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Rated: 18+ · Prose · Other · #1786556
5 Part story. About 4 lives. Enjoy (:
" This story is about sorrow and happiness, love and hate, life and death and maybe about fate?

This story is special you might say unique one of a kind but not so antique, it's about a boy you

don't know about life you never saw, same world different eyes, you can say it's different I'll say

not. But no more chatter I guess you had enough it's time for the story, story of his life"

Chapter 1

"Desert so much sand, it's everywhere. I can barely walk anymore"

I wake up to the same boring room same dull world. It's school day, I put my clothes on, like


Mom calls me "Timmy are you up yet?" I answer  "Yes mom"

Breakfast always the same, eggs and salad.

School, I walk into class, head on the table and I fall a sleep.

"Timmy Wake up you fell a sleep we need you in the back" I replied "What" and the strange

character said " no buts and get to work"

Looking around I see I'm in a ship, big mighty pirate ship and it's night, the moon shined on the

wired character and I saw it was the captain.

I said " Sir, yes sir" and ran to the back.

The hull was breached, and a cannon ball was laying on the ground. Another hit out of no where,

we are under attack.

"Timmy stop day dreaming and help us clear the water we need all the hands we can get" said a

fellow pirate, I ran to the side of the ship picked up a bucket and as I was starting to empty the

water. the captain came and told me we need more fighters up in the deck.

I ran up grabbing a sword on the way, I'm filled with adrenaline, I feel so alive.

A pirate jumps me and I guard. Slash, slash, slash, sword swings and my heart pounds stronger

each swing.

The bell rings, end of class...

I get up, friends are coming saying hey and walking away, like always.

Teacher enters class says we get to go home early today, good for me I guess.

I walk home like always go to my room and sleep.

Trees, there are trees every where, I think to myself "where am I?" than I realize it's a jungle.

I start exploring and see I am alone here. I'm getting hungry, I need food. I think to my self what

can I find in the jungle and notice that there is a banana tree, I'm somewhere exotic. I climb the

tree and I grab a banana, It's delicious. I keep walking and the night falls, I make a tent from the

banana leaves and sticks I found. I'm being dragged what's going on here, who is dragging me.

We are leaving the jungle and we are entering a village, big village this is a man. I scream "look at

me I'm alive, I'm still alive..." The man looks at me and he sees it, I'm really alive he lets me and

apologizes he thought I was dead and wanted to give me proper burial. I say "It's fine, no one was

hurt" he answers " Yes that is what important, sorry again. How can I earn you're forgiveness?"

I say "Well a place to sleep would be nice if it isn't to much" "Well of course it isn't come to the

village, I think they will like you there" he says. We enter the village and a man approaches me

"Death will take us all, big fire, the sky is falling and no one can stop it", "Don't mind him he is

just crazy, by the way my name is Luke what is yours?" Says the man I met "Well my name is

Timmy" I answer, "Nice to meet you Timmy". We arrive at a big house made of wood, "This is the

chiefs residence you will be staying here Timmy" Luke said "Well thank you so much Luke" I

replied "He said enjoy yourself, you can feel like home" Luke said, I told him I will and entered.

In my room I instantly noticed a big telescope, I look through it noticing a fiery stone coming

towards us and I instantly remember what the man said, about the fire from the sky.

I ran to Luke and showed him the stone saying that we need to relocate at least 100 Kilo meters

from here. He looks through the telescope and says "You can't say no to evidence like this, we will

begin relocating instantly" Relocating took 3 days, we gathered the people and started walking,

I felt like I was important, finally.

We arrived at the target location and we settled. 2 days later the stone fell and the blast didn't

reach us, the village was thankful and they started building a statue for me. I was a hero. I was


Mom woke me up "Lunch!" She said, just another ordinary thing in my life.

"Well you heard the story of Timmy yes he is dreamy, dreaming all the time of life behind your

dreams well that's the life that keeps him alive. I said it was special because this is the thing

that our dreams are really wild and extreme, they take us to places we've never been, they feel your

heart they feed your soul, they all you need and a little more.

But let me tell you about another desire one that is strong and sets your heart on million fires,

this is love, the strength of man the jewel in the crown. another thing that is what you need

and more, another thing that people kill just to get it too"

Chapter 2

I walk this empty street, well it's not empty but it feels like that. I count the steps till I get

home, I hope he is there waiting for me, waiting to greet me when I come home.

The house it is so... Empty, I wonder where he is, he promised, he said he will be waiting when I

come. He promised me, why isn't he here. I can smell his perfume, and all the clothes are in the

closet, but he isn't here. I go to sleep, in our bed... Alone.

The sun shines, it's morning but it feels like the night, everything is so dark, so sad.

I walk to work and the boss says "Aren't you taking a few days off?" I said " I don't need it, I'm

fine, it's not like I have a reason to be sad" And I smiled, he smiled back and I continued walking to

my office.

I sat there for hours looking at pictures of me, of Dan, the both of us happy, together.

I wonder where he went, why he didn't wait for me, like he promised.

Jessica entered the office, she asked me "How are you holding up in there?" And I said what are you

talking about I'm fine, no reason to be sad" "It's truly sad you think that" Jessica said as she was

leaving, I don't know what she's talking about I haven't said anything wrong.

The day turned to night and it was time to go home, yes this place, this place, where I'm alone.

The boss stopped me on the way he said "Come tomorrow there is someone I would like you to

see" I said "Okay, no problem"

The next day at work, there was a man sitting in my office he sat there with a notebook and a

pen he called my name "Lily" He said, "Come here, I was told we needed to talk" And I said "I

don't know who you are, and I don't need to talk, I like the silence" And he said "I'm a doctor,

but not the kind of doctor that sits in the hospital I'm a doctor for the mind, people you see

have problems, all kinds of problems, and sometimes, just sometimes, those problems are too

much and they need help. I am the help. You understand now? If you have any problem you can

come to me, it will stay between us, I can promise that" "I don't have problems, and if I would

have problems I got Dan, he might not be home now, but he will be there soon, he promised, he

Promised he will be by my side forever, forever and ever he said, he promised" I replied, and the

doctor said "Well you see Lily the mind is a mysterious thing and sometimes, sometimes, the

problems are just too much, they are way too much for it, so he pushes them back, way back,

to a place where not even he can find them, and that is what happened to you, he pushed the

memory back, because you see Lily. Dan isn't coming back" "But he promised" I said "Well

Sometimes people just can keep those promises, because on his way home just three days ago Dan

Passed away, he was driving home and dear Dan, was in a car accident. The driver of the other

car was drunk and Dan was speeding, he was in a hurry to get home. He died instantly" When he

said that I got up and I left and all the doctor said was "Don't do something stupid" I ran home.

I left the office, the hall, the building. I ran through the street and the tears never stopped coming,

Next to Dans' favorite restaurant I bumped someone, he caught me and said "Don't cry it's okay,

I'm here for you" I looked up and he smiled and said "Don't worry I'm here for you" And I smiled

And hugged him, and he hugged me back, and from that hug I know, he was here for me.

"Well Lily you see was troubled like you, and sometimes even me. She got to feel how it is like to deal

with the death of a lover the perish and despair. She made herself forgot and she thought she was

contempt, but no she wasn't. Memories bind us to the world you could say they are part of our

souls, we all have them we all hate them, but they are in us. They make up who we are and tell us

who we're not, they are us. And now my friend we have another story at hand, one of a boy lost

down the road, he thought that crime would set him free, oh how wrong he could be"

Chapter 3

All my life I lived on the streets, moving from house to house on daily basis. finding the next

wreckage to crawl under. But you see that's all a part of my life, one that I live on.

Stealing, moving, always carrying a gun, never knowing when I will use it.

I can't leave this life too, no one will take someone like me, a low life. Someone who even his own

family left him to die when he was 7, I even remember what they said, "We don't need a son like

you, all you give us is trouble" and on that moment they left me, and I never saw them again, I

don't want to see them too because you see I'm over that revenge part, my parents leaving did me

only good, I now know how to be independent and take care of my self, I'm free from the need of

people, alone and fine with it. Though I'm not that alone, I got friends. There is always Sam but

people call him "Uncle Sam" He is strongly connected with the Mafia so he gets me out of trouble

every once in a while, he is always there for me really like a uncle. And there's Lloyd another low life

just like me we did a few robberies together, he is a great man.

Oh speaking of him he is coming to me now "Hey Josh" he says "what's up" I answered and he said

"listen man I got another place to clean but we need to do it during day time, so we will need masks

and we might have to kill someone" "Sure no problem. Where are we going?" I replied "A small store

They are pretty popular so they got a good income, and the manager always takes the money home,

so we have to do it just before they close" He said looking excited and I said "Okay when and where?"

"32nd Haiser street 8 PM, don't be late" he said that and left.

8 PM arrived and I was there, we arranged at the place he will guard the entrance I'll take the

money and we will get our asses out of there. "Okay are you ready?" he said "Of course" I answered.

I got in shouting "Hands behind your heads and lie on the fucking ground this is a robbery" They all

dropped instantly besides one man, I got closer and said "Are you deaf I said hands on your head and

get on the fucking ground" pointing my gun at him, he just said "Or what?" and I answered "You do

that or your brain will be on the ground" He remained calm and said "I dealt with a lot of people like

you, you see I'm a psychologist and from that very look in your eyes I can tell, you're not going to do

it" "You really want to put it to the test?" I said, and he remains calm saying "Sure" "You go three,

three fucking seconds. three" I said and he continues with me "Two, one" And I shot, That moment I

ran from there, as fast as I can, Lloyd is calling me saying "Where the fuck are you going?" And I

keep running as fast as I fucking can.

I go to Sam And I say "Uncle Sam, I'm a fucking idiot" he says "What did you do?" and I say "I shot

someone, Fucking killed him" "And why did you do that" He said "He didn't got on the floor when I

told him" I answered and he just smiled and said "Good job, now you know what it really is like to be

a criminal" I started crying saying "I don't want this anymore I don't ever think I could do that

again" So he wiped my tears and said "So son pull yourself together and go get yourself a better life,

One that suits you, get a job go to school, find yourself a pretty wife" I said "How can I do it? 16

years I spent living like this, all this mistakes all this time lost" He smiled and said "Son, just start

over, I'll take care of the dead guy let you off the hook, just remember your mistakes do not define

you they tell you who you're not. Now go find a nice woman, and a job get some money, study a bit

Get a better job, you will see everything is going to be alright" the tears started clearing I thanked

him and left and as I was leaving he said "I hope next time I see you, you will be in much better

Shape" And I said  "You bet I will" leaving his house.

I walked the street and from a distance I saw a woman crying, the most beautiful woman I ever saw.

I never felt it but I know I loved her, love at first sight, I bumped into her and she fell, I caught her

and I said "Don't cry it's okay, I'm here for you" And she looked up I smiled and said "Don't worry

I'm here for you" And I hugged are as tight as I can.

"Well you heard the story of dear little Joshy, A charming guy he is, quite charming indeed. You see

he learned that starting over isn't that hard, too bad it took a mans life to see it. Now that I told you

About Timmy, Josh and Lily I'll tell you about me, because you see I also have a part in this story, a

big part for me. Now you will see what no man can see, the depths of my soul the meaning of it all

all this stories that seem random how they come together, No more talking let your mind open and

your souls free learn the lesson, it's is quite important to see what do they mean for me"

Chapter 4

Well from my story telling I may seem happy, but honestly I'm not. Life suck, and I got all the shit on

me, I got no friends, no family, well I have a father but when he is not away he is drunk and beating

me until I bleed. I don't go to school anymore but who gives a damn. Been in trouble with the police for

stealing and such things because you see, crime was my way out, crime and dreaming. When all else

failed I made my way, I think I killed about 7 people by now and I'm 14, no one knows that because

I'm smart no one found the bodies, 7 bodies hidden in the same place. But one thing for sure all the

loneliness, all this sorrow brought a great thing to me, knowledge, and lot of it. And you may know for

yourselves knowledge is power, and a lot of power brings great things. You see I like life and just let the

time roll by.

13 Years later.

It's my 28th birthday, alone again, and I don't care. It's winter and it's cold in prison and that is what

I care about, heat.

Another meeting with my psychologist is about to start, better get ready. His name is Timmy, funny

name for a psychologist. Well I'm going now.

Every time the same thing searching me, making sure I won't kill him, makes me laugh so hard.

"Nick?" He asked as I entered the room "How are you doing today?" He added "Same as ever I guess,

cold today" I answered and he said looking surprised "It isn't cold today 37 degrees outside" And I said

"Oh it is, it's a cold, cold day" With a devilish grin on my face, and he said "Okay. So where were we last

time" "It was your turn to tell me about yourself ,after we talked about me" I said.

Well I'll skip the story you know it already.

"So a kid like you, how did you became a shrink?" I said surprised and he smiled and answered "I

studied and observed man kind, I learn all I know from sight, when I got to college I already know it all,

I had A+ without even going to classes, time passed and I'm here at the psychotic ward in prison,

Talking to you"  When he finished his sentence our time was over and on my way out I said "I will

avenge you, you

will see" And I was pulled to my cell.

The next day the meeting was supposed to happen but it never came, they told me I will get a new

shrink this one died, there was a robbery and he got over arrogant, which if you ask me is typical to

him, that's the kind of person he was, arrogant, a little know it all, I always know that it will kill him,

what an idiot. Well time to break out of prison, I promised after all. You see the security here is easy

they do everything at the same time every time, and if you look closely enough you see there are 7

minutes I walk outside the prison, well not entirely outside but through the yard, 2 of them is when the

guards change shift, if I just hit the guard quickly and strongly enough when I got the time I can just

get a weapon from one of the shift changing guards, get up the wall from the tower and climb down

from the tower, it's that simple. They won't see it coming I'm a star prisoner after all  never caused any

trouble, not until tomorrow at least.

The next day arrived, everything went as planned . I'm out...

Chapter 5

Oh the fresh air smells great. Time to go to town, kill who ever killed Timmy, first of all got to meet

someone I know knows who did it, Lloyd.

I arrived at his house, well it's not a house, but it's where he stays for now so it's good enough.

"come out Lloyd" I screamed, he got up and he looked so scared, it is so... Funny. "Why so scared Lloyd"

I asked and he said "You should be in prison what are you doing here" I smiled my evil grin and said

laughing "Well you see dear Lloyd I had to bust out, because someone killed my shrink and I promised to

avenge, now you come in because you are going to tell me who did it and I know you know it" Lloyd

looked even more scared and said "I don't know who it was, I don't even know who is your shrink" the

smile disappeared from my face, I said "I'm getting mad, you know I'm not patient. I know you and a

friend of yours planned to rob the store Timmy always gets his groceries in, and knowing Timmy he

probably acted all arrogant getting himself killed, and I also know you, you never enter the store you

always guard, you are a coward, so tell me who was your friend, or I will kill you right now" Lloyd

looking like he is going to shit himself said "It was Josh, he has met a girl and he is know living with her,

her name is Lily I think, I don't know where he is staying" I smiled and said "Thank you Lloyd. By the

way, never double cross your friends" He had a look that said don't do it, but I went and did, I cut his

chest and took out his lungs, a signature move of mine. Oh the rush, it feels great.

OK now I need to find this... Josh... Time to make a little visit to Uncle Sam.

This is sams house, nice hideout, time to find out where is Timmy.

I knocked on the door and Sam opened it and I said "Remember me?" He showed no emotion and said

"How can I forget?" "How can you really" I smiled and answered "Let us get to the point, I'm looking for

someone his name is Josh, he has a girl friend or something named Lily, they are both friends of Lloyd

the coward" I continued "Well Nick, Breathless Nick, you know that is how they call you now, you are a

legend, sometimes a myth, and you see I can't tell you that, I know Josh personally and since when do I

double cross my friends?" He said, and I replied "I see Sam, so I have no chance to get it out of you?" He

smiled and said "Not really" And I said "It's a shame, I actually liked you, too bad it's going to be the last

breath you took" and he smiled and said "Well now that you know he was my friend either way I'm dead,

we both know that" And laughing I said "We can make a deal, your life for his location" and he shed a

tear and said "I will draw you a map, come in" I laughed and said "Good choice" we went inside his house

he took a pen and a piece of paper and said "I'm sorry" he started drawing the map, and continued

talking saying "You know it's the first time I double crossed a friend, and the first tear I ever shed. Both

things I promised I won't do. I am going to regret this" And he handed me the map, I left his house, and

I heard it a cry followed by a scream of pain and then silence, meaning one thing, he killed himself.

Makes me wonder why did he make the map if he was going to kill himself, guess he preferred killing

himself than being killed by someone, the ego.

I arrived at his house, oh dear Josh it is going to be your last breath.

I busted the door open, who cares not my house, Lily and Josh were sitting on the couch, Josh got up

and said "Don't worry Lily" And I said "Worry Lily, worry" Laughing I told Josh "You know you killed

Timmy my shrink, and I promised him I will avenge so... You know" He said "Who are you? and who is

Timmy?" I laughed and said "I am Breathless nick, and Timmy was the man you killed in that store, the

arrogant one" He lost all expression in his face and he said "I thought you were a myth, guess he really

did deal with some really fucked up people. I always know it will come back for me" And I just said

"Guess you did" Pulling out my knife making the cut, I made it slow this time, made sure he felt it.

The blood coming out his lungs getting ripped, the last breath.

Police report case 28754: Two years after the escape of Breathless Nick, he was caught. Killing 53 people

while he was out, the second seemed like the reason he escaped, the vengeance he promised he will

avenge. Two bad it dragged 3 deaths along the way, one he murdered for information I guess and two

suicides, one by a close friend named Sam Bismont and the second by his lover who killed herself two

days later her name was Lily Delivan.

Nick received death sentence. His execution was 2 days ago, death by poison. May he burn in hell.

© Copyright 2011 DaveBlack (daveblack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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