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Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1783968
Contest Entry. The story of a fight.
Jay was focused, bouncing around a bit to keep his body loose as he waited backstage for his name to be called. Jay had never been trained to fight. His experience had been gained on the streets, or by defending himself at school. As usual, he was the underdog in this match.

In the distance, he could hear the announcers for this illegal prize fighting organization start their commentary about both fighters.

“Well, Joe, we’ve got a real treat for the crowd here tonight. Mic ‘the Doberman’ Taylor is going up against the newest fighter in our stable.”

“Indeed, Bob. The Doberman has been fighting for over 14 years.”

“That’s longer than the underdog, Jay Harding, has been out of middle school, Joe!”

Their banter continued until a very busty young woman in a tight, red dress stepped up into the cage with a microphone. As she did so, Jay stepped out and walked towards the cage, getting into his corner as she began.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Making his debut here in the Cage tonight, weighing in at 185 pounds, I give you, Jay Harding!”

Some people cheered, but most of them booed. He had been warned that, though welcome, fresh meat did not usually get a warm reception. That was fine with Jay. He had a knack for turning heads.

As he got into position, Mic stepped out to the cheers of everyone, and the woman introduced him as well.

“And now, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 255 pounds, a man that needs no introduction, Mic ‘the Doberman’ Taylor!”

Mic got in and she left the cage. Then Jay was locked in the cage with a skinny referey and this beast of a man that looked more like a bear than a Doberman. Jay took a big breath, probably looking a bit nervous. He wasn’t. Not really. He had been in fights with guys just as big, though not as professionally trained.

The bell dinged as soon as everyone was clear. Mic and Jay both pushed off from their sides of the cage. Jay put his hands up, relaxed, as he bounced his weight lightly from one foot to the next. He was keeping himself loose while Mic took his time moving in.

It seemed Mic was waiting for the younger fighter to make the first move, banking on the impatience of youth and inexperience. Jay was not that naïve however and just circled slowly as Mic got more and more anxious. Jay wasn’t aware of the commentary that had started back up overhead.

“Looks like we’re off to a slow start here, Bob.”

“Yes, Joe. It seems as though they are sizing each other up. I think the one that makes the first move here could have a huge advantage.”

It felt like an eternity as Jay waited so very patiently. He had a game plan, which was always his plan in a fight. He would keep himself open and loose, waiting for the other to make a move. One Jay would most likely expect, having provoked it without a word.

Suddenly, it happened. Mic was tired of waiting, and could hear the audience getting restless. His right fist rushed towards Jay’s left side. With a smirk, the underdog took the blow, but his left arm came down quickly, trapping Mic’s hand.

Before Mic knew it, his left side was being pounded with sharp, strong kicks that threatened to break a rib or two. Five kicks later, Mic was roused from the painful onslaught with Jay’s right fist, wrapped in athletic tape and nothing else, just like all the fighters here. With the punch, Jay released Mic’s arm as the announcers commentated on their surprise.

Jay gave a few more punches to Mic’s stomach until the bear of a man fell down. He was too fast for Mic to catch at this point, and more powerful than he looked. The surprise and speed soon overtook Mic, causing his downfall. Jay raised his elbow, dropping it down on Mic’s face with the rest of his body behind it. The commentators were amazed when Mic couldn’t get up.

“Did you see that, Joe? What a fantastic elbow drop! It came down like the Guillotine!

“I sure did, Bob! It looks like it’s over!”

Sure enough, the bell dinged out several times, and the referee raised Jay’s bloody hand, announcing him the winner.

736 words
© Copyright 2011 Winterborne (winterborne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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