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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1787100
My first real attempt of writing a story.

Two guys carrying 2 burly duffle bags are running as fast as they can toward the train while one of them is carrying a guitar strapped to his shoulders.  One of the two men makes it in with time to spare while the other one just squeezes in before the door closes.  They drop their stuff by them and collapse in their seats, breathing heavy. 

"Damn Josh, could you cut it any close?"

"Hey Derek, YOU try carrying all this plus my guitar while trying to run like I'm on the track"

Derek laughs. "No one told you to bring every single thing you own in one trip.  I only bought the bare essentials."

"These ARE my bare essentials!" Josh retorts.

"You're hopeless." Derek says before he kisses Josh on the cheek.  "But you're my hopeless one."

"Don't forget it." Josh says as he leans on Derek and the two nod off as the train travels down the track.


Derek stirs as he notices the train has stopped.  "Hey, we're here.  Come on, get up" Derek says as he shakes Josh awake.  The two gather their things and walk off the train, heading towards the exit. 

"Who is this guy again?" Josh asks Derek as they walk further down the station.

"His name is Will", Derek explains as the two walk, "Remember Lydia?", he asks.

"Oh you mean Torpedo Tits?"

"Yes, her", Derek says stifling a chuckle.  "Well she lives out here for school like we're doing, and she wanted to live a little closer to the campus, so she got a friend and has a dorm and Will got her to give her apartment to us."

"Considering she likes me as much as I like anchovies, it's a wonder she let him give the apartment to us", Josh says.

"Well considering the fact neither Will nor I mentioned you, she was much more willing", Derek says with a smile.

"I don't know whether I should be offended or call you a genius."

"Genius works fine"

"Sure it does.  Sooooo.....how's he look?  Is he your type?", Josh asks Derek.

"If you don't mind him being a little chubby."

"So he IS your type then", Derek says as Josh laughs.  "I'm an exception though, being built like a god an all."

"Funny, for a god you certainly are shaking pretty bad with all that weight you're carrying.", Josh points out to Derek.

"Not my fault whenever I let you pack, you bring everything plus the kitchen sink."

"Not true.  The sink didn't fit this time.  There he is, come on, just a little further."

The two soon meet up with Will, the aforementioned one who got them the apartment.  He's a tad above average in height like Derek and Josh and sports a small gut, though it looks a bit bigger than it does because of his sweatshirt.  "Hey, what's up?  Josh, right?", Will asks as the guys put down their luggage.

"Yep, we spoke over the phone last night.  Will, Derek, Derek, Will."

"Nice to meet you", Derek says extending a hand to Will.  "Likewise", Will proclaims as he receives the handshake.  "Wow, you guys brought quite a bit", Will says in slight shock as the amount of luggage.  "Here, let me help with that."

"Please", Josh says, "That's only the needed stuff."

As Will picks up a couple suitcases he grunts as due to the weight.  "I'd hate to see the optional stuff", he says as the three start walking.  "The building is just a couple blocks from here, so we shouldn't be carrying this too long."

Once Will is at an adequate enough distance, Derek says to Josh, "Not bad?  He's cute!  Plus he's a red-head, not to mention he has a cute butt."

"What?", Will asks turning around.  "You say something?"

"Huh?  Uhh, it was nothing", Derek says, blushing while Josh looks away trying not to laugh.

"O.....K", Will says as he turns back around.  "Ah, we're here."

Josh and Derek are in awe of the massive building in front of them, the building is tall enough to almost reach the clouds.  "Home sweet home."

As the three men go inside the building, they are distraught to see a sign on the elevator "Maintenance repairs.  Please take the stairs".

"Don't worry", Will says to the guys trying to cheer them up.  "The repair guy gets these things done quick.  In the meantime, I guess we should take the stairs."

"Fine." Josh and Derek say in unison as they pick up their things.  "What floor are we on?", Derek asks.

"Heh, 20th floor."

Derek looks visibly ill and Josh gulps as the three stare at the stairwell, which looks daunting due to the amount of things with them.  "Well, could be worse.  At least we're not going to the top right?  Right?", Will says as Derek and Josh gives him a deathlook.  "OK, stop looking at me like that and walk, imagining shooting me won't get us up there faster."

"No, but it personally gives me motivation", Derek says under his breath.  The three make their way up the stairs.

"I've never been so happy to be done climbing stairs in my life!", Josh yells as the three collapse once they reach Floor 20.  All of a sudden, they hear a ding and see a thin guy with a tanktop with a tool belt wrapped around his waist walk out of the elevator.  "Elevator's fixed!", the repair man says before he is startled by a collective "FUCK!" by the three men who finished carrying the luggage up the stairs.  "How's it hanging, chubbykins?", the repair man says to Will.

"I told you to stop calling me that, ADAM."

"Hey, it's Red, you never call me that."

"Then stop calling me "chubbykins".  Anyway, Derek, Josh, this is Ada-I mean Red."

"Pleasure to meet you", Josh says.

"Oh no, the pleasure is MINE sweetie.  Hope you two like it here, because I think we'll be seeing each other soon", Red says with a wink while taking a grab at Derek's behind.  "Ta ta for now!"

"Yeah, remind me not to be in the same room with him alone", Derek says, "He might try something shady.  He grabs rough too."

"Aw, he's harmless, just extremely filrty, no matter the sexuality", Will says.  "Your apartment is down the hall by the way, 20-Z, figures right?."

After a couple minutes, the three make their way inside, and Josh and Derek marvel at the sight.  "It may be small to some people, but definitely bigger than a dorm", Will says. 

"No, it's perfect, thanks again, we owe you one", Josh tells Will.  "Thanks hon", Josh says to Derek after he hands him the boxcutter.

"So, I guess I'll make my way to my apartment to take a shower, thankfully I'm on 20 right with you guys...", Will trails off as the other two look at him with a twinkle in their eye.

"Now, now, we owe you one, you're more than welcome to take a shower here" Derek says as he directs Will towards the bathroom.  "Matter of fact, why don't we all just take a shower right now?"

"Great idea babe, personally I could use one right now", Josh says as he starts to strip down.

"Well....I guess it couldn't hurt?", Will says.

Just then Derek suddenly kisses Will, who answers back accordingly with a kiss of his own.  So the three are in midst of having a threesome right in the living room before they move into the shower, clothes being scattered from the living room making a trail to the bathroom.  As the water is on, Josh moves closer to Will, giving him a handjob on his now erect penis.  Will moans a little as Josh picks up his speed but stops before Will reaches his limit.  After a little positioning, the three emit nothing but moans as gasp as Will thrusts into Josh while Josh gives Derek oral.  After a while, Derek reaches his limit and comes into Josh's mouth as he swallows while Will comes on Josh's back.  After a few more minutes, the three clean up and get out of the shower and put their clothes on.

"Wow, that was pretty incredible", Will says as he finishes putting his clothes on.  "But I have to ask.  How did you figure out I was....you know.  Not like I advertise it to the world."

"Oh, that was easy", Derek says.  "We saw that rainbow band on your doorknob."

"I don't have a rainbow band, let alone on my doorknob", Will says to the perplexed couple.

"Well if that wasn't yours", Josh says, "Uh oh, Red".

The three look at each other as if they were in trouble.  Will leaves the apartment quietly as Derek and Josh stifle laughs.

The next morning, an alarm clock goes off at 8:00 AM and Josh wakes up practically killing the alarm clock.  He attempts to awaken Derek but his attempts result in failure.  He then gets up and leaves the room, a few seconds later he returns with a cup of cold water.  He takes a sip before spilling it all over Derek who awakens screaming.

"What the hell was that for!", Derek exclaims.  "You wouldn't wake up.  So, I had to try more extreme measures", Josh explains. 

"So I'm guessing you didn't notice this?" Derek says while pointing towards his erection through his boxers.

"No, I saw that", Josh says, "But if I had used that to wake you up, it would be hours before we'd get back up."  "Come on, you promised you'd go with me shopping today."

"When did I say that?" Derek asks.  "When I said I wouldn't go down on you anymore if you didn't go with me today", Josh answers.

"Ah", Derek says, "Well then, to the store!" Derek hops out of bed and starts walking out of the room.

"Wonder how long it'll take him to realize he doesn't have on any pants", Josh thinks to himself.  After waiting a couple minutes Josh chases after him with Derek's pants while thinking "That's the fifth time this month he's done that".

Back on the train, the two are heading back home after spending the morning and most of the afternoon shopping around the town.  They have bags from a variety of stores, including a grocery store, decorative shops and even a book store.  Josh looks at the bags proudly while Derek looks at his now empty wallet with sadness.

"I can't believe we spent that much money", Derek says.  "It's not like we're completely broke, we still have plenty of money from that lawsuit", Josh says. 

"I'm still baffled how you got money from a company saying you received trauma from a foam noodle", Derek says.

"Happy I took those acting and makeup classes, aren't you?" Josh asks.  "Plus, as I always say -"

"Yeah yeah, cheat the system, don't let it cheat you", Derek states.

"Not to mention it's much cheaper out there than where we lived", Josh says.  "And yet, you still find ways to clean me out", Derek counters.

Once the two reach their building they see Will and go to talk with him.

"Hey guys, I see you two went all out", Will says.

"By all out you mean make the mistake of let this guy hold my wallet?" Derek says as Josh sticks his tongue out at him.

Will laughs.  "Anyway, Red forgot to tell you the other day, he and his friends are doing a fashion show over the weekend, he's invited us.  Don't worry about money, I'll cover you, least I could do considering the other night was the first time I've held someone like that in a while."

"Dude, you're a savior to us at this point, awesome", Derek says.  "Tell him we'll be there if we don't see him first."

"Will do", Will says.  "By the way, what's that fabric hanging out that bag?"

"OH!" Josh exclaims.  "It's our tablecloth, you like?"

"Looks awesome", Will answers.  "Well gotta go handle some business, I'll catch you later."  Derek and Josh walks towards the elevator while Will thinks to himself "Plaid?  In THAT color?"

Once the two get to their floor, they reach their door and almost make it inside before being stopped by Red.

"You know, I'm disappointed", Red states, "I had hoped I could have joined your little fun last night, Will didn't want to kiss and tell this morning."

"Ah, you wouldn't have missed much", Derek says and Josh laughs. 

"Oh, haha, just because I'm the repair guy doesn't mean I don't have feelings", Red says.  "Anyway, I can forgive and forget, but I hope you can make the show.  Will did tell you about it?"

"Yeah, we'll be there", Derek says.

"Goodie, I cannot forgive so easily next time, please be there", Red says.  He then notices the cloth in Josh's hands.  "Oh my gosh!", Red exclaims.  "That has to be the CUTEST thing I've seen."

"You think so?" Josh asks.  "Mr. No Taste here tried his hardest to keep me from buying it but I was able to break him.  Come on, I'll show you what else we bought."

Suddenly Josh and Red go into Red's apartment across the hall from Derek and Josh's and leaves Derek with the other bags perplexed.  "What the hell just happened?" He thinks before pushing all the other bags back in their apartment.

A couple hours later, Josh enters their apartment with the long bag he took to Red's while Derek just sits at the kitchen counter with a blank expression.

"Wow, babe, you just HAVE to see Red's apartment.  It just has the coolest....what's eating you?" Josh asks.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's the fact I got left alone while you went to go ham it up with HIM?" Derek retorts.

"I'm sorry about that, but you know I get excited when I can actually talk with someone who has my interests", Josh says.

"What?  Like we don't have interests?" Derek says, confused.

"Now look, of course we have interests, otherwise why would we be together?" Josh says.  "Besides, our interests are more on a intellectual level, and I wouldn't want it any other way, but it's nice to be able to talk to someone about more material things, he's..."

"The guy I'm not?  The guy you want me to be, instead of "Mr. No Taste?"  Tell me, what ELSE did you do over there?" Derek asks, showing signs of being upset.

"What else?  Oh deery me, I forgot, we made out and stuck cock rockets up our asses!", Josh replies sarcasticly.  "Come on now, do you really think after all the shit we've been through that I'd go play grab ass without you knowing, let alone you not being involved?  You know better than that."

After a couple minutes of silence, Derek answers, "I know, I know, I just overreacted.  I'm sorry, but you know how I can get territorial over you.  Hell, I felt dumped after that", he laughs.

"I guess I could have lowered the queer meter a bit", Josh says laughing as well as the two hug.  "Anyway else how I could POSSIBLY make it up to you?" he says dramatically.

"Well, there's ONE thing", Derek says before he kisses Josh.

"I guess we can do that", Josh says as the two make their way to the bedroom.  "Derek?  I love you."

"Love you too", Derek answers back as he closes the door.

© Copyright 2011 cageman (titonacho at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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