Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1791380-A-love-story
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1791380
A love vs money struggle, i guess the saying "there's no honor amongst thieves" is true.
Sometimes what has nothing to do with anything has something to do with everything. The day it started was like every other day, i woke up to my morning cup of coffee and countless emails from my boss. I use to think i wanted to be a personal assistant that was until I landed the job of the century working for Evelyn Amore, she was beautiful, and rich with enough evil in her to make the boogieman look like the Easter bunny. I hated my life but until that fateful time, i had to pay the bills somehow, and one thing she did do right was compensate her employees for taking her shit. Do this fetch that was a typical day at work for me, with the occasional tell my husband I’m in a meeting, while I’m really screwing my business partner. On a personal note things were alright for me, I’ve got a draw full of vibrators i can have a different one every night. Dating? Hell what’s that, i work so much i barely have time to celebrate my own birthday. It starts to pour down raining on my way to the office the traffic is ultra-heavy, why couldn’t I have taken the back roads today, while I’m beating myself up, my phone rings. It’s Evelyn, “Hey, Hun could you stop at the Starbucks and pick me up a mocha frappe, and the bagel shop and make sure they only toast the thin side of my bagel” “Sure Ev.” I say, as I dart out of traffic before I past the Starbucks that I’m really almost past, might as well get me another cup of Joe, seems like it’s going to be a long day. As I’m leaving the bagel shop, I see my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend, who by the way happens to be my ex best friend. I go out of my way to avoid having to speak to them; it’s still awkward, way too awkward. By the time I fight my way back into traffic and get to the office, I can hear Evelyn yelling from the parking lot, I didn’t know what was going on but I was sure about to find out.

As I got closer to my office, I could distinguish the difference between her screams. She wasn’t yelling at someone, she was crying. The police were there, and everyone in the office had a look of terror on their faces. What’s going on? I asked an officer. We found Mr. Canton’s vehicle by the canal this morning, it had been set a fire. He wasn’t in the vehicle, so he’s been reported missing until we hear otherwise. Can I ask you a few questions, Ms.? Oh, you can call me Lisa, no need to be so formal, sure ask away. Ok, what is the relationship between Mrs. Amore and Mr. Canton? Oh, they’re business partners. And your position here at Glass Amore’ is? I’m Evelyn’s assistant. Her personal assistant? Yes, ok ma’am that’ll do for now. I headed into her office as fast as I could shutting the door behind me, in a lower than low whisper, I asked “what happen, when’s the last time you heard from Rick?” Last night, she said, he said he had something to do and he would call me in the morning, but I haven’t heard from him, I’m scared Lisa. Well did he tell you exactly what he had to do, or where he was headed? No he just said everything would be fine in the morning. What’s happening Evelyn, I can tell you’re not being straight up with me, and now is not the time to shut me out, we have to stick together so we can try and figure this thing out. She gives me a frightened look and before she could speak a word, my cell phone began to ring, “One moment, I have to take this.” I said, as I dart back to my office. “What? You know I’m in the office and now isn’t the time. Everything seems to be going according to plan right? Ok, so I’ll call u back when I’m headed in your direction. The day went by almost like any other, except there was a little more whispering going on, everybody was speculating about what happen to Rick. On my way I stopped by Evelyn’s office, “You need anything before I head out?” “No, she said in a somber voice, I’ll just email these files to you at home” as I’m making my way off the elevator I run into Mr. Amore, he’s one of those all kinds of sexy half breeds with lots of old money. “Hi,” “Lisa, can I speak with you for a moment?” he says to me, “Sure, what can I help you with?” “Well, I’m pretty sure you know that Rick is missing, but what you didn’t know was that I hired a private investigator to follow Evelyn, and I found out six months ago that they were having an affair” I give him a look of shock, as if I didn’t know before he did, “No sir” I say as I’m trying to walk off before he ask me any more questions, “Well, here is my personal number, please call me and let me know what’s going on with the investigation, and by the way keep it between us” “Ok sir”

As I walk into my apartment, I notice that the lights are off, and I always leave one light on for when I come in late. As I approach my bedroom, someone grabs me from the back. I try to scream but they cover my mouth. “Don’t fight it” a voice says to me in a deep whisper. As I turn around, “Rick? What are you doing here? We agreed you would go up to the cabin until I gave you the signal” “I couldn’t leave without seeing you baby” “You know they’re going to be watching me as hard as their watching her, we have to get you out of here!” Before I could say another word he threw me down on the bed and began to ravage me, oh how I love making love to him, he’s been my only lover since I was fourteen years old. We were separated for a few years while he climbed his way out of the ghetto where we’re from, but when he made it to the big times, he came back for me. We’ve ran scams all our lives, but this was in fact going to be the scam of the century. “Mr. Amore stopped me this evening as I was leaving the office, he did just like you said gave me his personal number and informed me of the private investigator” “Rich people are too easy” he said as he held me tightly in his arms. “Now all you have to do is get him to fall for you, and everything will be smooth sailing from that point.” “No problem” As I began to drift off to sleep I could see Evelyn’s face, how sad it was, how she must have felt thinking something terrible had happen to Rick. When I woke the next morning there was a note on the pillow, “I set the coffee for you, 143 Doll”. A cynical smirk crosses my face as I hop to the kitchen for my a.m. java, Rick was just that guy. He had a way with women; he just knew how to handle them. I met him in Macy’s; I was just a kid, skipping school to steal school clothes. He was a local drug dealer already in his twenties, the manager was just about to call the police when he pulled her to the side to this day I don’t know what he said to her, but she let me go and keep my clothes. As I headed out the store he came out behind me, come take a ride with me slim. “I’m like thanks for what you did back there but I don’t owe you nothing, I didn’t ask you to do that” I say, in baddest bitch from jersey voice. “It’s not like that, I like your style, you could be down with me.” Down with you?” “Why not? You wouldn’t have to steal anymore that’s for sure; I’d have you shopping here every day if you wanted. Needless to say I took the ride, and to this day I’ve had no worries when it came to money. Even after he moved away, he put me up in an apartment, paid all my bills and gave me a hefty clothing allowance. In our old neighborhood I was Rick’s wifey, every baller wanted to fuck me and every bitch hated me. I’d grown accustomed to being spoiled, even though he was hardly ever around and he had countless other women, he made me feel like I was number 1. Well number 2 when it came to money, and so I adopted that same M.O.E attitude money over everything.

“I’m going to need you to delegate this list of office task.” Evelyn says, “Taking the rest of the day off?” I ask, “I’m taking the next week off, personal time.” I took the list and headed into my office, something didn’t sit right with what she said, it stayed on my mind for the rest of the day. I had to admit not having “Evilina” as the staff called her in the office for a whole week would be good, but something else was brewing in this pot. The day was long, Evelyn gave me some extra things to do which delayed me from leaving the office till around 9, I had to stop by Vito’s the local Italian joint for some dinner. By the time I made it home I didn’t even want it, I’d been calling rick all day and couldn’t get ahold of him. While in the shower the phone rings it’s him, “Hey baby, you alright?” “I’m fine why haven’t you answered my calls all damn day long?” “I was busy Doll, you know how it is” “Sure Doll, you want me to drive up this weekend, I’m missing you?” “I’ll let you know, got a lot to do, you know this job is going to require a little patience babe.” “What are you trying to say? me of all people isn’t patient? Don’t make me laugh, while thinking you’re trying to insult my intelligence! Let’s call it a night before we get upset, call me tomorrow if you’re not too busy Doll” “Night Doll 143” While I’m out for my usual Saturday morning run, I meet up with Mr. Amore, he’s looking delicious as usual, “Hey there you” He says, while holding the door of the coffee shop open for me to enter. “Hello there, how’s everything going.” I ask, as we sit down for coffee and donuts. “I’m not quite sure how it is, Evelyn’s become extra secretive these days, she claims to have a “work” conference out of town, I’ll have my P.I trail her.” In that very moment, I began to feel sick to my stomach, what the hell is going on here? First Evelyn giving me the cold shoulder, and planning “work” trips when that’s been my job for 3 years. Then, Rick being acting all strange and shit. “I’ve got to make a quick run, and swing by my house, ill shower up then we can meet up for a late lunch, I’ve got something you may find interesting to run by you.” “Ok, call me with the details later.” He says as we part ways.

A week had gone by before I knew what hit me, especially with all the extra things I had to do at work in Evelyn’s absence. She made sure to call once a day to check on the office, but I hadn’t heard from Rick all week. “Lisa, can I see you in my office.” A voice blares through my phone speaker, I wonder what she wants, and a hundred other thoughts raced through my head as I walked toward her office. “Sit down Hun; I want to talk to you for a sec.” “Sure Evelyn, is everything alright, you’re scaring me?” I say in a worried tone. “Everything is perfect, so perfect in fact I’m going to open another office and I want you to be the project manager.” “Project manager? Wow! That’s great, what location?” “Miami Beach!” she says, with a cynical grin. “Ok, it’s kind of late, you need anything else, I’d better be heading out” “No, I’m good, I’ll see you tomorrow.” On my way home that night I decided to take the long way so I could do some thinking. Things weren’t adding up anymore, Evelyn was too happy and she’s letting me spearhead a project that’s damn near 1000 miles away. Rick was more distant than usual, the only thing left for me to do was to contact the private investigator Mr. Amore had following them, I’ve got to see that footage. With my extra tall heels and extra small dress, smelling like an orchid I strut my tightly toned body into the P.I’s office. It was a dull scene, brown panel walls and the smell of stale paper in the air a middle aged, freckled faced chubby man sits at a single desk. “Hello there.” I said in soft timber kind of dragging my words to give off a southern like twang. “Well, hello yourself pretty lady, what can I do you for?” he says back sounding excited to see me in more ways than one. “My name is Angel, I work for Mr. Amore, he wanted me to stop by and pick up the file footage of a recent investigation, can you help me with that?” I say trying to fast talk him, “Really? You see miss I find your story a little hard to believe seeing as how he picked those files up himself about a week ago. So either you’re not who you say you are, or there’s a total lack of communication in your office. In either case sweetie you’re going to have to come better than that.” He says back with a firm voice, ok, I see I’m going to have to go into negotiation mode. “I can pay you for the footage Sir, twice what he paid you.” I say trying to wage a bargain, he gives me one of those “uncle likes niece” looks and says, “Sir? Well hunni a looker like yourself need not be so formal, I’m sure we can come to some kind of “mutual” agreement!” I knew exactly what he meant; I’d dealt with men like this all my life, the only solution was to stroke his ego while stroking his dick. I began to walk closer to him, while I watched him lick the almost trail of slobber falling from his less than appealing mouth. “Well then Daddy.” I say as I slowly pull my tiny dress up to my waist, “Saddle up!” I grab his chair and push it near the wall, drop gracefully to my knees and unzip his pinstriped trousers. As I pull his wrinkled soggy penis from the zipper opening, he tries to place his hands on top of mine, “Let me do it, sit back and watch baby work.” I say in an effort to keep him from prolonging the episode. Before I could place him entirely in my mouth he was harder than mt Everest, I began to move slowly and erotically up and down his shaft, tickling his strotum with my tongue, “You like that Daddy?” Faster and with more pressure I began to move thinking this old geezer would explode at any moment. “Surprise, surprise missy it’s going to be more work than you intended, climb up and let big daddy feel your sweet innards.” He said in a pedophilic tone, I shifted my black lace thong to the side and placed his firm rather large manhood into my tight wet opening. At first stroke he turned into a madman, pumping my tight hole with power, I hated to admit it but it felt kind of good, in and out he went while I got wetter and wetter. “Turn around; I want to slam this sweet pussy from behind.” He picked me up turned me around and slammed me face down on his desk, “Let me show you how to properly serve this pussy.” He says while entering me, he began to screwball me, driving my pussy in a circular motion. Before I knew what I was saying, “Fuck me daddy, drive this pussy.” And all kinds of nasty things were spilling out of my mouth non-stop until he finally began to erupt a massive load, but before he did he had taken it out of my twat and pushed me back to my knees, grabbed my face and said, “Open wide sweetie, here comes the price of admission!” I opened my mouth to receive his milk thinking i would quickly spit it out, when he looked me dead in the eyes and said, “Now there baby, you want your treat, be a good girl and swallow!” I felt my stomach churn with a feeling of ultimate disgust as I swallowed the thick warm and salty froth. As I left that brown panel room stale paper smell now replaced with the stich of perfume and hot sex with footage in hand, I felt the sense that I’d much rather gouge my eyes out than to watch what I was about to see.

My answer machine was full with messages, most were the usual “Lisa its mom call me.” And the sort, but one stood out it was Evelyn, she wanted to meet me about 2 miles from where mines and Rick’s secret cabin was located. I took a shower threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and headed out the door. I called her as I was about to hop off the exit, “Hey Ev, where are you?” “I’m already here; just start heading up the dirt path on the left and you’ll see my truck after a while.” I was quite apprehensive, what could this secret meeting be about and most importantly why in the hell were we meeting so close to where Rick was hiding out? After about a mile drive I spot her black SUV pulled into a driveway outside a small dusty shack. I approach the door while calling out for her, “Evelyn, you in here?” She opened the door for me to enter. “Sit down, Lis let’s chat!” she says with an ironic tone in her voice. As I was about to take a seat on the tattered and worn sofa, I felt a hard shove, “So, bitch you think you can run game on me huh?” I turned around, “What the fuck are you talking about?” I say in a puzzled tone “Blackmailing Rick? You dumb bitch, you won’t get a dime out of either one of us, we love each other so you can go straight to my husband if you want to!” she blares at me, in that very moment I was knocked to the floor, breath forced from my body. As I lied there on that floor trying to collect myself, I could hear her ranting and raving in the background, “Ha, he told me all about you and your plot boo! Too bad, you underestimated his feelings for me.” She said in a whisper as she straddled me, got down on me face to face, “Kiss me sweet Lisa, one last kiss, you remember how? Right?” My mind began to flashback to a heated episode between the two of us, me tickling the nipples of her firm supple breast, as she moaned for more. I lick and sucked on this redbone’s sweet pink pussy as if it were a piece of farm fresh watermelon, while she cried out in pleasure. She loved the way I fucked her, with my strap-on shoved all the way in I pounded slow but forcefully until I felt her legs shake uncontrollably around my waist. I felt I had no other choice but to oblige her, so I began to kiss her soft lips. When she fully engaged in the lip lock, I slipped my blade from my pocket and forced it in her back. She let out a sigh, almost as if she was relieved and said “MI Amore” I pushed her off me and jumped to my feet. Life just went from sugar to shit in 10 minutes flat, I gotta get out of here, I thought to myself as I went for the door.

The only thing I could think to do was get rid of everything, first I drove evelyn’s truck into the lake, and went back to dispose of her body as I headed up the front steps I heard foot steps behind me. “What are you doing here?” I heard a familiar voice call out I turned to find Rick headed in behind me, a frightened look appeared on his face at the sight of her beautiful body laying there lifeless on the floor. “What have you done?” he yells as he tries to rush to her aid soon realizing it’s too late. With a less than blank stare I say, “The question my dear love is what have you done? Always insulting my intelligence, this time was a fatal mistake. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t put the pieces together? Or did you not care?” “You do know we’re fucked right? She’s dead, there was no money in killing her, so whats the plan now huh einstein?” He sarcastically screams at me, “why don’t you follow through with the side deal you and the dead bitch had made, jackass!” I yell back, “We worked on this for three years, and you fucked it up in one day!” he began to go on, this whole thing was a little to reminiscent of something that happened before, he’s tried to cut me out of a deal before I started to feel that old saying was true ‘There’s no honor amongst theives’ I knew at that moment the only way for this to work and so, I walked up on him slowly, and put my arms around him “Kiss me lover, one sweet kiss.” I said in a whisper, as he started to pucker I pulled my 22’ and put it to his pout. “I’ve loved you since I was a little girl, dealt with all kinds of shit, you always gave me anything I wanted but most of all I want to thank you for teaching me that in life its money over everything!” I said as I pulled the trigger. In an instant an almost 20 year love affair had shifted players

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