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a self help book about how loving life God's way can make us happy

* 1Peter 2:5
( Dedication: To God be the glory. )

Written by Joshua One-Stone Elias -- Zechariah 3:8
First Edition 23/06/2011

'He whom the stone falls on shall be dashed to pieces and whoever stumbles on the stone shall be ground to powder.' -- Luke 20:18 Daniel 2:34-35,44-45.

1 These concentric circles represent the cross-section of the soul. (In the physical book it is covered with the pattern, one on the back. A cover design is three nests inside a larger nest depicted as just curved lines on the page. The smallest nest (fewest ring number) is nearer the center. The rings radii are after: sine 9, sine 18, sine 27 .... sine 90 as the largest radius.) The capstone is the outermost ring that represents the holy spirit.

2 What is a cross-section? What is a soul?

Your soul is a ball of light about your head but much bigger than your body.
A cross-section is a look inside your soul, like looking at the rings of an onion sliced in half.

3 If the soul is bigger than the body, why can't we see it?

The light of the soul is invisible like sunlight, some people can train themselves to see the whole ball of light.

4 Do animals and trees have souls?

Yes they do.
The more intelligent an animal is the more rings are in its soul.
Trees and plants have souls as well.
Even the stars in the sky have souls.
(( Likes attract, planets are summed up by their outermost ring and hover in a larger soul at like TC. The planets circle at the same angular velocity, meaning their still with respect to each other -- handy for space travel visitation of another populated planet. Vestiges: average orbital radius: Mercury / Venus = sine 9 / sine 18, Venus / Earth = sine 18 / sine 27. The living system is connected to the dead system by equal angular velocities at planet earth. ))

5 What does the soul do?

The soul keeps us healthy.
The soul stores the energy of our actions properly, so our energy is not wasted.
The soul keeps us sane and balanced so we are never too excited and never bored.
The soul creates the body.

6 How does the soul create the body?

The soul creates the body like scientists can create holographic ghostly images from criss-crossing light beams.
Another example is criss-crossing laser beams that create 3-Dimensional pictures in the glass-crystals sold in shops.

7 What are those rings in the soul?

The rings are different rings of light.
Perhaps waves of light travel around the rings.
The thicker rings are less intelligent and the thinner rings are more intelligent.
The rings are in perfect balance because they all worship the most-intelligent ring.

8 How do the rings worship the most-intelligent ring?

The rings arrange themselves in complementary shapes, so that in every complementary pair the shapes multiply to equal the shape of the outer-most ring.
The complementary pairs also have equal areas.

9 Do the rings have numbers?

Yes they do.
If the outer ring is 0.006193958 then the inner ring is 1 (one).

If the next ring is 0.01889 then the inner complemenatry ring is 0.3278.

These numbers are numbers representing the ring shapes, they are called Inertial Capacities or IC for short.

IC = 4 Pi Area / c-squared -- where 'c' is the perimeter length.

The opposite of IC is called Transformation Capacity, or TC for short.

1 / IC = TC
eg: 1 / .00619 = 161
eg: 1 / .01889 = 55.6

10 The rings have colors and words.

The colours from inner to outer:
brown, thinness black, steel, silver, marine green, green, straw, ye;llow, bundled straw or gold, Deep Rich Silver.

The whole lot is the color of a silver-pearl sheen. -- Matthew 13:45

My words (yours may be better): patience, persistence, tenacity, change and rejuvenation, balance, power, first attainment, practise, perfection, completion.

11 A ring is a spirit.

A spirit is a coloured energy cloud that represents the action of the mind or the action of a feeling of the heart, or the action of the physical body. -- John 4:24

((A ring expresses power and velocity-squared. TC = v-squared / power = 2Pi (2Pi (r(1) + r(2))squared ) / 4Pi Area of Ring. A nest turned automatically expresses relative velocity; that is, the still radii circumferences represent relative speeds around.
The graph of Maximum Power Transfer of Electrical Engineering -- power in resistor is on the y-axis, resistance of resistor is one the x-axis -- is the same graph obtained from a nest where Area of ring is on the y-axis and IC is on the x-axis.
So power of the light of a ring and velocity of the light is information contained in a nest. A nest is a number of radii drawn from the same center, sine 9,18,27...90 are the radii for a minimum number of rings.
The graph in Statistics is called 'the mean or standard distribution curve'.
The wavelength of a ring of a nest is given as W.L. = h / mv also = v.time where time is given as Power = h f ; f = P / h , time as frequency is proportional to the area of each ring -- we can know the numbers exactly but only relative to other rings. H is energy and is a constant for every ring in the nest E = mvd.))

12 How is the 3rd Dimension created from the rings to form the whole ball of the soul?

The third dimension is a stack of cones, each cone having the same number of rings.

The rings of this book show an equatorial cross-section.

Magnetism circles in and out of the rings of the equatorial cross-section.

13 How are the rings created?

The outer ring shines down (and out). The sentient beings perceive the downlight rings as the rings of the soul, the perception clumping together too-fine-to-see rings into one ring of the soul.

As the outer ring shines down it becomes thinner and thinner, but its shape (behaviour) stays the same.

The down-shining is called Coalescence.

Coalescence can be drawn as a diagram too.

The number of Coalescent rings in a soul ring can be found:

IC (soul) / IC (of outer ring) = number of rings in the soul ring.

Science calls this the density of a material.

14 What is the purpose of life?

The purpose of life is to increase the number of rings of our soul. #
This is the same as raising awareness.

It is the same as raising one's transformation capacity, TC.

TC is like electric charge.

TC is like Vitality, the opposite of IC or Lethargy.

One could say the purpose of life is to increase one's Vitality.

TC is the ability to transform one's world more easily.

The greater one's TC the greater one's ability to transform their world.

(( Loving God, Highest TC, makes all of 15(1--6) automatic: find yourself asking questions, seeking higher precision -- a place and a time for everything. Predestined good [miracle] works come from loving God -- Ephesians 1:11.Wait for a baptism in which the world dissapears replaced by love-light. In my experience I said I didn't feel worthy because not married. I was chosen by God to spread the word. )) # Inaccurate. The purpose of life is to express fine-high awareness, rings high in the soul, these rings already given -- In the bible: predestined works to do.

15 How can a person increase their TC?

High TC is vital and precise and general.

(1) Attempt to increase the righteous-faultless precision of one's path or life. True precision is not pedantic, not petty.
One must be passionate not petty -- passion defined here as a great enduring interest. However to insist upon the presence of passion would still be pettiness. Only one's love of God ends pettiness. Only the love of all three: general, vital and precise ends pettiness. Loving God makes everything here (1to7) automatic, no need for worry; there is a time and place for everything.

(2) Attempt to throw away non-vital elements in your life, simplify.

(3) Generalize rather than specialize. Specialists tend to get lost in detail and then they become slow and unproductive. A specialist sees their world as separate from the rest of the world, and so meaning is lost.
Any knowledge gained this way is highly inefficient.

(4) Love what you do.

Love is the total absorption of one's attention in what one is doing, this stills the mind and the thoughts are brought under control and TC is greatly increased. Anything reasonable becomes possible.
God is an omnipresent servant, at our command.

( TC = attention / effort ) : ( 1/m = v-squared / power )

tc = attention / EFFORT

TC = ATTENTION / effort

In other words we do not have to increase our effort to increase our TC.

(5) The Trinity.

All actions are in a trinity. Take a look around you and you will discover even the simplest actions are in a trinity.

The trinity is: conception, execution and manifestation.

Perhaps also true: get, travel and give.

People make the mistake of lusting with increasing effort for the third step, leaving their first step incorrectly done.

In sport the three are: defence, attack and scoring.

Only with TC can the third step be realized correctly.

The incorrectly done first step means our attack is exposed on the flank, and our own goal is exposed to counter-attack.

But if our first step is done with great precision then our attack becomes faultless, our scoring impossible to stop and our trophy incorruptible.

(6) Ask your holy spirit questions about life as if you were just born. Throw away all ideas about work and sex you currently hold. The spirit can make intercession for one if one does not know what to ask.

(7) One surfs the soul rings from deep inside to the outer edge ring of highest TC. The purpose of life is to love God and to catch the wave of grace that moves from inside to out: from low awareness to high awareness. Catching the wave like a surfer catches a sea wave is the prime intention. One catches the wave by increasing one's precision.
The wave is called God's grace in the Bible.
Sin makes one get old and die. Grace is the opposite of sin. Old age is sin-sickness.

16 An illustration from my life.

The love of God's way of soccer.

My father was from Bradford England. A man who had several brothers, he was cricket and soccer mad.

He started a soccer team in our local town and became the coach.
I can't remember when I started playing. But I was still playing at 14. I played with great passion, we all did.
The games were rough: pushing, shoving, and kicking.

There were two red-heads. The flashy forward always getting 'Best and Fairest' trophies and me, I got 'Most Improved' once.
He frequently sort for help when kicked. Lying down and stopping play why the coach applied a band aid. I wore shin pads. Once, in a swirl of players, I got kicked in the back of the leg, I refused to go down, I hobbled and ran the pain out.
Most of the players wanted to score and nobody wanted to defend. Essentially only I was defending, standing alone at Center Half: number 5 in the green and white jerseys.
One time I admit I did try cheating, deliberately kicked a guys legs instead of the ball. But it felt so bad I never did it again. And in any case this was years after the 'moment of truth'.
My father provided oranges at half time.

One time I headed out a corner kick in the dying moments of a match and saved a goal. I made a remark to the big goldie ( goal keeper ) as we left the field and he rubbed the top of my head affectionately.

I must have been playing for several years. I tackled hard and frequently got penalized by the whistle-blowing referees.
I remember there was tiny timid fullback, who wasn't much help in defence.

Most of the goal-hungry guys would all be where the ball was, and often I was waiting in defence alone, with a bunch of guys fighting it out over halfway.
I got embarrassed by getting penalized for hard tackles. Sometimes this meant penalties that ended in goals, and sometimes the free-kicks ended in goals against us.

One strategy of my father was for me to kick the ball out over the sideline when attacked down the side, this was supposed to let the guys come back and help defend. But they were slow to get back.

I was so concentrated on defense I hardly knew what to do with the ball when I got it. My father yelled in exasperation from the sideline 'Pass it! Pass it!' But I would kick it far upfield.

I got a reputation and two girls were my fans. I didn't know why. One day on the sideline they were highly disapointed when I charged down a man but meekly tapped the ball over the sideline. Other than that I was unaware of their existence.

I was also feared by some teams and the timid fullback appreciated it.

Once around our dinner table, it was perhaps my mother who was serving a meal and remarked: the bigger they are the harder they fall.

I got really annoyed at being penalized and worked out a strategy: I would hit the ball hard against the guys foot and knock him over as usual but simultaneously keep the ball on my foot. It would take precise timing and exact foot placement.

I practised by ramming the ball against the small brick wall under the steps of our house. I would kick the ball as hard as I could, over and over and over again. The idea was to kick the ball hard and yet not let it bounce back at all.

I remember seeing a hole in the wall of our fibro house but not knowing how I caused it. Ever the handy man, my father patched it up.

The moment of truth came. As usual I was alone near half way, and the pack was fighting it out in their half.
The big number 9 broke free of the pack and came trundling the ball toward me: like a tank.
I went in hard and knocked him down and retained the ball on my foot. I banged the ball high and back into the forward pack.
After some minutes and again the big number nine trundling the ball. Again, Bang! And I kicked the ball upfield.

He came again: the mystical third time. This time was different. This time two players on either side formed a perfect 'V' formation: like a pack of geese or a squadron of fighter planes.
(It was a kind of sorcery. I had a form of sorcery myself, Years later playing soccer with some boys in the narrow alley behind the church, they couldn't get the ball past me, the tennis ball seemed attracted to my foot like iron fillings to a magnet. The boys said I was a great player.)
I went in for the kill. This time I tried to be even more precise and as a result put less power into the kick. He broke free. My legs felt like rubber as I failed to run him down. he scored.

Unbeknown to me, I had caught a wave of precision increase that would culminate in a crescendo years later.

After that match I felt freer. I remember getting the ball off someone from the penalty area and dribbling the ball away from the penalty area: free and clear: like a tank myself. It was power. It felt good.

I argued with my father: I wanted to score too! He said I should roam forward and attack sometimes. He said it as we were leaving and another match was in progress and the red-headed hero of many boys (another red-head) flanked by a few, charged over half way and let fly with a kick that rammed the goldie into the back of the net.

My father refused to let me play number nine. I quit the team and took up tennis. I apologised in a car many years later. He said he'd forgotten about it.

In a rare high-school match we were winning five to zero, so I thought it was a good time to try and attack. The guys in defence seemed scared of me and backed off, I took a long-range shot and the goldie blocked it out around the post for a corner kick.

They kicked the ball way over my head and ended up scoring before I could get back, but as we were so far ahead I felf it didn't matter. In the same game I body-blocked a shot that hit me right in the groin. As we marched off I yelled at the sideline guys 'It was all I could do! it was all I could do!' -- oddly enough.

In other social matches over the years (I'm just passing by, can I play too?) one match was special where I played in bare feet, and some guys had boots on. I got kicked defending, by a guy with boots on, but decided to run the pain out and it worked, then I blocked a big kick with my foot and there was absolutely no pain. The blocked kick seemed to go up 50 or 100 meters, the highest kick in the match anyway, and over the attackers sideline into the drainage canal, where they seemed reluctant to fish it out.
Later the ball went out on our side and nobody wanted to go into the canal. I volunteered and a man ( the timid fullback of years ago?? ) offered his hand to pull me out, although there were loose stones at the top where I put my foot I didn't slip at all.
This experience was automatic because on God's time and part of the surfing to a miracle moment. I did not block the kick God did. In my normal awareness I would not even know which player was on my side since everyone wore the same clothing.
In that match stopping long range shots was critical, I scanned the game from then on to discourage anyone taking another shot, and this was God too.

Many years later, and I was working in a factory, a local man was trying to set up a regular weekend friendly soccer competition in the nearby park.
They were using jumpers (an item of clothing) as goalposts, On this -- Sunday? -- morning I was thought-free and felt charged and in control. As I approached I made a pact with God to 'play soccer forever'. As I got nearer two Asian defenders, I made the mental command to 'go straight through' their bodies. The ball and my body became ghosts and I found myself on the other side of them and tapped the ball through the posts.

The organiser was flabbergasted. I think he thought he saw fantastic soccer skills.
Strangely enough I said absolutely nothing -- 'actions speak louder than words' I guess.

17 An illustrative song, in quick pop-rock:

Since you were born theyve been playing with your mind
now your emotional now your blind
no one can be happy till the lies are killed
so see the truth until the earth is filled
seek the truth until the earth is filled

Since the dawn of time lies have been told
now we believe them now were sold
number one lie to survive be bold
number two lie your bound to get old
number two lie your bound to get old

Reality depends on what you believe
what you understand is what you perceive
so repent from sin and learn how to be
learn to question set yourself free
learn to question set yourself free

Played soccer for my father and that was nice
repeated an act that was precise
lost the match but caught the wave
later scored a goal no one can save
later scored a goal no one can save

The wave in my heart it would stop not
design flowed out the teacher said 'rot'
lost my career but now I see
the artist will never die in me
the artist will never die in me

three times tried a Cap. to see
wanted to know how it should be
but I crossed the road at the speed of light
and skated no skates what a sight
skated no skates what a sight

studied Physics late at night
dead and dull it was not right
but up a stairwell I pushed a lass
then jumped a wall and gained in mass
jumped a wall and gained in mass

Reality depends on what you believe
what you understand is what ypo perceive
so repent from sin and learn how to be
learn to question set yourself free
learn to question set yourself free

cause, since you were born they been playing with your mind
now your emotional now your blind
no one can be happy till the lies are killed
so seek the truth until the earth is filled
seek the truth until the earth is filled.....

18 The basis of life is 'The Two'.
For example we have 'shape and size' of sight perception.
Perhaps you can think of other Twos?

19 Meditation and Reality
True meditation is a state of mind, and that state of mind is love actually.

You can meditate walking or running, playing soccer or in doing anything, and you dont have to sit cross-legged to do it.

True meditation is the suspension of judgement, and the suspension of assumption, and the suspension of 'I know'. Doubt can be good, and certainty can be your own worst enemy.

What is real is what one creates, and what is real is not what we assume is objectively "out there".

Reality is in our perception and in what one does. Reality is not in what we are and not in what the world is -- for 'what the world is' is an assumption we make and is not reality itself, but it is an 'idea in our head' of what we believe is out there.

Reality is whatever it is that allows us to see what we see, perceive what we perceive: only the canvass is real, but the portrait can be washed off and replaced.

Reality is only as real as the amount of incoming radiation-data that we choose to process. For all we know were choosing to process, perceive, only ten-percent (10%)of what is out there.

What is real in a human is the TC-power to create something that is not there. What is real in a human is the potential to create.

(Crop Circles and other mysterious happenings attest to the fact we don't perceive nor understand everything. To see Crop Circles, do a simple Google search.)

20 The four Nested Nests. -- 2Corinthians 12:2
The soul reality is little more complicated. There are four nested nests. Love is the biggest, and then mind at sine 27 in the love soul begins; and so on for heart and finally body. Sine 27 is selected because that is the cut-off point for seven rings in the basic soul -- God decrees the lower 3 rings not worthy of mention because too slow, that's why you only get the seven spirits of God mentioned. Our constitution perceives four nests from the one downlight from the edge of the Love nest.
The four substances are probably plasmas, gases, liquids and solids, four nests or we could see one whole nest. The four radiations: light, sound, electricity and heat?
The four senses: sight, hearing and speech, smelling and feeling, and tasting and touching -- smell and taste are pinnacles of feel and touch. ( I suspect the four-senses order can be reversed here for a certain reason. )
The four raw-food groups: oranges, stump of broccoli, carrots, and large peanuts (the smaller varieties not as good I feel) -- the author accepts no responsibility if you make yourself sick by eating these foods inappropriately. ( I suspect they help with precision perception.)
Oranges are at the top of this food pyramid. Were not all the same: raw cashews might be better for some for example.

21 Facing East
You will sleep better if your head faces east -- body aligned east-west. Maybe on the stomach better noticed, it could be difficult to notice. You could try running or walking east. Or working at a table faced east. High form noticed.

Suggested reading:
UFOs the definitive casebook by John Spencer
The Great Pyramid Decoded by Peter Lemesurier
The secret life of plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird
The Bible King James Version only or NKJV.
The Pearl of Great Price by the church of JC of Latter-Day Saints
The Eagles Gift, Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda
Codependent no more by Melody Beattie

PS: Publishers, Readers: If any publisher changes the words above may they be cursed by God and be forced to admit to all that they changed the words. last edit by me: 22 july 2014.

Couples in love do not understand the power of their own minds to control their other, to make their other be what they want.
If one loves someone he wants to give her what she wants, if she wants to see him old -- even as an excuse to dump him -- he will get old. And visa versa the same for a husband and how he sees his wife.
We have the power to control the weather for example, but because our minds are out of control so is the weather. Love puts our minds under control, and then we can control the weather properly.
Because people have been a long time without control of things, they suppose they dont have abilities to control the weather and other things. But they do.
If then we want to see something bad in another, we will. Hence making a relationship last requires love's ability to still and control the mind's thoughts.
People are crazy, its just as sane to say 'we are growing younger' as it is to say 'we are growing older'; because getting old is getting sick and sickness is curable, bad behaviours are changeable.

It does not help to say I am a nut.
You people wished for me and got me, you made me. For example the government allowed a sex-maniac 'Caligula' italian family to move in down the road and their son used me as a child -- dont read anything gross into this, you neanderthals. So was the government to blame for how I turned out? Or my mother who refused to protect me from that nutter?

song: love is

love is the child love is the child the child the child
just be the ever curious totally attentive perfection believing child child
then your love will let you learn and grow until your sun does glow letting all the people know
they can be free
they can be free
be free
be free
love is love is love is.....

Useful ideas to strengthen society include: give trophies for great defence in sport, start a range of raw-nut butters because nuts are extremely good for physical health, teach 'lateral' thinking which is general study and only to specialize for a reason: teach architectural-industrial and musical design.
also:my space

The wise and prudent do not receive the truth for it is God's good pleasure to give the truth to babes and fools.

I feel God says this book is enough, for nobody is saved by knowledge but only saved by their own search for truth. 'Do not get carried away by every wind of strange doctrine for you are saved by grace': Ephesians. 'Grace' is the help God gives to those who seek the truth.

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