Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1787300-Pink-Lemonade
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1787300
This is a story about a boy and a girl.
My name is Violet Hudson and i'm 14 years old. My life has been an interesting one. My father is a buiseness man and he gets the priviledge to work all around the world. My mother homeschools me since we move around so much and I really enjoy it. Well about the time when we get the letter in the mail saying that we'll have to move again, we did. It was a consistant thing. It was hard moving though. In the short time that we were in a certain area, I made new friends. Sure, I kept up with them on Facebook and all but I never had a true, real, best friend. That morning, dad came waltzing into the house carrying a white envelope. I dropped my pencil and math paper and rushed over to see where we were going next. The room grew quiet as dad opened the letter. The suspence was killing me. All my life I had been wanting to go to England and this time, I prayed that the letter would confim my dreams. I watched dad's eyes scan the letter before he said,
"I'm really sorry Violet, we're going to...England."
I let out a whoop which scared both mom and dad. I was finally going! I couldn't believe it! I instantly ran down the hall of our tiny rental house and belly flopped onto the floor. I pulled my neon green suitcase from under the bed and un-zipped it. I began tearing clothes off the hangers before it occured to me that I didn't even know when we were leaving. Oh well. The faster I was ready, the faster we could go.
We left that week. We were flying on a plane from Boston (where we were before) to England. When we got off the plane, I restrained myself from kissing the ground. I felt so thrilled, so overjoyed, so
"Oh my god i'm so sorry!" I cried spinning around to see who I had just bumped into.
It was a boy, at least a good five inches taller than me with black hair as dark as night and brown eyes.
"No really, it's ok." he said before disappearing into the crowd.
I sighed and went over to get my bag. Once I did, I waited outside for mom and dad to get a taxi. Once inside on our our way to our new flat, I spotted the boy I bumped into out the window. He was walking down the sidewalk with his hand shoved deep into his pockets. His eyes kept on his feet. Although when the taxi went by, he looked up. I don't know what got into me but I waved. He waved back. I sat back in my seat and waited until we got to the house. It was small and old fashison looking but I feel in love with it anyways. The next day, mom made a stunning announcement. We were supposed to be here for awhile so I was to go to school! I had mixed feelings for this concept of school. But the next day, those feelings changed. The same boy from the airport and the street went to school and I was in the same grade as him! He approaced me at lunch and said,
"Hey, you wanna go out?"
A few of the girls I was sitting with snickered.
"Yeah, sure i'd love to." I said giving him my genuine happiness smile.
He smiled and then walked away. A few of the girls were still laughing.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing." said one named Enya said. "We just can't believe that you're going out with Brodie."
"What's so bad about him?"
"Oh, nothing. He's just a player and a heart breaker that's all."
I was starting to think this relationship idea wasn't such a good one.
The next day I was standing in my room trying to fasten the clip of my necklace. It was hard and my date was in about and hour. I finally got it and was ready to do my hair and make-up. When I was finished, I texted Brodie that I was ready. He was at my house pretty fast. We went out to eat at a fancy restuaunt and then went over to the park. We sat on a bench and watched the ducks float around in the pond. Then he slowly and ever so subtley put his arm around me. I put my head into his sholder. Then he asked me,
"Have you had your first kiss?"
I must have blushed because my face suddenly felt really hot.
"I can fix that." he said and leaned down.
My heart started racing but my lips met his anyways. They were soft. I thought I heard someone behind us but there was no-one. Brodie's big eyes met mine.
"Resume." he said.
I put my arms around his neck and did. But then we did hear someone. Brodie cursed and helped me off the bench. He took my hand and we ran. We ran over the bridge and then over to where the rose garden was. By the time we got there we were out of breath and laughing. We sat down on the brick wall and he enveloped me in his arms. We began to kiss again and this time, I felt his mouth open around mine. I opened mine too. A few minutes later he pulled away and said,
"It's occured to me that iv'e only known you for three days."
"And it's occured to me that you have obviously kissed a ton of girls before."
"Alright. Well, i'd better get you home or your parents will worry."
So we set off in the direction of my house, holding hands and talking. I slept good that night but had an uneasy feeling in my stomach the next morning. Would he leave and forget all about me? At school, I told my new friend Alyss. I could trust her but no one else. We sat at lunch together and suddenly, I felt something beside me. I looked to my right and saw a lone glass of pink lemonade sitting next to me. There was a scrap of paper tied to the umbrella. I un-rolled it and it read,
"You are always on my mind and in my heart."
"Awwwwwwww!" gushed Alyss.
I blushed and started drinking the lemonade but not before I tucked the note in my pocket. I wanted to keep it safe forever.
© Copyright 2011 Feather Pane (featherpane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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