a few hours to get their because I'm fighting all the while. I get a few minor scrapes, but nothing much. When I arrive, it is chaos. People are everywhere, and not all of them are alive. I spot Diamond and immediately rush after him. He notices me and aims his gun. I dodge to the left and hit him with the butt of my sword. he drops his gun and I kick it away.
He draws his swordand immediately sweeps in an arc to hit me. I block and kick him in the gut. He staggers enough for me to make a slash through his leg. He takes advantage of that and swipes at my face. I dodge it to the point where my face is unscathed, but my should gets cut into pretty deep. I get angry and it slaps me into focus. He goes for my foot and I flick my sword down. His sword is now in my control. I flick it up and it turns over and plunges toward his heart. He rolls, grabs the hilt, and pulls it out of the ground.
I stab at his left hand, bad move. He flicks his blade down and now has mine in his power. He does the same thing I do, only I grab the hilt before it hits the ground and I block his next blow. It would've been fatal. The blood flows freely from my shoulder and I know that I am going todie soon. My senses sharpen and I anticipate his moves easily. He goes left, I jump up and stand on the blade. My sword flicks to his nose and he just stares at it. "You wouldn't want to kill your brother, now. Would you?" I laugh coldly and say, "If you were my brother, I would never have been shot!" I plunge my sword through his heart and he coughs blood up on my dress. "I am the rightful heir to Crimson Castle, Jakob Diamond. Good-bye." He just looks at me and says in his last breaths, "Goodbye, my dear little sister."
By now everyone has seen him die and the fighting has stopped. I lift my blade in the air. Arrin comes running and bandages my arm quickly. The blood flow stops and I my senses begin to dull once more. Over the next few years, I get adjusted. I go to sleep one last time. I hear a voice say, "Good-bye Elizibeth."
A girl in a long black dress sits in a dark blue casket. Her friends Arrin, Sam, and Kaley are sobbing hysterically. Her mother has been taken out of the room because she broke down. Her father stands by her casket crying silently. Her brother and older sister are holding hands, tears make their cheeks glisten. The youngest sister was not allowed to come because the mother hadn't wanted to scar her. In the future, she would not remember her that well. The mother woul go on to never have a child again. The father's drinking problem would worsen. Arrin would go to her grave every day with Sam and Kaley. They would all tell her what has been happening.
The girl's skin is a pearly white. She seems to be sleeping. Her mouth is sewed shut and her lips covered in her signature black lipstick. Her hair is now a soft, muted blue with one single white heart in it. Photos of her and her family decorate several boards. Three boards are filled with pictures of her and her friends. Someone with blond hair and pale blue eyes walks in. He is in a black suit and was known to be the one she hated most. He was carrying something. He walked up to her casket, grabbed her hand, and slipped a small ring with one single red diamond on it on her right index finger.
He walked out immediately. Her friends came to see the ring and they decide that he didn't completely hate her. A boy with multicolored eyes is sitting outside, on the steps, and he is washed in tears. Her eyes are closed and she has black eye shadow on. Her father walks over and kisses her cheek, her brother and sister do the same. Her friends have to leave the room because they are sobbing so hard. The boy with two colored eyes would go on to hang himself out of grief. The funeral procession leads them to a memorial home ten minutes away from her home. They bury her in an area just beside a willow tree. When she is buried her friends place three black roses on her grave.
They all go home to grieve there. The girl died because went insane and shot herself. The gravestone reads "Elizibeth Loyola, beloved daughter, wonderous friend, and fearless leader. 1998 - 2011"
One small white rabbit hops across her grave and a card, the ace of spades, is laid on her grave by the breeze. Many people knew her as the freak, the friend, or the girl who went nuts. Every year, on her birthday, her friends Arrin, Sam, and Kaley dress as she would, some of the popular students she used to go to school with do, and they are excused for that one day to grieve.
Sam would grow up to marry Arrin and have three kids. One girl and twin boys. The girl is named Elizibeth, the boys are named Joseph and Allister. Kaley would go on to marry a man named Gabe and have triplets. One boy and two girls. One daughter is also named Elizibeth, the other named Luna, and her son is named David. Life went on, but she was never forgotten.
© Copyright 2011 Elizabeth Loyola (emylibb1021 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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