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Fired isn't always a bad thing... |
I walked down the same old street I did every day, and into the building where I worked. I found that I had been fired. There were three things that pointed to this fact. One being that my key no longer worked in the lock to my office, another being the box of my possessions outside my old office door. What really drove the point home, however, was my boss shouting something to the effect of ‘You’re fired’ at me. I wasn’t particularly surprised, not after the rubber toaster incident (don’t even ask). So I didn’t have a job... Well what else was new? I walked back home thinking that I should probably find something to do with myself before I died of starvation. Instead I read an entire novel and went to bed. That’s sort of what I do when I don’t want to face life, read, eat, and sleep. I woke up feeling groggy, mucus in lining my mouth. I looked around my bleak bedroom as my eyes adjusted to the dark. What time was it? I groped around for my watch for a moment. Where was it? I had left it on the bedside table... Oh, right, I had fallen asleep as soon as I got in bed that night... It was still on my wrist. I pressed a button and it glowed blue for a moment though I had to press it three more times before I could read it due to bleary eyes. 12:34! I had to get out of bed! I was late for work. Then I remembered and settled back down for some more rest for lack of anything else to do... Wait, why was it dark at noon? I checked my watch again AM... Alright, I needed to get back to sleep. It was then that I heard a knocking at my front door... Who would come at this hour? I stumbled downstairs without bothering to turn on any lights... Maybe I had ordered Pizza before I had fallen asleep... I opened the door. A man stood in front of me. He wore a suit and tie. Not a pizza delivery guy I noticed. “Hello” I said. “Hello” “What do you want” I asked. Possibly a little harshly for having jut woken up to the realization that I was unemployed. “I want to hire you, I understand that you were recently fired from your job?” “Yes... Wait, how did you know that?” “I arranged for the bat to get involved with the little toaster project” “YOU BA...” “Please, hear what I have to say.” “Alright” I grumbled. “I arranged for it because the Television companies decided that there would be more views if someone recently fired from their job won the lottery. A good story and all that.” “But I didn’t buy any...” He laughed “You think you win the lottery by buying tickets? No, we make someone a story so that the viewers always root for the winner. Someone with kids, someone who has gone through hard times... So how about it?” “What do I have to do” “Simple” He handed me a slip of paper “This is your lottery ticket. You bought it with some of your last savings in the hopes of earning enough money to scrape by. After that I’ll be back, get you a nice job in marketing. I understand that’s what you’ve always wanted to do.” “Alright” I said, not daring to believe my luck “I’m in” |