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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #178550
Macrophilia and Bodybuilders,all is my fantasy
Chapter 1. First encounter.

Matt looked around and saw his friend coming towards him.
"Hey, John, long time no see! What's happening, where have you been?"
"Long story, he man, it's great to see you."
Ithad been a long time since Matt last saw John. Almost 4 months, and noone knew where he was or where he had gone to. Not on a long journey, for all his stuff had been in his appartment. Matt had the keys to that place and when he found out John had disappeared he took care of his plants and cats.
"I want to thank you for taking care of everything while I was away"
"Don't mention it, that's what friends are for."
"No realy, I want to do something in return." He looked around and then whispered mysteriously: "Would you like to know where I"ve been?"
Matt looked at his friend and saw a gleam in his eyes he never saw before.
"I've been to fantasy heaven." At this Matt raised his eyebrows and John continued.
"And as a reward to you I let you in on the secret. Better yet I will take you there right now. It's not far from here."
He took Matt's hand and they went for a walk. It was quite some distance when they arrrived in an older part of the city. There John stopped in front of an ancient building. It seemed empty and the windows were all broken. The front door stood open and there were a few birds nestling on the windowsill on the first floor. John entered the front door and pulled a hesitating Matt along with him. It was dark inside and there was only a dim light coming through the blinds. Obviously John knew where to go, for he went on. They walked towards the end of the hall, then turned to the left and entered a long corridor. The corridor ended with three doors. One to their left, one to the right and one in front of them.
"Here you got to make a choice. Which door shall we enter?"
"What's behind those doors?" Matt asked.
"Your wildest fantasies" John answered. "I know you have several fantasies, that's why there are three doors. This, I found out, is a magical place. Hardly anyone comes here. The city councel dare not pull the place down, because they know or suspect there's something about this place. They once sent someone over here and he returned all confused and was talking in riddles. He's still in the asylum. So, which door shall it be?"
Matt looked at the doors and then at John and then back at the doors again. He studied each door carefuly as if he could see what was behind. The first door was a wooden door with a brass doorknob. On it were all kinds of signs and little drawings. It was too dark to see properly. The second door was also of wood and had a silvercolour doorknob. Matt could see there was a little hole in the middle of the door, but when he tried to look through the hole he saw only the blackness behind it. The third door was made of iron. Matt thought he saw two figures on the doorpanel in front of him. In his imagination (or was it real) he saw that one of the figures was tall while the other was very small. He pointed at the last door.
"Let's get in here," he said.
"Al right. I'll open the door." At this John grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Matt walked past him. On the threshold he gave Matt a push making him stumble into the room and closed the door behind him. Matt tried to open the door, but on his side there was no doorknob.
"Have fun!" he heard John call out. And then he could hear footsteps removing themself from the door. Matt sat on the floor with his back against the door thinking over the whole situation. His eyes began to adjust to the darkness surrounding him. He saw a faint light in the distance. He knew he couldn't go through the door so he might as well look what the light meant. He stood up and walked towards the dim light.
He saw he came toward a wall with a mansize opening in it. he heard a voice humming on the other side of the opening, so he decided to go through with it. When he stepped into the light it became very bright all of a sudden. He was blinded by its intensity.
When he could see again he got the shock of his life. In front of him, sitting on a bench, sat a 100 foot tall giant bodybuilder, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Chapter 2. Arnold.

Matt looked in awe at the giant in front of him. With open mouth he realised that this giant was naked. And what was worse he started to get a boner. Matt quickly turned around and was about to run back. The giant was quicker and had his hand in front of the opening. Matt found himself surrounded by a huge fleshy hand that closed in on him. When he was firm in the giant's hand he was lifted of the floor towards the giant's face. The giant opened his hand and looked at him. Matt sat down on his hand and looked back with fright in his eyes. The giant saw this and said: "Don't be afraid, little man, I'm not going to hurt you. No one is going to hurt you." He smiled when he saif that and somehow that smile convinced Matt that all was right. He smiled back.
"That's the spirit." the giant said, but before he could say anything else they heared someone approaching. Quickly the giant's hand closed. When it opened again Matt was covered by a white cotton sheet. There was a slight musky smell. At first he didn't know where he was, but when he lifted some of the sheet, he found out he was on the bench, with the giant sitting next to him. He could also see the legs of another person. Those legs were thick. Nearly as thick as of the sitting giant. Matt was being hidden in the giants briefs. He could hear the two talking to each other.
"Did you think about it for tonight." The standing giant said.
"Yes, and I'm not coming. I have something else to do." At this point he reached over and grabbed his briefs. He began to put one leg into it. Matt held on for dear life. Then the other leg got in. Now the giant stood up and pulled the briefs up. Matt saw the huge prick and balls getting close at a superrate. Before he knew it he was pressed down by the giant balls against the white cotton material. He heard the giants say goodbye to each other and something that sounded like a wet kiss. After that there was some silence. Then the elastic band was pulled away from the body and Matt could just see the giant's face looking for him. When he saw Matt he smiled. He slowly pulled his briefs down again.
"Sorry about that, but I couldn't let him see you. Not yet anyway." He took Matt in his hand again. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Arnold."
"Please to meet you, I'm Matt, and I didn't mind a bit lying in your briefs. As a matter of fact, it was quite nice." Matt gave Arnold a big smile. "How nice,"Arnold asked.
"This nice," said Matt and began to strip. When he was completely naked Arnold could see the boner he had developed during his stay in Arnold's underwear. Looking at this Arnold began to get aroused as well and slowly his dick began to point upwards. He took Matt's clothes and put them on a shelf in his locker. Then he lifted his other hand towards his face and put out his tongue. Matt got scared and fell on his back. Arnold simply put his hand before his mouth and began to lick. The tip of his tongue slightly touched Matt. It gave him a tingling sensation. Arnold became bolder as he got hornier and before he knew it Matt was licked from the hand and was on Arnold's tongue. Arnold withdrew his tongue and Matt was in the vast wet cavern of Arnold's mouth.
"Don't worry, my little friend, there is nothing that can and will harm you. After all this is your fantasy." Now Matt understood what John meant when he entered that door to this world. Matt would certainly have a lot of fun with this giant.
Arnold began to move his tongue inside his mouth and Matt rolled from one side to the other, getting very wet in the process. After a while Arnold stopped and opened his mouth. Matt rolled out onto his hand.
"Now for some other fun," Arnold said and took Matt between two fingers. He lowered him. Matt saw Arnold's huge pecs and enormous nipples get passed. He saw the abdominals, the navel, the pubic hair, and there he stopped. Matt tried to look where he was going, but he couldn't. All of a sudden his feet touched something. It was a slight opening. Arnold pushed Matt in a little further. Then he released Matt and slowly Matt sank into Arnold's dick. He was made so wett he just slided in.
Just his head was still on the outside when Arnold began to dress himself. Not before long everything was dark. It became warm and Matt felt drowsy and although he tried to fight it, he fell asleep.

Chapter 3. Arnold and Lou.

Matt had this wonderful dream about a paradise in the tropics with long beaches in which he could swim and the water was realy warm. And then he woke up all wet and very warm. It was very dark. Then he realised he was still inside Arnold's dick. And this dick was hard and wet and furthermore, during the night Matt had slided furthermore inside, so he was now completely inside and not to be seen from the outside. He looked up and saw a little slit of light and realized Arnold was naked. Then the light went out. He could feel the moans of Arnold and he knew he was getting a blow job. Things around him were getting wetter and wetter. Arnold really got aroused. Matt began to sweat. What if he forgot all about him and would shoot his load in this person's mouth and he would swallow? Matt looked up again. There was light again at the end of the tunnel. He began to crawl towards the light. He heard another moan. Was it caused by him or by the other? He couldn't tell. He didn't care either, he just kept going. He was nearly at the end of the tunnel and he could see into the outside world. He saw the mattress of a bed. And he noticed being swung. This meant that the moaning was caused by Arnold's partner. Matt could hear Arnold saying "Give it to me Lou, give it good and hard and I will do it to you." This caused Matt to sweat more. The swaying stopped and he heard a loud moan. This Lou had obviously come and now it was Arnolds turn. Matt saw a huge figure lying down on the bed, raising his legs into the air. He could feel Arnold take a grip on his dick and stroking it hard. The tube got even wetter. When his dick was hard enough he pointed it at Lou's ass hole. Matt saw the puckered hole getting closer and then there was darkness. The wetness got bigger and after a while there was another wetness, a more saltier one. Before Matt knew it he was hit by a tidal wave of white fluid. It took him completely by surprise. He tried to hang on to the sides of the tube, but he failed. All of a sudden the tightness of the tube disappeared and he flew into this huge cavern.
He was a bit dizzy by the impact he made, but then he realized where he was and he began to scramble on his feet and crawled towards what he thought to be Arnold’s dick, which was still in Lou’s ass. But not for long. As soon as Matt reached the dick and was about to grab it, it was withdrawn as fast as lightning only to be replaced by a finger, squirming around in Lou’s ass. Matt felt the finger touch him, but when he tried to grab it he slipped of and the finger disappeared.
He could hear Arnold say: “Oh well, maybe he’s still inside.”
Another voice asked :”Who and where?”
But Matt couldn’t hear anymore, because Lou sat up and all sounds were muffled by the mattress.
Arnold told Lou about Matt and Lou promised that if Matt really was inside him he would take good care of him. They got dressed and went their separate way. Matt meanwhile was wandering what was happening. He could feel the movement as Lou walked, but whereto he could only guess. It was all so strange to him. One moment he entered a room with a giant sitting on a bench, the next moment he was fucked into the ass of another giant. And no harm or pain was felt. Strange, very strange.
He slowly moved downwards towards the anus. He decided to try and crawl out of this stinking mess. He put his arms forward and slid through the tiny ring of muscles. His arms went in easily, but that was not the case with the rest of his body. He had to squirm real hard to get his upper body in. He could see the end of the muscled tunnel. There was a light ahead, so Matt knew that Lou had taken of his clothes. He went further and he could feel the ring of muscles relax around him. The movement became a little lighter. He was making good progress. All of sudden his head stuck out and he could see where he was heading. Lou was lying on is back on his bed and was waiting for Matt to slip out of his ass. He moaned as this happened. Matt found the sound so beautiful that he crawled back in, but he could only manage to get half in. Despite his efforts, Lou wouldn’t let him go in any further. So he got stuck and began to move frantically with his arms and legs, which aroused Lou even more. Suddenly Matt could feel his legs being grabbed and at the moment he was pulled out of the ass Lou shot a huge load on his chest.
Lou held Matt before his face and smiled at him. “Arnold told me about you,” he said. “And we are going to have some fun together.”
He took Matt in his hand and walked towards the bathroom. He put Matt in a washing basin and began to clean him. After that he took him back to his bedroom.
“Now clean my chest,” he said and put Matt right between his huge pecs. Matt went down and began to lick and eat all of Lou’s cum.

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