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Princess Talya gives Serrony& The Gang a day off at the beach. |
~* Chapter 14*~ “Beach Day!” It was dark… I heard laser beams and explosions everywhere. There were shrieks of terror left and right. “Help! The red head monster!” One man yelled. My vision was blurry at first, but soon it became clear. The sky was a cloudy dark purplish color; the ground was black, and slightly tainted with blood. Dead bodies were all around. “What’s going on?” I thought I saw a little girl with orange hair. She had what looked to be black patches on her eyes; there were black stripe tattoos on her arms. Blood was all over the little girl’s body. She had black power balls on her hands; she used them to kill innocent victims. As I looked closer, I noticed that the girl kind of resembled me. “Oh no! That’s me!” I shouted in my head. “No!!” I screamed A voice called to me, “Serrony! Serrony! Wake up!” I opened my eyes, and sat up in my bed. Black Widow was staring at me. “Are you okay honey?” she asked. “I’m fine, it…. was just a dream,” I replied “Huh? What’s just a dream?” Black Widow asked. Princess rushed into my room screaming “Beach Day!” Black Widow and I looked at each other. “What?” ***** “It’s so nice of Princess Talya and Yuna to give us this day off.” Princess flipped her hair in the wind from the car window. “Are we there yet?” Black Rose asked. “For the last time no!” Kyle snapped. “Don’t yell at me!” Black Rose snapped back. They were at each other’s throats, but I didn’t care. I was to busy gazing out the window. Was that just a dream? Was that really me? Did I really do all those horrible things? So many questions ran through my head. I may be a lot of things, but I know for sure, I’m not a killer. “Serrony?” I looked up; Blue Jay was watching me. “What’s up?” I asked “Are you okay? You were giving a creepy look just now,” she replied. “Yea.. I’m fine,” I said softly. “Finally, we’re here!” Princess ran out the car screaming “Beach Day” she headed straight for the water. She was wearing a turquoise bikini. Her pink hair was in a beautiful ballerina bun. Black Widow and Black Rose decided to have a water fight. Black Rose was wearing a red, one strap, two-piece swimsuit that showed a little bit of her dragon tattoo on her stomach. Her hair was in a pony-tail, and was off to the side Black Widow was wearing a pink and black, low cut, halter two piece, that showed way to much cleavage. Kyle was staring at her chest all day; her hair was in a bun. “Wait for me you guys!” Blue Jay called from the top of the hill. She was wearing a red hot one piece swimsuit. Even though she was as skinny as a twig, the swimsuit flattered her well. Her long blonde hair was blowing in the wind. When she ran, she almost looked like a life guard. Eskimo sat in the shade reading 21st Century Girl magazine. She was wearing a light-brown tankini with gold rhinestones. The swimsuit was cut so you could see the sides of her stomach. Her white hair was glistening in the sun. I decided to sit on the side lines as well; I had to much to think about. I was wearing a purple and green two piece with my hair in pig tails. After playing in the water for a while, we got a little hungry. Princess was sitting in her pink lawn chair, tanning. “I’m hungry!” she shouted. At that moment, my stomach started to rubble as well. I completely forgot to eat breakfast this morning! “There’s a café on the other side of the beach,” I said ***** “I’d like six strawberry-banana smoothies and one goka berry,” Black Rose told the waiter. The café was simply gorgeous! It looked like an island paradise. I could stay there all day, it was so relaxing. They had pink shiny tile floors, and the chairs and tables were made of bamboo. The walls were painted mustard- yellow, and had pictures of beaches, surfers, and famous people. For entertainment, they had hula dancers. We watched as they tired to teach Kyle how to hula dance. Everything was fine until…. “You stole my drink!” “Who said that?” Eskimo asked. We looked around, but we couldn’t see anyone. “Down here!” the tiny voice yelled. We looked down, and a cute little boy was standing there. He had light green skin, and brown hair that covered his eyes. “No, little boy this is my drink,” said Black Rose. “I’ve been here for thirty minutes waiting for that drink, and you stole it!” The little boys turned red as an apple. Black rose leaned back in her chair and put her feet on the table. “Well its mine now, so get lost kid.” The little boy didn’t take “no” for an answer. He grabbed her chair, and pushed it over with her inside. Black Rose fell to the floor; she got up red hot. She grabbed the little boy’s shirt. “That’s it!” She pulled back her fist and was about to hit him. “Stop Dustin!” A girl came running into the café. She also had light green skin and long silky turquoise hair. She had the body of a goddess. Kyle’s mouth was watering just looking at her. She had big breast, a slim waist, and wide hips. She had the whole island girl look. The beautiful girl grabbed the little boy, and hit him in the head. “Sorry about my little brother, my name’s is Nika,” She smiled. I held Black Rose back “No problem, she won’t bite. My name’s Serrony by the way.” I smiled back. Nika and her little brother Dustin pulled up a chair and sat down at our table. We took turns introducing ourselves, and had a little conversation. “So where are you guys from?” Nika asked. “Flow City,” I replied. “Cool, I’ve never been there before, but I heard it’s awesome. Are you guy’s guardians by any chance?” she asked “Yea, Why?” Blue Jay asked. “I always wanted to be one, but I don’t have enough money to move out there on my own,” she replied. “Why don’t you just ask you parents for more allowance?” Princess asked. Nika got really sad; Dustin’s eyes started to water a little bit. “We don’t have any parents.” “Oh..” We all felt really sympathetic. Nika smiled. “That’s okay, we get by just fine on our own. I work at this café on the weekends; when I’m not in school.” “Do you even have any powers, Nika?” Eskimo asked. “Yea, I’m a Telekinesis.” She replied. My eyes lit up “I am too!” I shouted. Black Rose got up from the table. “Let’s see what you can do. We might put in a good word for you when we get back to Flow City.” We all headed out to the beach. Princess started blasting light beams at Nika; she quickly dodged them. She used her mind to shoot sharp stick back at Princess. Princess used her light beams to burn them to dust. Eskimo rained ice crystals from the sky. Nika used her force field to block them. Blue Jay hurled her whirlwind towards Nika; she shot into the air to avoid it. I was shocked in amazement. “You can fly?” I asked. “Yea, can’t you?” Nika asked. I looked down at the sand. “No…” Nika landed on the ground and ran over to me; she patted me on the back. “Don’t get sad, it’s easy. All you have to do is believe in your self! I can show you how I learned.” Nika led us to a cliff on the other side of the beach. It wasn’t a very steep cliff, but it overlooked some sand. “I was being chased by a bear-rabbit, when I jumped off this cliff. My mom said my desire to live, made me believe in myself and learn how to fly. Now you give it a try.” I was a little unsure at first, but had to give it a try. I really wanted to learn how to fly. I ran full force and jumped off the cliff. I tried to concentrate like Nika said, but it didn’t work out for me. I came crashing down in the sand. I tried and tried until I got tired and gave up. “You’ll get it, Serrony don’t worry,” Nike said. “No, I won’t!” I shouted, and ran to the hotel. “It’s time for us to go Nika, the sun is setting.” said Kyle. I got to the hotel, and ran into our room. I closed the door, jumped into bed, and went to sleep. All this frustration had wore me out…. ******** “Serrony! Serrony! Wake up honey!” I opened my eyes and a woman who looked to be in her twenties was standing over me. “Who are you?” I asked. “Are you blind? I’m you silly!” I rubbed my eyes so I could see better. The woman had short orange hair (even shorter than mine is right now.) Her eyes were almost identical to mine. She was wearing a black revealing top, and a mini skirt with slits on both sides. She also wore long high heel boots. She had one feather earring on her ear. “I said I was going to grow out my hair!” I yelled. “Well, that didn’t work out that well.” “Oh, I see.” The woman sat next to me, and put her hand on my shoulder. “That’s not important right now,” she said. “Why are you here?” I asked. The woman smiled. “I’m here to teach you how to fly!” She pushed me out of bed, and all of a sudden we were back on the cliff. “You must concentrate, Serrony. Forget all about your awful thoughts. I know you’re going though a lot right now, but you can’t let that discourage you. When you’re flying, you must think of all positive things.” I took her advice and closed my eyes. I thought of all the positive things in my life: Galaxy High, my parents, Ryan, my friends and even Ray. I was filled with happy thoughts. I ran off the cliff for the last time, and I began to float. “I’m flying!” I shouted in excitement. The woman smiled once again, “Looks like my job here is done.” She started walking away into the beach forest. “Wait!” I called She turned around. “Aren’t you gonna tell me what the future is like?” I asked. The woman started walking again, “Nope, you have to find that out on your own,” “Awh man.” At that moment, my alarm clock went off and Black Widow walled into the room. “Serrony, it’s time to wake up.” I jumped out of bed. “I had the best dream ever!” I screamed. Black Widow raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?” |