Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1789912-Tears-Of-Blood--Adels-confusion
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1789912
Adel doesn't know if she should leave or not. She loves him but is still quite shaken up
Adel couldn't sleep The image of that women in Louey's arms was haunting her and stabbing her in the heart. "She was just his meal he didn't do anything with her. He used his powers to lure her in and kill her." Adel shock her head either way it wasn't a pleasant thought. "He is a grown man he has needs that i cannot fulfill". Adel said to herself with tears in her eyes. Some how she managed to get some rest and get up just before dawn. She dressed and began to pack a bag. "Where will you go?" asked a voice at the door. Louey stood just outside her door way in the shadows where the slowly rising suns rays could not touch him. Adel didn't answer. She continued to pack quietly. " I don't want you to go." He said taking a single step forward.

Adel continued to ignore him. Louey could feel his frustration reaching its limit. So he used his powers to shut the curtains tight casting the room into darkness. Then with his vampiric speed and strength he ran over to Adel pushing her down then throwing himself on her. He put himself between her legs so she couldn't move and pined her arms down to her side. Adel Still tried to put up a fight knowing it was futile. "Listen to me it was almost you who i hurt. I was fighting the urge with all my might. Couldn't you see it in my eyes? Didn't you feel it in my touch that my intentions were unpure?" Louey asked as he released one of Adel's Hands and tangle his hand in her black hair. "I wanted to do things to that women but i couldn't. Every time i closed my eyes i saw you". He said as he let go of her hair and vanished into the dark. " Louey?" Adel called out timidly.

Adel then got up and made her way downstairs where Louey was waiting by the main entrance. He was looking straight ahead his hands behind his back. Adel slowly walked up and stood beside him."It my be a good idea that you leave". Louey said emptily. "You'll be safe. You wont have to lock your door and hope that i wont come in your room at night seeking blood or sex. " You wont have to worrier about not looking at me or accidently attracting my attention." He said on the verge of tears. Adel hugged him. Her head resting on his stomach. "I remember you telling me that this world is cruel and unforgiving, and there are people that intend on casing problems and bringing pain and sorrow to all and any whom they meet. If it weren't for you i would know this pain, but because you took pity upon this mortal i know what it is to be happy." Adel began to cry. "Ill stay because i wont do to you what Annet did to you." Adel said holding him even tighter.

Louey just hugged her back resting his head on hers "And i wont bring my pray home again." He said with a chuckle
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