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Rated: E · Article · Self Help · #1792529
Follow these five easy steps and loose weight without even exercising!
  There are a few basic steps that most people can take to lose a little unwanted flab, but they're not aware of these simple steps because they have always been told  to better themselves with exercise alone. Exercise is a huge part of the process, but simply changing a few things in your diet is a great stepping stone. I won’t go into as much detail as I’d like to on these next few steps, but I will give you the gist! If you follow these few steps, I promise you’ll notice a change within weeks, if not days.

1. Cut back on sugar. I like to tell people to completely cut out all sugar, but I know it’s not that easy. I’m positive that most people’s addiction to sodas is a major cause of their extra pounds, but they wouldn’t believe me until they actually kicked the habit. A lot of people turn to sweets for the release of endorphins that makes them “feel good” while they munch down. The problem is that most people witness a huge sugar crash and extra flab due to that “good” feeling! Stevia is a great sugar replacement if you like sweet tea or sugar in your coffee. I recommend avoiding fruit juices, also, because they are mostly made up of high fructose corn syrup.

2. Drink water. Water is necessary for what’s going on inside our bodies, but most of us treat water as an option. I know some people that never drink water and always ask me what to do in order for them to feel better. Seriously, drink water. I could write a book on how beneficial water is as a necessity to our overall well being. A lot of people opt for soda to drink while they eat because they have been trained to do so since they were children. They probably wouldn’t even know that they were eating their favorite food if they were blind folded and given only water to drink. In my opinion, food tastes better with water and you can eat more!

3. Cut out the bread. It is a belief that wheat bread is healthy and white bread is bad for you. Right and wrong. Wheat bread may not be as processed as white bread, but those carbs are still killer! If most people looked at their diets, they would see that they eat more bread than they do vegetables and meat. Bread has unnecessary carbs and actually fills you up so fast that you don’t eat the healthier portions of your meal.

4. Take a vitamin. Supplements to our diet are very important. Our bodies can only make so much of what we need. If we don’t eat near the amount of nutritious foods that we should, our bodies start to break down like a car that is never serviced properly. Taking a simple Centrum vitamin once a day is enough for a person to feel better; and even lose a little weight because the certain vitamins necessary to burn fat for fuel are guaranteed to be there!

5. Eat like a bird. People think that eating one to three meals a day is good because they feel they aren’t eating too much. WRONG! They might not eat too much, but their timing is way off the Richter scale. A big breakfast is good, but as the day goes on you should eat small snacks every two hours. I know that’s not easy for busy people, but fruit is an easy snack to carry on you. Lunch needs to be a medium sized meal and dinner needs to be small, but not as small as a piece of fruit. I recommend nothing after 8 P.M. Small protein smoothies and shakes are quick and easy, too. I’d spice them up with some fruit, though, because a lot of them are straight up disgusting if you don’t.
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