Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1784721-Beauty--Beast-fanfiction-in-detail-P1
by Iris
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1784721
copywrite: I do not own beauty and the beast. This is my version of that favorite tail.

                                      Chapter 1: Bell has a Suitor

Once upon a time, in the city of Paris, there was a wealthy merchant who had three daughters and two sons. The youngest of his children was Bell, a pretty girl of only 18 years. Her sisters, Franchesca and Gizel were identical twins, both a year older than their sister. Their brothers were named Jasper and Gomez, nearly a year older than the twins. Unfortunately, the mother of this family had disappeared shortly after Bell’s birth. These children, less than three years apart, were raised by their loving yet somewhat naïve father, Philipe.

The family lived in great wealth for many years. Philipe soon decided that he should have an assistant to look after his accounts for him, as he was no good with numbers. So he placed an add in the Gazette for an accountant, which was answered within the week by a man named Michaud. Michaud was a short, balding man who sweat nearly all the time. He was constantly dabbing a handkerchief at his ever-moist forehead. He was welcomed by the father as if he were family.

Michaud just happened to have a large fortune of his own. Where a mere banker managed to acquire so much money was a mystery to the Gangon family,  (for they were so called), but they assumed it was inheritance. It was of no consequence to them whether or not Michaud’s wristwatch was solid gold, all that mattered was that he was there to put their affairs in order. And so he was.

Michaud was a constant guest at dinner, he never missed a meal. He always sat next to the youngest daughter at the table, and would be her escort to most country-dances. Though he wasn’t close to Bell in age, he was still a young man, he had yet to see his 30th birthday. Indeed, it wouldn’t be too presumptuous to say that most of society was expecting a marriage proposal at any moment. So no one in Bell’s family was surprised when one day before dinner, Michaud asked Bell for a private word in the drawing room.

“Bell,” he started, taking her hand and leading her to the couch, “Bell, you can have no doubt as to why I’m here.”

“Why Monsieur Michaud, I had assumed you had come here for dinner”. The girl replied without blinking an eye.

Laughing nervously, he said “Well, yes Bell, but I meant why I’m here, alone with you. Surely you can’t be ignorant of my feelings, Bell.”

Here he quickly unclenched his hand from Bell’s and pulled out his handkerchief. He dabbed at his forehead, which had once again begun to sweat.

“Your feelings, Monsieur? I’m not sure I understand…?”

“Bell, I’m talking of love. I’ve been smitten with you since the day I met you, your beauty has been the sole occupant of my mind for the past half year. Please Bell, will you do me the honor of marrying me?

Bell hadn’t reacted to this dialogue at first. After 20 seconds of silence, she shook her head, and made to get up.

“Monsieur, I believe we shall be missed if we delay supper any longer.”

Whatever Michaud was expecting, whether it was an acceptance or a refusal, this wasn’t it. “Bell, mon chere, did you understand me? I mean to make you my wife! I am very rich, and you shall not want for anything for as long as you live”-

“Monsieur Michaud, I fully comprehend your offer. Shall we go down to dinner now?”

The gentleman took a small step back, as if in severe shock. After a hesitation he ventured on somewhat cautiously, “Is this a refusal?”

“Yes, Monsieur. I cannot marry you.” Bell stood up and walked to the door, oblivious to the stammering man behind her.

“But- But- But… Why? Am I to receive no reason for my request being denied? Bell, cease your walk a moment and answer me this question: Why won’t you marry me?”

Bell turned at the door and faced her companion, her expression all compassion. “Monsieur, I cannot marry you because I do not love you. And even if I did I should not leave my father for anything in the world. My sisters both intend to marry Dukes from far off lands, and my brothers are preparing an exploration of the northern countries that could take years to complete. I am all my father has left in the world, and I shall not abandon him. I am sorry to refuse you, but nothing can happen between us.”

She again turned towards the door, and this time made good her escape, shutting the portal behind her. Michaud joined the family for dinner that night just as always, and if anyone noticed some tension in the room, it wasn’t mentioned. However, After dinner, Bell’s sisters piled her with question in the privacy of Gizel’s apartments. The sisters were never close, Bells beauty had always put a barrier of jealousy between them, but they got along fairly well.

“Why did you refuse him, sister!” cried Franchesca. “You could have had many fine jewels and carriages, just imagine the ball gowns!”

“I didn’t love him” Bell replied in earnest. She was brushing Gizel’s hair with a silver comb, a task she had always enjoyed since she was a little girl. “I’m sure he’s a very fine gentleman, but I haven’t known him six months. It simply wouldn’t do.”

“But, sister! “Franchesca cried anew. “What does love have to do with marriage? Surely you are not one of those hopeless romantics who thinks only of one man for the rest of your life? You will have plenty of time to fall in love, sister, time and time again if you wish! Marriage is just to secure your future!”

“Franchesca!” Bell exclaimed. “Pray, so not utter such impure thoughts! If Father should hear you-”

“Oh, Pooh to Father!” Gizel said. “Bell, you should have taken the chance while you had it! You do not have our charm or our wit, and who knows when you shall receive another offer of marriage!”

“And I shall be content to live alone for the rest of my life! Father will need a companion in his old age, and I refuse to leave him. If I stay, the four of you can live your life without the guilt that you have abandoned your parent hanging over your heads. I shall be here to stay with father, just as someone should be.”

“Father is perfectly capable of looking after himself, sister, dear!” Gizel assured her. “When he gets old he can stay with a friend, or if you insist on living with him allow him to reside with you and your husband when his end is near. Don’t let him interfere with your future, Bell!”

“My sisters, I thank you for your concern, but I have made up my mind. I am staying with Father.”

© Copyright 2011 Iris (campwbook at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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