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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1791360
Someone gets hurt, a love starts and Dr. Jones and Mia the witch come to help the injured.
“Here in the bathroom with me are razor blades. Here is iodine to drink. Here are sleeping pills to swallow. You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice.”

(Chuck Palahniuk)

Chapter VIII

Rayne- I peeked quickly at Haven as she went up the staircase. Thankfully, she hadn’t heard me. I’d find the right time to tell her later.
         I lifted my phone back to my ear, “Yeah… uh Mourning your coming home so you can keep an eye on her while I take care of it with the guys.”
         “I really want to help out here. Can’t someone else watch her?” he groaned.
         “No Mourning. No one else is here. Grey, Nevar, and Dusk went to the blood bank, Echo and Vladimir ran off somewhere, and Selene, Autumn, Solomon, Kaiden, and Adrian are out hunting. I need you here, oh and please don’t tell Haven about her mother yet I’m gonna find the right time.”
         “Ok I’ll be there soon,” he said and the phone clicked off.

Mourning- I was home in only a few minutes. I waved to Rayne as she passed me in her sleek, red, Saleen.
         Why was I cursed to be 15 forever?
         I sighed and walked in the door. I heard someone upstairs shut the bathroom door and turn on the shower, Haven.
         I walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink.
         I sighed again and looked around.
         Rayne wasn’t lying; there was no one else here. It was eerie, the house; the size was nice when 15 other people are here, but overwhelming being the only one in the humongous space. I leaned against the counter finishing at least half of the bottle.
I walked up the stairs and into my room and shrugged out of my jacket. It dropped noiselessly to the floor. I finished my drink and tossed the now empty bottle in the trash.
Rain poured down outside and hit the window in an even pattern. Then there was nothing. The sky was gray and emotionless, dead.
I ran my hand threw my hair and walked out of my room.
The plan was to go up stairs to the library, but something I saw made me stop dead in my tracks and my blood ran cold.
Under the bathroom door, a stream of red blood. My small gasp broke my trance and I pounded on the door.
“Haven! Haven are you in there,” No answer.
“Please open up this door!” Still, no answer.
I concentrated on the lock, using a little power I had picked up with practice. The door swung wide. Haven was in the tub, her left arm hanging out; a stream of blood ran down her third finger from a long slash down her forearm. Her right arm rested idly on her lap, fingers enclosed so securely around a shard of a bloodstained metal it was turning the olive skin on her knuckles even paler. Another cut ran up her right arm. The showerhead poured down on her wilted body slightly hunched over.
I stood dazed in the doorway speechless.
Slowly, when my heart started beating again I moved. I stepped closer the blood beneath my shoes was sticky. Her eyelids opened slowly and her eyes rolled lazily up to meet mine. With a faint smile, her head rolled back revealing another cut at her throat.
Crap, “Haven! Ok I’m going to get you better. Don’t you worry?” I spat worthless words picking up her drenched body. Blood and water dripped off her clothes and hair.
I pried the silver out of her thin fingers and tossed it back into the tub.
“Of all the things in this house to use as a sharp object you have to pick the sterling silver towel rack, that Nevar just happens to be in love with,” I said with a shaky laugh.
Her body was limp in my arms all except her right hand clamped tightly onto my shirt. I carried her to my room and laid her on my bed. I ran around the house uselessly not sure of what to do.
Ok, back to health class uh first step, stop the bleeding or at least slow it. I found some towels and put them on her wounds, her neck was my main concern though. Keeping pressure on the gash I quickly called the Sonoma county hospital.
“Hello Sonoma County Hospital, how may I help you?” the receptionist answered.
“I need to speak with Dr. Steven Jones, it’s an emergency.” I said; Haven was unconscious again.
“One second sir,” the other line went blank for a moment then Dr. Jones picked up. “Hello, Dr. Jones speaking.”
“Hi it’s Mourning.” I answered out of breath.
“Mourning what’s the matter?” He asked concerned.
“It’s the newborn she… uh she tried to commit suicide and she has 3 gashes, they’re pretty deep, made from sterling silver, along her neck, left forearm and right forearm. And no one else is here, and she keeps passing out and I don’t know what to do,” It all came out in one short panicky mumble, I doubt if he understood any of it.
“It’s ok, just calm down,” he said. “Where is she now?”
I glanced at her; she looked peaceful. “She’s on my bed sleeping right now, do you think you could come she’s lost a lot of blood. Could you pick up Mia also we might need her.”
“Yeah just try to get her to drink something.”
“Ok,” I said. “Just please hurry.”
I hung up and turned my attention back to Haven. I got her a glass and sat her upright.
“Haven,” I said softly.
Her eyes opened a little, “You really need to drink this.”
I brought the cup up to her mouth and she drank the whole thing, thankfully. She lied down again, this time on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her securely.
Her cuts had bled out and the blood around them was starting to dry. I blotted at them with the towel.
I dialed Mia’s number; it only rang once before she picked up. “Hello?”
“Hey Mia, it’s Mourning. Dr. Jones is going to pick you up; we’re going to need you here. Haven tried to kill herself with some sterling silver, it’s pretty bad.”
“Ok don’t worry she’ll be fine.” The phone clicked off.
I smoothed Haven’s hair. “Don’t worry Haven, someone’s coming to help,” I said and kissed her forehead lightly.
She shifted then nestled closer to me grabbing my shirt in another vise grip.
         Haven’s breathing had slowed and she was on the edge of sleep.
“I love you Haven,” I said once I thought she was asleep.
“I love you to Mourning,” she breathed.
         I gave a soft smile and kissed her forehead again. I loved the way she said my name. The sound of her lips as they brushed together. It was perfect; she was perfect.
         There was a faint knock on the door, “Come in.”
         Dr. Jones entered with his graying hair and wrinkled face. I sighed inwardly, Steven was a very close family friend and it pained me to watch him creep closer to old age and eventually death.
         Mia was right behind him; she peeked over his shoulder to look at Haven.
         I slipped out from underneath of her, “She’s asleep now but the gashes are still bleeding, they slowed a little but haven’t completely stopped.”
         “Ok, could you wake her so I can ask her some questions and look at the wounds?”
         I nodded and hurried over, but I paused. “She is a newborn and she hasn’t been around humans since her first attacks, I don’t want her to become aggressive.”
         “Don’t worry she’s too weak to do anything and I have Ragon in my blood just in case.”
Dracunculus Vulgaris or Ragon is very harmful to vampires one sniff of the plant is enough to leave us unconscious for about an hour, so if it gets in our bloodstream or is ingested it could knock us out for days. It can’t kill though.
“I can always keep her down for you, Mourning.” She winked at me. “If you want.”
I had seen what she could do to even the oldest of vampires; it’s scary. I shuddered at the thought. “No.”
“Oh, have a little crush on Ms. Red here, do we?” Mia commented.
“Shut up, Mia.” I spat. Mia was the biggest flirt ever. It pissed everyone in the house off, especially Selene; Mia had a huge crush on Jack.
I lean down to Haven’s ear. “Haven,” I whispered. “Someone’s here to help you.”
She stirred and her eyes fluttered open.
Steven walked up to her and gently examined her arms. He sighed, “I’m going to have to stitch it up she isn’t going to like this much.”
I nodded again, “Um, Haven?”
She looked up at me; I sat her up so she could lean against the headboard of my bed.
“Dr. Jones is going to stitch your cuts up but only a sterling silver needle is going to be able to penetrate your skin, it might hurt.” I said sitting beside her. “Mia is going to perform a spell to make the pain go away some, ok.”
Haven nodded and grabbed my hand.
Mia closed her eyes and started speaking the old language of her ancestors. As soon as she started I could feel Haven relax a little bit, it must have been working.
When the needle pierced her skin for the first time, she locked eyes with me and we stayed like that through it all. I gave her another drink and told her to sleep afterwards. I followed Steven and Mia into the hallway after they had packed up their things.
“She’ll be fine she just needs lots of rest. I’m not a psychiatrist but I’m sure she could use a friend and some love right now,” he said and than laughed, “I’m sure she’ll get lots of it from you though.”
Mia snickered from the corner, she was picking at her nails.
I nodded my cheeks reddening, “I really like her you know.”
He smiled, “Oh there’s no doubt. Now I guess I should be going.” He went for the steps but I stopped him.
“Wait!” I pulled $200 out of my wallet, “Here take it, for the trouble.”
“No!” he exclaimed. “I could never take money from your family I don’t need it anyway.”
Mia walked by, “But I can.” She plucked it from my hand and headed for the stairs. “Thanks Mourn-.”
She couldn’t finish though; I had cut her off by slamming her against the wall. I grabbed one of the hundreds out of her hand. “No, thank you.”
“Oh so you want to play dirty huh?” She smiled mischievously.
Her eyes narrowed, I knew what was coming next. The most horrible pain coursed through my temples. It was as though a giant electrified hand was squeezing my brain. I dropped to the ground.
“Enough!” Dr. Jones yelled.
The pain stopped. I struggled off the floor and glared at Mia. “Leave. Now.”
She smirked then trotted down the steps her blonde curls bouncing behind her.
I sighed. “Thank you. You know you never cease to amaze me. You are by far the most unselfish human being I’ve met. You know Grey’s offer still stands we’d be glad to have you.”
He smiled and shook his head, “Your family has been nothing but kind to me but I don’t think I could join you. My time will end, and then I will happily be able to join my wife in heaven. Your offer is tempting but I must see her again. I’m sure you understand.”
I nodded and held out my hand, “Goodbye Steven until next time.”
He shook it and left down the stairs.
I guess I should call and tell the others. I picked up the phone.

I hope you liked it and look forward to the next chapter :)

also follow me on twitter @CallMeGoddXP
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