Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1794471-Realm-high-freshmen-year
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1794471
this is the 1st chapter of my book, just looking for input to make it better
Chapter 1
A Shaky Start
It all started (one day at school) when my guidance counselor called me into her office right before Christmas break to talk about a school that was interested in me. She told me that she had received a call from E of U, a boarding school.  They were looking for students who where unique and advancing beyond the current curriculum. Well she went on to tell me about how she had recommended me, and that I would be receiving an application in the mail in a few weeks. This came as a surprise to me, a possibility of a new school and a fresh start; let’s face it the past few years hadn’t been the best at school, or at home.
She explained to me that I was a late entry into the program and how normally by the 8th grade year, you have already been chosen for the school, but I fell under the radar like normal, and she had to put me on their screen.
I sat and thought about my choices for the next year and I wasn’t really over-excited about them, spend the year ducking bullets and dodging bullies, as well as being bored to death by the curriculum. Therefore, in all reality what did I have to lose?
The application arrived that following Monday and it took me over a week to finish the paperwork. To be honest going to school out of state might be good for me but I wouldn’t know until May if I would be accepted to E of U.
What few friends I had, found out about me applying for the boarding school. They kept asking why I would want to do something that extreme? All I could tell them was I was tired of not fitting in or feeling like I belonged.
Before I new it, it was the second week of May and I received my acceptance letter along with a welcome pack to E of U; I couldn’t believe it. In side I found a list of everything, I needed to bring with me; as well as where to catch the bus. It also said I would get another letter at the end of July with my room assignment and my class schedule for the 1st semester.
It was the first week of August, and getting closer to the start of the school year so I began getting ready by packing up everything on my list. I was finishing packing when my mom came into my room and gave me two hundred dollars as a back to school present, so I could add to my wardrobe.  I decide to go shopping and finish packing later.  I headed to the mall and met a few of my female friends to help me with my shopping. I picked out my typical clothes, black pants, red, black and gray shirts, sneakers, just the usual high school attire, but the girls decided I needed something different from the norm, for my fresh start. So on top of what I had picked, they added in some dress clothes as well as putting back some of my choices. I ended up with a few button down shirts, casual dress pants and some patent leather shoes, along with my jeans and t-shirts and hoodies. The girls left and I headed home to finish packing and make sure I had everything so I could relax over the next week.
I spent the rest of my time hanging out with the few friends I had since I wouldn’t be seeing any of them for almost a year. The week was over before I knew it, and come Saturday morning I had to catch my bus.
I was to catch the bus along with meeting a few of my new schoolmates at one of the local colleges. The bus was scheduled to leave at 8:00 a.m., I arrived there at about 6:30 and to my surprise, there were already four students as well as the bus with its driver and steward. The steward approached me with a clipboard and asked for my name; I told her my name and showed her my paperwork. She told me I was all set and could start loading my luggage and feel free to get to know the other students. She also told me there was a café that we could go to get breakfast at if we wanted, just be sure to be on the bus by 7:50 because it would be leaving promptly at 8:00 and if you weren’t on board you would be left behind.
While I was loading my luggage a girl who was about 5’4” with blonde hair and gray eyes, walked over and introduced herself. She was a cute little thing meek and sort of tomboyish.
“Hi I’m Danny.”
“Nice to meet you, you can call me M.”
“So we’re all going to grab some food would you like to join us?”
“Who’s us?”
As those words left my mouth, a deep booming voice interrupted.
“Hey sis, I see you’ve made a new friend.”
“Yeah, Max this is M.”
I was still loading my luggage and struggling with it, when I turned to find a massive individual towering over me.
“Hey you want some help with that?”
“Yeah sure please, this bag is almost as big as me.”
“No prob, so Danny did you invite M along.”
“Yeah, but he wants to know who us is.”
“Oh, ok. Well it’s you, me and the two quiet ones over there.”
As Max was saying that he was tossing my luggage into the cargo area like it was a bag of marshmallows.
“There wasn’t anything breakable in there, was there?”
Standing there stunned not knowing what to say I just kind of shrugged. “Umm, no man there wasn’t.”
“I’m sorry M, my brother forgets how strong he is sometimes.”
“That’s ok, how about we get that food now?”
We headed towards the cafe and grabbed the two quiet ones on the way. It was another brother and sister; they were your normal freshman, small, lanky and unsure of themselves. The girl was short with red hair, and blue eyes, her brother was a little taller with blond hair and brown eyes, they sort of looked like Mutt and Jeff.
“Hey you guys, I’m Danny, this is my brother Max, and that is M.  We’re going to get food want to join us?”
“Sure I’m Kyle and this is my little sister Kelly.”
We headed on our way before any more students showed up; it was just 7:00. The café was a good size place just on the edge of campus; bed headed sleepy eyed college students were just opening it. They said for us to have a seat and someone would be right with us. A tall nerdy guy walked over and said he would be our server.
“Hi I’m Pauly. What are you guys doing up so early, I don’t even want to be.”
“We’re catching a bus to E of U.”
“What’s that?”
Max cut me off before I could answer. “ It’s a private boarding school out of town.”
“That’s cool, never heard of it though.”
“Yeah it’s in a small town, most people don’t know about it; it’s for the gifted.”
“Oh, ok. So what can I get for you guys?”
“Can we have a few minutes to decide?” Kelly asked.
While we were looking over the menu, I asked Max why he cut me off from answering about the school.
“Oh it’s my second year there.”
“Oh, I didn’t know, I thought this bus was all freshmen.”
“Nope there are a few upper class man that grab rides in with the freshman. I came for my sister since it’s her first year, I didn’t want her to be overwhelmed.”
“Oh that’s cool.”
Kyle finally joined the conversation. “Yeah this is my third and my sis’s first.”
“Oh so we’re a mixed group.”
“More then you know.”
“What do you mean by that Danny?”
Before she could answer, our server came back.
“So have you guys decided?”
Danny started to order as though she never had said a word, about us being different.  “I’ll have a bagel with cream cheese, and a large double espresso, with extra sugar and whipped cream.”
Kelly ordered next in this quiet little voice, “Can I have a small hot coco, with whipped cream?”
“Would you like anything else?”
“Umm, yes could I please have a mocha chocolate brownie?”
We just sat there staring at her; I thought no one could top the two girls, those little sugar and caffeine fiends.
“And for you guys.”
Max ordered next, “I’ll have four bagels, two orders of bacon, two orders of French toast, and four omelets.”
The server just stood there amused, “And to drink?”
“Oh, yeah I almost forgot, I’ll have a gallon of chocolate milk, along with an espresso.”
“Oh, ok no problem.”
“And for you two gentlemen?”
Kyle ordered scrambled eggs, bacon and large tea with honey; I got procioutto, mozzarella and egg sandwich on a sun-dried tomato bagel; and a large iced mocha caramel latte.
“Ok and will that be all?”
Max spoke up again, “can I get the bagels to go.”
“Sure, I’ll get your drinks and the food should be out in about 15 minutes.”
“Ok thanks.”
The server wandered off and we all started to chat again, and before we knew it our food was ready. The server along with the cook helped bring over the food, which covered the whole table and half of the one next to Max. We ate in silence and paid our bill, all though Max and Kyle were arguing over who would pay, they ended up splitting it. We made it back to the bus by 7:45, there were about ten more kids waiting. Some were just standing around chatting while others were in a panic trying to fit their belongings in the cargo area. We boarded the bus taking seats in the back; it was five of eight, when Max was getting impatient with everyone messing with their luggage, still trying to get it in. He got up grabbed a few of the larger students and got off the bus.
“Ok everybody stop what you’re doing and get on the bus.” Max said.
One of the students started to whine, “what about my stuff” as he turned to find five large guys standing there glaring “Never mind” as he was saying it he just ran and got on the bus.
They got everything loaded and were getting back on the bus when this flaming hyper guy came running up.
“Wait, wait don’t leave me.”
The steward spoke up, “What is your name; you should have been here a half an hour ago.”
“I know, I’m sorry ma’m, my parents got lost.”
“Ok well hurry up we’re on a tight schedule, now what is your name?”
“Sabastion James.”
“Ok well get your stuff on the bus and we’ll be on our way.”
Max turned back, “I’ve got it, get on the bus, hyper boy.” Max picked up the trunk the kid had with him and shoved it in one of the bays. “All right were ready now.”
“Ahh, thank you Max. Ok last call no more delays.”
They got on the bus, the driver started it, and we were on their way to the next pickup. It was about 10:00 a.m. when we arrived at another campus the next state over. There were about ten more kids waiting there. The steward stood and announced for everyone to stay seated.  She got off and started taking names; it was another motley bunch.  As she was taking names, she told them to get on the bus and leave their stuff there. Everyone was on the bus and the she asked if Max and his friends would mind loading the stuff so they could be on there way.
“Sure no prob, but when are we going to stop for food, all this lifting is making us hungry.”
“We will be at E of U in about two hours, and you know they always have a huge spread for the new students and their helpful siblings.”
“Oh, ok.”
They got everything loaded and we were on our way once again. We arrived at the final pick up about a half hour later and there were just four students waiting. It was odd they didn’t have any luggage with them. The guys had backpacks and the girl had a small purple carry-on that matched her hair. They got on the bus and we were on our way once again. We traveled a little while longer; going through a tunnel, on the other side, there was nothing but open road and country, no houses, no people, just trees and grass for miles. It was about an hour later that when came to a point that we could see the campus off in the horizon. Finally we arrived at the campus entrance, the bus pulled into a cul-de-sac, where there were other busses already unloading, it only took a few minutes for each. We were directed up a path through a wrought iron arch, as we stepped into a large courtyard, which had a large fountain in the center; with upper classman and staff surrounding it. They were waiting to direct us to the auditorium where we would to attend orientation. We were told to leave our belongings in the courtyard and that they would be delivered to our halls and left in the lobby so that we could tour the grounds. We started moving through the campus and I was looking around at all the buildings thinking this looks like a small city, not a high school. Some of the buildings were covered with ivy, all the buildings were built out of masonry, there was not a single building alike; some were tall some were short but they all had their own personality. It was strange we even walked past a few stores and restaurants, odd all of this on a school campus, it was more then I had ever imagined it was almost like I was in a dream state. This wasn’t like any high school I ever thought I’d be going to; this place was like a college and high school all rolled into one.

The next thing I knew we arrived in the auditorium it was huge, the dean was waiting there to address us as the class of 98. The dean was a large well-dressed man with a very muscular build; he didn’t even use a mike to address us, his deep booming voice carried well.
“I welcome you, the class of 98, this campus will be where you will all call home for the next four years or longer if you choose to continue on with us here at E of U. You step in here as adolescents with the desire to learn, and when you leave you will be adults filled with all the knowledge you came seeking as youths.”
He went on to tell us that classes didn’t start until the third week of August for freshman, but that we arrived there a week early so we could get settled in and aquatinted with the campus.
I was reading over the paper work I had received earlier that summer, it had my room assignment and told me I would have two roommates. I was in the west wing of the Earth Gate Hall, first floor, room 482.
The dean finished shortly after and we headed towards our dorms to find our rooms and settle in. The campus was alive with activity, from upper classmen helping us find our halls, sign-up for clubs, societies and sports teams. Each house had a representative; they all acted like barkers from carnival sideshows. The first to approach me was a large massive individual from the House of Monsters, wanting to know if I would be interested in becoming a part of rush week. I stood there in a confused state, the only thing that came to my mind I’m in high school and they want me to join a frat house with the strangest name I’ve ever heard.
“You want me to join? I’m only a freshman in high school!”
“Here at E of U, there are no boundaries between classman; everyone is given the same opportunities, little man.”
“Why is the frat called House of Monsters?”
“It’s because we are the biggest frat on campus and most of our members are on sports teams.”
“Ok but I’m not into sports, so why would I want to join your frat?”
“Well for starters we’re more then just your typical jocks; most of our members are in the top 10 % of their graduating class. We also lend a helping hand to others.”
“Can I get back to you on it? I’d like to get settled in; this is all new to me and a lot to take in.”
“Sure no problem, the offer is always open for you. By the way I’m James.”
“Ok that’s cool, I’m M. Thanks a lot and I’ll see you around.”
I headed on to find my hall I didn’t make it more then about ten feet when I was approached by another frat.
“Hey there, I represent the House of Elements, and I was wondering if you would be interested in pledging?”
Before answering I stood there and looked him over the only thing running through my mind was he’s kind of geeky. I was thinking they really know how to attract the ladies.
“Thanks but I’m all set.”
“Ok no problem we’re not a pushy group, but if you change your mind the offer still stands.”
“Ok I’ll keep it in mind, thank you.”
Ok this is weird I’ve only made it about half-way to my hall and two frats have already offered membership; but the really weird part was the standing invite they both had given me.  Little did I know I had already been chosen to become part of a secret society.
I finally made it to Earth gate Hall and found my luggage in the lobby; I grabbed it and headed for my room, which I found without any mishaps. As I arrived at my door I noticed on the outside of it were three envelopes one had my name on it. I opened it and inside of it, I found a welcome letter, my student ID, my class line up which was in a sealed envelope and my room key.
I unlocked the door and stepped through, I was amazed by what I found on the other side of the door, the place was set up like an apartment. In front of me was an open living room with a couch and a 35in TV, on my left side was the kitchen that had a fridge, a sink, and plenty of cabinet space. I walked into the living room, where I found four doors three of them had message boards each with the occupants name on them. I opened the door with my name on it and entered.
In front of me was a queen size bed, to the left there was a closet with a built in dresser. To the right I found a brand new laptop, a PDA, an IPOD, and a printer. Next to the desk, there were French doors that led out to the patio that went around the end of the hall.
I was unpacking when I heard a voice in the living room asking if anyone was here. I opened my door and returned to the living room to find one of my roommates; he couldn’t have stood any taller then 5ft. He was well dressed in a suit with a black trench coat over it; underneath one arm was a brief case and behind him was a suitcase as big as he was tall. He wore gold wire framed glasses and had blackish blue curly hair in an afro-like style.
“You must be M. Johnston.”
“Yes I am.’
“Cool I am James Taylor Drexel, at your service.”
“It’s nice to meet you James.”
“No, the pleasure is all mine and, please call me Drex.”
“I can do that.”
“So what can I call you Kido?”
“M, that’s what all my friends do.”
“Cool, M it will be, or kid if that’s ok with you.”
“That’s fine.”
As we were talking, we heard another voice coming down the hall.
“Hello, Hello.”
We both turned to see the third member of our little party make his way into the room; he was taller then me, and a little on the pale side. He was very well dressed, he had a messenger bag slung over his right side and a large suitcase behind him, it was funny if it wasn’t for the mullet you knew he was a ladies man.  His voice was mellow and smooth it was the type of voice you could picture reading poetry in a café somewhere.
“Hi, I am Malcome.”
“I’m Drex and this is M, guess we’re roomies for however long we’re here.”
“Hey I’ve got a question for you and Drex did either of you get your class line-ups for the year? I got my schedule for this quarter.”
“Funny you should ask that Kido, I know I didn’t how about you Mel?”
“I didn’t get one either.”
“That’s just weird, well I’m out of here; I’m going to go check out the campus.”
“Have fun Kido.”
“I will, do you guys want to meet up later?”
“Sure there’s a café in the center of campus we’ll meet you there in a few hours.”
“Ok Drex, That works for me.”
I left the room and headed down the hall, and walked right into some of the local jerks picking on a kid with blonde hair, he was a real runt, and it wasn’t fair. As I got closer I could hear the boy pleading in a whiney, voice with a slight lisp not to hurt him.
“Hey dumb and dumber why don’t you back off the little gay kid.”
“Why should we?”
Next thing I knew I was pinned up against the wall by a very large hand.
“Now what are you going to do about it shrimp?”
“He ain’t going to do anything it’s me you should be worried about!”
They turned to find another kid standing behind them smoking a clove, he was tall and well built dressed in all black wearing mirrored sunglasses, his hair rested just over his collar. You could tell he wasn’t here to be their friends he pulled his hair back and put out his cigarette on the wall.
“How about you two goons let them go and we all can walk away from this.”
“How about we bash your face in too?”
“I don’t think so I’m only going to ask nicely one more time.”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“Wrong answer primate!”
I was sitting on the ground next to the other kid; I sat and watched as the kid in black beat both of the goons down with out even breaking a sweat, then he reached down and pulled both of us to our feet.
“You two ok?”
“Yeah I’m ok big brother.”
“How about you kid?”
“I’m fine.”
“Hey kid next time you want to help; make sure you can.”
“I will thanks for the hand.”
“No problem, thanks for trying to help my little bro.”
“Hey Dark maybe we should introduce ourselves.”
“Yeah sure.”
“Sorry, please excuse Mr. Personality there. I’m Dontay Dark and Mr. no social skills is Dameon.”
“I’m M nice to meet the both of you.”
“I hope next time we meet it will be under better circumstances.”
“Yeah me too.”
We shook hands and parted ways, I continued on my tour of the campus hoping for no more incidents. I finally made it to an exit were I stood staring in awe of how massive the layout was. Of what I could see standing there the campus had to be the size of Massachusetts, my dorm sat in the middle of the quad, there were three more smaller dorms to each side of me, it was set up like a large horse-shoe.  The middle of the quad was a common area there were trees all around, picnic tables, benches and statues it looked like something from ancient Rome, including marble paths leading to different quads and areas of the campus. I picked a path that said Elemental Science and Hall of Knowledge, I thought to myself strange name but I guess I’ll check it out. I found the Elemental science building, what I thought would be a lab wasn’t. I opened the door and stepped inside there was nothing in there but a rolling white board sitting in the middle of the hall. The floor was nothing but dirt and the walls were covered in moss, when I looked up even more to my surprise there was no ceiling not even a roof. I was standing there looking around scratching my head just not getting it, when a door that I had not seen opened. It was like it appeared from no where there were no handles nothing at all along the walls to indicate any doors or entrances, to think of it the door I came through didn’t even appear to exist. Through the door came a beautiful pale-skinned women who appeared to be about twenty-four, she had collar length black hair, green eyes and pointy ears, strangest girl I had ever seen.
“Hi, there I’m one of the instructors of Elemental Science. My name is Evergreen, and you are?”
“Oh, I’m M.”
“Well M you look lost or confused I’m not sure which. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“What happened to the doors?”
“The doors are there, they just blend in with the walls.”
“Oh, ok, but what about the ceiling and the dirt floors, oh yeah and the moss on the walls. Is this lab under-construction or condemned?”
“Oh, no neither, everything is in proper order. Why is there something wrong?”
“Yeah at my old school halls have, floors, ceilings, work benches, and oh yeah there’s no moss on the walls and you can find the doors.”
She was standing there smirking at me in amusement, trying not to laugh. “Oh, I see so you find this kind of strange?”
“Umm, yeah sort of.”
“Well we do things a little different here, it’s an elemental hall, and we believe the class should be taught in the elements.”
I was standing there looking at her as though she had flipped her lid. A classroom with moss on the walls, disappearing doors and no ceiling and she’s telling me this is all in order.
“This is a joke right, it’s just one of those tricks you play on the freshmen right?”
“No, no tricks here.”
“Yeah sure there isn’t. Umm, I think I should be going now.”
“Ok M, well I’ll see you in class next week, you can find your way back right?”
“Yes, this is where elemental science is taught.”
“Ok, well yeah sure I’ll see you then. Oh can you point me in the direction of a door.”
“Sure it’s right there.” She pointed to her right there was nothing there but a moss-covered wall.
“No really can you show me the door?”
“I just did, just walk over and place your hand on it, it will open.”
I walked over to the wall, thinking sure it will, and I’m going to fall in love with a vampire.
“You never know, you could.”
“I could what? I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh sorry could have sworn you did, well never mind I have to be going.”
She turned walked away and left the same way she came in, leaving me standing there alone and still not finding a door. So, I said the hell with it and did what she said, I touched the wall and there was a handle and it just opened. I walked out to find my self-standing at the front entrance, the same one I had just entered. I was standing there talking to myself. Saying how the hell did that happen, and who was that crazy women, she couldn’t be an instructor. As I said, that Max came walking up.
“Hey M, who couldn’t be an instructor?”
“A girl named Evergreen; she seemed to be off her rocker.”
“No she’s an instructor, she’s actually quite sane. Why do you say she’s crazy?”
“Max have you seen that hall?”
“Yeah I helped build it.”
“You what, where is the rest of it, and what the hell is with the moss?”
“Rest of what, everything’s there, it’s all in order.”
“Ok, what’s with you people that’s the same thing she told me, and you come from the same area as me and you don’t find it as odd.”
“Nope, come on I’m blood red and bald, and I’m only a sophomore.”
“What do you mean you’re not red?”
“I’m the same color as your aura, buddy.”
“Ok, this is too weird I must have fallen asleep on the bus and this is all a dream.”
Max walks over and pokes me with one finger.
“Nope you’re not asleep, and I didn’t poke you that hard.”
“Really, ok well I think I’ll be going now, maybe I should go get some sleep or a coffee.”
“Oh, well there is a café in the center of campus, just take the path that says Fountain Row and then there will be another that says Center Campus. From there you should have no problem finding it.”
I headed in the direction he pointed still confused and shaking my head. I found Fountain Row and headed down it when I ran into the two Dark had beaten down.  They were looking for someone to pay for their humiliation; unfortunately, it was me who ended up paying.
They picked me up and threw me into one of the fountains; I thought I was a goner with them holding me under.
When I came to, I was leaning up against the fountain with two beautiful blondes hovering over me.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah I think so, just one thing please tell me I’m not dead and you’re angels.”
“Silly you’re still alive and no we’re not angels.”
“Yeah my sister’s right we’re a lot sweeter!”
“Ok, but where are the Neanderthals who were trying to drown me.”
“I got them boss.”
I turned my head to see two mammoth men standing off to the side. One was holding the two goons by their necks with at least a good foot between their feet and the ground.
“What would you like us to do with them boss?”
“I’m sorry, could you repeat the question; my head is still swimming.”
“What would you like us to do with them?”
“I know what I would like to say, but I’m going to use my better judgment and be the bigger man, let them go.”
“You got it boss.”
“Ok you two heard him let them go.”
Before the biggest one of the two guys put the bullies down, they gave them a warning.
“Ok you two piss-ants, if me or my little bro here see or even hear about you picking on anyone again we’ll become your worst nightmare, am I making myself clear.”
They both nodded.
“Good, now get lost.”
The bigger one of the two put them back on the ground and they took off running.
“Come on boss, up you go.”
With two fingers, the smaller one of the two pulled me to my feet.
“Besides being wet, you okay boss?”
“Yes I’m ok, but the boss thing is starting to bug me, my name is M and you four are?”
The blondes spoke first.
“My name is Opal.”
“I’m her sister Sapphire.”
“It’s nice to meet you two ladies.”
“And the two very large and intimidating individuals are Michael and Samuel, the Walls brothers.”
“Nice to meet you two as well and thanks for the helping hands all of you.”
“It was no problem Boss.”
“Well see you around then?”
“Yes you will.”
We all shook hands and traded room extensions.
I headed towards the café to meet up with Malcome and Drex. I found them sitting at a table on the patio, I pulled out a chair and sat down with a squish.
“Kido, did you go for a swim or something.”
“It wasn’t my choice.”
“I bet, should I ask where?”
“Oh just in one of the fountains.”
“You know there are about nine pools on this campus.”
“Yes I do, but like I said, it wasn’t my choice, I had a few helping hands with my swim.”
“That sucks, but Kido you have some admirers over at that table.”
“Which way?”
“To your left.”
“Ok what am I looking at?”
“The table full of girls.  To be more exact the long haired brunette.”
“Ok I’ve got her in my sights, and I think she’s got me in hers.”
“Go talk to her.”
“No way, I look like a drown rat, I think I’m going to cut out and go get cleaned up.”
I got up and left, I just wanted to go drown myself standing up with no help. After I walked out the girls joined Drex and Malcome.
“So who’s your wet friend?”
“That’s M and you are?”
“Oh, sorry I’m Robin and these are my friends Zoe, and Reena.”
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Drex and this is Malcome, we’re all roomies.”
“Oh I see blue boy.”
“And I see that you see the truth.”
“Yes I do but how about your friend?”
“Who Malcome?”
“You must mean M then.”
“Yes, I don’t like my own kind, no offense Malcome.”
“None taken, I feel the same way.”
“So how about M?”
“Nope he doesn’t see the truth, as of yet.”
“Oh, Okay, so he doesn’t know you’re blue, and that Malcome and I have a biting obsession.”
“Naw, not at all, so let me guess you’d like to meet him, snack or other interest?”
“Other interest.”
“Well M is at our dorm room, so why don’t we head back there?”
“Fine with me.”
They all head back to the dorm room only instead of walking they body slid, since it was a good twenty-minute walk. They arrived at Earth gate a few minutes later and headed up to the guys room. They entered the living room and Robin asked where M was. Drex replied by pointing to the only door without a white board.
“Oh, really.”
“Yeah if you hadn’t noticed he was all wet.”
As I was finishing my shower, I heard voices in the living room. It’s funny any other time I would have brought my clothes with me, but this time I didn’t and from what I could make out Drex and Malcome had female guests out there.
I opened the door and peeked out, they were all sitting except the beautiful pale-skinned brunette, and luckily, she was talking with Drex so she wasn’t looking in my direction. Therefore, I dashed for my room and shut the door quietly hoping no one would notice my escape from the bathroom.
A few minutes later, I could hear Drex calling for me.
“Hey Kido, there are some people here that would like to meet you.”
“Ok, I’ll be right out.”
A few minutes later, I made my way into the living room ready to meet people now that I was in a dry set of clothes. As I stepped out of my room, I was caught in the gaze of the brunette from the café. I could feel her eyes move up and down me at least once before she spoke.
“Now I must say you’re so much cuter now that you’re not sopping wet, but the towel looked good as well.”
“You caught that, did you?”
“Oh, yes I did. By the way I’m Robin, and I hear your name is M.”
“Yeah, that would be me, so what else have you heard.”
“Not much but really curious, about what happened.”
“Oh you mean the wet clothes?”
“Yes silly.”
“Well I was on my way to the café to meet up with Drex and Malcome, by way of Fountain Row when I was given swimming lessons.”
“Well I see you passed.”
“Yeah with the help of the Walls brother’s.”
“Oh I see, so how do you know them?”
“They just happened by.”
“Yeah that sounds like them always there when someone needs a hand.”
“So how do you know them?”
“Every body knows the Walls brother’s.”
“Oh, ok. So how did you end up here?”
“Well after you left we went over to talk with your roommates, and they invited us back.”
“Oh, I see.”
I was so entranced in those ice blue eyes of hers they had me pulled right in, even with everything else going on around us I was completely trapped in her gaze. The only thing that brought me back was one of her friends saying they had to get going.
“So Robin would you like to grab a coffee or something sometime?”
“She would love to but next week is rush week.”
“Ok, so that means what?”
“It means most of us have been chosen to rush and we have things we have to do to earn our places.”
“Oh. Ok.”
“Robin say goodbye we’ve got to go.”
“Ok chill, I’ll catch you later M.”
“Ok that’s fine.”
She walked over to the white board on my door and wrote her number down.
“Call me or drop in.”
“I can do that.”
“I bet you can.”
“Rob enough flirting, we’ve got to go.”
“Bye, M.”
“Bye, Robin.”
I watched them leave and I almost followed her to the door like a little puppy, but I stopped myself, no need to look infatuated with her or desperate.
“Nice Kido she’s hot and I think she’s sweet on you.”
“You think so?”
“Kid she made it too much of her interest to meet you. She about invited herself over.”
“Oh, well that’s cool; well I’m going to go finish straightening my room up.”
“All right, I’ll be here.”
“Hey where did Malcome go?”
“I don’t know he was just here. He must have left with one of Robins friends.”
“It figures.”
I disappeared into my room and Drex crashed onto the couch and turned on the TV. After I finished straightening up I sat down at my desk so that I could open up my new alarm clock, the damn thing was taped so tight that you needed a knife to open it. I finally got it open then couldn’t get the damn thing to work, I must have been messing with it for about a half hour, when I heard a knock on my door, I went over and opened it to find Drex standing there.
“Hey M, are you all right I heard you yelling.”
“No I can’t get this damn thing to work.”
“Let me see.” I handed the alarm to Drex and he had it working in no time.
“Strange thing, never seen one like this, well I think it’s all set just set the time you want.”
“Ok thanks.”
“No prob, that’s what we’re here for, to help each other out.”
“I know, well I’ll see you tomorrow I’m going to get ready for bed I’m exhausted.”
“Have a good night.”
“You too.”
I lost the week exploring the campus as well as hanging with new friends, before I knew it, Monday was right around the corner and classes would be starting.

© Copyright 2011 M.V.Johnston (m.v.johnston at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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