Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1788974-The-Sun-Only-Represents-the-Time-of-Day
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1788974
A short read. This is my first piece that I'm posting. Hope you enjoy!
It was the middle of a beautiful summer’s day. The sun was perched directly over head in the cloudless blue sky. Beneath was a park pulsing with activity and glowing in the warm summer day. The laughter and screaming of children slightly muffled by the sound of an angry creek played like a symphony. The scent of lilacs and barbeque danced together and slowly made their way from person to person in the park. The marriage of smells came across two individuals lying in the grass underneath a weeping willow. The Boy and the Girl did not notice the myriad of scents trying to get their attention, nor did they pay heed to the sun or the breeze. They were totally engulfed in each others eyes.

The Boy reached over to the Girl and moved her auburn hair behind her ear. The Girl reached for the Boy’s hand and intertwined their fingers, making sure her pinky was on the inside of his. The Boy smiled at this unexplainable quirk of hers. They were silent for a few minutes, then a tear emerged from the Girl’s eye.

“I don’t want you to leave,” said the girl as the tear rolled to the tip of her nose.

The boy closed his eyes for slightly longer than a blink, “I know. I don’t want to leave either.” The symphony of sounds was slowly fading away. Neither the Boy nor the Girl were aware of this.

“Why can’t they find somebody else?” Said the Girl. More tears were breaking free from her eyes.

“There’s more than just me going.”

The Girl closed her eyes to try and hinder more tears from breaking through, “I know. I just wish that it didn’t have to be so soon.”

"You can't think about it like that. Just remember the good times we've had."

At this the levees in the Girl's eyes gave way, "I am and that's what's making this so hard for me. I keep thinking about all the things that we've shared and all of the hard times that you've helped me through and it makes the thought of not having you in my life so hard."

The Boy leaned in closer to her and pressed his nose to hers. The Girl's tears had painted streaks of black down her cheeks.

"I know it hurts right now, but you'll get through this. You're strong."

The Girl went the rest of the way and slowly pressed her lips to his. The blue in the sky was starting to fade slowly to gray. Then from gray to black. The branches on the willow tree were retracting back into the trunk of the tree, and then the tree started slowly pushing it’s way back into the ground. Oblivious to the Boy and the Girl, the world around them was fading away into blackness. They were still in their lover’s embrace when the girl started to fade away into the abyss. The Boy opened his eyes and saw nothing where the Girl had just been. The Boy stood up and turned around. Standing in contrast to the blackness engulfing everything was an old man with white hair and a white suit.

“It’s time, my boy.”

The Boy wiped his eyes and got to his feet. He looked at the man without fear, “Alright. I’m ready.”
And without glancing back, the boy followed the old man. With a sense of overwhelming excitement, the Boy walked forward confidently away from the comforts of the past and into the unknown, yet limitless future. 
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