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Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1793228
Story still in progress, i would love any constructive critisism
Chapter 2

         Well that was a fun first day of school. I waited out front to walk home with Jason like we always did, and I waiter, and waited. About a half hour later I finally realized he wasn't coming so I had to take the treacherous half mile walk home by myself.

         At home it was business as usual. I slipped in without anybody noticing, or even caring for that matter. I come from a family with a lot of girls in it, and believe me when I say they ran the house. The only one that I had on my side was my dad, but he was working so much that I hardly ever saw him.

         The night's agenda was fairly simple, first I would completely ignore the fact that I had any homework to do, with that out of the way I would lay on my bed until it was time for dinner. Dinnertime in my house was pretty laid back, my mom would just set out whatever feast that she had made for the night and call everyone to come and grab his or her plate. I would usually just grab a few items and head back to my room.

         Back in my room I would just lie on my bed and watch T.V., until it got dark outside. Once it was dark I would take a stroll down the block to our corner store and pick up my real dinner for the night. I was feeling especially depressed from the daysevents so I needed some comfort food, thank god for chicken. Of course I had to get a couple of scoops of mashed potatoes to go with the chicken, and who wants to eat mashed potatoes without some cornbread, then of course I needed some desert. Dinner tuned out to be expensive tonight. I think I'm going to need to ask for a raise in my allowance.

         Nobody noticed me coming in the house, hell I don't think anybody even noticed that I left. Fine by me. I like flying in under the radar, even though it is a little sad when you own family can't even see what you are doing.

         After I was done eating I packed up all of my trash and stuffed it into my book bag. I would get rid of the evidence on my way to school in the morning. Now I was ready to spend some good quality time with my only real friend, my T.V. It was Thursday so I was looking forward to checking out this new show that everybody was talking about, Seinfeld, or something like that, then I could watch my favorite show, Frasier.

         I didn't get the whole Seinfeld. It was kind of boring, and I doubt it'll catch on. Frasier did make me laugh a little as usual. I like when a show can just take your mind away from all of your problems, at least for a little while. I wasn't about to sit through another hour of L.A. Law so I figured I'd go sit on the porch for a little while and enjoy the night air.

         Our neighborhood is really quiet at night, there are a lot of old couples that live here. This made it very peaceful to sit on the stairs and listen to the fall winds blow in. I could sit there for hours letting my mind wander, thinking about how much better my life would be if I were somebody else. I would pretend that I was born into a rich family and that I had all of the things that my heart desired, especially friends. I would have hundreds of friends who wanted to hang out with me. I would be the most popular kid in the world, but then I would start wondering why I didn't have any friends.

         What started out being a relaxing breath of fresh air would become more and more depressing. I was startled out of my daydreaming by someone calling my name. It was Eric. He was the bad seed of the neighborhood, or at least that's what the old lady's would say about him. Eric never bothered me though, growing up I don't remember him even saying more than hi to me. So what could he want now? He was walking down the street with a couple of friends, some of the older kids from the other side of the block. So I lumbered over to see what he wanted.

         I definitely was not ready for the swift kick to my nads. It happened so quick that I didn't even see it coming. The pain that shot through my body was so intense that it brought me to my knees almost immediately. They were all yelling something as they ran off, but as I knelt there clutching my stuff and trying to hold back the screams I couldn't hear a word they were saying. After the day I had I really should have seen something like this coming, could my life possibly get any worse?

         And the Lord said, “Ask and Ye shall receive”. Yeah don't ever ask if something could get worse, because the answer is always yes.
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