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Rated: 13+ · Other · Career · #1791662
It's the first 3 chapters and it might not make since but it's still the rough draft.
Crossing the Rubicon

In honor of those who have touched my life:
Cherokee Trouble Too, A palomino stallion that trusted me with his life and I trusted him with mine.(dad sold him)
Betty, the Quarter horse x Belgian mare who was my best friend.(dad sold her)
Shelby, the Shetland pony gelding I saved as just a little girl. He taught me how to ride and trust.(dad sold him)
Freckles, my appaloosa mare who let me tell her everything. She listened great. (dad sold her)
Prancer, my Paint x Quarter horse mare that is teaching me patience.
Sunny, my quarter horse gelding who lets me fly on his back every time we ride.
Daisy, my colt’s mom.she is a paint and she lets me love on her everyday.
Joker, My paint stallion/colt who shows me everyday how even the slightest thing is a miracle.
Wildfire, my paint filly who though I only knew her for two months taught me it’s better to love and lost rather than never love at all and who taught me how to live. She had a wild but gentle soul. (Now past)
Bobbypin, my 13 year old rat terrier who has been with me since I was three and her 3 months. She is one of my closest friends.

Chapter 1

Sara jumped when she heard a knock at the front door. For Christ Sakes she needs to stop reading scary books they were making her way to jumpy. “Breathe Sara Breathe,” she whispered to herself as she got up to go to the front door. She looked through the peep hole and saw the mail man. “Shit, why won’t he put my mail in the mail BOX?” She whispered. Sara put a fake smile on and opened the door.
“Chuck, it’s you. How are you today?” She asked in her nicest voice ever.
“Oh I’m fine. I’ve got your mail. Mostly bills again.” He said handing Sara her mail.”
“Thanks Chuck. See you tomorrow,” Sara said in a normal voice and all Chuck did was shake his head. Sara closed the door behind her and quickly ruffled through her mail. She came across a note that said Michael Scott McGee. Wait! Sara’s maiden name is Sara Elaine McGee. Thoughts began to rush into Sara’s head as she opened the leader. Could it really be the dad she never knew? When Sara opened it all the way she began to read.
Dearest Sara,
I know I haven’t been a big part of your life since you were a baby but I think it’s time you know why I haven’t been around. It started long before you were born. Your mother and I were on vacation in La Rochelle, France and someone decide that they liked your mother a little too much. I tried to tell the man to leave but instead he kidnapped your mother. I tracked him down and brought your mother back and ever since the man has been trying to ‘hurt me’. I only left you and you’re mother so that you two wouldn’t be in danger.
Sara thought about this for a while before more questions raced into her mind. Her mother never told her about any vacation to La Rochelle? Was that even a real place? Sara pushed her questions aside before continuing to read.
If I had stayed it would have put both your mother and you in more danger than you are in now. I would’ve never told you this sad truth but the fact is the man tracking me just so might try to come after you. Once again, I am sorry for never being around but it was the only way I could protect you.
With Love Forever,

Sara plopped into her computer chair a surprised, but upset look overcoming her face. This couldn’t be right, her mother told her her father left because he had to go to war and that he was declared MIA (missing in action). Okay that was it all these books were getting to her. Sara got up and went to her radio.
“I need to get more relaxing music,” Sara said as she rummaged through her millions of rock, hip-hop, country, pop, and love songs.
“Uh,” Sara sighed with satisfaction as she put Mozart into her radio. Sara closed her eyes and began to feel the music take her away from the strange new reality.
Hours later Sara had gone back to reading her book as she listened to Mozart. As Sara read her muscles were tense and rigid. Sara really needs to start to read better books. The Kay Scarpetta books were just too jumpy for her. If she told her sister that she would call Sara a wimp. The thought of being called a wimp made Sara think twice about going to her mother’s house.

Sara gave a great sighed before jumping up and sprinting to her room. She had forgotten that Tony at the police station owed her. Sara grabbed her purse, dangling delicately from her bed post. Sara stuffed the note in her purse and ran to her kitchen counter grabbing her keys and practically galloping to the door. Sara darted out of the door, slamming it behind her. Sara ran down her stairs tripping on the last one. As she reached her car she didn’t stop to think she just opened the door and throw her purse in. Sara jumped in the driver’s seat of the Volvo and started the engine. She turned down her driveway and speed towards the highway.
As Sara reached the police station she felt an urge to run in the place like a maniac and demand they search for her father’s current address. Before Sara got out of the car she took a deep breath. Control. Keep yourself under control, Sara. She murmured to herself as she got out of the Volvo. Sara Grabbed her purse out of the passenger seat and walked towards the precinct. Sara walked quickly through the precinct and up to Tony.
“Tony, can I talk to you?” Sara asked as she approached him.
“Of course. How can I help you, Sara?” Tony asked with a surprised look on his face. He hadn’t expected Sara would come here unless she needed something. Oh no what was he going to have to do?
“Can you figure out my birth father’s current address?” Sara questioned Tony.
“Uh…” the question came as a shock to Tony, “sure?”Tony replied in a kind of questioning tone. Sara just nodded her head and walked out of the precinct as fast as she could. The police officers thought the way she left the precinct was like a thoroughbred lurching out of a loading gate before the gates opened. Sara walked to Volvo and stopped beside the driver’s door. Sara gasped as if she had been running for miles, truth be told she was hadn’t got over note yet. Sara shook her head clear of her crazy thoughts and opened the Volvo’s door. Sara plopped down into the driver’s seat and thought about the possibility of her father being alive. For Christ sakes Sara It’s only a note. She thought to herself.
The entire ride home Sara kept trying to remember her father but , she couldn’t. Baffled by the fact Sara turned her favorite song, When Your Gone, on. As Sara listened to her song she became increasingly worried. Her father had said that the reason she never saw him was because of some danger and that made Sara nervous.
Sara turned on I-10 west and continued driving. She seriously need to move, her job was just to far away from home plus the precinct was just as far. Sara sighed and pulled off the road at the 3rd exit. Sara drove down the road for half a block and pulled into the Pieter Pet Resort. Sara parked as close to the door as she could and got out. When Sara got into the pet resort she asked the lady at the desk for Sheba. One minute later, the lady came back from the back with Sheba, Sara’s German shepherd.
“Sheba, girl.” Sara exclaimed as she knelt down. Sheba’s tail was waging a mile a minute as she careened up to Sara. Sara giggled as Sheba licked her face thoroughly. After paying the fee, Sara hooked Sheba’s leash to her collar and lead her to her car. Sara opened the passenger door and with a simple word Sheba jumped into the passenger seat. Thirty minutes later Sara found herself pulling into her driveway. Sara stopped her car and got out. As soon as Sara unclipped Sheba’s led she was out of the car. Sheba darted around outside.
“Be in by 11,” Sara joked with Sheba. Sara unlocked her front door and went inside. Sheba darted in after her and went straight to her toy box in the corner, grabbing her favorite ball. Sara giggled and walked to the kitchen, it was already 5 and Sara had to start making dinner so it would be ready by 6 for when Charles came home. Sure enough when 6 o’clock came around Sara had the dinner on the table and Charles pulled into the drive.
Sara waited on the porch for Charles. He walked up to Sara, his brunet hair cut short into a neat flattop. Sara smiled and gave him a hug. Charles and Sara walked into the house together. Charles went to the bathroom and took a shower while Sara went to the kitchen to put the desert in the oven to reheat it. Ten minutes later Charles came into the dining room and sat on his end of the table. Sara sat at her end. Both of them bowed their heads and began to pray. “God is Good, God is Great, and we thank him for this daily bread.. God give us the strength to withstand our troubles and know you are with us every day. Amen.” Charles said aloud. Charles and Sara ate quietly for awhile until Charles found his words again.
“How was your day, sweetie?” Charles asked. Sara nodded.
“Good and yours?” Sara asked leaving the letter out. She was worried Charles would overreact which he probably would.

The next day Sara woke at 5 to find Charles had already gone to work. Sara gave a grave sigh, she hated being alone but she loved Charles. Sara walked to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. Five minutes later Sara was dressed in her black work dress and was going to the kitchen. Sara grabbed a cup of coffee, her purse, and keys as she headed to the front door. After locking the door Sara walked down stairs and to her Volvo. As Sara drove the two hour drive to her job at the hospital, she found herself thinking about the letter from her ‘dad’ again. She shook the thought out of her head. Being the hospital’s lawyer was boring job but at least it paid well.
Sara nodded to the patients and nurses as she passed. She was well known here for she is the hospitals only lawyer. Sara walked to her office silently. As Sara unlocked her office door an angry patient past and Sara could feel a lawsuit brewing and Sara immediately knew that the doctor the lawsuit would be against would be Dr. James Holt.

Sara sat at her desk going through case after case. Most cases involved Dr. Holt. Sara was baffled the hospital kept him around but she just kept working. As Sara worked she came across and old not from Charles. Sara smiled at the note because of its intellect. Charles had come a long way since when she met him 5 years ago but she could never tell anymore. Charles never wrote love notes to her anymore. Sara came to think it was just because he didn’t have the time anymore. He was delivering 3 times as many loads of vegetables than he was when they met. Luckily Charles would come home tonight. Sara began to plan a big dinner for the both of them.
Sara walked to lunch silently it wasn’t like Charles would be at lunch today or that she had anything majorly important to do. Then again she had a new case that involved the angry patient, she saw earlier, and Dr. Holt. Sara ate quietly and after words went back to her office. She pulled some documents from the hospital data base and started printing them. By the end of the day, Sara, a lone lawyer, had half the case ready.
When Sara got home she got out of the car, she had already seen that Charles was home because his Dodge was in the driveway. Sara walked inside to see the house a mess and Charles sitting on the couch. This reminded her why she was mad at him a lot. Sara threw her keys on the kitchen table. She was no longer in the mode to make his fancy dinner. No. Now he could make his own dinner.
The Next morning Sara went to the living room to talk to Charles. When Sara Said she wanted a divorce Charles agreed but refused to leave the house. she assured him she wanted to move. Sara began to pack her bags the entire month. She had found a small town house in Missouri and was going to work at the local law firm. Sara sent the hospital administer her notice four weeks ahead of time.

Chapter 2
Sara waited in line as the plane began boarding. She couldn’t wait to get to her beautiful new countryside home. She had sent all her stuff the day before and it would be arriving about the same time as she would. As Sara finally made it on the plane she sat closer to the back than she normally sat but it was the only window seat left and Sara wanted to see her new home from above,as the plane was about to leave a flight attendant came on the speaker and started explaining everything. This being the first time Sara ever rode on Southwest Airlines and she was pleased to see how caring the people were.

The flight attendant began to explain the air masks and put a joke in saying if you were traveling with more than one child to choose the one with the most potential. Everyone laughed included Sara; Sara who had hated Charles’ jokes. Sara sat on the airplane and thought about what her new life would be like. Sara looked out the window and soon fell asleep; her head leaning against the window.
One hour later Sara woke feeling the decent as the airplane began to plummet to the earth. After the landing Sara went to the baggage claim and got her bags. They were just a few bags of cloths because she had shipped everything else. Sara got in a taxi and told him where to go.

“Oh, Nice place.” The cab driver stated thus scaring Sara. Great as if Chuck wasn’t creepy enough now this guy knows My house, Sara thought to herself. As the taxi pulled up to her new house Sara paid and got out. Sara gasped at the beauty of her new house. The two car garage, and stone
siding that went about two feet up the sides of the house. Its window sills were white matching the white panel siding that started where the stones ended. It also had a big yard and a beautiful patio in front. The side walk, from the concrete driveway, was made of stones that matched the stones on the house. It was breathtaking and when Sara walked up to the house she unlocked the door before entering.

Sara gasped at the beautiful house; it was even better than in the pictures. in the living room was a large stone fireplace. the stones matched that of the stones on the siding and sidewalk. It had hardwood flooring made of real Brazilian cherry wood. The furniture in the room was
leather. There was a Sony big screen television, too. Sara walked to the kitchen and inside was a brand new refrigerator and stove. She looked at the rest of the house, sure enough her Stuff had got here and the movers had put it up the way Sara had explained.

That night Sara sat alone at her table in her new house. Not only had she got a beautiful house she had 140 acres of beautiful rolling hills. She thought more that night about how her life had officially changed, before going to bed. When Sara woke the next day she dressed in her best slacks and suit shirt which was black with light blue pinstripes, before heading off to her new job. As she pulled up to the small building in her fancy new Volvo, she began wondering if she would be able to afford the new property she just got. The place really was small. It looked almost like a one room and when see entered she saw an entrance room where she would probably be and three other rooms; a fax and printer, and the rooms for the other two lawyers. With a sigh of great defeat she called to the other lawyers.

“ Hello. I’m Sara, the new lawyer.”

The attorneys came and Sara saw they were both male. Oh great. She thought to herself. They introduced there selves as Max and Joe. Max had dark brown hair and was a firm looking man. Max had a cheerless look for me while Joe had light blonde hair and had a flaccid look to him. Sara looked at them and was favoring Joe already. After welcoming Sara the men showed her to her desk and she noticed that Max seemed to have his emotions locked away. Joe had a flaccid and athletic walk. This caused Sara to want to know more about Max but she wasn’t going to just ask him immediately. She just met him for crying out loud. Throughout the day, Sara kept on wondering about Max. Every now and again when she looked into Max’s eyes she saw a hit of sadness but when he saw her looking he would tuck the feelings behind the cement wall that locked his emotions away so no one saw them.
Joe was more open and showed his feelings willingly. Every now and again Sara saw Joe look at Max with sadness and sympathy in his eyes. Sara wondered throughout the whole day what was wrong with Max but couldn’t figure it out . Finally after Joe left for home Max told Sara she could go home. Sara insisted she stay and finish up her work for the case but Max said she could do it tomorrow and not to worry about it.
When Sara went home that night she thought about the day, mainly about Max. Sara jumped back to reality when a van pulled up her drive. Sara looked confused then, realized that the man who was driving Sheba up was suppose to be here today. Sara rushed out of the house and was to the van in a minute. The man explained that he had planned to be here earlier but got caught up in traffic.
“I’m very sorry for being late,” he explained further.
“No need I’m just glad you got here safely.”
Sara went around to the back of the van and opened it. Sara saw Sheba as Sheba saw her and the moment Sara opened the kennel Sheba jumped out and attacked Sara with licks. Sara giggled and laughed then when she finally got Sheba off of her paid the man. Sheba loped around exploring her new home. When Sara walked up to the house Sheba followed her in and ran around it exploring.
A few hours later Sheba was laying in her bed and Sara was sitting on the couch planning the building of her new home, which she planed to turn into a big farm. After she had enough Sara told Sheba bedtime and headed to her room, followed closely by Sheba. As Sara undressed and changed into her blue and white pajamas, Sheba found her blue doggy bed at the end of Sara’s bed and lied down. Sara got into her bed and quickly fell asleep. Though she just started her job, Max was giving her a half day tomorrow.
The next morning Sara woke at four and got dressed. Sheba , who had got up with her followed closely on Sara’s heals as Sara did her morning chores. Sara made herself breakfast and was out the door at five. Sara drove to work and got in around five thirty. As Sara unlocked the door she thought about if it was a good idea to leave Sheba out to roam inside and out of the new home. She pushed the thought out of her mind as she booted up her computer. When her computer finally woke up she typed in her password before her mind raced to yet another topic. This time it was Max. She found herself thinking of him often now. She forced the thought away with the he’ll-tell-you-if-he-wants-to thought. Just then Max came through the door. He nodded to Sara but instead of looking away they both held there gaze at each others eyes. Finally they both shook there heads and continued on work.
Throughout the day Max and Sara held each others gaze quit often. When twelve o’ clock rolled around Sara said she could stay but Max told her to go home, it was okay. So Sara went home and Max and Joe stayed.
After Sara left Joe looked at Max quizzical.
“What?!” Max exclaimed when Joe looked at him.
“Well it’s just you never did that with any other new Lawyer,” Joe said moving his eye brows in and up and down, o la la, way. Max just frowned.
“Maybe I was in a good mood.”
“OH, Defiantly,” Joe stated sarcastically, earning another frown from Max.
Back at Sara’s house Sara was typing up a pleading for the case they all are working on, with Sheba at her feet. Sheba jumped up, ears alert, and ran to the door barking…
“Sheba quiet!” Sara commanded her and she now stood at the door waiting. Just then the door bell rang and Sara got up to answer it before she answered she told Sheba to sit.
“OH! Max. Sir. Come in.” Sara stumbled for words. It had been down pouring for hours so Max was drenched.
“I’ll get you a towel,” Sara said as she started for the bathroom but stopped as Max spook.
“No need, I just needed to get you some papers for the case.” Max explained his presence.
“Oh.” Sara said and they held each others gaze for a minute before Max broke the awkward silence.
“Well.. Here you go.” Max said hand some more papers to Sara. Sara nodded her head and took the papers but they both still stood there.
“Um. Nice House.”
“I love your dog. Well… I best be going. See you Monday.”
Sara sighed as Max left. Sara stared at the door for a minute then went to the computer to go back to work. Outside Max was looking at the door and a second after Sara, he left. Sara sat working for a few minutes then stopped and began thinking of Max. Sara shook her head and after dinner she went to her room to find Sheba already asleep. Sara walked across the hallway to her bathroom. The blue bathtub in the corner went perfectly with the walls which had white tiles trimmed with light brown tiles halfway up and the rest of the wall was light blue. she smiled. Sara walked around the rest of her house making sure everything was okay and secure. When she was sure everything was secure she walked to her room and slipped into her night gown. Then she slipped into bed. Sheba looked up from her dog bed on the other side of the room.
“Goodnight.” Was all she said and grabbed her book, You’ve Been Warned by James Patterson and began to read. She read till a quarter past ten. Sara finally put my book up and turned my light off. The next morning She got up extra early and took Sheba for a run in the fields. Sheba romped and played until she began to pant. When we got back in the house at 5 am, she took a quick shower and dressed in my black slacks, and white blouse with a light blue ribbon around her waist.
When Sara got home she was greeted immediately by Sheba as soon as she got out of her car. Sara walked up to the door with Sheba romping in front of her. As soon as Sara entered Sheba squeezed by and into the house. As Sara walked into her house she walked into the kitchen throwing her keys on the kitchen counter. Sara went to open the far left cabinet when a letter fell down. Confused, Sara picked up the letter and opened it. To her surprise it was the letter she got from her dad that started the change.
Sara squinted her eyes thinking and went to her desk. As she sat the letter down and turned the desk lamp on, she grabbed a piece of paper and red ball-point pin. Sara began writing. After two hours of writing Sara gave up. She had nothing to say to him. It’s not like he was around while she grew up or at her graduation.
Chapter 3
Michael sat at his cherry wood desk preparing to write another letter to Sara. He missed her but he couldn’t go see her. The guy was probably looking for her right now. He could already picture the rough Italian man with his curly unmanaged hair stalking Sara. He pushed the thought out of his head. He couldn’t think about it! Sara… He had never lived far. In fact at this moment he moved to the ranch right across from Sara’s new place. It was 4 miles away from Sara’s but it was as close as he could get and he was sure Jacob, the Italian, was near. In fact, He could feel him. There was something about Jacob that emitted from him like the tobacco on his breathe it was something else, kind of like his personality. He could feel the eerie presence of him.
No! He wouldn’t think about it any longer and he began writing in the black ink.
Dearest Sara:
It’s your dad again. I hope that one day we can talk in person but right now I need to give you some info on Jacob the guy who is after you and me. Be on the look out for a guy that seems a little to interested in you. I can’t say what he looks like because he has probably changed his appearance. He will be the guy that looks at you with envy. I love you and wish I could tell you more but there is nothing else I can say at the moment.

HE looked over the letter one last time before putting it in the pale white envelope and sealing it. He kissed it for good luck and put a stamp on it. He walked out to the mail box at the end of his mile long driveway. Putting up the red flap, he looked around. The place wasn’t nearly as nice as Sara’s but it was still warming. He took a deep breathe and began walking back up the long driveway. He knew several people in this town from when he was a teen.

© Copyright 2011 Nadine R. P. (nadinerose1995 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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