Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1793754-struggles-darkness-and-mystery
by kat4
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Tragedy · #1793754
its rlly cool ,but hard to explain please read and comment if you want more of it email me
I ran into my room and slammed the door. I marched to my bedmaking sure to stomp on the ground so my mother and her boyfriend could hear. Then i herd them coming up. So i jumped up and locked the door. It was her voice. My mother's, it was fiece and angry almost like a lion after being awoken from a nap as she said," Samantha Anne Johnson, you better open this right now or so help me..." i cut her off and said, "Or what mom, or what?! will you swing a bat at me like I am some sort of baseball again or maybe this time you will use the broom again or maybe my prized trophy? Mom not anymore! I am tired of lying about all theese injurries. Then i heard her crying and she said, "I'm so sorry sweet heart . I lovde you. your all I have...I need you here with me, please hunny, please."  i looked at the suitcase i packed a month ago. I thought the only reason i didn't leave then is because well, of this she begged and cried and everytime after that. i knew in my brain if i didn't go now this would just happen again, but in my heart i knew if i left her then she would do something jerastic or maybe she wouldn't what if she didn't care about me and she only wants me to cook and clean for her like i do. I told her, "Mom, i can't say  i love you. Don't you understand I am your slave. you put me through fourteen years of tortue i can't take it anymore! i have litterally thought of suicide. You don't love me! You only say you do when i am about to leave you...and now you, you can't stop me I am going!" I openned the door with my suitcase in my hand and said, "Helen Johnson i wish you the best of luck in your whole life." i tried not to cry as i walked to the door to my freedom. i passed Kyle my mom's boyfriend he was passed out on the couch, again. she started screaming, "where will you go? How will you survive? You have no money, no where to go, and you don't even have transportation!" i just kept walking and i  approched the door. As i turned the handle and walked out she said, "Fine leave! Go run away like a baby.Go! Go!Go!!" then i smiled i knew  i was making the right choice.

                                                              CHAPTER 2

                                                      FREEDOM REINS

I walked down the street and started thinking where am i going. I don't know where to go then as i was walking still as a girl named jessica ran up to me and said, "what are doing here?" I said, " I don't know." she replied, "where are you goin?" i started crying and said, " I dont know! I don't know! i just don't know anything except i just ran away from my abusive mother!" then my stomach dropped no one was supposed to ever find out. how could i let it slip." she looked at me with caring eyes and said, "oh my god sam, you never told me. Its okay you can stay with me. i live with my aunt ,but she is never home. I pay the bills so I guess it's mine. come on. All i could do is nod and i got up and walked with her. Her house was extremely small it had wholes in it and the windows were all boarded up. It was unbelievable how horribley misshaped the house on the outside ,but when you walked in it was beautiful. There wasn't much ,but she made it look wonderful it's unexplainable what this little 14 year old did. she is raising herself. she said, " oh i also have an older brother he is a high school dropout but he's all i have and i love him. his room is down the hall first door on the left. I walked down to say hi ,but when I looked in the room i screamed in horror. jess came to see what was the matter and she shouted, "No, no , no. you can't, oh my god!" she couldn't talk anymore and she just cried sitting on his bed clutchingthe letter he wrote her. 
© Copyright 2011 kat4 (tabbycat08 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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