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the same book with some of the points raised further explained. Am I mad?
This book is for people, and not for me. So I am trying to give what you need.

The Living Stone 2 or chapter two my writing guide:

1 the mpt (maximum power transfer curve) diagram of Electrical Engineering Science Theory and mean dist curve of Statistical Mathematical Theory, and the nest --diagrams. This means electrical power is synonymous with ring area and electrical resistance with ring shape -- since both the nest and electric circuits can be shown to produce the same near-identical graph. Now its a leap of faith to assume the ring IC is mass and electrical resistance is mass also.

2 The nail puller has the fulcrum inside the nest near the centre of heaviest mass and the handle is near the edge of lightest mass. Then the power in each end is the same, just expressed differently.

3 galaxies and etc and the nest
picture maybe, of nests floating inside a much bigger nest: like planets in a solar system, like stars in a galaxy.
The larger nest has many fine rings. A smaller nest has fewer rings and "floats" where its edge TC (mass inverse) is the same as the TC of the the local ring in the larger Nest -- we can calculate an example on a smaller scale. I recall a ten ring nest floats at about sine nine in a 100 ring nest, about 1 twelth of the maximum radius of the larger nest.

4 Einsteins Theory of Relativity -- what is the true legacy of Einstein? dont see specially see generally -- is his message. The train-crash survivor's perception. What we have learned from the fact that people can slow down events, is that reality is only as real as the amount of information from it the mind chooses to recognise, to process. If a 1000 pictures come into the mind in one meter of light (one yard) and we choose to process only ten pictures from the whole lot, then reality stays fast and our perception of it relatively slow by comparison. But when an individual processes more of the pictures, then to him it appears the motion of the world is slowed down -- as happened to the man in the Granville train crash known as 'the day of the roses'. This man was in the carriage that was squashed by the overhead concrete block of the roadway, he saw the carriage squashing in slow motion.

5 Love is the solution, your saved by grace, you must ask your own questions and seek your own answers: be independently minded -- knowledge, even mine, cant save you, the SEARCH itself is what saves you. unbending intent ( the sanskrit indian word for grace in my sapce?) The search itself is rising like rising in the soul rings. love controls the mind chatter and makes you quiet and still and ...

define love, doubt is good, ask forever, never stop seeking, love god with all thy soul and mind and heart and strength define God, love of God is the utter servant, impeccable and ultimate servitude is love. Your eye single. Infinity is at 90 degrees to your concentration, specializing is mypopic, let life be, do not force your life to be what your ego wants it to be; but search for what life wants you to let it be. Love never gives up. Love is not self seeking.. have faith

6 The great pyramid speaks and says: 'there is great peace with God'. God is utter harmony between male and female, husband and wife: the knowledge of how to live together is what God is. (yes people live together now, but not in true peace and harmony). The picture of the ante-chamber tot eh King's chamber with a circle and a square drawn in of equal area (I think) and the circle is hard up against the right hand end of the ante-chamber as is the square. This picture in Peter Lemesurier's book the great pyramid decoded. There is an actual voice encoded in the stone, there for anyone who meditates on the diagram. The passages were cut out as if by laser -- consider the passages in bedrock below the pyramid for example.

7Life is learning.(completeness, wholeness, non-dissipative action is learning) rising in nest.knowledge is a skill, not a commodity you buy and apply. You dont "apply your know -how", you step out in faith you act to learn to make mistakes and find better ways to learn and t6o grow, mistakes teach you more. Life is learning, and death is certainty is knowing. The evil may control in general but cannot control the details of your life.
we forgive to let each other learn and grow, and we remember to chain people to the past in an attempt to destroy them: Deja Vu is the feeling were just going round and round in circles like a rat on a treadmill: different people and places but generally the same events.
mind your own business and do not watch other people, not even on TV. Watching others is a waste of the analyzing talent we all possess, which should be used to analyze ones own life to remove the non-vital and improve it.

8What else about learning? The electric meter example: why you should 'reinvent the wheel', or assume nothing is necessarily true, take nothing for granted. The future of science, and the future of humanity is to re-examine what we already know and see it in a new light, a better light. For just think for a moment: if science is certain they know everything then no future other than this what we have now is possible, for certain knowledge means there is nothing else to learn, and nowhere else to go. Thankfully, knowledge is perceiving what is already there in better and better ways, and so there is no end to the knowledge to be learned, the skills to enhance.
'Infinity is at 90 degrees to your concentration'

The living stone 3 or chapter three

1The new jerusalem prototype city, the perfectly natural city, for this life, the way of husband and wife in truth and reality, the holy sex, the holy work, the trapping of attention, the two, the way it is between male and fermale: not equals. No 'dating' in a real city.
The 13 guys for 13 girls.

2The nature of reality as an interpretation we make. The baptism of God and reality, My baptism, what happened: the world dissappeared for a moment.
If you seek truth, and doubt and have faith in God, the world will dissappear; the canvass under the painting shown.

3The inorganic beings (demons from Carlos Castaneda's works) that farm us for their energy supply: food. Their wish is to rest, and stop encouraging us to lose energy so they can feed. It is not so crazy an idea that creatures exist that feed on human energy, it is like leeches feed on blood, or wolves attack bison etcetera -- so why wouldn't there be something feeding on us? The more calm we remain and steady and never excited in any way, the better, for then they cannot feed on us. Sanity is steady and calm and never excited nor in a hurry nor idle -- that kind of life. Really, better said: never excited and never bored: not in an up nor down emotion -- but could be manifested as never idle nor in a hurry.

4 the disguises of the ego and their corrections (the map of the ego)
Sigmund Freud first coined the term ego, and Id, and Superego. The Id and the superego are the unnaturally-intense core and the surrounding milder ego.
What Freud failed to make clear is there is a sexual ego and a work or self ego. As well as a pseudo good ego and a pseudo bad ego: 'bad boys have more fun', 'why girls prefer bad boys' -- ever read headlines like that?

5 the diseases of the ego and their cures
Draw the ego map diagram.
Diseases can be classified into two main groups, according to the two main egos.
The ego encourages disease in the body, because irrational behaviour cultivates disease and decay, as certaintly as sane behaviour cultivates fitness and good health.

6 The ego is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together with some pieces in the wrong place, and taking pride in the fact the puzzle was completed faster than anyone else. When pieces are in the wrong place, they have to be forced into place with extra and unnecessay force. The nest or soul is putting the puzzle together correctly.

Note: I may not go with the above. I dont want to force people to believe anything and dont want to give them something they didnt work for. The whole idea is each person finds the truth their own unique way, asking their own questions and seeking their own answers; and then they truly value what they find. Whether the above is true or not they have to decide for themselves.
The Publishers might want to advise me on what they think will work.

1 How is success measured?
In terms of longevity and good health not necessarily amount of money earned: satisfaction, peace and happiness.

2 The 3 attributes of success.
General, vital and precise.
Staying aloof. eg: general study and special.

3 The 3 steps of success.
Conception, Execution, manifestation

4 A metaphor of success.
The jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces -- ego not necessary to mention.
Fewer wrong placements is increasing TC

5 TC and success
What is TC, define TC
TC as deployment, vitality, lateral thinking and.

6 Crutch-Free success
What is a crutch?
Self determinism?
Does Materialism means the use of (heavy things?) things such as house and car as a crutch?
The codependency crutch of coach and coached.
Self motivation and self guidance.

7 Success and Abuse of power
Why does it happen?
Focus on truth not people, on doing not being to avoid abuse of power.
Doing is learning but not 'fprever learning' as in never to increase in understanding.
Static belief, non-progressive belief, is being and knowing.

8Success, asking and seeking
Feelings, pleasure and pain

9 Loving it
But loving truth in it more.
Loving it and leaving it.

10 Success and TC in sport
Football and tennis
When the announcer says 'the momentum has shifted' he really means the TC (Transformational Capacity) has shifted.
Team sport defence-scoring attention re-emphasis (3 steps).
The chokers and the chuckers -- an example of how not to win from tennis.
The battlers -- those who love to make winning hard for themselves.
Does the most powerful team really and truly win or is that a myth we created to avoid the truth that the most skillful team always wins? And in any case, individualism is better than team spirit. God loathes team spirit.
Look at any seasonal sport, what we should do is give the premiership to the team with the least number of points scored against them -- for then we grade defence not attack: we switch the emphasis and strengthen our society.
But if we give the trophy to those who scored the most points, then we weaken society, undermine our own strength. This encourages players to behave badly off the field, for example; and fans to do the same.
A shaky win is not a win at all.
And consider this: if your team wins forty points to zero it means nothing at all if the defence was not trying; it was a soft win and hardly a win at all.

In tennis the chokers tighten up and be too careful and start playing poker not tennis, so they lose. The chuckers are too casual and carefree and throw throw the game with wild shots and mishits. Both are ego. It appears consistency is the true self in tennis.

Then you get those players who wont 'finish the game off'. They like a hard game and if they feel their winning too easily they tend to give the other guy another chance.

Winning 6 luv 6 luv 6 luv takes too much power. In tennis it matters 'when' you win. Get a break of serve in a set, go all out for the break and the win of your next serve. Then just stand there when the other guy serves -- he wont know if he is serving well or not, and you can watch closely how he serves to predict where he will serve when your ready to win again. I know nobody will like this idea. And if consistency really matters, you can use the break to practise returns, and go for your shots 'all or nothing' -- it is consistency of great form that matters.

To win in any sport is nothing. It is how you win that counts.

TC is fast play and intelligent play, and effortless play. It takes less effort because it is highly efficient play. To tackle a player correctly takes less effort than to tackle incorrectly, and saves goals.

11 Success at study.
Can only give advice from my personal experience of a lifetime of study.

12 Success, community and self
The ego illusion of the opposite sex, and the real person.
Truth is the best-possible way of: perceiving the world, of acting.
Do not care what the community ego thinks, but what the true community thinks.
Its odd how the community makes a person as a child and then holds them entirely responsible when their adults. The false community also encourages your vices and ignores your virtues.
Hence losing vices can take a long time, as long as it took to establish them; because one has to change what people think about you, and that takes time.
For example, I would try and wear a baseball cap and the false community would make me lose the cap over and over again -- in this example, the supposed "sex maniac" cannot love sport, only women, and so the cap is taken from them.
So to change who you are, you must wear the cap and make sure it is never "lost".
The false community knows about you, but does not know you, and would never take the time to talk and really listen to you; hence it is very important to find true friends as allies that support your virtues and ignore your vices.
In my life, one of vices was to be a vagabond traveller, always alone; and so the false community encouraged this vice to keep me from getting true allies.
For the false community spreads lies about you so they can make it seem your supporting their beliefs. For example the 'mighty legend' of your supposed deeds becomes far greater than the reality of what you have actually done.
When the legend becomes bigger than the truth, the person has an accident, or loses their well-being and dies as a result. That is, if a person cannot get across to the public who they really are, they atrophe, they curl up and die. News flash: the drunk in the gutter does NOT want to be there.
For example a teen is said to have 'lost her virginity' when nothing could be further from the truth -- but the lie supports the beliefs and aims of the false (teenage in this case) community.
We know what the false community does, but how should a true community think about an individual?
What about 'minding ones own business'?

Vices tend to stand out loud and clear, and so crazy people think your vice is your virtue. So unless your quiet and true self finds a voice, the false community will grind you to powder.

The living stone 2: as concise as possible:
1science and the soul
1cosmos 2 the soul characterized by edge ring 3 soul flotation location 4 coalescence ring-difference calculation is unity? rest in love? 5 digging a hole in the air 6 orientated matter 7 the mass becomes a charge in a pure conception of matter 8 the nail-puller, the wheel barrow and force not multiplied but power expressed differently 9 jumped a wall and gained in mass 9 trying to define TC 1a the steal beam 2a the rotational inertia and TC 3a the conservation of TC: the tendency of a behaviour to persist 10 Einsteins relativity 1a the physicists meaning the psychologists interpretation 2a the implications for society: divided we stand
2 sport and the soul
1the trinity and the value of defence, a defence trophy will deepen the following of sport and givea choice and strengthen society 2 the winner and TC eg the fast tennis shot and the slow block, the boxers tendency to persist 3 TC is great form and form is everything 4 one tennis trinity noticed
3 the ego map: a guide to freedom from the ego
1 codependency and addiction, fear and foolishness 2 the solution is to get rid of the addiction and focus on the work and make the codepoenedcy unnecessary3 symmetry: ditto for the work addict 4 coach and coached lean on each other: a crutch hobble is not our best form 5 power terms of ego, list all and all terms of the soul's precision
4 the search for meaning
1what are the essentials in good searching? 1a seek what is unnecessary and ditch it, 2a generalize: study widely, and never specialize unless for a reason, stay quick and aloof 3a generalize is lateralize (lateral thinking) so specialization is vertical thinking, the soul sows vertical and lateral: into the body and around the body, along and in
4a be an individual, propose own ideas and attack your own ideas and nobody elses
5a the two and the search: sex is NOT vital to increase in knowledge of work
6a seek to be more precise to avoid critisizm totally
7a proposing a solution and searching for a response: feeling, dream or other
8a knowledge is NOT getting in deep, it is being shallow and experiencing life as widely as possible
9a visual and aural design, meaning as relative comparision, the edge-ring absolute
10a knowledge is poison, seeking understanding is the real thing, 'I know' is a lie
11a design-life is a process, knowledge a skill not a ever a 'knowing'.
12a focus on doing not being, action not identity, for example gender identification is wrong emphasis
13a rote memory and significance memory
5 the seasons of the soul
1 the work rest and sex seasons 2 if sparks dont fly dont worry: you love work too much 3 the great pyramids message of hope and encouragement 4 a proposed prototype city of the future 4 1a 69 2a deep as wide 3a non orgasm non ejaculation skill 4a trinity clit lips hole 5a stop ballast go? 6a shaft and lips and clit and knob 7a along and in is ring of a soul 7a success is measured in terms of health and longevity, not monetary wealth, 150 to 180 and beyond?

Am I crazy?
Well it depends on your point of view who is mad and who is sane. If we judge sanity by success in this world then ALL poor people are crazy?
If we judge sanity by assumming the vast majority of people are sane and only minorities are insane, then sanity with its murders and rapes and wars is pretty darn miserable sanity. I mean the vast majority of ordinary people snipe and hiss at each other and are cruel and petty -- so how can they be sane?
If we cause another person pain then we are insane to do that? And if another person wants pain then they are insane to want pain? Isn't that idea a better gauge of sanity regardless of mere statistical numbers?
But there are different sorts of pain: love pain, mind pain, emotional pain, and physical pain. One can cause oneself or others all types and intensities of pain -- 'intensity' being another quantity. If I give someone a headache and make them tired but dont kill or seriously injure anyone then maybe I am less crazy than others?
The problem with that is we cause low-intensity types of pain too consistently and they cause old-age death. Hence although we are in a majority of ordinary people, we end up murdering each other anyway.
But of course you will say I cannot prove that is true, and that old age is just natural and not caused by what we do to each other.
My response is that if one believes that old age is natural then one is a very pessimistic person, a lover of pain and therefore insane. Its just a hopeless and pathetic 'I give up' belief. And the belief that we cause old age to happen is a very positive and optomistic belief to have, because then we have a chance to beat old age and live longer -- but with the belief in 'old-age as natural' there is no chance and no hope, no way we can change and improve our lot.

So if I am mad to believe old-age is caused then we would all be better off being as mad as I am.

Why then do so many people believe in old age as inevitable?
It is because most people are scared and covertly intimidated with low-level violence such as TV violence. And the truth is, the people feeling the worst of all are intimidating the people feeling least worse or comfortable.
Were all ruled by violence that suppresses all types of thinking to do with beating old age and living stronger and longer lives.
And this occurs because we all worship contest and war. That is we all feel that contest, sport and war are good things that help maintain the peace and allow us to get the things we need such as food and water. And this love of war in work and sex has been going around for many milleniums, and so it has become traditional and ingrained systemic.
So we toil and sweat and trudge along with no hope for anything better.

Hence when someone like Jesus comes along and says 'if someone hits you on one cheek turn the other cheek to be hit as well' we feel he is crazy and mad. 'The meek shall inherit the earth' -- how stupid is that? The meek shall be crushed and pounded to death in a world that worships war!

So because the worship of war, contest, is prevalent, then there is not much optimism and not much hope in people.

In reality, then all people are crazy because they accept the love of war as normal, and accept all the pain the love of war causes as normal.

Now if you can accept that, then the problem is the faith in contest and war in work and sex, and the solution is that we need to put our faith in something else, whatever that is. We need to believe in something other than war, contest, to achieve peace and meet all our needs like food and water.

I hope you can accept that I am not so crazy at least up to this point from the start: 'Am I crazy'.

So how can we achieve goals in life and not have contest with other people to do it? It would be by knowing the true nature of being human wouldn't it? Since were now assumming that 'to make war' is not our true human nature.

Now we come to what I believe our true nature is and you can accept it or reject it. I believe our true nature is to be inquisitive and shy and curious and searching; that humans being true to themselves dont give a fig about war and contest.
I am trying to give up sex completely. I may want a woman in my life though, just no sex.
I think everyone should give up sex or die trying.

I think the theme of my book should be: 1 convict of sin and 2 point out the way briefly.
I may write it elsewhere or on paper.

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