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by Smokey
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1786945
Flight lieutenant O'Hara has a very peculiar encounter with a strange yet familiar person.
Chapter 1
The humming of bombs.

Flight lieutenant Brian O'Hara of the 601th fighter squadron was a normal chap from Irish decent.
Sure he was a bit posh but that was because his dad owned a coal mine which meant that his family was quite wealthy.
And being the youngest of a family of 4 and with his oldest brother Micheal as vice chairman of his fathers company, was the reason that Brain looked for fame and glory in an other place.
Brian wasn't a stupid lad so at the age of 20 after he finished his school he pursued a career in the military.
And not just any sloppy infantry division, oh no he went for the big guns he joined the RAF.
That was in 1939, one year later he was fighting for his life in the skies during the battle of Britain.
On a hot September night in the middle of this epic battle Brian witnessed something, something that hasn't happened to anyone before.

Bloody ack-ack Brian thought with his head under his pillow, can't those bloody Germans attack at a more decent time.
He was alone in his quarters, many of his squad mates where still in the mess drinking there sorrows away or dead.
High above him German Junkers where trying to get to London, while British Hurricanes tried to stop them.
But he could still hear every bloody detail, the machine guns of the Junkers, the engines of the Hurricane and the never ending firing of the Bofors 40 mm anti aircraft gun.
One of his friends and wingman in his squadron once called him Radar as a joke, because of his sensitive ears and that name got stuck on him since.
That was 3 months ago and the man who made that joke was dead for over a month, he died trying of severe burn wounds in the hospital which he sustained trying to land his hurricane while it was on fire.
It still haunted Brian 'Billy easily could have bailed out' he thought 'bloody stubborn yanks'.
Billy always joked about being the first American to join the RAF during the war and he was a flamboyant person.
But because of his stubbornness Mrs. Fiske was now a widow.
'Damn it' he thought 'if this bloody war goes on any longer i'll die of sleep starvation!'.
He got out of his bed put his pants and jacket on and walked outside, he felt a cold breeze against his face and he looked up at the sky.
He saw the silhouettes of German Junkers and the tracer bullets shot at them from the Hurricanes.
He paid little attention to it and tried to get a good look at the stars, but the planes made it difficult for him to see them.
He walked away from his quarters and up to the runway which was empty, the planes where in the hangars and Brian was planing to pay his Hurricane a visit.
But halfway the runway he heard the junkers closing in, so he ran trough wards a foxhole that was dug near the runway in case of an airstrike.
As he jumped in the foxhole he heard the buzzing of bombs and a strange zooming noise he had never heard.
As some of the bombs hit the earth and some of them where still falling Brain heard a door opening next to his foxhole and a man cursing.
He looked up from his foxhole and saw a man of average height and age, with torn clothes, a scruffy looking bow tie, blond hair and clear blue eyes walking out of a blue police box.
'O bullocks' the man said while padding the dust of his scruffy clothes and looked around him while bombs where plummeting from the sky.
The man noticed Brian who was still in the foxhole and said to him 'awful weather you picked to take a late night walk sir'.
Brian completely speechless looked at the man who was now looking at the sky, then he looked back at Brian.
'What's the matter mister, lost your tongue?'
Brian shook his head confused and then asked with an uncertain tone 'who are you?'.
'I don't know yet' the man replied 'brand new body you know.' Brain blinked at the man of surprise since he didn't expected that answer.
'Oh you mean what my name is? I'm sorry but this regeneration stuff always makes me a bit more loony than i'm already am, i am the Doctor.' on which the man took a semi heroic pose.
'Doctor who?' Brian asked. 'Indeed, i see my reputation proceeds me even in the 1940's, now who are you?' the man asked.
'Brian' he mumbled. 'Well we are in quite a pickle don't you think so Brian, do you care to come in?' The doctor opened the door of the phone-booth.
'You wan't me to get in that thing while German bombs are flying over our head?' he asked while a bomb landed on a hangar and exploded not far from them leaving only a burning wreck where once the hangar used to be.
'Yes' the Doctor said. 'You do realise that there bombs are falling as we speak!' Brain said to the Doctor.
'I'm perfectly aware of that, now are you coming in or not, this by the way is not a thing it's a Tardis now there is no time, get in!'
A bomb impacted closer to the Tardis and Brian got frightend and ran trough wards the Tardis.
The doctor let him in and closed the door of the Tardis.

Chapter 2
Bigger on the inside

As the Doctor closed the door of the Tardis, Brain stood still in the giant space ship of which he thought just moments ago that it was police box.
The Doctor walked up behind him and slapped him on the shoulder 'you didn't expected that didn't you?' the doctor said excited.
'But you are going to love this' the Doctor said and walked up to the control panel and started pulling levers.
'Name a place!' he yelled to Brian who was still standing near the door.
'Eh London' Brian answered with a hesitation, 'Neh been there to many times be a little more imaginative!' the Doctor replied.
'Uhm Dublin?' Brain answered back 'Beter' the Doctor replied 'and now four random numbers!'.
'Uh 2, 4, 1, 9' Brian answered, 'allright Dublin 2419 A.D. it is!' the doctor said with a grin on his face and pulled a lever.
A sudden shock went through the Tardis. 'Hmmm that isn't supose to happen.' the Doctor said with a frown on his face.
'Uh Doctor.' Brian said still a bit frightened by the idea that he was inside a time machine. 'I'm guessing this is a bad thing?'
'No, no not at all this happens all the time only i have no idea where we will land.' the Doctor proclaimed cheerfully. 'Isn't this exciting?'
'No! it's horrifying! Brian shouted. 'i'm in a blue box which is bigger on the inside with a madman who doesn't even knows who he is!'
'Well i'm me that's for certain.' the doctor said while he was looking at the control panel of the Tardis. 'But i'm the twelfth version of me, so you stay here while i figure out how the twelfth me is.' And the doctor ran to an area of the Tardis.'
Brian waited near the control panel hearing mumbling and muttering coming from the place where the Doctor was.
After fifteen seconds or so the doctor appeared wearing a semi long brown trench coat, a white shirt with a long collar, black pants and black shoes. 'Well i think this is adventurous enough, good shall we take a peak where we are?' The doctor asked with a grin on his face as he opened the door of the Tardis.
Outside it was quite dark and the doctor wandered a bit and soon figured out that he was at exactly the same place where they where before.
'Ahw rats!' the doctor yelled and he kicked against the Tardis. 'This is the second time you pull this lousy joke!' 'Who are you yelling to?' Brian asked to the doctor as he stepped out of the Tardis. 'Temporal time displacement!' The doctor yelled. 'Back into the Tardis.' The Doctor grumbled as he walked back in bombs exploding around them. Brian followed the doctor back inside and closed the door, the Doctor was already back at the controls. 'This should do the trick.' He said as he pulled a lever and the Tardis started making noise. 'That's my girl!' The Doctor said proud and walked to a mirror to admire himself. 'Blond again, not bad still not ginger but it will do, not overly fond of the jawline either but we can't all be perfect.' He turned around quickly through wards Brian. Well you might have a ton of questions and rightfully so but here is the summery to all your questions.' The Doctor said and took a deep breath. 'I'm the last of the Time Lords an ancient alien race that was destroyed during the great time war, i contributed in every great moment in history. I've met Churchill, Queen Victoria, William Shakespeare, Vincent van Gogh and traveled through space and time...' The Doctor paused a moment. 'Oh and i have two hearts. That's the summary, and the Tardis has landed.' he said changing the subject as he walked to the door. The Doctor opened the door and put his head outside. Ý..your a time traveler?' Brian muttered. 'Yes well Time Lord technically.' the Doctor said putting his head inside the Tardis again. 'Quick question, does earth has 3 moons?' The Doctor asked. 'No only one.' Brian said surprised. 'Good that means i'm not suffering form regenerative amnesia and we are on the wrong planet.'

Chapter 3
The Archivist

'This place feels familiar.' the doctor said as he wandered through a field filled with strange flowers. Brian walked behind the Doctor his hand on his Wembley revolver. 'Why did you brought that antique piece of rubbish with you Brian.' The Doctor asked as he noticed how cautious Brian was walking through the field. 'It makes me feel safe.' Brian replied 'I rather not die on a strange planet being zapped by some heat-ray from a martian.' 'War of the worlds by H.G. Wells, i took him to Renfact 7 where there was a war between humaniods and Daleks, seems like ages ago.' The Doctor said in a dreamy voice. 'And according to the Tardis time stream data we are now on Epsilon Sigma 4 on the outskirts of the Milkyway, 62 light years away from earth if you care to know, same time as we left though. So we are at the same time but a different place.' 'So...we are at an other planet?' Brian asked. 'Yes like i said Epsilon Sigma 4, are you deaf? That bombing might have damaged your eardrums.' The Doctor walked up to him and took out something out of his pocket and held it into his ear.'Hey, hey what are you doing!' Brian asked waiving of the device. 'It's a sonic screwdriver, now hold still!' The Doctor said while putting the sonic screwdriver against Brians ear.
'Hey you two what are you doing here!' a man said walking up fast to the Doctor and Brian. 'I'm checking for inner ear damage.' the Doctor said while continue scanning Brains ear with his sonic screwdriver. 'You are at a forbidden planet! This planet is off limits, how did you get here!' The man asked angry. 'Easy, by Tardis.' The Doctor said as he removed the sonic screwdriver from Brians ear and looked at the result of it. 'No nothing wrong with your ears.' The doctor said to Brian. 'Now who might you be?' the Doctor asked to the man and noticed he was human, he was wearing a white shirt, black waist coat, black pants and in his waist coat there was a pocket watch.'No who are you? you are trespassing here!' the man proclaimed. 'I'm the Doctor, hello. And this is Brian. Your turn.' the Doctor said excited.'The Doctor?' the man asked with an expression on his face like he just got stung by a wasp. 'No i am the doctor, who are you?' the doctor said annoyed. 'You are the Doctor? Hero of the Time war and closer of the time lock?' The man asked carefully. 'Yeah, how do you know that?' The Doctor asked surprised. 'I'm the assistant of the Archivist, please come with me Doctor he would like to talk to you.'
© Copyright 2011 Smokey (smokey1990 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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