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by Vinnie
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1792592
The first confrontation between the Enforcers and the Sinner Corps.
As Pride shot through the vacuum of space, protected by his ring, he observed the legion of yellow-clad beings behind him. As soon as he had flown out of Ominar's fortress, he had released several duplicates of his ring to start building his corps. After a while, the corp had grown to include over fifty alien life forms, each completly unique. Pride looked ahead and saw that he had reached his destination...Earth.

Electron mentally activated his electric power, surrounding him in a nimbus of lightning. Rising up, he flew from the hanger to the central tower of Era Tower Tokyo. Tendril, a human merged with an alien life form, was waiting at the computer banks. "About time you got here," he hissed. "Lighthawk almost bit my head off when I said you weren't here." Up in space, Lighthawk, the Enforcer in charge of E Tower One, said "Our sensors have picked up multiple life forms en route to Earth. They're apparently being propeled by some form of hardlight. No clue to their intentions-" He was cut of abruptly and a dull thud sounded in the background. "Well, they just made themselves clear. One just fired at us."
"You have full defense authorization. They try it again, blow them out of the sky." said Electron. "What sky? We're in space, remember?" quipped Lighthawk.
Lighthawk cut the link and activated the tower's automatic defense system. Laser cannons popped out of several places on the tower's exterior and targeted the Pride Corps. Lighthawk pushed another button and all cannons fired. Using the exterior cameras, Lighthawk saw the Pride Corp create shields to deflect the lasers. After the barrage ceased, the Pride Corp returned fire. The yellow bolts simply bounced off the tower's shields.

Pride looked on in amazement as the bolts from his ring bounced off the E Tower. Pride constructs were the the strongest substance in the universe. There was no way a simple deflector shield could stop it. He spoke into his ring, "Fly around the tower and proceed to Earth. We came here to conquer a world, not waste our time on some lame superheroes." The Corps shot through the sky, but as they entered the upper atmosphere, a haze appeared in the air in front of them. The haze quickly solidified into a dozen or so costumed figures.

Masked Marvel soared through the air, heading stright for Pride. Behind him, his team scattered, battling their way through the Corp. As Masked Marvel got ready to beat on him, Pride raised his hand and fired a bolt of golden energy. Marvel plowed through it and delivered a punch to Pride's stomach. Unfazed, Pride fired another bolt, this one going wild and almost taking Tornado's head off.
"So, who are you guys?" Steel Condor asked the alien he was fighting. The multi-eyed, six-limbed creature replied, "We are the Pride Corp, devoted to great Onimar, bent on conquering the universe." "Is that right? Well, looks like we have to stop you." Condor raised his arm as steel blades popped out. A stunning blow sent the alien rocketing into two more Pride Corp members. Observing the battle, Condor had to agree that they were being stopped. Sentinal and Basilisk had already dispatched several of the enemy, while Gauntlet and Pulsar were bringing the defeated Corp members to a prison ship hovering far above the fight. Just then a number of orange and violet lights appered in the sky.

To be continued
© Copyright 2011 Vinnie (bblader at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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