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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1789138
A girl is bitten and turned into a vampire, but she's normal compared to her friends.
The week I began public school was the week my life ended. Not just because I’m some lame melodramatic teen who misses her private snob school with all her fake friends. No way would that ever happen to me, I sit at the freak table during lunch with an oddly dressed band nerd, a figure skating half Goth chick, a lunatic girly girl, a book worm, a crazy goat girl and a strangely hair styled smart blonde (sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you with the last one), no when I say my life ended my life literally ended. And this is how.

It was Friday and I was at lunch, listening to Vicus (the Goth) and Brandy (the blonde) talk about some cute half vampire in a book they were reading and picking at something that was supposed to be a burger and wishing I had time to bring lunch so I didn’t have to eat school food, when Glinda (the band nerd) dropped her music folder. We all bent down to help her collect the 50 or 60 pages of music scattered across the floor as she jumped up and down trying to point out sheets that she needed on top to practice. Just as the last paper was put in her folder the bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria made a mad dash for the door. And of course the papers fell out, again. So Glinda told Leera (the girly one) to tell the teacher of the next class-which they took together-to say she-Glinda-would be late. Leera tossed her curls, made some weird comment and ran out the door. The others quickly dashed out and Vicus and I were stuck getting all the papers. Needless to say, by the time we were done we were running super late.

Vicus and I headed to our next class together glad it was only down the hall, but, since we were freaks, we were noticed. And of course it was the new math teacher Mr. Vangomier.

“Ficus, Mika come with me, I’m going to write you up.” He said briskly

“It’s Vicus,” Vicus growled, her tone and spiky dog collar making her look alarmingly like the wolf that bit Masy as a kid.

“And I’m Mike-uh, “I said as if to a cave man, “not Mick-ah.”

“Well I’m very sorry Miss Vickis and Miss Mikeduhh for messing up your ‘lovely’ names.” He snarled.

We got into his room and he locked the door behind us, but I was too angry to wonder why. Then he told us to sit down, so we did.

“Now,” he said, in a voice much smoother and trustable than usual, “Vicus, tie Mika up.” His voice made us want to please him and Vicus tied me up while I sat perfectly still. Vicus finished and stepped back. Mr. Vangomier smiled, exposing gleaming teeth, a question formed in the back of my mind; why are his teeth so sharp? But I pushed it away, how could I wonder about someone so honest and smart?

He stood up and walked over to me, brushing my hair away behind my shoulder. His touch broke the spell over Vicus and I but, even though Vicus would punch anyone given a chance, she just stood there, paralyzed with terror and revolted fascination and I was paralyzed too, because my math teacher was drinking my blood. Then I passed out.


When I woke up Mr. Vangomier was gone and I had somehow ended up on the floor with Vicus leaning over me. My neck was throbbing.

“Come on,” said Vicus “we’re leaving early.”

She pulled me up and we staggered out the math room door and out of school to Vicus’s bike.

“Here,” she said, handing me a granola bar, “sit down and eat this, it’ll make you feel better.”

I took a bite and immediately checked the rapper; it was my favorite kind but….

“This is vegan, right?” I asked

“It’s a granola bar, smart one,” said Vicus, “of course it’s vegan.”

“Oh,” I said, puzzled, “good.”

But for some reason it tasted wrong. I figured I was in shock.

“You know, I heard about this on the Discovery Channel once.” Vicus said.

“huh?” I asked, sometimes she would think things and blurt stuff out when no one knew what she was talking about, but, she usually kept a clear head at times like this-not that my math teacher tying me up and drinking my blood is an everyday thing.

“One time I saw this episode of Modern Marvels-after a rerun of my favorite, the torture episode-about real live vampires, people who actually drink blood. But, first they would usually cut the person open, not bite. I guess you’re lucky.”

I snorted “Yea and for a bonus I got to leave school early too.”

“Sorry, that was inconsiderate, let me call Masy and we can find you a place to lie down,” she pulled out her cell and texted another freak table person who went to another lunch period, her phone rang seconds later, what sounded like a hillbilly mouse screamed ‘Yippy! Oh gosh somebody just dun sent me a text message’ and she flipped it open, “okay, Masy’s on her way.”

I managed to finish off the rest of the granola bar just as Masy came out the door. It was strange, but suddenly I knew what Vicus meant by ‘each person has a different scent’(yeah, I defiantly sit at the freak table) Masy smelled like dog, shampoo and axe. Weird, I thought, Masy doesn’t have a dog.

Vicus sniffed the air and turned around, to talk to Masy (who’s hair was purple today).

“What’s going on? I had to sneak out of art by pretending the paint was blood and almost faking my death,” said Masy. I flinched at the word ‘blood’.

“Umm…Yeah,” said Vicus, ‘I’ll tell you later, we just need to get to your house,” Masy was about to ask why when Vicus hit the ground to hide from someone, Masy and I did too and my head spun.

“Who?” asked Masy.

“Mr. Vangomier,” said Vicus, the temperature seemed to plummet and I squeezed my eyes shut and reopened them, “let’s go.”


Masy just looked at us.

“How can you expect me to believe that?” she cried.

“I’ll show you the punctures if you really want me to.” I said.

She went pale, “Mika, why didn’t you fight?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I doubt I could’ve done anything…and plus, he was like, 100 years older than me.”

“But, I don’t know what to do either!”

“Well she couldn’t stay in school!” Vicus interjected.

“Fine, I’ll go buy some lettuce or something for your dinner, all we have is meat and eggs…unless you want marshmallows.”

I almost gagged; sheep gelatin and sugar?

“Uhhh, no, I think I’ll go for the salad.”

“Kay, I’ll be back in a bit, if my brothers come, take care of them, Vicus. My mom’s in the city so she won’t be back for awhile though. Bye.” Masy walked out the door, still a bit pale.

“Do you think she’ll be ok? I think we freaked her out.”

“She can take it, I’m still shaken up, it’ll take some time to get over. Right now I’m seriously thinking about going vegan like you though,” Vicus said, “I’ll go get some Q-tips and soapy water…for your neck. I shall return.” She headed to the bathroom and soon I was passed out on the couch.


At dinner the salad tasted funny and I only had a few bites before I went back to bed-or shall I say couch?

I woke again around midnight and I was HUNGRY. I went to the fridge and absent mindedly grabbed something and gobbled it down. Then I realized it had been meat. And, even worse, I’d enjoyed it. I wanted to make myself puke it up, but I knew I had to have something in my stomach. I groaned at my stupidity and revulsion at what I’d done. Oh well, better luck next time, I thought and went to watch some TV.

Then I heard a laugh and scream. Someone came down the stairs and seconds later I saw that it was Masy’s brother, Brad.

“I cut off my finger and I have to go to the hospital. Wanna see it?” he asked.

“Uuuh, no.” I said. Then I noticed Brad smelled really good, almost…edible.

“I’m gonna go get some band-aids.” Brad stated.

He smelled soooooooo good though, I couldn’t let him leave me. I followed him to the bathroom. He turned to look at me and I pretended to be closely examining the door frame. Then he walked back out into the living room to sit and I sat down next to him.

Brad glanced over at me, “The weather was nice today.” He said yawning and stretching his arm along the back of the couch. The smell got stronger and I sighed. Brad smiled. Why was he so happy when he had cut his finger “off”?

Then Masy came in with a slab of…(YUCK)raw meat! She walked through the moon light shining through the window-for some reason she looked really hairy under the light-and sat down between Brad and I. I glared at her for blocking the HEAVENLY scent coming from Brad. Then I moved to the couch I’d been sleeping on before to get away from the meat.

“So how old are you?” Brad asked me.

“Way too young for you.” Said Masy.

“Well I’ve learned age doesn’t really matter when you’re my age and look this good.”

“What 17?” I asked.

“Of course, I’m 17….” Brad said guiltily glancing at Masy in a ‘said too much’ sort of way.

“Why are you eating raw meat?” I asked Masy

“Well I might as well tell you, seeing as you smell dead in all….VICUS! COME HERE IF YOU WANT TO GO FEED!” Masy yelled, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door.

I was glad Vicus and Masy had never taken my shoes off as Masy pulled me through the cool autumn night towards the distant woods. I gazed up at the stars. That was one thing I loved about my new life in the country, every night instead of flashing lights, loud traffic and people in the streets there was silence and stars. I never saw stars in the city.

As we reached the trees I tore my eyes from the sky and looked down to see Masy, except all I saw was a sleek black wolf. I was about to scream when 2 strong hands covered my mouth. I saw the black nail polish and turned to look at Vicus and tell her to run. Then I almost screamed again and she applied more pressure to my mouth. Vicus had the same sharp teeth as Mr. Vangomier had and her bottom half was the body of a black, white spotted…horse.

"Promise not to scream and I'll let you go." Vicis said in her most dangerous voice. She released me and I quickly darted out of her reach and away from the wolf.

"I am a centaur and a vampire," said Vicus, "and you are a vampire too so you can stop making the sign of the cross at me."

If she had said this earlier I would've burst out laughing, but now I belived her.

"The wolf is Masy, she's a werewolf. And her brother Brad has not died of stupidity only because he is immortal."

After a few minutes, a sudden realization hit me, "No! I wont do it! I'm a vegan!!" I yelled, "I will NOT drink blood!"

"Well...I guess dieing is your choice..." Vicus said, then she ran off to go have dinner as i tried not to think about what "dinner" meant, and Masy ran off into the woods with her.


By the next morning I had managed to convince myself that it had all been a dream ever since I was bitten and really i had just passed out and had to spend the night at Masy's because my mom was busy. This dilusion got me through all of the day up until lunch.

Just before i got my lunchbox from my locker Brandy told me to meet everyone in the music room for lunch. I figured we were just going to hang out with the orchestra and band teachers and that it was just some idea Glinda had gotten. But when I arrived there was a shock waiting for me.

Masy was in wolf form, Vicus was half horse, Glinda had a pair of white feathery wings that looked worse for wear, Leera had a fish tail, Jasmine (the book worm) was nowhere to be found, and Lilian (a girl who went to Masy's lunch period) was tiny, glittery and had wings.

"As is our tradition we will tell you about ourselves," said Vicus, " I was have been a change at will centaur for my whole life, I was bitten and made into a vampie 50 years ago and I tell people who dont know that, that i am just done growing."

"I am a werewolf," Masy said, "I was bitten at age 8 and in dog years i'm 81."

"I'm a mermaid,but prefer the term Aquatic Americain" Leera proclaimed, "I was born this way, like lady Ga Ga."

"I am a fairy," said Lilian, "and all this glitter is revulting, i was also born like this."

"I am an angel of music, but I was kicked out of heaven for claiming to be a better flute player than Moses," Glinda said, "even though it's true."

Vicus rubbed a lamp and Jasmine popped out, "I am a genie," she said, "but you can only get 3 wishes once and no, I can't turn you back to "normal"."

All I could say was wow.

"I'm not anything," brandy said, "but I want to be a Vampire."

"trust me, you don't," I said, and then sat down to eat my lunch.

My new vampire life was really gross. first of all,Brad now knew we were both immortal and wouldn't stop hitting on me. then i had to drink blood(EWWWWW) and third, all my friends thought I was now normal (except brandy who worshipped the ground I walkled on).

"Glinda," I finally said,"if you could save me from being a vampire you'd get into heaven...right?'

"Well, yeah but you'd never go for it...or maybe you might..."

"I'll do any thing."

So she told me what to do.

"Mika!" It was Masy.


"do you think you're too cool for us or something? I heard about you trying to become human again."

we were out again in the woods. The moon was on its way up, it was going to be full and i had to do the ceremony at 12:00A.M for it to work. I was starting to think i woulodnt live that long.

"It's not like that! I'm a lifelong vegan and I dont want to live forever!'

but Masy wasnt listning, she was all were wolf and lunging for my throat. I darted her and ran to my back pack. I pulled out a silver cross that Glinda had warned me I might need, saying that it was going to keep were wolves at bay. She knew this would happen.

Masy gowled and stepped back.

Now all i had to do was wait. I pulled out my book and read, checking my watch frequently.

soon it was 12;00 and i was ready.

i surrounded myself in a circle of garlic and pulled a wooden stake from my bag as the hour changed from 12:00 to 12;01 it was a new day, and the symbolism for a new beginning. I was terrified that this wouldnt work.

I took a deep breath and pushed the stake into my chest, only a tiny cut was made but it ripped oppen and the pain was awful. then I felt my being rip from my body and go up. I looked down on myself as i was sucked into a tunnel, then the tunnel split and I was going, not tho the white and music, but towards the red light because i had no soul.

As I entered Satin's domain, Glinda greeted me with a wiked smile. Her wings were red and she had a red glow about her.

"Thank you," she said, "I never could've gotten home without your help.
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