Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1794772-A-Nerdy-Kind-of-Love
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1794772
What happens when a nerd looses his temper with the queen of Highschool? (Spelling Errors)

She was the most beautiful girl. She had long golden, blond hair, a crystal white smile and deep, blue eyes, that reminded me of the sea i used to live at. Lucky for me my locker was right underneath hers, so i got to see her before every class. I would know when she was coming when the faint clickity -clack of her pink, louboutin heels got closer and closer. I could smell her Esprit de Parfum (an expensive perfume) from a mile away. I would watch her dainty hand, her fingers always painted a lite shade of baby pink, reach toward the huge metal locker door. always turning the dial right-left-right, 5-23-17. Suddenly a large pair of calloused hands hands grabed her hands and twisted her around toward no one other then me, the captian of the football team! She smiled, revealing the pertfect row of teeth, and looked into my eyes. She leaned up, eyes closed, lips pukered, her pink gloss spread evenly even like this. I leaned toward her and closed my own eyes waiting for the fireworks we would feel.
"What the hell are you doing!" the sugar of her voice turned sour. My eyes shot open. My lips were pressed to her foot, her perfect size five foot with the same baby pink polish. The real Captian of the Football team grabbed my collar and slamed me into the lockers. His name was John, he was tall, about 6 foot, buff, dark hair, dark eyes, ect. I could care less about him. "Touch her again and you'll have those train tracks shoved up you're ass!" he snarled. He then turned back to my love and pecked her on the lips and strode off. She grabbed her things for Trig and slammed her locker. What she said after that, well lets just say you didnt have supper hearing to hear it. "Fucking Nerds!" The words were ice in my body. I crouched back down to my locker, my eyes straining to hold back tears. Tears that would soon be avenged. I had a plan. I plan to make her believe that she loved me, that i was a hero, that she wanted only me. I would take me a few hours to get ready, but the science, chess, and math club would help me. I would be happywith her as my girl freind, she may not be, but that would not matter. It was a fantisy game now, a game of make believe, and i was good at those games. she would be a slave, a slave to my needs, a slave to my untouched love.


" I hate being popular, like everyone likes you, its not fair. even nerds and emos... and teachers! Just today that stupid nerd... whats his face, o whatever it doesnt matter, anyway he kissed my foot. he was pretending to be John no doubt. Its just not fair!" i complained to my best freind , Sabrina. I was so upset over the whole toe issue, that i had bein soaking my toe in vinager and bleach for over 2 hours. "Its really sucky that his locker is below mine!" This nerd had bright red hair and bulky glasses. His hair was greassy as hell and pushed flatly to every part of his head except a part in the back, that was a greasy cow lick. His glasses were so bulky that they kept falling off his overgrown nose. then his teeth. He had head gear that streched from one side of his mouth to the other, al they way around his head. The gear caused him to talk with a weird slur. so when John walked away today the guy starts blushing and says 'ssssshory thhhhianna' Nerds i thought. The doorbell rang so i hung up on Sabrina and ran down the flight of stairs. The front door opened with a creak and i plastered a smile on my face. I was expecting my sisters boyfreind. Instead, when i saw who it was i gasped, it was the greasy haired nerd, headgear and all. He chuckled and pulled me out the door. I felt somthing cold and long stick in my arm and was awake only long enough to see the rest of a strange orange liqued go into my veins. after that i went through multiple stages of concesnece, waking up to little bits and pieces. Cold metal, chapped lips, and slim all over me. The sound of an engine. The smell of old car interior. The black of my mind. The fear. When i finally became awke again, i was able to think. I couldnt move, i couldnt sream. i felt the road beneath the tires, the roar of an old engine, i assumed he was done with me that he was taking me back home. then i felt the sound of the gravel under the tires turn into dirt and rocks. I new he wasnt done with me. The tape on my mouth, the binds on my hands and ankles, and the lind fold on my eyes, cut out the world. I new if i was to get out alive i would have to be cunning, and flirty. I would have to think my way out.


The road to Oregon was long and humid. I liked it. I felt at home, as if the tears on my face were streaming down my window instead of my face. The dark clouds hung like a safety net around the van. The pale moon was dissapearing behind the clouds. but when it shown, It was almost as beautiful as her. I couldnt ask for more. The green trees past by my window in streaks, first a lighter almost sea green, then a dark forest green, followed by a rich turqoise came up in patches between the other colors. I shifted in my seat as a cop pulled up behind me. His sirens blared and the lights flashed, but he passed by me. I furgured that some higher power had blocked out the noise. She was banging around and screaming, some what muffled sounds, but i had tied her up as well as i tied my bike up so she was'nt going anywhere. I stared at the white lines as I drove, watching them fly under the car. I thought of all the bad things i had done today. First I had stolen a van, then i had switched plates on it with a bmw, and then i had wisked away my beautifu, Tiana. "Hell" I mumbled "I could get away with murder now"
That brought a smile my face as i thought of the last part of my ingenios plan. Tiana, mine for as long as SHE lived. I scanned the side of the road, i new i was close to my final destination. I found it. I pulled off on to the dirt road, barly visible because of the overhanging green. My parents had rewirittent their will 3 days after they died leaving everything to me, including this. I remeber the spray of blood as I killed them with the crowbar. I remember the crack as it entered their skull. I remember the smell. I chuckled at my dark past. I had necer been cought and this time was no diffrent. i was to smart for them. I drove along for more then a mile passing fork after fork in the road. I finnaly saw it. The mystical cottage. it had ivy groping up the walls, and the wood columns. The second story bedroom had a huge glass door opening up to the cedar porch. The porch over hung the indoor pool, which glistened as the moon peeked through a brief hole in the stormy clouds. I grabbed my love and drug her up the front steps and through the door. There was three rooms. on the first level. The living room, kitchen and a bathroom. The living room had a large couch inthe middle facing the stone fireplace. there was the head of a bear growling above it. Asmaller, rectangular coffee table was perced in front of the couch and A big plant next to the couch. None of the other rooms mattered to me because this was the only room i could wait for. I through her on the couch and pulled my clothes off. Tonight was going to be a good night. The next day i awoke when a ray of light beamed through the window on my face. She was on the floor wiggling and moving about, still binded tightly. i picked her up and set her back up and went off to the kitchen.
I made eggs toast and milk, i ate my share then went off to my love with the rest. I undid the binds on her eyes and mouth. She spit in my face. so I force fed her. If she was going to be mine until she died, i was going to kill her. She was still undressed and i looked over her body. the bite marks on her breasts, the brusing on her pelvic area, and the fear in her eyes made me feel good, but the feeling did not last. For the dreaded noise of sirens coming down the narrow path took my attention right away. they were coming for her. I took the branding iron down. My father had had i made for me on my 11th birthday. It had my name and my last inital. I heated it up in the fire and pressed it to her back. It sizzled and popped and she screamed. Her back bucled into a tight line, trying to escape the heat. When i took it off i saw Thomas J. printed in a red line across her. then i lifted the iron higher and higher then brought it down with force upon her head. She fell to the ground and did not move. I figured she was dead. The sirens were close now and i could hear the tires. the chrn of the dirt stopped and doors opened. They busted in, guns held high toward me and i grinned " She was mine last!" i shouted. They handcuffed me and brought me to a car waiting like an open mouth to bring me to justice....
© Copyright 2011 Evangiline (parisrizzi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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