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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1791367
Things get steamy between two people and their love will get tested by lies and secrets.
“I’ll see you forever; for you are a part of me,
And I myself a part of thee. Inseparable by god.
There is no tomorrow now. Though, the sun may rise and set,
And sleepy eyes my slumber still. Eternity is now set.”

(David Severy)

Chapter IX

Mourning- The weeks after ‘The Accident’, as everyone had called it, were ok, not great, not terrible, but just ok. Life went on just as it should. School ended, spring turned to summer but people still remembered.
         Haven was constantly watched, and I hated every minute of it. Usually it was me on duty to watch her just because I was growing increasingly protective. I’m not sure why I hated the whole surveillance thing. Maybe it was because she wasn’t an animal at the zoo to throw peanuts at, or maybe it was because I truly loved her. She couldn’t even use the bathroom without someone’s ear pressed up against the door making sure she wasn’t destroying her arms again.
         She was kept in her room like a loony patent at the asylum. I knew that they were doing it for her own good. When she was better though, and not suicidal anymore, they couldn’t see it; they chose not to. I tried to talk to them, no luck either. She was trapped in there, with no bail.
         We got closer though, her and I. From the late night Uno games, to the cheep-never-made-it-to-the-theater-cause-it-sucked-so-bad movie nights, we got closer. Therefore, a love that couldn’t be broken blossomed.
         We were sitting in her ‘cell’ and I could see the anguish crawl its way across her face.
         I finally cracked; I couldn’t take it anymore. She had to have a good day today considering what was going to happen tonight. “Come on,” I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the window.
         “Wait,” she said. “What are we doing?”
         “We are getting out of here,” I said pushing the screen away; it fell lightly to the ground.
         “Where can we go?”
I picked her up; she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I know a place.”
I jumped out still holding her and landed lightly on the ground.
I set her down and she smiled, “This is why I love you!”
“I know, follow me,” I said smiling.
I took off.

Haven- Finally! I was free of that prison. I was with Mourning and we were running through the trees. I loved the stretch it gave my stiff muscles.
         We ran all the way to Lake Lestat, stopping only at the waters edge.
         “They’ll find us here,” I said biting my lip.
         He pulled off his shirt and pulled me to him. I blushed deeply when my hands met his soft skin and muscles. I could feel his heart beating faster under my fingertips. “Don’t worry I won’t let them find us.”
         He smiled broadly, “Can you swim?”
         “Yeah.” I looked down and realized I’d have to swim in my underwear. “Uh, don’t stare ok.” I pulled off my shorts and my top timidly and put them with his clothes.
         His eyes trailed over my body, I cleared my throat and they snapped back to my eyes. “You are beautiful, stop worrying, ok.”
          He took my hand and led me to the water. We walked into the water together. The bank cut sharply down so we dove down into the warm water and sat at the bottom. Air wasn’t a question any longer; I didn’t need it. I could stay there for the rest of time under the water, enveloped in his arms.
         He waved for me to follow him as he swam to the far side of the rocky wall of the pond, where there was a small crevice. He disappeared behind it I followed his lead. It was a tight squeeze but on the other side, it opened up into a hidden cave.
         I popped up to the surface on the other side, and drew in a breath. I pulled myself up onto the rocky bank next to Mourning. The cave was at least 20 ft across. A large chunk of the rock wall had been cut out from a corner to form a bench. A long split high above us allowed a small amount of light to penetrate the blackness. Past the crevice on the other wall a small waterfall poured down, through which the filtered sunlight cast a jumping, greenish glow across the low ceiling. When I closed my eyes, the light still danced in negative patterns behind my eyelids.
         “What do you think,” Mourning said taking my hand again.
         I struggled to find voice, “I…it’s beautiful.” It truly was beautiful.
“Thank you,” I said, I turned to look him in the eyes.
“For what?” he asked.
“For everything; for saving me, helping me become sane again, being there for me all of it,” I said then leaned in to kiss him.
He kissed me back. With so much fire and intensity, I almost withdrew. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. I pushed him back onto the rock not breaking the kiss for a second. He pulled back and looked at me.
“I love you,” He said.
I bit my lip, “I want to be with you forever.”
His eyes widened and he grinned a little. “Seriously?”
The question that would change my life forever, one word, one answer, one outcome.
I nodded, “Yeah, I’ve made up my mind. There’s no one else I could ever love more than you. It’s impossible.”
“You’re not just doing this because I saved your life, right?” He asked and gave me that you better tell the truth look.
I laughed and shook my head, “No Mourning, I love you and I want to make the Sacred Bond with you.”
He smiled and kissed me again, wrapping his arms around my tiny form, holding me to him. Our bodies molded into each other for that moment.
We sat facing each other on the cold stone. He held my right hand and started tracing the small lines creased there.
I watched his face carefully, he still hadn’t said anything; it worried me. Maybe he didn’t want to make the bond with me.
“So how do we do this?” I asked trying to break the tension and get an answer out of him. No one had told me much about The Bond except that it’s irreversible and it joins the vampires as one being, in two different bodies.
He stared at my hand for a while as if contemplating something, and then finally he spoke. He didn’t look up though. “To join the two vampires’ souls, one must feed off of the other while the other is doing the same, creating a cycle of blood flow; it mixes the blood making the vampires one being. Once the blood is mixed, it cannot be reversed. You understand that don’t you. Half of your life will be mine and half of mine will be yours. You’re splitting your soul in half.”
“Yes I understand. I love you and nothing can change that. I wouldn’t want half of my soul to go to anyone but you.” I said and pulled his chin up so he would look at me.
“What about when Grey says you can’t stay here anymore?” He asked me with a pained look in his eyes. “What if we’re separated? I don’t know if I could leave my family.”
“Maybe this will change Grey’s mind and if not we still have enough time to persuade him otherwise,” I said and smiled.

Mourning- My heart raced. Was I really going to do this? My thoughts travelled back to what Grey had said to me this morning. It made my heart drop. I couldn’t tell her, not when she was trapped in her cell, not even now.
         Would this even change the out come of tonight? What if she hated me for not telling her the truth? I couldn’t live in a world where she hated me.
         “Yeah, maybe it would change his mind,” I said and kissed her once more.
         I made up my mind quickly and prayed it was the right choice. “You definitely want to do this?”
         “Yes,” she answered. I offered her my wrist she did the same.
         She bit slowly into the soft skin with her new fangs and soon her eyes closed. I felt my blood leaving my body. The feeling was intensely sensual and painful at the same time; I hungered for her.
         I kissed her wrist once softly, and then let my fangs slip into her wrist.
         Vampire blood was different from human or animal. It was colder and sweeter. Haven’s blood tasted like honey with a hint of lavender.
         It was an odd sensation having my blood drained and restocked at the same time. My heart felt icy while my stomach grew warm. My blood left my heart, entered her body, traveled through her veins, left her heart, and then came back to my veins and my heart. The feeling was intense; I didn’t want to stop. I let go of her wrist and bit her again on her neck; I couldn’t stop myself. We fell back onto the rock our bodies entwined again. She was trapped beneath my body. The blood flow was greater on her neck and soon we were both lost in the ecstasy of the act.
         I felt our hearts beat together and our lungs fill with air. In the back of my mind, I could see through her eyes and almost place myself in her spot. I could see myself feeding on her neck while she did the same to me.
         I knew it was over I had to stop. We’d have to get back to the house. I stopped and kissed her fervently.
         ‘I love you,’ I sent to her thoughts.
         She gasped slightly.
         ‘It’s ok; we can communicate through our thoughts now. Try it,’ I sent to her quickly.
         She looked at me and smiled.
         ‘I love you to Mourning,’ she sent at me.
         I smiled, ‘How about we head back to the house. They’re probably looking for us.’
         She nodded and I took her newly scarred hand and jumped back into the water. We wriggled through the tunnel and popped up on the surface.
         Once we were dry I checked my watch 3:14pm, we had been gone a little over 4 hours.
         It was almost time; I hope this will work.
         We ran back to the house together, faster than ever. We had new blood and wanted to use it.
         When we walked into the front door, I could feel the heaviness in the air. Everyone was gathered in the living room as I led Haven in by her hand, keeping her behind me. As if that would save her now! No one would look at me and I could feel that Haven sensed that something was wrong. I mentally blocked my thoughts from her.
         Grey stood and looked at Haven, “Are you ready?”
         Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Ready for what?”
         He looked at me, his eyes piercing my soul. “You told her Mourning didn’t you?”
         I opened my mouth but then closed it and stared at the floor.
         Haven looked quickly at both of us with a panicked expression on her face. “Tell me what?” Her eyes bounced to each person searching for an answer. “Mourning what are you not telling me?” She begged me.

hope you enjoyed this chapter next one is coming soon
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