Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1790474-WDC-Power-Challenge-Bird-Story
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1790474
Dialogue between birds in image for WDC Power Challenge.
The birds in this story look like the cover picture.

Bird 1: Oscar
Bird 2: Vinnie
Bird 3: Ralph

Oscar: "It sure is cold this morning. My behind is freezing."

Vinnie: "You are a snowbird like Ralph and me. Why are you so cold?"

Oscar: "I burnt my behind on that chimney last week."

Ralph: "It will heal. You will be as right as rain."

Vinnie: "What is with the English accent?"

Oscar: "He started using that accent after watching the Royal Wedding on Farmer Johnson's TV when he landed on the window sill."

Vinnie: "Got it. Oh! Here comes Homer the owl."

Oscar:" Hi Homer."

Ralph: "Hi Homer. Sure is cold this morning."

Homer: "It wouldn't be if you lazy birds would get off your butts and look for breakfast like I am doing. There is a mouse. See ya!"

Homer flies away.

Vinnie: "I don't like Homer. He is a stinky, high and mighty, stuffy owl! It isn't like he starred in the Harry Potter movies! Hey Homer! We are surveying the land so we can do reviews of what we saw. We rock! We are powerful! We are going to be famous writers and critics someday!"

Oscar: "Hey Vinnie! Take it down a notch! Don't worry about Homer. We are a reviewing group but right now I am hungry. We should go look for some worms."

Ralph: "Can't right now. Bella, the cat is on the prowl."

Oscar: "She won't be out very long. She can't take the cold. Her owner Megan won't let her precious baby stay out too long."

Vinnie: "There's Megan. She is picking up her baby Bella and carrying her into the house. Must be nice to live in a house."

Ralph: "Are we going to look for breakfast?"

Vinnie: "There is Mrs. Johnson. She is refilling the bird feeder. Breakfast comes to us."

Oscar: "Look. Now, Mrs. Johnson is putting up our bird condo. Bless her heart. She loves us."

Ralph: "Mrs. Johnson left. I am going to go eat."

Vinnie:" Me, too."

The birds fly to the bird feeder and eat.

Oscar: "Oh no! There's that ferrot! I am going to the bird house."

Ralph: "Me, too."

Vinnie: "Where did that ferrot come from?"

Vinnie flies down and slaps his wings at the ferrot, making the ferrot mad and he, too flies into the bird house. The birds are sleeping peacefully in the nice big bird house. Life is good for these birds. Tomorrow, they will be back out on their posts checking out the scenery again. After all, they have a bird's eye view.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1790474-WDC-Power-Challenge-Bird-Story