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Jemini meets the new boy,Severin.Severin is a dark romantic hiding a secret past. |
I woke up on a humble Monday.I really didn't want to go to school today.I just wasn't ready to face Blake.I don't even know why I dated Blake.He's Mr.Linebacker on the football team and I'm...the weird scene chick but for some weird reason I'm involved in school A LOT.I'm school secretary,president of 4-H,and treasurer of National Junior Honor Society. Even though,Blake and I come from two different worlds.He sits with the popular guys at lunch,I don't even eat lunch.I hide in the abandoned music room and eat lunch from home.Ever since our school cut the music program,it's been really bland around here.Well for me,anyways.Besides my friends,a lot of people didn't care for the music program.It was the reason I actually got out of bed to go to school.I sang and played guitar in that room and now it's just a makeout smoochy spot for couples who have gotten busted for PDA before.Trust me I'd know.There's a soundproof room and that's where the magic happens.I remember my first week hiding in the music room for lunch.It was hot in August,but the drums were cool so I stayed around there.The doors creaked open and I hid inside the bass drum,well as much as I could fit.Apparently,the couple didn't see me because the girl pulled the boy right into the soundproof room and shut the door.I slid out of the bass drum and peered through the small window on the door,and then I saw it.Robbie and Matrice were doing something I probably won't be doing for a couple years considering I haven't had my first kiss yet.Scarred.for.life. Anyways,Blake broke up with me this weekend.He was expecting me to burst out in tears but I was just fine.I just shrugged and went on with my business.It wasn't until I got home that I bursted out into tears and started the "breakup period".I drowned myself in chocolate Saturday night and Sunday was horror-film marathon.I cried during every single one because it's always that super lovey-dovey couple that gets eaten but right before they do they declare their love for each other then the guy jumps in and tries to fight the monster(which is basically suicide)and he dies then the chick is screaming her head off like an idiot and then the monster knows where she is and BAM!Dead,but at least it's true love,but that's MOVIES!Not real,never will be,but I'd appreciate it if I met a vampire one day. My mom yelled,"Jemini!Are you awake yet?" "Yes,Mom!"I replied.I stumbled out of bed and thumbled through my clothes.I picked out a Gir tee and some black skinnies.I grabbed my Hello Kitty backpack and ran outside to meet my two bestfriends and...oh...yipee...Gage.Gage is dating my best friend Macy and let's just say I'm not his biggest fan.I hopped into Macy's mom's car and took a seat next to Katy.Katy had dark DARK brown hair.It almost looked black somedays.I'm glad Macy's mom,Mrs.Andrews has one of those cars that that has like 8 seats and the last 3 seats fold down for the trunk.Katy and I sat in the farthest back seats.Gage and Macy sat in the seats in front of us.Gage said,"Ahh I didn't get enough sleep!"and he did that yawn thing where the guy pretends to yawn and actually puts his arm around the girl.Cheesy. We drove up to the school and we got out and ran to homeroom.Macy and I are in the same homeroom and Gage isn't so every time right outside the door when we're about to go in,Gage and Macy do this whole big romantic scene.They kiss and hug like they're in a romance novel or something.I think it's retarded.So Macy and Gage were about to do their usual routine when someone all caught our attention...especially mine.He slowly walked though the door,pushed his hair back,and did the head nod thing.I didn't catch myself staring until Gage elbowed me in the stomach and said,"Oooooh Jemini's in LOOOOOVE!!!!" "Hello class.This is Seth.",Mr.Redd said.Haha that rhymed.Seth replied,"Umm sir.I go by Severin."Mr.Redd nodded and said,"Okay everyone this is Severin Quan.Severin take a seat next to the brunette in the back.Her name's Jemini.She's one of my brightest pupils."I looked down.I didn't want to see him walking down the isle of desks.I didn't hear footsteps so I looked up.Severin smiled at me and said,"Oh so we get a grade in advisory?"The whole class laughed.Mr.Redd smiled."No,Mr.Quan,but I will have you later today for science and by the copy of your 'sked' as the kids call it these days,you have me...dadada...third hour and today is a lab so I partnered everyone up and once again you will be with Jemini."Severin looked at me and smiled."Small world."He walked down the isle and sat in his seats.I quickly opened my Earth Science textbook and started to read on earthquakes even though I already read ahead on this part.So I just sat there bored pretending to read when i felt something sliding out of my hands.I woke up out of my trance to see Severin at his desk looking through my text books."Hey!"I took my book back.Severin sat up more attentively."Well you seem like the kind of person who read up on this stuff."I smiled and he did also."Hey what's your last name.You can be my first Facebook friend."I was shocked."My last name's Rose,and why don't you have more Facebook friends?"He smirked as if I was an idiot."Two different Facebooks for two different schools.I don't want any of yall stalkin' my old friends just 'cause they're cute."I laughed."Why would I do that?" "Because they look like me." "What's that supposed to mean?" He leaned back in his chair."Nothing.Nothing at all."He pulled out his Blackberry and logged onto Facebook.I saw him type in "Jemini Rose"and add me.I pulled out my phone and clicked "Accept".He smiled then started going through my profile,then he looked up."Who were you dating before?"I froze."Umm his name's Blake.He's a football player.He dumped me.We were doomed from the start." "Oh I'm sorry." "It's okay.He's a grade above so we won't see each other." The bell rang.I stood up.Severin opened his arms and said,"Do you need a hug?" "No." "Too late." He swooped me up in a hug.I squealed.Blake walked in and saw the hug.I forgot Mr.Redd taught a forensic class second hour that Blake was in.Severin let me back down.I was a little dizzy from the hug because I had enjoyed it a lot until now. |