Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1792604-2-Worlds-Between-Us
Rated: E · Fiction · Experience · #1792604
2 young women speak briefly about the identities of those around them.
2 Worlds Between Us

18 year old Yuri Seashouzoa and 16 year old Mari Yukisho stood on a street corner amongst the bustling throng of people, some eager to get back to work, while others ran home to their families. The two young women watched the flurry of activity around them, something that was common but rarely ever truly witnessed. Yuri turned to Mari and pointed to a man in a navy blue suit with a briefcase struggling to rush across an intersection, though the traffic light was clearly still green, the man dodged and twisted barely making it across, and a slow smile slid across her features.

         “Mari what is the word used to describe someone who is fake” Mari seemed confused, but answered the question nonetheless, “if you mean fake in their actions than the they’re a poser.” Yuri than shifted her gaze and pointed toward a girl wearing all black clothing chains, hanging from her clothing “yes that’s what I meant, Mari I don’t know why it just struck me, but all these people are posers.” The confusion on Mari’s face deepened, “what are you talking about, you can’t seriously be saying that man dodging traffic was just pretending to be in a hurry or that the woman there is just pretending that she’s emo.”

         Yuri laughed, the people on the crowded corner began to shuffle about and move forward, the sign had changed signaling it was okay to cross the street. The two young women began across and onward to their destination in the city’s park, they sat underneath the shade of its leaves. Yuri than began to explain, “Each of them was a poser, just in different ways, I know that girl who was wearing all black, she’s only dressed like that to fit in with some group her boyfriend likes, she doesn’t like the color black and she barely has any idea what the hell and emo person is.”

         Mari laughed for a moment than stopped, but what about the crazy guy who shot through traffic with the briefcase and suit on ?” Yuri smiled I know him too, he’s only into that position and job to impress his parents, he hates it, but knows he can’t choose anything else without his parents losing it. Simply put he’s a poser to himself, killing his own image each day.” Yuri snickered for a moment “ I wonder if his reflection fades each morning when he straightens his tie in the mirror ?“

         “Besides Mari there are two different worlds, think of it this way, there is this place filled with people who pretend they’re happy and doing what they want, and there is the world where people’s hopes and dreams live continuing on by themselves. Its just that some people manage to live in both at once, doing what they love and existing amongst the posers at the same time.” Mari thought than turned to Yuri, “but what about you, wont you be going into the exact same position soon, and if you don’t what will your family think ?”

         Yuri’s face straightened, “nope I don’t plan on it, I’m going into art.” Mari carried a flustered look before speaking “ But I thought everything had already been picked out for you and how things were supposed to go an..” Yuri stopped her short and interjected “ I don’t have plans to follow what’s been placed out for me, I don’t even know what I want yet, how could these other people have a clue ?” Yuri tuned and looked her friend in eyes “ there are days where I don’t even want to get out of bed, not because I’m comfortable I just don’t know what the point is sometimes.”

         Mari looked deeper into Yuri’s eyes seeing her friend’s gaze seemed to be trained both on her and gazing far beyond, “So why do you get up on those days, what is the purpose you’ve found to keep going ?” Yuri smiled once again “My purpose is to continue on until I’ve found my purpose in life and followed the right path.” Mari stopped to think over her friend’s answer

         “ So your purpose is to find a life purpose, that sounds weird.” Yuri sighed and leaned back against the tree finding comfort in it pressing against her and holding her up firmly, “ It may sound weird but it’s what’s best, to go through life hurried on other people’s choices is pointless, but I’d love to find what right for me.” The two friends laid against the tree occasionally talking, bringing up things they had seen on television or personally around them, and as they did each of the worlds cycled by them.
© Copyright 2011 Tristan Blake (traptattention at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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