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Melvin Durkett hates his roommate Pete. Pete dies, and Melvin panics. |
Melvin Durkett was tired of living in his roommate Pete Calloway's shadow. Melvin was extremely jealous because not only was Pete smart, he was handsome as well. Melvin was short and fat with short, curly brown hair that would never stay flat and muddy brown eyes.He had a big nose, a high forehead,and thin lips. Pete, however, was tall and had shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, as well as a great body that any male model would kill for. "Melvin, would you empty the strainer please?"I have to get ready for work." "Sure," Melvin said. But instead he sat in his chair and ate the rest of his banana. Then he tossed the peel in the general direction of the trash and continued to watch the weather report. Melvin almost laughed at the absurdity when Pete died. He actually slipped on the banana peel and landed on a steak knife that was in the strainer, the one he was supposed to put away. Melvin heard the squishy thud as Pete's head landed on the knife, it was kind of like sticking a knife in a watermelon. Melvin felt a little guilty as he laughed, until he realized everyone knew how much he hated Pete and no one would believe it was an accident. His stomach fluttered as he realized he would be blamed for Pete's stupid freak accident. Melvin washed the bloody mess that Pete left and shoved Pete's body into the bathroom. He jumped when he heard a knock on the door. He tripped over the edge of the carpet and banged into the door with a thud. who could that be? He opened the door and said hello breathlessly, while rubbing his sore shoulder.It was Mable, his neighbor who lived in the apartment across the hall. She was always asking him to come over and have a cup of tea. He didn't know why; they were the only young people in the building why couldn't she ask one of the other nosy old women who lived there. Mabel was short with a pushed-in face like a pug and dark brown eyes. She wore curlers in her hair and a bright pink bathrobe with ugly orange flowers and wooden sandals that made a loud clunking noise. "Is everything all right, Melvin, dear?I thought I heard a loud bang." "I'm fine, Mabel. I knocked over my strainer while doing the dishes and I just tripped over the rug answering the door." "Oh dear I do hope you're all right," Mable said. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you, have a nice day." He closed the door before she could ask him over for tea, then locked the door and ran back to the bathroom, panting and sweating. Melvin tired to lift Pete into the tub, but found he was heavier than he originally thought. He leaned the body against the side of the tub and got in, tugging as hard as he could to pull Pete in to.He ended up with Pete on top of him and a bruised rear end. He scrambled out of the tub and noticed all the blood, so he jumped back in and turned the water on. He rinsed all of it off and got back out. Once again, he heard someone knocking on the door. He striped out of his soaking clothes and grabbed Pete's bathrobe. "Now what?" he muttered under his breath. When he opened the door he found Mable standing there again. She smiled and said, "I made you cookies because I felt bad for making you trip over your rug." Before he could stop her, she pushed her way into his tiny two-bedroom apartment. He looked around quickly to see if there was any evidence of Pete's death and saw the knife on the floor. But Mable hadn't noticed it yet. He ran to get in front of her and kicked the knife behind the couch before she got there. " Let me get those for you. I'm sorry but its a bad time. Could you come back later. I was in the middle of a shower." Mable smiled what seem to Melvin an I know what you did smile. It scared him, but he smiled as he walked her back to the door. Melvin dragged Pete to his car and put him in the back seat because he knew he wouldn't fit in the trunk. He drove to the lake and dropped Pete into the water. All the way back to his apartment he kept looking behind him. He couldn't believe Pete was finally gone and no one saw him. He smiled and thought, this is kind of exciting. Maybe he should get rid of Mable when he got back. Melvin called Mable when he got home and invited her over for tea to go with the cookies she made him.She agreed as long as she could bring her special homemade tea. He told her that was fine. Melvin acted as the good host and they sat down and had some tea, he wanted to wait for the right moment to kill her. When he got up to get the cookies, he felt light headed and grabbed the table for support. He looked at Mable, who grinned in an evil way and said, "Don't worry it won't hurt a bit." I never did like kids she thought as she watched him die. |