Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1791018-Silver-Lining-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Mystery · #1791018
A play about murders which is rated PG-14 for swearing (not in any other stories of mine.)
Silver Lining Part 1

Nyx Zilla Paz (Allison Luke )

Character Descriptions

Hunter- A 17 year old boy from a wealthy family who hates money, best friends with Joseph who he always gets out of trouble, Angel is in love with him, tall with a darker personality.

Joseph- A 17-year-old boy from a poor family who loves money, best friends with Hunter, always gets in trouble, in love with Angel, has a light and energetic personality.

Samuel- A 14-year-old boy, Lieutenant Max’s oldest child, brother to Carmen, tries to help with the Homicide Division; after his father dies he solves the murder, very shy and timid.

Terrance- An 18 year old boy, part of the Homicide Division, in love with Amy who he proposes to after she is almost murdered, very kind and helpful personality with a little bit of romantic.

Josh- A 16-year-old boy, Hunter’s little brother, Junior Detective in the Homicide Division, one of the three murderers, loves little kids, would love to see Hunter dead until it finally comes to it, very revengeful yet kind personality.

Mark- A 19-year-old boy, part of the Homicide Division, friends with Josh, has loved Amy since 10th grade, will do anything to keep her and Terrance apart, one of the three murderers, and loves Angel, rude but protective personality.

Mr. William Debarring- A 25-year-old man, hates neighborhood kids, Josh and Mark work for him in murder, married to Mrs. Charlotte Debarring (Chief of Police), dark and evil personality, loves wife until she figures out murders.

Lieutenant Max- A 35-year-old Lieutenant, in charge of the Homicide Division, speaks French, father of Samuel and Carmen, figures out the murderers but is murdered before he can tell anyone.

David- A 17-year-old boy from the South, part of the Homicide Division, Skylar is in love with him, very good manners, highly respected, very respectful yet stern personality.

Charlie- A 13-year-old boy from England, visiting his cousin Skylar, in love with Carmen, love interest of Jean, very proper and controlling personality with a little bit of early teen romance.

Angel- A 17-year-old girl from a wealthy family who loves money, in love with Hunter and would do anything to go on a date with him, love interest of Joseph, very kind yet bossy personality.

Amy- A 19-year-old girl who works for the Homicide Division, in love with Terrance, love interest of Mark, catches almost every little important detail, very clean and kind personality.

Carmen- A 13-year-old-girl, love interest of Charlie, hates Charlie with a passion, loves to pick fights with her older brother Samuel, very bad manners, tomboyish and rude personality.

Jean- A 14-year-old girl from a poor family, in love with Charlie, older sister to Ashley and Haylee, light blond hair, very shy and timid personality, very good manners.

Jamie- An 18-year-old girl who works for the Homicide Division, in love with David, open to conversation with anyone, twin to Shelby, very kind and friendly personality.

Shelby- An 18-year-old girl who work for the Homicide Division, in love with Joseph, twin to Jamie, Mr. William Debarring accuses her of being one of the three murderers but kills her that night, very kind and shy personality.

Skylar- An 18-year-old girl from a very wealthy family who loves money, cousin of Charlie, in love with David, one of the popular girls, very haughty and uptight personality.

Haylee- A 6-year-old girl from a poor family, twin to Ashley and little sister to Jean, one of the first victims of murder who survives but will not say everything that happened.

Ashley- A 6-year-old girl from a poor family, twin to Haylee and little sister to Jean, one of the first victims of murder who dies after being taken to the police station in Jean’s arms.

Ensemble- includes Becky, three boys at the police station, and random passersby.

Act 1

Scene 1-Slums of a City

(Lights start very low, Becky and Mr. Debarring run on-Stage Left)

Becky: Stay back! Stay away from me! Don’t come any closer! Oh, please, God, don’t hurt me!

Mr. D: Please. I won’t hurt you. Much.

(Becky backs into a wall-Stage Right-and stops, Mr. D laughs and advances, he pulls out a knife, Becky screams and Mr. D stabs her, she falls to the ground, Mr. D runs off Stage Right, Lights go up, Hunter and Joseph enter running and panting-Stage Left, Becky is still there)

Joseph: Whew! I think we lost them!

Hunter: You think? Joe, We could have gotten caught! And then we’d have to deal with your damn parents.

Joseph: They’d bail me out. At least you have enough money to bail yourself out.

Hunter: Shut up about money. I don’t care that I’m rich. You can’t buy everything with money.

Joseph: True. But at least you attract Angel with it.

Hunter: No thanks. She’s yours. Even if she doesn’t show it yet.

Joseph: As if.

Hunter: I’ve been trying to put in a good word for you, man. It’s just that-

(A trail of blood catches his eye, but he doesn’t see the body yet)

Joseph: Hunter? Dude, what’s up?

Hunter: Look.

(He points to the blood)

Joseph: Ew! Is that blood?

Hunter: I think so. It’s in a trail.

(They follow the blood and find Becky)

Joseph: Oh man! That’s nasty! Wait. Is that-

Hunter: Becky? Yep.

Joseph: That’s disgusting.

Hunter: We should go tell Charlotte.

Joseph: Charlotte?

Hunter: Yeah. Mrs. Debarring? The Police Chief?

Joseph: Oh! You call her Charlotte?

Hunter: Yeah. Let’s just go tell her about Becky.

Joseph: Okay.

(They exit off Stage Right, lights out)

Scene 2-Police Station

(Mrs. Debarring is in the desk talking to three boys who are in handcuffs, there is a girl crying in the corner, there is also a bouquet of flowers in a silver lining on her desk)

Mrs. D: Somehow, I know jail won’t do any good to any of you. I’ve told you boys plenty of times before never to bother her again!

Boy #1: Sorry, Chief. But maybe next time she should learn to control herself.

Boy #2: Haha! Yeah. Better lock her up too. For getting too into it yet again!

Both: Yeah! Cool it down! Haha! (etc.)

Mrs. D: Boys! Shut up unless you want a longer sentence.

(She picks up a phone and calls)

David? Do you think you can come lock these stupid boys up? Okay. Thank you.

(She hangs up the phone)

So, you want to explain before David gets here?

Boy #3: Yes, ma’am.

Boy #1: No!

Mrs. D: Very well. (to Boy #3) Come here really fast. I’ll give you a chance to talk after I get some sleep.

(David enters-Stage Left)

Tomorrow morning. Good evening, David. These three boys go in numbers three, four, and five.

David: Okay, ma’am. (to the boys) Y’all had better shape it up or you’re gonna spend an awful long time in this penitentiary. (to Mrs. D) Goodnight, ma’am.

(Exits with the three boys-Stage Left)

Mrs. D: Darling? You can go home now.

Girl: Okay, Chief.

(She exits, Hunter and Joseph enter running and panting again-Stage Right)

Hunter: Charlotte! We need your help big time.

Joseph: Yeah. Especially the Homicide Division.

Mrs. D: Whoa. Whoa. Homicide? What happened, boys? This is bad if Homicide is included.

Hunter: Over by the alley behind the drug store-

Joseph: We found a dead body.

Hunter: Becky’s body.

(Enter Lieutenant Max closing a cell phone-Stage Left)

Max: Chief? We just got report of a murder by the drugstore. They identified the body as Becky Harris. Oh, hello, boys. We should alert Homicide ma’am.

Mrs. D: That’s two reports for the same murder. Thank you, Lieutenant. Alert Homicide. Boys, we’re going to need you help. You have to tell me everything that you saw. Was anyone there when you found the body?

Hunter: None that we could see, Chief.

Joseph: She looked like she’d been dead for a while when we found her. Except…wait. Hunter, was the blood still wet?

Hunter: Yeah. It got all over my shoes. So she wasn’t murdered too long ago. Oh, hell.

Mrs. D: Thank you. Max, write all that down and go alert Homicide.

Max: Yes, ma’am.

(He grabs the phone on the wall and yells into it)

Alert Homicide! Alert Homicide! Everyone at the station! Now!

(He hangs up, Enter Skylar, Angel, Jean, Shelby, Carmen, and Jamie carrying Haylee and Ashley, the two girls have long gashes on their faces and blood on their torsos-Stage Right)

Jamie: Chief! We need all of Homicide here right now.

Shelby: You’ve got three of us. Max-Lieutenant-, Jamie, and me.

(Enter David and Josh-Stage Left)

David: Correction. Five of us.

(Terrance runs in with Amy-Stage Right)

Terrance: Chief! We received the call.

Amy: Where’s mark?

Josh: He told me he was hurrying.

David: How? I was with you the whole time you were in the back.

Josh: Text messaging, David. This isn’t Texas. God, keep up.

David: I know what texting is, Josh. I just ain’t seen you pull out your phone for a while.

(Enter Mark-Stage Right)

Mark: Hey. Sorry. I tried to hurry. Chief. Lieutenant.

Skylar: Hi, David. I’m having a party next week if you would like to come. I’d be honored if such a handsome man came to the party.

David: No thanks.

Haylee: Mommy! My tummy hurts.

Ashley: Mine too, Mommy!

Jean: Shhh…be quiet, dears. We’ll make it stop. Everything’s going to be fine, darlings. Why did they leave me alone with the girls?

Carmen: So there are two half-dead people here. You gonna do anything about it, dummies?

Angel: Carmen. Jamie, Shelby, go take care of them please.

Joseph: Hey, Angel. I…I found a dead body earlier. Well, not that much earlier, but it’s kinda the same wounds. Freaky, huh?

Angel: Sure. Hey, Hunt.

Mrs. D: Ladies and gentlemen! Please! Jamie, Shelby, could you please go take car of Jean and her sisters?

Jamie: Yes, ma’am.

(Jamie, Shelby, and Jean exit carrying the little girls-Stage Left)

Mrs. D: One accomplished murder, and two attempts in the same night. Homicide?

Homicide: Yes, ma’am?

Mrs. D: Commence your investigations. I guess I won’t get that sleep I was hoping for.

(Lights out)

Scene 3-A Room in the Back of the Station

(Jean is holding Ashley while Haylee sleeps. Jamie and Shelby are watching the scene from their desks at the two ends of the room)

Jean: Ashley? Can you try to sleep, Honey?

Ashley: (crying) It hurts too bad.

Jean: Shhh...It’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

Ashley: I want my teddy bear.

(Jamie runs over with a stuffed animal from her desk)

Jamie: Here you go, Sweetheart.

Jean: Thank you.

(Ashley screams)

Ashley? Baby, you okay?

Shelby: What’s wrong?

Ashley: It hurts!

Jean: Shhh...I know it hurts, Honey. We’re doing everything we can to make it stop.

Jamie: What if we tried morphine? I know it’s not the best option, but it could work.

Jean: But it might kill her!

Shelby: Would you rather her die peacefully from too much morphine or painfully screaming in your arms?

Ashley: Can I have a band-aid?

Jean: Okay. Just go get Charlotte. And a band-aid. Please.

Jamie: Okay. I’ll be right back.

(Jamie runs out of the room-Stage Right, Ashley screams)

Ashley: It hurts!

Jean: Shhh...Baby, it’s going to be fine. Why hasn’t she come back?

Shelby: The morphine’s in a safe in the basement. She’ll be hurrying as fast as she can.

Jean: It’s not fast enough! She’s practically dead now! Screaming painfully in my arms as you would say! Please!

Shelby: I’m so sorry. I just investigate the murders. Nothing else. I don’t know how to save her. I wouldn’t even know how to save myself. I’m so sorry.

Ashley: Why did the boo-boo go away?

Jean: What?

Ashley: The sky is black.

Jean: Ashley, Honey, listen to me. Hold on to my hand and keep talking to me. Please.

Ashley: Are we at the park?

Jean: No, Honey.

Ashley: But there’s a rainbow.

Jean: No, Darling. Stay here. Please.

Ashley: Mommy?

Jean: Mommy’s not here, Baby.

Ashley: I see Mommy.

Jean: No, Honey. (to Shelby) Please! You have to help somehow!

Shelby: I’m so sorry. I don’t know how.

(she turns away and starts to quietly sob)

Ashley: Hi, Mommy.

(she dies in Jean’s arms)

Jean: Ashley? Ashley?! Baby?! No. Please no. (to Shelby) How could you let this happen?! She was a child! Why did she have to go?! God should have taken you instead! You could have helped!

Shelby: I’m so sorry. I didn’t know she was that close.

Jean: Go away.

(she starts crying)

Go away! It’s all your fault! Get out! You’ve already hurt us enough!

Shelby: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to let her-

Jean: GO!

(Shelby runs out-Stage Right-crying, Haylee stirs awake)

Haylee: What’s wrong?

Jean: She let her go. He was going to take Ashley and she didn’t stop Him.

Haylee: What do you mean?

Jean: Ashley’s dead. I let her go.

(lights out)

Scene 4-An Empty Street in the Morning

(It’s a very quiet street with no action and no pedestrians, Skylar runs in in a frantic state with a cut across her face, Mr. Debarring chases her on in a disguise-Stage Left)

Skylar: Leave me alone! I’ll have my boyfriend come after you!

Mr. D: Ha! David? No, no, no. He doesn’t love you. You couldn’t tell? Everyone else could. He’ll possibly be your friend. When you’re both dead!

(he cackles)

Skylar: No! Please!

Mr. D: Hm...Let’s see...Knife, rope, bullet, or hands? Either way, you’ll get the knife.

Skylar: Please!

Mr. D: Oh look! Rope!

(he pulls a rope out of his pocket and throws it over the street light)

Skylar: Please no! Hey. Don’t I know you?

Mr. D: No!

(he stabs something in her back and ties up her hands)

Skylar: Damn! Please! Spare my life! I’ll give you anyone!

(he hooks a noose around her neck and tightens it)

Mr. D: Alright. Oh wait. I already have her.

(he pulls up the rope and hangs her)

Bye, bye, Skylar.

(he exits-Stage Left, Amy enters-Stage Right, she senses something is wrong)

Amy: Hello? Is anyone there? Oh boy, Amy. You’re going crazy. Stop talking to yourself.

(she starts walking toward Stage Left and stops, she turns around as Hunter runs in Stage Right)

Hunter: Amy! Have you seen Joseph anywhere?

Amy: No. Sorry.

Hunter: Damn. He’s probably at the court already.

Amy: Uh, Hunter?

Hunter: Yeah?

Amy: Do you feel like something bad happened at all? When you walked onto this street did you have a sinking feeling? Like a really bad feeling?

Hunter: A little. Why?

Amy: Okay. Good. I thought I was going crazy. By the way, why were you in such a hurry to find Joseph?

Hunter: Because angel agreed to give him a chance, we were going to shoot a few hoops, and he knows where Skylar is. Charlie’s being a royal pain in the ass and won’t stop freaking out until he finds her.

(he keeps walking towards Stage Left and trips over the excess rope)

What the hell?

(Amy follows the course of the rope to Skylar)

Amy: I found Skylar for Charlie.Looks like she’s been here for a short while. She’s dead.

(lights out)

Scene 5-Police Station

(Mrs. Debarring is sitting at her desk, Max and the rest of Homicide are sitting at a table discussing the previous murders, Hunter and Amy run in)

Amy: Lieutenant, add another murder to the equation. Skylar James is hanging from a street light on the north side of the drug store. Found at, what time was it, Hunt?

Hunter: 5:53 this morning.

Amy: Luckily I had crime scene tape on me. I blocked off the surrounding streets. We kept everyone away from Skylar and came here.

(Charlie runs in angrily)

Charlie: Where’s my cousin?! She was supposed to take me to an early morning soccer game. I think she ran away. She’s so rude that way.

David: Charlie, I hate to tell you this, but-

Charlie: She hates me?

Terrance: No. She never did. She’s dead.

Amy: Terrance. We try to break these things slowly.

Charlie: Are you sure?

Hunter: 100% positive.

Charlie: What a morning.

(he sinks down in a chair next to Lieutenant Max)

Max: Hello, Charlie. Is there anything we can do to help ease the pain?

Charlie: She’s dead. Mum’s going to have a fit and think I’ve been mucking around if I tell her Skylar’s dead. She’ll think I’m making it all up. Do you...Do you think I could see Skylar?

Max: Sure. If you’re up to it. I’ll have Carmen and Samuel go with you. I know you’d like that.

(he winks)

Hunter: I’ll go too. Just to make sure nothing happens to them.

Max: Thank you, Hunter. The kids are at the house.

(he grabs a paper from his binder and scribbles some words on it then hands it to Hunter)

Give this to the Mrs. when you get there.

Hunter: My pleasure, Lieutenant. Come on, Charlie.

(they exit)

Max: If anything happens to those kids, anything at all, I’m taking this to the next level. The murderer will pay double. Pour la mort.

(lights out)

Scene 6-Same Street with Skylar

(Skylar’s body is still hanging in the same spot for investigation’s sake, Hunter enters with Charlie, Carmen, and Samuel-Stage Right)

Hunter: Here you are, Charlie.

Charlie: Bloody. Who did this to her?

Carmen: Whoever the murderer is. He won’t turn himself in freely, Dufas.

Samuel: Carmen! Remember what Dad said about manners.

Charlie: It’s fine. So long as you’re by me, Carmen, you can say whatever you like.

Carmen: Okay. Get away from, Creep.

Samuel: Carmen, I’m serious. Stop it.

Carmen: Why?

Samuel: Because it’s irritating.

Carmen: Well you’re irritating.

Samuel: Why are you such a snot?

Carmen: I don’t see you being anything but a snot all the time.

Samuel: Why don’t you just be what you’re supposed be and act like a lady?

Carmen: Because girls are boring, they don’t fight, and they end up like Jean-in love with a pathetic creeper like Charlie.

Samuel: Just shut up! I’m trying to see if I can tell anything that happened.

Hunter: Stop fighting unless you want to be grounded. God. Kids these days. Come on, guys. Let’s split.

Samuel: Wait! Can we look around for a bit? Please?

Hunter: Sure. Just make sure you report to the Lieutenant if you find anything.

(enter Amy-Stage Right)

Hey, Amy. What are you doing here?

Amy: Max sent me to help see if you could find anything. Terrance tagged along, but I can’t find him anywhere.

Hunter: That’s not a very good sign these days.

Amy: Nope. Not at all.

Hunter: Damn. So is Mark still in love with you?

Amy: Since tenth grade. I don’t see why he can’t just leave Terrance and me alone.

Samuel: Hey! Hunter! Come look at this!

(Hunter and Amy run over to Samuel)

Hunter: What is it?

Samuel: Footprints.

Amy: I’ve seen those footprints before.

Hunter: Really? Whose are they?

Amy: I can’t remember right now. All I know is what we can see. They’re one of a kind. I think. I only know one person who drags their right leg like that. I just can’t remember the face.

(enter Mr.Debarring trying to hide a limp on his right leg-Stage Left)

Hunter: Good morning, Mr. Debarring. How are you today?

Mr. D: Eh. Too many dead people in this neighborhood.

Amy: How’s the Mrs.? She looked really wiped out this morning. Like she was sick or something.

Mr. D: How am I supposed to know? Last I checked she was feeling a little sick. But she hasn’t been home for a couple days now. She practically lives at the damn station. Not a very nice way to treat your husband, eh?

Hunter: No, Sir.

Mr. D: I’m glad you two haven’t died yet. Whole town would be in chaos if that happened. Lucky for all of us I’m in charge of the newspaper. No one’s allowed to print any articles or even a small hint of the last couple murders.

Amy: Three and a half murders, Sir. Becky, Ashley, and Skylar are dead. Haylee is severely injured.

Charlie: Bloody! Carmen, look!

Carmen: At what? Something dumb like you?

Charlie: There’s something sparkling on the ground.

(Carmen heads over to Charlie)

Carmen: There’s nothing there! You’re such an idiot sometimes!

Charlie: No I’m not. I got you over here, didn’t I?

Carmen: Save your mushy-gushy stuff for Jean.

Hunter: Carmen, Charlie, please behave.

Carmen: Well, sorry, Dufas. You could work on language, though.

Samuel: Carmen! Stop it!

Mr. D: Kids these days. (to himself) I can’t wait until the rest of these brats are dead.

Amy: Sorry, sir. They’re newly teenagers.

Mr. D: I don’t give a damn.

(he exits-Stage Right)

Amy: Tell me when he’s completely out of sight.

Hunter: Okay.

(He waits for 5 seconds)

He’s gone.

Amy: Sam, did you notice what I did?

Samuel: The leg?

Amy: That’s part of it. Hunter, could you see the other part I’m thinking of?

Hunter: What part?

Samuel: There was a hair on his jacket. It belonged to Skylar.

Hunter: How the hell did you see that?

Samuel: I just did.

Hunter: Wait. So you’re saying that Mr. Debarring murdered her?

Amy: No. Not really. I’m just saying that he was probably nearby when the murder took place. And he could have been talking to Skylar a few minutes before the murder. She was somewhat a fan of him.

Hunter: So...We question him as a witness?

Samuel: Exactly.

Charlie: Did you solve it?

Carmen: If they did, the murderer would be on his way to jail already, Smart One.

Samuel: Carmen, I’m serious. Stop with the smart remarks.

Carmen: Who put you in charge? Amy’s the oldest.

Amy: Stop it, Carmen. At least try to act like a lady.

Carmen: Fine. But make sure the creep stays far away.

Hunter: That’s a hell of a challenge for her.

(lights out)

Scene 7-A Room in the Police Office

(Jean, Jamie, and Shelby are talking to Haylee about the murdering, Haylee is playing with a Barbie)

Haylee: Where’s Ashley?

Jean: She’s not here, Honey. Can you answer Jamie’s question?

Haylee: What question? And where’s Mommy?

Jean: Mommy’s not here. She’s with Ashley, Baby. Jamie?

Jamie: What did the dark person look like?

Haylee: A ghost. A black ghost.

Shelby: Did it talk?

Haylee: I don’t know. Ashley screamed.

Jean: Do you know what caused her to scream?

Haylee: She was screaming about the boogey-man. She said he was going to carve a heart on her face. I thought she was dreaming. She talks in her sleep. Do you like my Barbie’s dress?

Shelby: It’s a very beautiful dress. Note that, Jamie. So was the ghost a man?

Haylee: He looked like Daddy. But like her, too.

(She points to Jamie)

Jamie: How did he look like me?

Haylee: He was a little ghost, but bigger than me.

Shelby: Thank you, Sweetie.

Jean: What did he do, Haylee?

Haylee: Stole Teddy and Ken. He made Barbie mad.

Jean: Is that all?

Haylee: Yes. The bigger ghost hurt Ashley.

Jamie: Did she just say ‘other ghost’?

Shelby: Yep. She did.

Jean: What other ghost, Darling?

Haylee: The other one. The bigger ghost.

(Enter Amy, Samuel, and Hunter-Stage Right)

Hunter: Any news?

Jamie: There were two.

Hunter: What?

Amy: Are you certain?

Shelby: 110%. Haylee just said so.

Hunter: Damn.

Haylee: That’s a bad word.

Hunter: I know. I’m sorry, Hun.

Haylee: It’s okay. The other ghost was more like Daddy.

Jean: How so?

Haylee: He was old. Like Daddy. He walked funny.

Samuel: Did he limp with his right leg?

Jamie: Sam, what are you talking about?

Haylee: What’s limp mean?

Samuel: It’s when someone walks like this.

(Walks with Mr. Debarring’s limp)

Haylee: Hehe! He walks funny like that.

Hunter: Amy? You hearing this?

Amy: Yep.

Jamie: Apparently this guy hurt them.

Hunter: Are you sure?

Jean: Baby, are you sure the ghost, the funny walking one, is the ghost who hurt you and Ashley?

Haylee: I don’t know. Ashley kept screaming and I covered my eyes with my pillow.

Samuel: We need to question him, Hunter.

Hunter: I know. Amy?

Amy: Yeah?

Hunter: Do you think you and Terrance could question Mr. Debarring about both the investigations? I’m going to find Joe and head over to the first crime scene. The one where Becky died.

Samuel: Can I come with you?

Hunter: If it’s okay with the Lieutenant. And if you don’t get sick by dead bodies left for investigation’s sake.

Samuel: I won’t! I’ll go ask my dad. And I’ll get Terrance for you, Amy!

(He runs out excitedly-Stage Right)

Haylee: Can I go home now? My Barbie’s lonely. She misses Ken.

Jean: Is it okay if we go?

Shelby: Yeah.

Jean: Thanks.

(She exits with Haylee-Stage Right)

Jamie: So...What’s up with the limping and the stuff about Mr.D?

Amy: I’ll explain when Terrance gets here.

(Enter Mark and Josh-Stage Right)

Mark: Hey, Amy.

Amy: Mark. Josh.

Mark: So...Uh...Terrance is kinda held up helping the Lieutenant with some...stuff right now. I...I thought maybe I could be of some...uh...assistance?

Amy: No, thank you. I can take care of an investigation by myself. In fact, that’s what I’m paid to do.

Josh: Damn. Someone’s fiesty.

Hunter: Shut up, Bro.

Josh: Ooo...Hitting on the older women!

Hunter: Josh! Stop it!

Mark: Stay out of it, Hunt. You too, Josh.

Amy: Oh, shut up, Mark.

(Mark grabs Amy and tries to kiss her, enter Terrance-Stage Right)

Terrance: Mark! Let her go!

Mark: Fine. But I’ll be seeing you later.

(He shoves Amy to Terrance)

Amy: Mark, stop it. Please.

Terrance: It’s fine, Amy. I’ll take care of it.

Josh: Poor Hunter. She likes Terrance.

Hunter: You know what? You should learn to keep your mouth shut. You’re a filthy rotten liar.

Josh: I’m not the one in love with Amy.

Hunter: Neither am I. Go to Hell.

Mark: You better not be in love with my girl.

Terrance: She’s not yours, Mark.

Amy: Nor will I ever be.

Terrance: Get that in your thick head right now.

Hunter: I’m going to go check on Sam.

(He exits-Stage Right)

Mark: C’mon, Josh. Let’s split.

(They exit-Stage Right)

Amy: So...you ready to do some investigating?

Terrance: Always. Oh, and you and I have a date tomorrow. Don’t worry about work. I talked to Charlotte and she gave us the day off.

Amy: Oh? Really? And where did this sudden date spring from?

Terrance: The mind of yours truly.

Amy: You’re such a sweetheart, Terrance.

(He kisses her forehead)

Terrance: It’s all thanks to the most beautiful woman. Whom I love. A lot.

Amy: I love you, too, Terrance.

(She kisses his cheek)

We should probably start our investigation, though. I go get Mr. Debarring.

(She exits to a back room-Stage Left)

Terrance: Please let tomorrow come fast and don’t let anything go wrong.

(He pulls out a box with a ring in it)


(He exits to his office-Up Stage Center, Amy screams from offstage and Terrance runs back on to find her)

Amy! Oh please no! I’m coming!

(Amy’s body collapses with half her torso out of the door, her torso is covered in blood and so is her face, she is still alive but not entirely)

Oh, God, no!

(The lights go out and Act 1 ends)
© Copyright 2011 Allison Luke (dramanerd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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