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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1785491
this is what happens when i have nothing else to do +_+
         5years of age:
                   i dont know what im doing wrong..... they saw me last year why can tthe y see me this year? i go from person to person hoping they will look at me bu they never do... none of them, not my mother, my father,my big brother, or my big sister. its as if im invisible...
         An invisible girl in a visible house with visible people, gets very bored... i got so bored i did housework all day. someone would empty a glass and i would either fill it back up again or i would take it away. when people were eating i would stand back and wait till one of them finished. then i would take their plate and wash it and dry it and put it away. i went on like that for 10 years... ten years of being an invisible girl.
         15years of age:
         As for clothing there were always the things that got thrown out of my big sisters, she never wore the same thing twice. so i just had to pick something that she had all ready worn and put into her 'junk pile' of clothes. i got a lot of things from her. they were all nice and very well fitting but most of the time i just wore one of the old dress-up dresses she had thrown out. it  was a midnight blue knee length cotton dress that laced up in the back. it was good that it laced up because if it didn't then i wouldn't be able to where it any more. My chest would have gotten to big for it.
         I went on like that for quite a while. Then one day I woke up and there was no one in the house but me. I walked around and saw no one. all of the clothes that were in my sisters junk pile were there but her other things that were there are gone, the only furniture that remained was my bed in the basement, the basic home appliances, a chair and a table in the living room, and an old wardrobe that was outside of the basement this morning.
         On the table there was a letter and this is what it said
                   Dear Kimi,
         We now know that we were to strict in the directions given to us. We are not permitted to tell you who gave us these directions but we can tell you that we loved you no matter what anyone else said. We have always had you in our prayers and we always will. We now leave the house to you since you will be turning 16 in two weeks. We wanted to see our daughter become an adult but it was in the instructions to leave you. But we did leave you a little something in the wardrobe next to your room. We hope you enjoy it and that you have a great birthday. We will be able to come back one day but until then there will be an elderly woman and her grandchildren coming to stay with you. we don't know when they will arrive but knowing you the house will be in perfect order and you wont have a hair out of place.
                                                                                                                                 Your loving family
                                                                                                                                           The Tiarlin's
         I couldn't believe it. I was alone for the first time. I knew it wouldn't be for long but still. The thought left me feeling kind of hollow. I had never been alone before not even for five minutes, there was always someone in the house. I sat down in the large, plush, red, armchair, and I cried. I was alone for the first time in my life. At least before i could see other people when I was lonely, but now I had not a soul to look at. I don't know how long I sat in that chair but what finally drove me out of my daze was a simple urge to walk.
         I walked about the house for a bit. I walked to the front door. a mere five steps from where i was sitting and turned around. Another five steps took me to the dining room, I turned left and walked at an angle into  the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I gazed around, turned around, and walked out. i walked into the living room again and turned left. i walked five steps and looked at the closet door. I opened the door and found all of the usual cleaning supply's. i closed the door and continued walking for one step. I looked at the door in front of me and the one another two steps on. I knew that the farther one was the bathroom and that the closer one would take me to the bedrooms. I walked up the stairs and came out into an empty room. there were three doors in the room one to the guest bedroom on my far right, directly in front of me was  a door that would lead to all of the other rooms and to my left was the master bedroom. i chose the door in front of me. I walked a few steps to the first door, It also led to the guest bedroom. A few more steps and there was a door to my right, a door in front of me and more hallway to the left. The right-hand door held another bathroom, the one in front another bedroom, I continued left. I gazed at the few feet of hallway left in front of me and at the doors to my left and right. both of these led to bedrooms. only the one to the left was special. It was where I used to sleep.
         I Starred at the door for quite a long time and finally decided to enter. I walked through the door and gazed around the room. It was bare. i knew it would be but it somehow seemed so painful. A small pain that began in my chest. i decided to leave the room before that pain got any bigger.
         I walked back to the dining room and straight to the stairs that led to my room, my basement. I gazed to the wardrobe and decided to do some other thin gs before opening it. I descended the stairs and opened the door to the main basement. a simple slight turn to mt left and i walked to my door. I walked into my room and directly to mt bed. i flopped down on the pillowy softness of it. i liked my bed for two reasons, one: i made it my self and two: it was made out of pillows. one morning i  found a huge pile of pillows where the old cloth mattress used to be. For a few nights i slept simply in a pile of them. but after a bit i got an idea to sew them together so i wouldn't have to dig my way out every morning. i sew together about 6 at first and slept on those. But as i got bigger and heaver i added more pillows to make it larger and to make it taller. now i have a two by eight bed that has four layers.
         I think i fell asleep because my old antique clock went off sounding at one of the four times it goes off. It goes off at six in the morning, noon, five o'clock, and at nine. Currently it was chiming the noon toal of a simple ~ping ping ping~ a slow loud noise that reminded me of humming. The clock could be heard throughout the house. I got up and walked over too my open bath.
         My bath is just a tub that had a spigot attached. it always runs mildly hot water no matter what so all i have to do is turn it on and let the tub fill. The reason it is an open bath is because it has a large opening where a door should go. As i wait for the tub to fill i grab my bath crystals, one of the many little things i find outside my door, my wash cloth, and i grab my favorite dress from my clothing trunk at the foot of my bed. By the time I am done gathering my things my bath is almost ready. I add the crystals and strip. Leaving my hair up until its time to wash it. I quickly scrub down with my wash cloth and a small bar of soap. i finish in about five minutes and climb out. once i'm out i grab a towel and wrap it around myself. I then let my hair down out of its normal bun s oi can wash it. My hair hangs down almost to my knees. i only have a few more inches to go before it does. I lean over the tub and wash my hair in about ten minutes. Once i'm done i plait braid my hair to my head so i don't have to worry about all of the pins it takes to keep it up in a bun.
         I sigh and walk back out of my room. I have decided it is time for me to open the wardrobe and find out what is in it. I walk up to the large thing and gaze at it. It is one of the ones you find in a museum it was just so old! It didn't look to be made of a natural material but when i touched the surface of the thing it was warm. Not like room temperature but Warm. Almost like it was alive... But it couldn't be.. Could it? No a wardrobe cant be alive. It was a very beautiful wardrobe all the same.
         I opened the right hand door to find three drawers and a rung. i could hang up some of the clothing that i liked on the rung... the drawers were simple with an odd symbol on them. Each of the symbols of the symbols were different. One was an octagon filled with a spider-web shape. Another was a square with a lily on it. The last one was just a rose.
         None of the drawers would open, oddly. They had handles and they looked like they could open but none of them would. I let it at that, i would find a way to open them later. so i opened the other door.
         This caught me off gard. there were dresses in this side. And this side looked smaller from the outside but when it was open i realized that the door to this side was siply something used to expand this side. the door and the side of the wardrobe came away from the bottom and top of the thing and somehow had a perfectly straight rung going across. among the dresses there were jeans and other normal clothing. i counted the dresses, one, two, three, four, .... twelve dresses in all. none of the dresses had backs to them either. they ranged from simple to elaborate and from floor length to things that a slight breeze would reveal all of your undergarments to the world. [yes i do have a sense of humor but it doesn't come out too often yet]
© Copyright 2011 Kimmy R. Miton (kimberlymm2win at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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