Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1787153-Old-Age
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1787153
I wrote this poem after sitting with my elderly mum for an afternoon listening to her.

Silently alone I sit and think of times gone by,
My memories are crystal clear, they sometimes make me sigh,
Please take some time, to listen, come on now, take a seat
And let me talk of bygone days when kids played in the street
And twopence bought a chocolate bar and Bobbies walked the beat..

The wealth of knowledge that I’ve gained I’d like to pass along
It seems like only yesterday I travelled to Ceylon,
The memories of my travelling days are really very dear
But what I had for breakfast, if I had some, isn’t clear

I look so thin and haggard now, my teeth are very few
My face is full of laughter lines, my body’s wrinkly too
But once I was a pretty girl, with suitors by the score
I looked so sleek and elegant, I couldn’t ask for more.

Old age, it comes to everyone, unless of course you die,
You can’t stay young forever as the years just roll on by,
I've tried to grow old gracefully and thank my lucky stars
That I'm still alive and kicking and not pushing up the grass.

The thing that makes it all worthwhile is family you see
If I could just remember who is who and what they said to me
Was it Jack or was it Jim , or maybe Ken or John,
Did Charlie come the other day or was that Tim, his son
It really is a muddle, I’ll never get it right
But I‘m grateful for my long,  and very happy life.     
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