Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1789574-Love-at-First-Sight
Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #1789574
Two soul mates find they can't resist each other in this short story.
         She walked out of the bar in defeat. Here she was at the age of 29, still a virgin, and still tragically single. She considered herself relatively good-looking and it was evident that guys did as well.

      But the problem wasn’t that she couldn’t find someone.

      It was that she couldn’t find someone who she was compatible with. She began the walk to her condo with the click clack of her heels following her down the cobblestone sidewalk. As she passed the pharmacy on her left she thought she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. She slowly came to a stop and glanced over her shoulder in trepidation. Sure enough she could see a tall manly figure leaning against the door of the pharmacy knowing he hadn’t been there before. She turned and resumed walking at a faster pace. The man's footsteps fell in line with her own and in a panic she broke into a run. She turned the corner and ran straight into a solid wall of flesh. She would’ve gone flying had arms not grabbed her and held her steady.

         “Whoa there, lass,” he rumbled.

         “A-a man,” she gasped, swallowing in gulps of air, “there’s a man chasing me.”

         Without a word he quickly pushed her behind him to face whomever was following. After a few seconds of silence he began to turn back to her.

         “Are you sure someone was chasing you?”

         She had to crane her neck upwards to get a good luck at him. She figured he must be just over six feet tall with a chest as solid as a brick wall. Now that she could actually get a good look at him she found herself at a loss for words. He was drop dead gorgeous. His hair was a deep black while his eyes shined a vivid green. When she could finally make sense of what he had told her she allowed her annoyance to show.

         “Of course I’m sure. I’m not crazy.” Rather than answer her he simply let his gaze wander across her face. She felt herself blush a light pink shade which deepened when he brought his hand up to cup her face. His gaze became intense and he allowed a slow grin to cross his face. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

         She turned her head breaking away from his hand. “Surely you can’t be asking me  that. I mean, you don’t even know my name.”

         “Well that can be fixed,” he replied smoothly, “my name is Eric. What’s yours?” As he spoke he stepped closer towards her.

         “My name is Annie,” she answered, eyes still averted.

         “Well Annie, do you believe in love at first sight?”

         “I’m not sure,” she hedged nervously, “I mean, I’ve never been in love. Or at least I don’t think I have. It’s all just really-,“ she stopped mid sentence as he grasped her shoulders and pressed his lips tightly against hers. She gasped in surprise as he ran his tongue along the roof of her mouth. Their lips melded perfectly as though they were made for each other.

        His hands traced the contours of her body before resting in the gentle slope of her hips. They tugged her closer until mere inches were left between them. She moaned in pleasure and entwined her hands through his hair, pulling his mouth harder down on her own. She felt the push of his teeth bruising her lips and gasped at the slight pain. She stepped closer to him removing any space that had separated them. He slid his leg between hers so they straddled each other. He ground his leg against her causing her to break away and gasp for air. He grinned like a cheshire cat, reveling in his ability to please her. Annie was shocked at the need she felt for a total stranger but she was tired of living life on the safe side.

         "I can't take another second," she whispered in a torn breath, "Where can we go?"

         She had contemplated just staying right there temporarily hidden in the alcove. No, she thought, I'm not that far gone... or am I? No, she thought once more resolutely, I will not cheapen this.

         "We can't go to my place," she continued.

         "We can go to mine, above the Canterbury Pub down the street," he answered in a husky voice, "It'll be empty by now."

         He was hesitant to pull away from her, not wanting to let this moment end.

         "Come on," she said, pulling away with a smile, "Let's go."

         They walked hand in hand back the way they had come in companionable silence. Her body ached to press against his and she wondered what he was thinking of her, contemplating whether this decision was too rash and impulsive. Finally they stepped in front of the doors to the pub and he let her hand go, fumbling in his pocket for his keys.

         "Shit", he said, finding his pockets empty.

         "What is it?" she asked, straining to see him in the dark.

         "I can't find my damn keys." He breathed out a frustrated sigh and turned towards her. "I'm going to have climb to the top window." She couldn't help herself, she laughed aloud at their predicament.

         "What is it?" Eric questioned, relieved she wasn't upset.

         "Well," Annie began, "It seems that all of our attempts are being thwarted and don’t know if I can wait to get to your room.”

         "I know exactly how you feel," he grinned leaning down to catch her mouth with his. She swayed unsteadily on her feet and finally decided she didn’t care. She would have sex with him on his doorstep if need be. Abruptly he broke away and she almost cried in agony. With a nimble ease he jumped upwards to grab the nearest ledge that was easily 10 feet up. As he pulled himself up she could just barely make out the cords of his muscles and marveled at how graceful his movements seemed. When he reached the window he looked down at her, "Don't run off," he said with a smile, "I'll be down in a minute." And with that he lithely swung himself into the window.

         She shifted her feet impatiently and looking around she realized just how alone she was. She glanced around anxiously, counting the seconds that passed. She breathed a sigh of relief when he opened the door from within.

         "Nervous?" he questioned teasingly.

         "You wish," she replied, comfortable with their easy banter. She stepped by him minutely aware of the way her arm brushed his chest. Stepping inside hadn't done much to relieve her anxiety. If anything it had made her even more tense just realizing what was to come. He grasped her hand and guided her through the dark, unlit pub and towards the stairs. She hesitated at the stairway causing him to turn back around towards her.

         "What is it?" he questioned.

         She paused, trying to think of the right words. "It's just," she began, "I've never done anything like this." She averted her gaze from his, slightly embarrassed. He turned fully towards her and with his finger under her chin, lifted her gaze to meet his.

         "Hey," he began softly, "We don't have to do anything. We can go upstairs and talk over a glass of wine or I could take you home right now. The choice is yours." She held his eyes seeing the honesty in them. It was all she needed. Without answering him she crushed her lips to his, rekindling the desire she had felt in the street. He kissed her back and pulled her backwards. They stumbled up the stairs never breaking contact as their hands roved over each others bodies, longing for skin on skin. He pulled her into his loft and led her to his bed. It was a large queen size bed with thick wooden headboards. He laid her down softly on the blue comforter and stopped to gaze down upon her.

         "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her.

         "I've never been more sure of anything," she answered with certainty. He smiled down on her, grateful for her answer, and bent down to kiss her softly. She moaned, longing for more than he was giving. Her hands toured the planes of his chest under his shirt until she began to undo his buttons. Chuckling he pulled himself away from her mouth and sat atop her, straddling her hips. He helped her to unfasten his buttons and smoothly pulled off his shirt. He then grabbed her tank top and slowly pulled it upwards relishing the sight of her skin being bared. He pulled it up and over her head as she lay there quietly, watching his movements. He groaned at the sight of her lacy black and red bra, cupping the mounds of her breasts so eloquently. Her long, dark brown hair lay around her like a halo and curled angelically around her breasts.

         She bit her lip anxiously, suddenly nervous as his eyes trekked their way across her body.

         "You are so beautiful," he told her reverently as he slowly bent to kiss the soft indention of her collar bone. He lazily kissed his way down her neck and stopped at the intrusion of her bra. He noticed the clasp in the middle of the cups and found it to be surprisingly simple to undo.

         “Now this is how lingerie should be made,” he grinned, “with easy access.” She blushed at his cavalier attitude and lifted to remove the bra entirely. He loved the full natural mounds of her breasts. He guessed that she had to be a small c-cup by the way they fit perfectly in the palms of his hands. He stroked each nipple between thumbs and forefingers marveling at her beauty. She closed her eyes in pleasure and lifted her torso pushing her breasts more firmly into his palms. While keeping a hold on one he bent down to taste the other, rolling over the bead with his tongue. She lightly held his head against her pushing him insistently. He lightly nipped her bud and she cried out in surprise and pleasure. His tongue snaked its way down to the valley between her breasts and continued its descent downwards. He undid her jeans and pulled them off her legs throwing the pants casually off the bed. Her red silk thong made him pause but he ripped it from her body eliciting a shriek of excitement from her.

        When he reached the dark mound of her downy curls he lightly breathed in her scent marveling at how perfect this was. He slowly dipped his tongue into her folds to taste her, licking from the bottom then coming upwards to circle her clit with his tongue. She gripped the comforter with both of her fists, panting and moaning at this new pleasure. He moved her legs up and over his shoulders so he could get a better angle as he teased and tormented her with his tongue.

        "Please... please... please," was her unending mantra. He finally gripped her clit between his lips and sucked hard while bringing a finger to thrust up into her.

        "Oh god yes!" she cried, clamping her legs around his head riding out her orgasm. As she began to come down he continued to drink from her, cleaning up the mess he had proudly caused. Slowly he lowered her legs off of his wide shoulders and crawled up her body to ravage her mouth. She lay in a state of boneless bliss unable to move. He rubbed his now tight denim jeans over her center and she cried out and pushed against him surprised at her lack of control.He moved up to a sitting position on his knees over her and began to take them off. She watched in rapture as he unabashedly finished stripping and stood there in all his glory. She took in a quick breath when she saw the size of his manhood. The first aspect was how big it was in girth. She knew it would take more than one hand to wrap around it. She stared in awe until he cleared his throat. Blushing she turned her gaze up to meet his.

        "I'm hoping that your reaction was something good," he rumbled with a smile on his face. She could only nod in reply and slowly reached out to him bring her torso off the bed. With a gentle push Eric was on his back while she ran her hands up and down his chest almost afraid to touch his pulsing cock. With a touch as light as a feather she brought her hands down to grip his shaft and he groaned in response closing his eyes to her touch. She lightly ran her hands up and down marveling at the velvety smooth texture. He bucked his hips in agony as she slowly tormented him with light strokes. She noticed a small drop of liquid at the head of his penis and without thought reached down and licked it. The taste was salty with a hint of sweetness and she found she didn't mind it. He opened his eyes and met her gaze.

        "You're killing me Annie." She smiled at her apparent control in this situation and slowly slid her mouth over the head of his penis never lowering her gaze from his.

        "Ugh..." he let out with a sigh. She was only able to place a little over half of his length in her mouth but she rolled her tongue around delighted at the moans of pleasure he was emitting. She bobbed her head up and down taking in a little more each time. When she felt his head hit the back of her throat she felt almost proud of her accomplishment. He stopped her with a light touch and slowly flipped them over so that he was on top. She spread her legs, still wet and ready from her orgasm. She gave little thought to the pain that would surely come with her first time but instead enjoyed the feel of his thick hot cock between her legs. Slowly he put himself in position and entered her with ease. The fit was tight at best and she squirmed under him.

        "You are so unbelievably tight!" he hissed in pleasure between his teeth. As he continued to push himself in he felt resistance and stopped in astonishment.

        "Annie," he began incredulously, "Are you a virgin?!" She turned her head in humiliation and slowly nodded.

      "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked in shock.

      "I was afraid you wouldn't want to if you knew," she replied, tears shining in her eyes. His gaze softened and he knelt down to kiss it away.

      "Annie," he began, but she kept her eyes averted, "Annie look at me," he commanded. She slowly turned to face him and bit her bottom lip in anxiety. "Annie I don't think I'm with you tonight just because you're beautiful and sexy, though those are helping factors," he said with a smile. "I'm with you because I feel connected to you somehow. I know we just met but I'm already falling for you. Is that possible?" She looked into his eyes for a moment trying to study whether he was pulling her leg or not. She found adoration and honesty in them and slowly smiled.

      "I know what you mean Eric," she started, "I've never slept with anyone before because I didn't feel a connection but with you everything is so simple. I feel something with you that I've never felt with anyone else before and I think it might be love." His smile widened in delight to her response and he slowly bent down to kiss her long and deep.When he came up for her he gazed down at her lovingly.

      "Are you sure you want to do this still, my love?" he questioned. She felt a heat deep in her roin began to spread at his words.

      "Yes Eric. I'm more sure than ever," she replied.

      "It's going to hurt," he said with a frown.

      "I know," she told him, "But your the only person I want to share this with." He tensed himself above her and when he reached her point of resistance he decisively pushed his way through. He stopped at her cry of pain and waited until she was ready. The pain in the moment it happened was powerful for her but as they waited for her body to acclimate she found herself reveling in the way he filled her. Slowly she tilted her hips upwards inviting him to enter her all the way. He slowly pushed until no space was left between them. When he began to drag out of her she found pleasure mixed in the pain. He began a slow pace moaning at how her pussy gripped his cock so tightly. When they were both moving in synchronization he decided to pick up the pace losing himself in the feel of her.

      Annie longed for harder and rougher even though all the pain had not left her yet. She wrapped her legs around him and urged him faster and deeper. He let himself go and pounded into her relentlessly. Her cries echoed off the walls as she soared higher and higher.

      "Oh Eric! Oh... yes! Yes! God yes!" she screamed as her orgasm overtook her. Her cries and the clenching of her walls in climax threw him over the edge and Eric jerked as he climaxed, spilling his seed inside her.

      "Fuck yes!" he groaned out as his orgasm waned. He collapsed on top of her spent and weary.

      His weight was a comfortable fit and she enjoyed him staying inside her for a moment more. He raised himself onto his forearms taking off some of his weight and looked down at her. She smiled and lightly kissed him on the tip of his nose. She squirmed underneath him and he shuddered in the almost too much sensations.

      "Already ready to go again?" he said in a humorous tone.

      "I think I will always be ready with you," she said with a hint of seriousness.

      "Now and forever?" he questioned.

      "Now and forever," she answered.

© Copyright 2011 EspritduLouve (espritdulouve at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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