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Routes of America from England to Managua on the 7th February.
Routes of America I am twenty years old and caught the plane from England to Managua on the 7th February. I felt uncomfortable being surrounded by so many other tourists, business men, mothers with families and especially with the security of the airport. I felt trapped inside a social study bubble and was finding it hard to cope with what should ne the correct way to hold myself. Cameras in the Miami international airport were everywhere and one one of my walks up and down the service corridors I found it interesting to see how uncomfortable half of the population were like me, how the young populations seemed to be learning and watching just like I was. In the meantime whilst our 50 percent were uncomfortable, children were carefree and can do little wrong, grown ups were admiring the structural security layout. What impressed me the most were the pilots and plane staff who cut important and decisive routes through the people and towards or away from me in the corridor? The time spent in the airport for me was longer than I anticipated and this is because being stupid in Miami I unfortunately wrongly filled in a form and attracted customs attention and I wont get into my youth in any details but a couples of years growing up outside of family walls landed me in customs detention, missed my effing flight so decided after ten that there was a growing number of dangerous looking blacks hovering around everywhere who would obviously sleep the night there too. I asked for a room at a hotel and was gifted with a set of double beds, washroom ensuite and television for a grand total of 180 dollars and the television wanted 15 dollars for a movie ranging from universal to strip teases. That was a mentally demanding start to the trip I think and with the big rucksack waiting in Managua I knew that there was going to be further problems because that seemed the theme for travelling the year of 2011. I waited and I waited and finally decided that someone walked away with the big rucksack but it was just at the depot for storage and instantly was found by the big taxi driver for the non governmental organization LA Esperanza Granada I was now working for. When Pauline the co-coordinator demanded a chat on the phone I was in no fit shape to chat after the sodden hotel and insecurities being 20 brought. What with a horrible and frightening taxi ride back into Granada where being seventeen went before, we came to our destination which was the stay house we rented from Pauline north of the center in the outskirts of the city. I was told to call my roomies and did so willingly and was disappointed with a bearded ego maniac from Ireland, who shouted his stinking beer breath with hellos or pleases, and the one guy looked fine with blonde hair and blue eyes and another guy was tall and ratty with weird blue eyes and imposing posture. I won’t just write about this ratty character Ricky for long but he was the reason I felt so uncomfortable socializing the first few nights. We were socializing with guys on our side and girls on the other with the coordinators on the other side of the tables were we sat outside on the tourist road full of bars and restaurants with locals and tourist sharing drinks. He kept saying oh this kids gay, or this guys a perv, or just checking out girls even though his girlfriend was sat next to him, and eyeballing me when I looked her in the eye. She was on my level or mental and emotional fragility and this guy was abusing this and it wouldn’t bother me now because some people are nice one minute and say something horrible the next because they want to see your emotional fragility exposed as it gives them a feeling of supernatural control and being like a devil. This guy was nothing and actually after my travels to a few other countries saw him again a couple of tables away and I said very loudly hi cunt which he repeated more softly into his girlfriends face which must be a reaction that happens a lot and his girlfriend looked like she was slapped in the face which just goes to prove to me that I learnt no words can get to you and that you just need confidence. I know being rude isn’t the answer but if you don’t call him the cunt you will just about for sure hear him say something that’s going to be directed to you, and neither is fighting the answer. But across this I think understanding what your saying is important, I was with a girl too and it must have been just as insulting to her as him saying it to her. Actually I think this has a lot to do with social psychology because some people say key words that trigger with visual eyesight’s and say phrases and words after what you said to belittle your understanding. If not anything this was my first virgin experience of being socially or verbally ruined and yes, this travelling experience is a huge learning curve as far as understanding socialsing is concerned, something my mother told me but I didn’t realize the trueness of the words. A girl just sat right next to me and I closed what im writing because its privte, not like today I sat in a hammock and read elle magazine, and she looked around and says, doest it work, I told her it isn’t no, and she was hitting the jeyboard a bit too hard and was with her purse swinging it as if to strike me which obviously made me jump and that’s an uncomfortable feeling almost like im a shell shocked bunny that needs to be loved more. A guy just asked me is the internet working, I said it isn’t, he said it still isn’t working, I said what are you upto, he said just trying to get some money and my immediate reflex was to say Im not getting money, but I said instead nothing and he asked me how much longer are you here for and I told him I don’t know, you? And he said im either or one more day. So I feel like I could of said more but im writing and trying to understand more clearly socializing and what people mean to say when they say things because you learn in the adult world nobody says anything unless its for a reason. A simple understanding is people say things for attention because they want something. Clever girls will say things for attention because they know what others want, like guys want sex and will feel uncomfortable about sizes and looks, and eyes amd attitude and socialing skills. I think its extremely important to remember the basics and this is so easily forgotten in a new environemtn with disturbing effects such as hunger and alcohol addictions or an attractive woman sat just two seats a way whilst a man could be or cleverly is talking about you so you look uncomfortable and suddenly any chances of routing this beautiful woman is out of the window. Showing knuckles is a big not to do, and smiling is very important. One man just walked past and said un porquito over the monitor to me, so I need to feel uncomfortable about my penis.. its actually very much down at this second but im confident with its size and my abiliy so I said to him freco and breathed down my neck as he walked past the weirdo. Insulting and making people is very basic psychology. As it happens is a useful tool such as saying where someones looking. Bu very important is knowing the environment and being clever plus those big speakers who try and get you out of the picture with women is useful to befriend them to learn and maybe they will put in a good word for you. A gay guy is sat behind me and gay, gay just escaped his lips so perhaps my flinching is my uncomfortability with that, and he wants me to feel uncomfortable because he will get a kick out of my body shuddering, if I shudder it comes from my core where I thrust, I suppose I need to learn to move with actually planned and smooth moves. Often I shake for some reason such as I want actually sex really badly or a cigarette. If I want I tend to act more poorly and that ruins my socialisiong performance. I know that I need to thin like this : I don’t want, I need to know what other people want!!!
The socializing is so simple , some men are very forceful and want a brawl, and that rubs off on me and I want to show my knuckles at the bar, and some girls will want sex and will have sweaty faces and instead of socializing and saying to this girl oh sweaty of anything that might sound like that which proves you are a good socialize with clever tact is what I will do from now on. Just now another man older than me probably twenty three sat down and so I closed my writing and said it isn’t working, and the guy said no? I didn’t respond and when he walked off all too quickly past the back of me, instead of the shudder I moved my l eft arm where the heart is and touched the computer. So that was good as far as im concerbed and I know he wont walk off thinking arsegole. I think I will next time pick up on the no and be like sorry, or I don’t know neither oh well. The oh well referring to the please ead this do not smoke, eat or drink while using the computers. One American chick who I know on facebook now said to a guy earlier are you using this computer, he who replied all too arragontly yeah, yeah, or he should of said, si, I don’t need it much longer, would you like to use it. I want to get some food. Lsat night I blew my chance of routing just by being arragont not picking up on visual or even easy psychology and being drunk. It is a good job the girls know my cock is large. That’s the thing, with girls being 18 my cock is very large. Seven inches is big. Again, I don’t know why im complaining about what girls think of sizes, I think polite business is a nice way of saying butt out. But a girl will be impressed if you pick up on the fact that she cant intimidate you about your cock, plus if shes tight its going to be good for her. One quote from elle magazine on being tight works a treat. Egging her on works for me, don’t know about all the hype, for tight. So using words that sounds the same works all the time. Of course I cant be sure but rape sounds very much like great and gay and im sure women use that word followed with oh but would you. A girl just used the word si, and that sounds like please for the green poster so I moved my head to the left and up. And looked in her direction, and now she made me flinch but because she said something all too quickly which betrays the fact she is honry, a second look confirmed this because her leg is up and she looks sweaty in the face. So saying do you need is a very honest way of saying something. Bu to say six, sounding like sex might work with eye contact words and followed by seven, swimming but not great work. I think girls really like the fact that a guy can show intelligence, the reason girls go for locals in Nicaragua is because of a sexy foreign language speaker and apparently big cocks. You can talk sexy with good dress sense and make them aware your penis is perfect you will bag young women more easily than letting your needs, wants and thoughts roam. Remember I need to know, what girls want, and if there too clever for me, join there side and be like yeah that local would wouldn’t he, and oh, hes not where near eight, but he would talk in Spanish. Joining there side also eggs on to their words which can be from illness, to rape, to talking, to what there wearing, my clothes actually smell very badly at the moment and I want clean ones but am more uncomfortable about that anyway. Girls like to make us feel uncomfortable and that’s if they feel you don’t want to win, if your already winning there isn’t a problem and complimenting a well working-it girl will always work. Just don’t want and don’t need and it will work. Good steady eye contact works, and with guys don’t let them win you over being clever. Girls want to win a situation and other women who want to win will squabble with them which is why girls join side and men will join there side but that’s because they want to win their hearts. I think attraction is easy but socializing is actually about the side of things where a common thought is shared. The bar keep at this hostel the beardedmonkey is actually very strong when it comes to psychology socializing . one man behind me is making argh, noises and I know hes looking at me and he is saying gay a lot, and giggling and I know he want a reaction from me which is shuddering which makes me just look stupid and its basically because the Israeli girl he sats with is one that I want in bed so I cant help feeling like fuck sake what on earth, what is going on, and this guy is looking towards me and actually saying words, which is such basica psychology but being gay it obviously means that he wants me and she knows that and she thinks hes stupid becaseu im obviously not. To be fair to him hes sounding sexy to her and saying all the write things but shes knows that he is a loser. Its such basic psychology actually looking for reactions and its testing so making me stronger as a person to cope with his words or bullshit coming out of his mouth, and I think that to actually prove to a girl that you love women for their looks and brains, and actually know whats going on about them. Key words making me feel uncomfortable doesn’t get him anywhere. I think that to be fair girlls want a man confident about his treasure, confident about his sexuality, loud, talkative, talented and absolutely into socializing. Like the man sat behind just shut the hell up and is saying things straight o the back of my head despite the fact that the two engineers for the computer or one was very smooth and was emotionally not only that but also socially interactive and smart. A man who understands what on earth is being said and knows what hes saying is sought after actually thinking and trying to analyze a conversationa while earlier is confusing because what happened was talking but without meaning there was no talk of great things, or of the amount of time there was here, or of the colours of the fish whilst diving, and who was feeling fat, or who looked like shit, or who would steal, or who would cheat, or who would perce, no, absolutely no intelligence and when that happends a woman wont be impressed, why are these guys talking so freely? Obviously are they a bit gay or are they just really in need of an easy friend to talk about what they have done. Theres not showmanship and that’s easily the best way to get attention, only being confient with yourself is one sphere whilst another is definitely the whole hype about being emotionally, socially and environmentally sensitive. There Is a girl sat behind me like I said she is horny and her sis or yeses are actually sexually loaded and I cant tell if that’s for, I think she is hiding that all too well. I will look at her and smile and if I say something it needs to be something that’s makes sense to our environment. Music has just started at the hostal and I cocked a hand to my ear bu she said gay to the back of me but that is obviously because they guy behind me is gay and that was the obvious big thing to be like hey I know whats going on around me but I earnt points because it was subtle. But she said perv and I don’t know how that’s possible considering im typing at the computer and I don’t actually know how on earth I could perv doing that I just don’t know. I don’t want to get infectious feelings from someone saying your a perv but straightening of the wrists indicates sexual prowess in a very early way but I think to indicate your not a perv pointing with fingers needs to be done eye are green not black, and neither are your browny eyes pervy. A girl who dresses in a dress needs to know she smells good but does that indicate a stalker word. Its always easier to communicate across a group with friends and girls often join together, two blue eyes girls with a group of uncomfortable brown eyes man will win each and every time they will get sex and they will pick and choose and they will make men feel like shit and the men need to join forces and be aware of surrounding and be aware of common catchphrases such as rape and aids, and kids, and pervs, and computers, and sexuality, and sizes, and thieveiing, and stalking, and fatness, and smeling good or bad, or being a guy with good friends or are you just a tag along. So there it is.
After that night aocializing with the guys I knew I was deeply uncomfortablre and at that time hell ii didn’t know what was going on with words and what it was like to make new friends for the moment and I wasn’t confient with my size, or my attire, or my eyes, or my mental thoughts when it comes to sexuality and rape, becseu you know you could never ever do that now or ever but to make that clear all it takes is one single word and girls truelly will egg you on to say I couldn’t do that, and I just sat there uncomfortable that night and know that what I need to do fro now is actually wingle my way into chit chat and let everybody know I am a socially intelligent man, with a strong interest in eighteen year old woman. The big shock to Pauline with the organization was one night we went out to a club with countless good opportunities to get drunk and enjoy myself because of free drinks included with the entry price and I went home drunk in a taxi and couldn’t get in for ages and ate someones food. Now the story was translated that I was a mess at the club and even dangerous, because I coudnt walk soberly, and that I walked home and I was mentally insercure about wanking when that was brought up in conversation, and that I broke the locks and was shouting in the sreet to be let in and that I was eating peoples food and littered it everywhere and shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch and so because I was taking a holiday and hading given her my passport just yet I should go home. Now looking back on that it was a mixture of immaturity and I don’t know exactly but they key socializers would of put in a bard word against me easily corrected by demonstrating a key social intelligence and being good friends. I think I ruined that opportunity and I don’t know whether I should man up a bit and do some Brazilian jui juitsu with a volunteer at the sports college for street kids and that with football, running and spanihs classes will get me out of the hostal and enlighten me with opportunities to practice socializing in new environments. The coordinator came for a chat to see a hungover started young man with weird eyes and weird emotions and socializing intelligence and mentality and she said go home. It was very upsetting to pack up the big racksack and be droven to a hostal to live and tell mother I don’t want to or just simply cant carry on with the volunteering teaching childrens English. The next couple carry stories which will take effort to tell but analyzing through reflection let me unwind after such an uncomfortable couple of beginning days to the trip, though it wasn’t psychology or emotionally healing, what it did do, and this is very important, is, teach me to fuck, and I thank Geovanny Miranda Gomez for that, my friends who Is working in costa rica now. His social psychology is far better than mine too, at crafting friendships and stoking the fire of conervsation. The first night I met geovanny was at the bar and it would have been an average night of the week, and the seventeen trip had me remember the well being of friendship through food, and we were friends. Geovanny is black skinned or brown and he is 5,10 like me and he is very skinny. He says me no to show his assured sexuality, and I joking at his friends, which I think held me back throughout our friendship unfortunately I havnt got used to thinking clearly and I don’t know the outcome to being called cok on a head from a friend, I suppose it means he doesn’t like you but it shoes strong sexuality and being too nice wouldn’t suit the envirment of friendship and its been niave to have been to nice where the reply of insult would much suit a friendship. One night me and geovanny are waiting, because he is a big pervert, and I am fresh eyes and watching the road, and were drinking. We go across the road to a salsa bar which proves to be the beginning of the trip just two weeks since leaving the united kingdom major success point because we both slept with chicks. My dream girl, Salla, from Finland was top trump in bed, she was wet and she was moaning and she wanted to come back to me next night, and I was just improving my well needed experience in the bedroom. Last night at the bar was akward because three women mothers and elder knew my boner was there it was obvious and the three brushed against it which was awkward with eye contact and which was awkward when it went down and mine was the biggest there and was it only for the bright red Manchester united shirt I was wearing I knew the UCLA women and blonde women and whatever would of wanted me but its difficult not being with friends and meeting people and not being socially aware. I want to go to university which is studying international tourism management and that will include meeting one hell of a lot of people which is going to be hard if I don’t dress well, be emotionally unawakwards, visually clever and as far as cpnversation is cpncerned intelligent. With my finnish woman in bed and with my sexual experinec about to hit 10 or so women since four or so months travelling including seventeen and thirty year old women from Antigua city and nicragua this country in at the moment and with a whole host of sharing tourists, what is my strong point going iinto university is knowing once we want sex I will not disappoint and my only worry is walking into social heaven for the key socializers and wanting to know whats going on but finding out as a personal an underdog is me. I want to walk in and people say wicked nice to meet you, wicked me and you are going to be good friends im sure, flick of the wrists. Whatever will happen will happen and with good studying and talking on skype to fellow travelers across the world and finding work for money and getting a good mixture of clubs and activities will allow me access to a strong social circle which is one of the most important elemts of university. With my knees in such poor condition I think It will be worth doing rugby and with such a strong passion for coaching doing that for football and almost definitely doing jogging for marathons and with money doing that soliaia martial art the son of lion form Israel has mastered so well with backflips and kicks off the ground. Sociology is going to be key at leeds metropoloitan university LMU and I don’t know what the key words are going to be. I study international tourism management, men, perv and ha for aids all in one sentence with potential for a whole stream of siblings with that. To counter those I think with men is sports and with perv is going to left or colours or eyes or just other words and with ha for aids well is going to be key. I think the most important thing to do every morning is getting up to do some swimming because its just being totally effing aware of the women in the room whilst we study. If time allows it I would love to join the army which my uncle left when he married and went on to have two kids who are well and beautiful I think. I think being ultra sensitive to my appearance and health is also very important. A picture of water for smimming or just white clothes for tourism. Being one hundred and 99 percent totally aware of my surrounfings helps. I thought one man with blue eyes was a violent man I just told him it isn’t working the computer here and he smiled with his brown eyes. So that that just goes to show that not everything is as it seems.
Also a finnish man who with his couple partner from finland was out all night and he came over and was like like we just came back and dah did ah and drinks at the bar and the police and sleeping and mentoned his partner and was talking about long and talking about stinking and I was quiet and let him know I understood despite not and was like yes two bad after mentioning his girlfriend and was like well yes it isn’t and w words about the computer and he said police because of the green poster and he was strong at socializing and his success shows that and I think that what is actually going on is blue eyes and the comfortability factor. All I know is that I want long hair becaseu girls say it looks sexy and that is a size of opinion I know but the my ears are large and second to that hair will cover them I think. I don’t know exactly what my hair will look like I cant be sure of that and I know that with highlight s I think my hair will be awesome because I don’t fancy gingery hair like myine at the moment nor hair that is dark or too blonde so it will be mousy brown with blonde I think marcels hair from germany is a crystal good idea.. my hair isn’t curly so that’s out of the question im totally sure it wont curl. What universities going to uncluded socially is important to discuss I think I need to spend a few days with katies whitby to help me out and I think I need to meet some freinsd on the you go and meet up. Sarah fleetham looks weak and effort for the shag which is shallow but fancying a chick for a fuck isn’t exactly uncommon. What to wear Is important especially as a big portion of university people wear shit clothes. White shorts and brown shoes and black nice trousers and quality jumpers and bright tshirts and sunglasses and all of that is so important in looking good. Smelling good and looking good will encourage girls to look and knowing how to socialize will help straight away. So walking into a classroom people need to be like wow I like him because he is generous and clever and get the jist of things. He is tanned, his clothes are laundered, his hair is kept and he doesn’t smoke his breath is good he isn’t a drinker.
I need to know exactly what to say when people say to me so what was travelling like and be prepared of visual surrounding that will influence this I think looking around the classroom first and analyzing it will prove to everybody I am aware.
This guy just said you don’t remember me, do you?
You always do this shit, HIV, GAY, PERV
After the success of the blonde I travelled around hostels, met some cool people but only ever felt 50 percent comfortable with myself for a whole host of reasons. I go out at night and meet new people and if people are talking a lot I don’t talk a lot. I cant exactly cut him off but listening for key words would help so pick up on insults, uncomfortability, sourroundings, clothing, make him feel bad, generally tell him you don’t know well the erea, he woulnt recommend anywhere, would he. If theres girls around and theres listening, make damn sure you pick up poor language and wrong statements, because, hey, I cant forget were out there to win the women, forever and that’s that.
That’s typical of feeling uncomfortable and actually that night was just up the calzada street from the very uncomfortable
I just met eye contact with a guy who looked down with darker eyes than mine and was obviously uncomfortable he is ugly with short hair and cigarette and was showing kuckles. I was looking back at the computer and personally wasn’t uncomfortable this great guy was fine with me I straightened my wrists up and pretended to lick pussy
One girl walked past and said that that after reading at the top of the page and she also bent over on her way back past to signal a mixture of feelings probably like you look like a guy I would have sex with and that’s she is different to a guy on his gooch at the computer and with a small smile I think I just grew two inches so she obviously knows guys well and by the time this sentence is finished I grew three inches so thanks lover.
I want to walk around with my new cock but girls knows that cock is one of many understandings and a boner isn’t as impressive as social intelligence. I don’t know whats going on with my eyes because she turned me on and it’s an old woman who obviously has hawk eyes for gods sake. I know that the cock works and that means a lot to me.
The biggest turning point for me since travelling was the decision to book a tica bus from Nicaragua to Antigua City and It was one of those times I crossed the road and grass was green. I owe it to a mixture of people so hear goes, I cant name them all but heres a few, Marcel from Germany and likewise to Julian Thoresson from neighbouring Austria, these guys with unbelievable good socilaising skills, marcel smokes dope and does coke but expect for that there two super humans, and to Katty who taught me to be an ice drunk and of course to Alicia who taught me that women come a lot where theres a way and to treat her like a woman I think cheating on her and eating way to much pizza and cake was a fine reason to end our time together. We enjoyed most nights fucking and she reminded me that actually there is such a thing as being not only semi-famous but completely popular with whats going on every night and where to stay and where to go at any given time. I think there not or at least I don’t know throughout the years a single worse smelling bedroom with the food and the sex and the builders dust in the morning but my sexual experiences grew. The guys jullian and marcel actually taught me to socialize with women marcel must be one of the good ones and hopefully he will grow a decent cock stop doing coke and think about life more, however he has what I haven’t which is blue eyes and long hair and a soft nose. Hes more tan and better legs but im more sporty and he pays for more stuff. Plus he has a laptop and donloads shit and watches shit all the time which is funny. One night I climbed up onto the bar and danced with 10 out of 10 chicks and my cock size wasn’t too slight actually, but the 10s didn’t want me because there were socaill intelligent men and women routing for them afterwards but a shy English 8 popped out of noewhere and I cant remember her name that was one problem and I licked her out and penetrated very slightly but Alicia stalked us back and was all over us like what are you doing your on camera and I could feel uncomfortable about a poor performance the duration of my stay. Actually my cock didn’t work that night so on recalection if don’t think I can drink much longer, especially before I go out, one drink with a girl seems the only thing to do and if the guys are getting drunk before I can go swimming or doing krav maga and be more mascualine than them and socially out intelligent them after they have go out with a drunken slur.
I actually don’t want people reading my shit especially as up pops the save bar one monets delay and noise comes from behind you plus I should save it in a new box that doesn’t attact attention like manual or that might attract women so tutorial or black or palabras, yes palabras will do.
Marcel and Julian are german speaking aswell as fluent at English and Spanish and I want to shout out to son of lion and waterfall two ultra nice Israeli ex forces. We went out every night dancing with girls and we were the coolest guys in town for one week, which sucks it ended. I want to travel to tel aviv and do some work over there with tourism of the like which is going to be my field of expertise. Perversely enough, jonathan and Roei two israelies friends of marcel were weird because of the drugs and wetted my opinion of the people of that country. I love the Israeli women but there hard to like all that much because of there strict attitude and unwillingness to actually culturize with men. There sough after women with wise heads on strong shoulders with beautiful eyes and meaningful names but there customs are strong. Son of lion and waterfall are we will not give you and you must not play and this is what we do. Actually I cant wait to do some martial arts of jui juitsu this remainder of the holiday and especially because its such a good fitness booster. Not getting money this week actually sucks and I want to enjoy myself but find it hard to budget. Meals should be solely cereal in the morning and also at lunch just salad and tomato with actual meals out with friends only. I don’t suppose I actually need money whatsoever for doing martial arts and football but there is a cost for Spanish classes. So that’s what I do this week.
I miss not reading and mother wants to post me my international tourism book to get a head start on, but right now the internet is out of service so its proving difficult to talk to her in any way shape or form. Im enjoying writing about my new found interest in reflecting upon my own social psycholohy and mentality and visual linkage and would enjoy writing up on the whole introduction on international tourism management. It would setting myself pre term assignments so that i don’t fall short where it most matters at the beginning of the term. A good broad knowledge of tourism will help win over the class to think I am an intelligent person. When people ask me where did I go and what is travelling like and did I enjoy it and what was Guatemala like I want to be like hey, this is it. Seyfield taught me that you can say whatever the fuck you want, so here goes.
On the seventh of February I flew to cuba and travelled down south through Guatemala, Honduras, el Salvador, Nicaragua and costa rica. I went to beaches and climbed mountains and did military martial arts, lived with locals, and went out clubbing in the cities. I enjoyes travelling because there was an opportunity to visit tourist centers and work throught the leaflets at reception and after that go on boat tours and cycle and do mountain boarding and canopy tours, and kayaking. Plus it was interesting
Really was it get out guys you fucking losers.
So these guys behind me are talking about me and giggling and im thinking there just bored gay guys who want a reaction so the best thing I can do is jus to relax and let the moment pass and just get them out to the doctors as soon as possible, because If there sad enough to sit commenting at someone on a computer they should be at home watching the football, not talking about special wonders, sat in there trackypants, this guys like perv, er a smile, some breakfast argh, deep brass voice, ok, get out guys, wont be seeing you again.
Antigua City was a wonderful city with an outstanding nightlife and local culture with westernization imminent through mcdonalds and subway and people were resorting to selling treasure from their churches to put up with the local demand of needing dollars to survive. Saying that there is a big problem with gun, gang and knife with everything that happens from robberies to murders and kidnapping. One kidnap story I heard was actually in Nicaragua where a german chick was approached by what turned out to be a ar from friendly young local gentleman who talked her into his friends jeep to deliver her safely to her hotel yet the friends turned out to be criminals who bound and gagged her before stealing her credit cards and the poor girl actually made them come back to her for the correct numbers and she was severely beaten before being dumped on the highway between Managua and Leon short of over 6000 euros. In Antigua city Julian was one of four who were targeted on a toured hike up a mountain where bandits approached and shot the tour guide before taking cameras and dollars which was not included in cover from the tour company. One young man who wanted to befriend tourists also carried a pistol in his shorts in Antigua City and one night he was fighting for his life with gangsters outside a popular two story bar, club restaurant combo where rivals were waiting for him with weapons, cars and motorbikes. There was a case of robbery a week ago in Granadino where a young man Alex who works on happy hour at the bar and a tourist went onn a walk at eleven oclock and were robbed of dollars and watches at knife point. I myself was pickpocket my wallet of 200 dollars, credit cards and licenses not to mention pictures and condoms and business cards. Travelling can be a frightening experience and sometimes even the most careful people are targeted which is why the more wealthy locals are seen in the day time with body guards at busy times of years. The two story club was called monoloco which stands for crazy monkey and hosted ladies night which was an ideal chance to talk to women and the guy I routed with Julian was good at talking so we didn’t give anyone else a chance. The nurse who I talked to from Korea was a sweetheart but I prefer blue eyes most of the time. That same week it was reported that bin Laden was shot dead on a military operation so it was a nice surprise to know the USA were killing people just as were poor criminals hundreds of miles south of the border. Antigua is the most beautiful country ever and my girlfriend there was manageress of the jungle party hostal which included a bar and restaurant, dorms and private rooms. We had sex with oneanother at her apartment and I was actually quite uncomfortable with the dark room and the fingy decorations but it was a learning curve. My preferred condoms arelittle black packets with billy boy wrote on the front. Antigua introduced me to multiple orgasms pretty much on tap, Pariet, dozens of condoms and Vuze the download king of the web.
The week after leaving Antigua I travelled for 25% of the time with an aussie feller called joel knight and we picked up chicks and I think I slept with three or so girls in that one week we hung out, but eventually he moved onto costa rica. One night we witnessed first hand the MS13 gang on el Salvador and we ate a big meal and beer for one dollar and spent 10 dollars on two litres of vodka at the petrol station so we drunk that night, on the bus the next day travelling back to Nicaragua and for a week after that. I really enjoyed kayaking and swimming and messing around with friends at Laguna De Apollo and doing canopy tours and seeing monkeys at the Treehouse Hostal around the outskirts of Rivas. Winamo is alegendary tool. My accent is actually now diluted from posh school boy English with hints of welsh and somerset splashed with the harshness of teenagers from town nights out, though actually English isn’t as harsh a language as others suchas german. My friends are from Israel, UK, USA, Germany, Austria, Australiea and Canada not to mention france and spain and actually we went to the most amazing parties ever and I enjoyed myself immensely. The expressions such as kicking it at the park and the way people socialize from a mixture of nationalities really rubbed of on me but people love English accents and we cant disappoint now, can we? Barcelona beat Manchester United 3-1 in the champions league final and we watched it at the pub with a mixture of friends and it was enjoyable and i was just shocked Barcelona were so dominant. We were with jonatahan and Roei and Nick and Dave also from Canada and we were big parties kings, almost the biggest in the city.
I went about my experiences travelling with a closed mind and ended up fishing gheckos out of toilet water, printing a star tattoo on my right pectoral which means energy for me, and I love teaching little nica kids how to play football. Actually one of the biggest decisions was to trim my pubic region which hadn’t been done in eight or so months. It was weird walking about the Calle Calsada to get quotes from various sources with two quote for a same tour being 16 and 12 dollars differently. One of my fondest moments was cycling through the mountains with a pretty French couple. Chicks who we love wear short skirts, etc, and aussie guys go ahead and wear the whole shorts and tanktops thing which is awesome to copy and my body suits that well actually, better than other shit things.

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