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Rated: · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1786066
Cecille is a 'babysitter' that has a weird guy as a flat mate.
There's the king sun, shining brightly and looks like a big fire ball above.
I block the sun's light by using my hand as I look at the sky. There are no clouds in sight. It is definitely the season of summer.
Summer and I will not going to make a team. Sure, before it was my favorite time because there's no school work and such but, that was
before it all happened.

Don't, Zil. It will not going to break you down again.

A voice inside my head said to me as tears nearly spill out of my eyes.

I rather not think about it. Whatever resentment I feel about summer should be buried or better, thrown away. It's almost time for work.

I continued to walk to the bus stop. I need to ride public transportations since I don't have a car. And bus because my work is in the next town.

About 30 minutes later, I arrived in the place where I'm working. It is a fancy restaurant and all of its customers are rich and known people.

I'm glad they hired me regardless of my age. I've been working here as a waitress for about 2 months now.

I push open the back door that leads to the staff room. As I'm getting my uniform from my locker, a hand landed lightly on my shoulder, patting me.

"Good morning Cecille. How are you? Did you eat breakfast?"

"Good morning too, Sally. I'm fine. And yes, I ate." I replied chuckling slightly.

She held my hands in her. "Oh good thing then! Do you have any plans for today?" She asked, smiling.

"Um yeah. Kind of..." It may be uncomfortable for someone to hold your hand but Sally is like an older sibling to me. That washed out all the awkwardness.

"Okay. Do your best at work and take care of yourself always. The manager's calling for us." She nodded, letting go of my hand. She made her way out of the room.

I sighed then close my locker. This is a tiring work but the whole-day work gotta end soon. Classes will start next week.


Days passed by quickly. The manager gave me the last three days of summer off. I hesitated at first but she said she'll take care of it.

The guard pulled the grocery door open, greeting me.

I pulled a cart over and take it with me aisle to aisle. I got some snacks, cup noodles, milk, sugar, shampoo, soap, and all of this stuff. I'll be busy everyday now for sure and it will be hard to look for
the time to grocery.

I went to the cash register then paid for my things.

I waited for a taxi outside but seems like they don't want me to ride.

As I saw the lights of a car with a taxi sign above, I wave my hand.

"Taxi! Taxi!"

It stopped in front of me. Ah thank god! At least, one stopped.

To my dismay, a guy opened the car door on the other side then climbed in.

What's that? I'm the one who called this taxi! There's no way he can let go like that!

I went in too in the back seat.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Alliandra Apartments." We answered in unison.

I look at him with a seriously-look which he returned. I ignored him and face straight.

"Alright." The driver chuckled. "You two are cute young lovers. But be protected, okay?"

My eyes bulged out of their sockets. But before I could say anything, the guy spoke up first.

"We are, Mr."

"What the h-"

"Oh good, good. How old are you?"

The guy pointed to himself. "Fifteen."

I looked at him, surprised. He's just my age? But with the body he got, his age doesn't fit. I blushed at the thought. What am I thinking?

"Checking me out, eh? No need. Just tell me and I'll let you see, willingly." He said, smugly.

My flustered face becomes worse. Fortunately, it's dark that he can't see it or else, I would be so embarrassed.

"I bet your face is all red now." He smirked, resting an arm above the seat. Now, it seems like it's around me.
The action made me go to the farthest end of the seat, if it's even possible.

"Why are you so away? I don't bite, you know."

I watch the lights pass by outside the window, as if he's not in the car.

A few moments after, the taxi stopped. "We're here."

I smiled to the driver, giving him my fare. After I got out of the taxi, I bent down to get my bags of grocery. Some cup noodles fell on the ground.

I reached to grab it but the guy got a hold of it first. Now, looks like I'm holding his hand.

Quickly, I withdraw it and turned to get the others.

"Here." I look up at him. Our faces' proximity caused me to blush but I just look at him. "You're red."

I gasp, standing away from him. The other bags of grocery fell on the ground then spill out all the items. I purse my lips together.

I'm so lucky. I thought sarcastically with an eye roll.

I began picking up my stuff.

"Hey, can I tell you something?"


"I can see your underwear."

That hit me to the bone. I realized I'm wearing a skirt! I quickly stood up, my face all heated up.

"I'm just kidding. But seriously, don't sit like that. Thank me, I'm a decent guy." He started.


"I heard you." He stood up, giving me the bags of grocery. I snatch it away from him. "That's rude."

He walked away towards the elevator. I stood outside it, planning to get on after he's done.

"What are you doing? Get on."
"No, thanks. I'll use it after you." I declined.

"Come on." Without permission, he grabbed my wrist then pulled me inside of the carrier. He closed it then punched 2nd floor.

"Hey!" He let go of my hand. "Who says you can pull me like that?!"

"Um... me?" He answered not paying any interest.

What's up with him? I don't even know him!

"How'd you know my flat is on the second floor?"

"...Just a feeling."

The elevator door opens.

"Bye." I walk straight not sparing him a look. I heard footsteps behind me.

I stop on my tracks, turning around. "Why are you following me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Me? Following you?" He pointed a finger on himself. "Why would I? Is it my fault that my room is on that way?"
"... No."

He smirked. "See you later then." He patted then ruffled my hair as he passed me.

"Don't do that!" I fix my hair.

He held his hands up, as if surrendering. "I didn't do anything." He said in a sing-song tone.

"Yes you have!"

"What, this?" He ruffled my hair again.

I back away from him. "Stop!"

"Stop what?" He's trying hard to hold back his laughter, I can tell.


"Whatever." He mimicked but rather on an exaggerated high pitch voice.

I let out a long sigh. This guy is impossible.

Jiggling sound of keys echoed through the hallway.

I realized that he's opening a door. Oh yeah, I still don't know his name yet.


Hey! That's my room number!

"Hey, Mr.! That's my room! Why are you opening it?" I tugged on his polo.

"Huh? It's mine you know. And I have the key." He jiggles the key in front of my face.

I grabbed it from his hands then look at a key. It looks like my key.

"Where'd you get this?" I said, holding out the key.

"From Mrs. Alliandra, duh." He said it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"But how...-"

I heard footsteps coming towards us. "Oh, good thing you two are here! I see you already know each other." Mrs. Alliandra smiled.

"Excuse me but, why does our keys look alike?!" I asked her.

"That's why I came here to tell you about that matter."

Say it already!

"You have to share a room for the mean time."

My eardrum flipped ten times over.

"What?!" We yelled at unison.

"Hey, hey kids. Keep down. You have neighbors." Mrs. Alliandra shushed us down.

"Sorry but, Seriously?"

"Oh yeah, I remember. My room is B03 but before I went out a while ago, you said you gave me the wrong keys." The guy rubs his chin.

"Then you get my keys and change it with another set."

"Sorry, kiddo but that room was reserved for my nephew who's going to stay here for, I think 5 months..?" Mrs. Alliandra informed.

"F-five months?!" I stuttered. "So, you're saying I've got to live with this guy that long?" I pointed at the guy.

"Yes?" She said unsure.

"Don't put it that way. I don't want to share it with you too." The guy crossed his arms on his chest.

I open my mouth to retort but got lost for words. He sticks his tongue out to me. I gritted my teeth.

"Stop bickering kids and I'm sorry for this matter. I've got to go now. But don't get on each other's throats, huh?"
We can't do anything but nod at her. I watch her as she disappeared at the end of the hallway.
"Come in here now." He said in a commanding voice. I just look at him.

"You can stay out there if you don't want to."

Before he can close the door and leave me outside, I ran inside with my grocery bags. I put those down on the floor, plopping down on the white sofa.

"Good girl."

"You said it like I'm a dog." I pouted.

I watch him squat in front of me, our faces a few inches away. "Not dog. Puppy." He said the last word breathily against my face. My face flustered and I shove him away as a reaction, causing him to land on the table. "Kidding." He laughed.

"It's not funny."

"You're blush looks cute. It compliments your emerald eyes. Cute."

That caused me to blush even more. No one ever said that I'm cute until now.

"You look like Barbie except with the eyes."

"Do I?"

"No. I said you look like a tomato. You're all red."

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked as I finally recovered with that blush.

He stood up, putting his hands inside his jeans pockets. "It's better if you don't know, Cecille." I stared at him. He smirked.

Ahh! I can't live with him. I will be crazy!


First chapter! :D Please comment to let me know what you think! :D I'll post the second chapter later. :] Thank you!
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